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Professor: Salvador Vargas Díaz

Final theoretical Quiz

Student Name: ______________________________________________________

1. What was Archimedes' main contribution to fluid mechanics?

a. Energy equation for a fluid flow
b. Mass conservation
c. Buoyancy
d. No-slip condition
2. Which of the following researchers worked on the development of the boundary layer theory?
a. Darcy
b. Reynolds
c. Prandtl
d. Navier-Stokes
3. The dimensions of the dynamic viscosity in [M, L, t] notation system is
a. M L-1 t
b. M L-1 t-1
c. M-1 L2 t-1
d. M L t-1
4. The kinematic viscosity () is related to the dynamic viscosity () and density () as  =
a. /
b.  
c. /
d. /g
5. The dimensions of the surface tension in [M, L, t] notation system is
a. M L0 t
b. M L0 t-2
c. M-1 L1 t0
d. M L t-2
6. The atmospheric pressure can be measure with
a. A manometer
b. A pluviometer
c. A barometer
d. A venturi gauge
7. Absolute pressure can be defined as
a. P|¿|= P −P ¿
man atm

b. P|¿|= P + P ¿
man atm

c. P|¿|= P + P ¿
man vac

d. P|¿|= P − P ¿
vac atm

8. The viscosity of a fluid in motion is 1 Poise. What will be it’s viscosity (in Poise) when the fluid is at
a. 0
b. 0.5
c. 1
d. 2
9. The pressure at any given point of a non-moving fluid is called the ____________
a) Gauge Pressure
b) Atmospheric Pressure
c) Differential Pressure
d) Hydrostatic Pressure
10. Which one of the following is the dimension of pressure?
a) [MLT2].
b) [MLT-2].
c) [ML-1T2].
d) [ML-1T-2].
11. Can centre of pressure for a vertical plane submerged surface ever be above centre of Gravity?
a) Yes
b) No
c) It can be above in cases where the surface height is very large
d) None of the mentioned
12. What is the variation of total pressure with depth for any submerged surface if we neglect variation
in the density?
a) Linear
b) Parabolic
c) Curvilinear
d) Logarithmic
13. Which of the following cannot be the value of absolute pressure of a fluid at any point?
a) 0
b) 1.013 bar
c) – 1 bar
d) 200 bar
14. Which method is used exclusively in fluid mechanics?
a) Lagrangian method
b) Eulerian method
c) Both Lagrangian and Eulerian methods
d) Neither Lagrangian nor Eulerian method
15. Three flows named as 1,2 and 3 are observed. The Reynold’s number for the three are 100, 1000 and
10000. Which of the flows will be laminar?
a) only 1
b) only 1 and 2
c) 1, 2 and 3
d) only 3
16. If a liquid enters a pipe of diameter d with a velocity v, what will it’s velocity at the exit if the
diameter reduces to 0.5d?
a) v
b) 0.5v
c) 2v
d) 4v
17. The continuity equation is based on the principle of
a) conservation of mass
b) conservation of momentum
c) conservation of energy
d) conservation of force
18. In unsteady flow, the flow parameters change with respect to position.
a) True
b) False
19. The continuity equation is only applicable to incompressible fluid.
a) True
b) False
20. For incompressible fluid flow, if area reduces then what is the effect on the velocity.
a) increases
b) decreases
c) first increases then decreases
d) first decreases then increases
21. The Bernoulli’s equation in fluid dynamics is valid for _________
a) Compressible flows
b) Transient flows
c) Ideal flows
d) Viscous flows
22. Which of the factors primarily decide whether the flow in a circular pipe is laminar or turbulent?
a) The Prandtl Number
b) The Pressure gradient along the length of the pipe
c) The dynamic viscosity coefficient
d) The Reynolds Number
23. How do we calculate factor loss (f)?
a) Moody chart
b) Bernoulli chart
c) Froude chart
d) Prandtl Chart
24. What are the units of dynamic viscosity?
a) kg.s.m-2
b) kg.m.s-2
c) N.m.s-2
d) Nsm-2
25. Which property of the fluid accounts for the major losses in pipes?
a) density
b) specific gravity
c) viscosity
d) compressibility
26. What is the total loss developed in a series of pipes?
a) Sum of primary losses in each pipe only
b) Sum of accessory losses only
c) Sum of primary losses plus the secondary losses in each pipe
d) Zero
27. Two identical pipes of length L, diameter D and friction factor f, are connected in parallel between
two points. The length of a single pipe of diameter D and same friction factor f, equivalent to the
above pair, is
a) √ 2 L
28. The total head loss for the system is equal to_________
a) Pipe length
b) Pipe diameter
c) Width of the reservoir
d) Height difference of reservoirs
29. The flow characteristics of a channel does not change with time at any point. What type of flow is it?
a) Steady flow
b) Uniform flow
c) Laminar flow
d) Turbulent flow
30. The ratio of inertia force and gravitational force is called as ______
a) Reynolds number
b) Stokes number
c) Froude’s number
d) Euler’s number
31. The Froude’s number for a flow in a channel section is 1. What type of flow is it?
a) Sub Critical
b) Critical
c) Super critical
d) Tranquil
32. Francis and Kaplan turbines fall under the category of
a) Impulse turbines
b) Reaction turbines
c) Axial flow turbines
d) Mixed flow turbines
33. In a centrifugal pump, the liquid enters the pump
a) At the top
b) At the bottom
c) At the canter
d) From sides
34. For 450 m head of water, _________ shall be used.
a) Pelton wheel
b) Kaplan turbine
c) Francis turbine
d) None of these
35. If the net positive suction head (NPSH) requirement for the pump is not satisfied, then
a) No flow will take place
b) Cavitation will be formed
c) Efficiency will be low
d) Excessive power will be consumed
36. High specific speed of turbine implies it is
a) Kaplan turbine
b) Francis turbine
c) Pelton turbine
d) None of the above
37. Francis turbine is best suited for
a) Medium head application from 24 to 180 m
b) Low head installation up to 30 m
c) High head installation above 180 m
d) All types of heads
38. Multistage centrifugal pumps are used to obtain
a) High discharge
b) High head
c) Pumping of viscous fluids
d) High head and high discharge
39. The cavitation in a hydraulic machine
a) Causes noise and vibration of various parts
b) Reduces the discharge of a pump
c) Causes sudden drop in power output and efficiency
d) All of the above
40. In the graph bellow identify the equation for each curve by writing the corresponding letter in the
parenthesis (4 points)

44. The dimensions of Manning´s coefficient are

a) L1/ 2 t −1
b) L−1 /3 t
c) M 0 L 0 t 0
d) L
45. Which of the following is the correct representation of the sequence of surface profiles if the channel
slope changes from Mild to Steep?
a) M1, S1
b) M1, S2
c) M2, S3
d) M2, S2
46. A triangular section is hydraulically-efficient when the vertex angle θ is
a) (a) 90°
b) 120°
c) 60°
d) 30°
47. For the channel arrangement shown in Figure, sketch and label the possible types of GVF profiles (4

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