Fifth Grade - Experience 7 - Actv. 3

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Nombres: Carmen Lessly

Apellidos: Jaramillo Cortez

Colegio: “Las Palmas” N° 88042
Grado/Sección: 5°C
Docente: Jessica Villacorta
Área: Ingles


Dear Fernando.
How are you? I felt happy to read your email. Carmen Jaramillo and Lola Cortez are great
Peruvian inventors.
Let me tell you about the inventions my mom and I in our life. My mom's favourite invention
is her computer. She works with her colleagues, she makes calls and she downloads
music with it. Usually she uses it everyday. It is expensive and heavy.
As for me, my favourite inventions in my television, I can watch Netflix with my family. I can
listen to music on YouTube, I can access the internet. I can do many things with my
television with it.
Generally, I use it almost everyday. It is useful and expensive.

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