MK3 BO Unit1 Unit7

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Branch Out Unit 1 Sports Day

1 Look at the images and discuss the questions.

1 What sports do the images show?

2 Have you ever practiced any of these sports? If so, which ones?
3 Which of these sports would you like to practice? Why?
4 What sports do you practice at school?
5 What other sports would you like to practice at school? Why?

2 Work in groups and collect information for the Sports Day.

1 Get together in groups of four.
2 Choose a team or individual sport that you can play at school.
3 Research information about your chosen sport (its origin, rules, equipment, where it is played, abilities it requires,
benefits it brings, famous athletes and records).
4 Decide on how you are going to present your findings (poster, video, leaflet, oral presentation, digital
presentation etc.).
5 Prepare and rehearse your presentation.
6 Invite students from other classes and grades to attend your presentation.

3 On Sports Day, organize your station and present your work. Ask students to vote on the sport they would
like to try.

4 Organize and hold a competition of the sport that got the most votes.
1 Make sure you have all the necessary equipment.
2 Select the date and book the venue.
3 Promote the event and invite students from other classes and grades.
4 Organize the groups (individual sport) or teams (team sport).
5 Get or make medals or certificates.
6 Invite referees.
7 Hold the competition.

Unit 7 Book Swap
1 Look at the book covers and discuss the questions.

1 Have you read any of these books? If so, would you recommend them? Why?
2 What criteria do you use when choosing a book to read? Look at the box and choose some options. Add any others
you want.

author cover genre length popularity
recommendation school assignment title

3 What are the benefits of reading books?

4 Have you ever heard of or participated in reading circles or book swaps?

2 Choose a good book you have read to take to a book swap.

1 Answer the questions.
a Which book do you want to swap?
b What is it about?
c Why would you recommend it?
2 Prepare a note about this book to generate interest in it. You can include your name, your e-mail address, a brief
summary of the plot (without spoilers), reasons for recommending it and a few quotes.

3 On Book Swap Day, set up the book station and swap books with your classmates.
1 Stick your note to the back cover of the book.
2 Display your book on the book station.
3 Analyze the books that your classmates left on display and read the notes they wrote.
4 Choose a book that you would like to read and take it with you.
5 After reading the book, write an e-mail to your classmate sharing your opinion about it.


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