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Samantha Harker, Jessica Wells, Olivia McGee, Abigayle Smith

The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale is an outline to assess the environment in

which the children are taught (Early, n.d.). For our particular classroom we observed a class with

18 three-year-olds. During the observation one of us was able to go and sit in the observation

booth (Jessica), while the rest of us were observing while in the classroom with the children

(Samantha, Olivia, and Abigayle). Jessica was able to spend an hour inside the observation

booth. Samantha, Olivia, and Abigayle were able to spend two hours inside the classroom with

the children observing them and the environment. As a team we spent two hours together coming

to conclusions to discuss our scales and ratings. Each individual was able to observe during a

different day, as that worked best for our team because of the few teachers we have in the

classroom. We came to conclusions on the scoring based on our different observation days.

Improvement Plan

Date: 29 October 2018

Lab/Classroom: C

Assessment Subscale Specific Indicators Explanation Plan for Improvement

Area and Specific Within This Item
Item in Need of

Program Structure: Children are often not Although the staff Plan activities that the
Transitions engaged in transition tries to have children who wander
songs or activities. transitional activities will like. Find
be fun and engaging, activities based on
often times the their personalities and
children do not like to interests to engage
participate in the them more during
activity. On the days transitional times
observed the children during the day. We
are often found will give the children
wandering the a five minute
classroom warning, as well as a
one minute warning
to lessen the anxiety
of children in our
class. We will have a
specific transition
song that we will play
everyday, so that the
children have a
consistent factor to
know what will
happen next.

Learning Activities: There are no musical While during class During transitions we
Music and Movement instruments in the we play music during would like to add
class. There are also transitions, you often more musical
few musical times hear of no other instruments. We have
during the day. musical times during also thought of
the day. adding background
music throughout
self-selected. We also
plan on adding a
lesson plan that is
based on music and
having a stage with
musical instruments
for the children to
explore different
instruments and

Space and In our classroom In our classroom we When we have an art

Furnishings: there are very few do not have many of activity, asking the
Child-Related items of the the children’s artwork children if we can
Display children’s artwork hanging in our hang their artwork in
displayed. classroom. Although our classroom. When
we have had many we have finger
opportunities to hang painting, or spray
their artwork up in painting outside we
our classroom. can bring that artwork
into the classroom to
display. We can talk
to the children about
their art when it is
hanging in our
classroom. To score a
seven on this item,
we need to display art
that the children have
made at their height
level. We will also
have 3D art activity
opportunities for the
children throughout
the semester.
Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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