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- Delivering on Surveyor Basics (for Surveyors)

Category Business Goal Created By

A surveyor should develop and maintain their technical skills, undertake surveys
efficiently and effectively, and meet all internal deliverables. Key Performance Indicators
(KPI’s) and business related requirements for the surveyor position are (non-
exhaustive): • No Grade 1 or Grade 2 Port State Control (PSC) Detentions resulting
from the surveyors work. • Submit all vessel reports in O2K within three (3) calendar
days after survey, to enable reports to be reviewed in 6 calendar days. • Ensure report
revision rates are ≤ 5%. Ensure report rework rates are ≤ 15%. • Ensure that all Tier 2
New Construction projects are under allotted hours and budget.

Americas - Professional Development (for Surveyors)

Created By
Goal Lee
To be determined by individual & manager. Can cover areas such as: improving
communication skills, taking leadership training, etc.

Americas - Service Delivery (for Surveyors)

Category Business Goal Created By
• Understands and upholds the Rules in day to day actions with both internal and
external clients. • Consistently works with clients on identifying ways to resolve issues
discovered in surveys and also ensure that foreseeable issues are dealt with proactively
by ABS. • Confident in making decisions and consistently takes ownership of decisions
and actions • Consistently identifies solutions when faced with challenges or issues.

Americas - Technical Expertise (for Surveyors)

Category Business Goal Created By
In collaboration with your manager agree what additional survey certifications and
training is needed that would enable you to develop as an individual while also
contributing to the organization. It is the surveyor’s responsibility to take ownership for
this activity and update this goal with the agreed training plan and milestones so this is
fully documented. Examples are: CAP Survey accreditation, certified as an auditor,
become an SME on a particular area such as transfer of class, etc.

GLBL Draft– Survey-Surveyor Medical

Category Business Goal Created By Lacelyn Neef-Hedrick
All surveyors are required to attend and pass a medical to ensure they are fit and able
to undertake their work. In most locations, this is an annual requirement, however this
varies by country. (Insert Name) must have passed their medical and all associated
paperwork and processes must be completed by (insert date).
SAFETY-Surveyor-ALL-Field Surveyor/Auditor Safety Assessment
Category Business Goal Created By Lacelyn Neef-Hedrick
Complete annual field Surveyor Safety Assessment (Safety KPI)

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