Infography Garcia Katherine 8th

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The Tibet &

By Katherine Garcia

What is the Tibet?

It's also known as the roof of
the world (for its high
mountains), and is an a Chinese
autonomous region, that is
known for its culture and it
shares the Mount Everest with

What religion is
practiced in tibet?
Most ethnic Tibetans practice Tibetan
Buddhism, although a sizeable minority
practices Bon, a pre-Buddhist
indigenous religion. And as the video
they have a tradition called Sky Burial
that consits of desmenbrating the
deat's body parts for giving it to the

Tibet developed a distinct culture due to its
geographic and climatic conditions.Its really
precious and peerless, unique and all that
you can imagine. There its too that they had
color papers in all the city and its catchy
because its so ineresting to investigate this
culture because its has its own religion,
dances, music,art, drawings, clothes,etc
that are so colorful and happy
The Himalayas is a mountain range
located on the Asian continent, and
extends through several countries:
Bhutan, Nepal, China, India and
Pakistan. It is the highest mountain
range on Earth, with 8849 meters
above sea level. And it has the
Mount Everest!!,

A very interesting
In the capital, Lhasa, stands the
hilltop Potala Palace, once the winter
home of the Dalai Lama, and the
Jokhang Temple, the spiritual heart of
Tibet, admired for its GOLDEN statue
of the young Buddha. You can
imagine how much money does the
statue cost. MILLIONSS.

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