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Level : 2MS Activities ( sequence two) Miss Hamidi

Activity1: Read the following dialogue then write “true” or” false”.
Brenda: Excuse me, I’m new in town. Can you direct me to the museum, please?
Man: Sure. Go straight on Victoria Street, under the bridge. Take the second turning on your left. The
museum is on the corner, next to the café and opposite to the cinema.
Brenda: you’re very helpful sir! Thank you.
Man: Don’t mention it.

1. Brenda wants to go to the cinema. ………………………….

2. She doesn’t know the way to the museum. …………………
3. The museum is next to the cinema. ……………………………….

Activity2: Find in the dialogue the synonyms and opposites of:

City= ………………… show= ………………………… go along= …………………………. Near=………………………
Old≠………………… The first≠……………………. right≠………………………………… far≠…………………………

Activity3: Look at the following map and complete the sentences.

Activity4: Order the words to get correct sentences.

1. the theatre / ?/ show/ the way / me / can / please/ , / excuse me / you/ to

2. the bus station / opposite to / is / . / the bakery
3. near / ? / a post office / there / here / , / please/ is
4. isn’t / the library / from / far / the school/ .
5. between / and/ the music shop / the café/ . / is/ the bank
6. supermarkets/ in / aren’t / our / there / two / town
Activity5: Complete the table.

Singular Plural
A bus ……………………………
…………………………… Hospitals
A street …………………………….
…………………………. Cities
………………………….. Loaves
A table ……………………………
A toy ……………………………
………………………….. Gardens
A bank ……………………………
………………………….. boxes
A house ……………………………

Activity6: Choose the best word in brackets to complete these sentences.

1. My grandmother has four (son / sons).

2. Yanis is a spoiled (child / children). His parents give him whatever he wants.
3. Look! There (is / are) a woman at the window.
4. He has two (sandwich / sandwiches) for lunch every day.
5. Dogs love chasing (cat / cats).

Activity7: Rewrite these sentences into the plural. Make necessary changes with the verbs.
1. My aunt is a teacher. →………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. My foot hurts me. →………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. This shopping mall isn’t very big.→…………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. The boy has a nice cat.→………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. That man is my uncle.→…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. There is a bank, a park and a swimming pool in this city.

Activity8: Classify the following words in the correct column.

Boats museums garages walks towns finishes books sentences babies foxes desks

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

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