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How to make scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs are a relatively simple food to make. This recipe was taught to me by my dad
the summer before I moved for school. This recipe can be a good starting point for other
inexperienced cooks such as myself to experiment with some common spices and cooking
practices using eggs as the primary ingredient.

Prep time: <20 minutes

 4 eggs (less or more eggs can be used, but cooking time will vary)
 1 Teaspoon solid, salted butter
 1 Teaspoon ground black peppercorn
 1 Tablespoon garlic powder
 1 Tablespoon ground cayenne red pepper
 1 Tablespoon paprika
 2 Tablespoons of 2% milk (reduced-fat milk)
 ¼ cup shredded cheese

1. Crack 4 eggs into a measuring cup.
2. Stir eggs with a fork. Use, using the prongs of the fork to break apart the yolks.
3. Add ground peppercorns to eggs and stir in.
4. Repeat step 3 for garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and paprika. Bethe remaining spices,
being sure to stir after each ingredient is added to prevent clumping.
5. Pour milk into the egg mix. S and stir once more.
6. Turn on stovetop, set to medium heat.
7. Allow pan to heat up for a few minutes, then add the butter to the pan.
8. Pick up the pan and tilt it around to cover the pan with butter evenly. This will to help
keep the eggs from sticking a lot.
9. Place pan back on heat and pour egg mixture in.
10. Wait for eggs to congeal in pan. T, this may take 30 seconds to 5 minutes depending on
the stove.
11. You can check if they the eggs are still liquid by pushing your spatula through the pan
and seeing if the eggs flow around the spatula or get picked up by it.
12. Once you can move the solid eggs, push your spatula in circles around the edge of the
pan to move the eggs together and inwards.
(7. Pan with butter before egg mixture) (9. Egg mixture not hot enough to push)
(11. No more liquid eggs. Only small, evenly cooked clumps)
13. Continue pushing the clumped eggs around the pan for about 3-5 minutes to make sure
they receive even heat.
14. Breaking the eggs into smaller clumps with your spatula can make this cooking process
more consistent.
15. Move cooked eggs from pan to a plate for servingserving and add cheese while warm..
Add cheese to eggs while they are still warm, for cheese to melt.

You can also experiment with adding cooked pork, chicken, beef, or other meats to the pan
during step 11. Medium heat for a few minutes will simply warm the meat and will be unable
to cook it fully. Be careful when consuming raw or undercooked foods! Also, a tall glass of
strawberry milk goes great with any breakfast food!


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