Av 1 Ano There To Be Simple Present Prova 2

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PROFESSOR(A): Keila Ferreira DISCIPLINA: Língua Inglesa SÉRIE: 1 _____ M ( ) V ( ) GRUPO: ___
ESTUDANTE: ___________________________________________________ VALOR: 3,0 NOTA: _______


Conteúdo: There to be present/ there to be past/ simple present

1. Sobre o there to be, reponda:

4. Leia o texto abaixo e responda:
I. A forma correta do there to be no passado é
there was e there were. (Unifor-CE/2001) In the age-old battle between
II. O uso do artigo definido “a” na frase “there is a independence-seeking teenagers and worried
bed in my bedroom” expressa o sentido de um parents, the older generation is packing some new
ou uma, no singular. weapons. Caller ID tells parents who is calling their
III. Na forma interrogativa, invertemos o verbo to kids. Cell-phone bills detail every local number the
be (is/are) ou (was/were). kid has called. New computer programs track just
IV. Utilizamos o there to be sempre que queremos about everything − every Web site visited, every e-
indicar sentido de posse. mail sent − that a teenager does online. Parental
reconnaissance is going to get worse − or good,
De acordo com as frases acima podemos depending on your perspective. (Wall Street Journal,
considerar a seguinte ordem: Nov. 6, 2000)
Vocabulário: (battle:batalha – packing:planejando –
a) V, F, F, V weapons:armas – parents:pais – bills:negócios –
b) F, F, V, V. programs: programas – teenager:adolescente –
c) V, V, V, F. reconnaissance: reconhecimento.)
d) F, V, V, V
A única alternativa presente no texto, na qual os
2. Leia as frases abaixo: verbos encontram-se no Simple Present, são:
I- A woman is crying there
II- Were there twins in class? a) detailing - track - get
III- There is a tv in my house b) worried - visited – sent - does
IV- She is my friend c) is packing - is calling - is going
V- There aren’t five students in school d) tells - detail – track - does

5. Qual ÚNICA alternativa está corretamente

Quais sentenças estão no there to be:
no Simple Present
a. II, III e V.
b. II e IV
a) Andrew wash the dishes.
c. I, III e V
b) Andrew washes the dishes.
d. I e V
c) Andrew washs the dishes.
d) Andrew washies the dishes
3. Utilizamos o SIMPLE PRESENT para falar
sobre, exatamente: 6. Qual ÚNICA alternativa está na forma
interrogativa do Simple Present?
a) Situações que acontecem no presente, com
início no passado. a) Do we work in a bank?
b) Hábitos ou rotinas que ocorrem no presente b) Does we work in a bank?
c) Para narrar uma história com acontecimentos c) We work in a bank?
futuros d) Do we works in a bank?
e) Para traçar um panorama entre presente e
7. Complete com a alternative correta: Mandy and Susan _________films every weekend.
a) watches
b) watch
c) watchs
d) watchies

8. Complete com a alternative correta: Do you_______________milk in your tea?

a) like
b) liks
c) likes
d) likies

9. Reescreva as frases abaixo no passado e passe para a forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
There are restaurants in my city
( - ) ____________________________________________________________________________
( ?)_____________________________________________________________________________

There is a cat in the closet

( - ) ____________________________________________________________________________
( ?)_____________________________________________________________________________

There are some teachers in school

( - ) ____________________________________________________________________________
( ?)_____________________________________________________________________________

10. Complete a tabela com as frases no simple presente.
I dance forró everyday
You don’t go to school
Does she play basketball?
He drives a car
It doesn’t bark
Do we watch tv?
They go to Brazil

01 A B C D
02 A B C D
03 A B C D
04 A B C D
05 A B C D
Lembre-se: É melhor você tentar algo, vê lo não funcionar e aprender com
06 A B C D
isso, do que não fazer nada!
07 A B C D
08 A B C D

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