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Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:381–390

DOI 10.1007/s00421-007-0606-5


Reduced physical activity and risk of chronic disease:

the biology behind the consequences
Frank W. Booth · Matthew J. Laye · Simon J. Lees ·
R. Scott Rector · John P. Thyfault

Accepted: 22 October 2007 / Published online: 7 November 2007

© Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract This review focuses on three preserved, tive by-product of a lack of ancient physical activity levels
ancient, biological mechanisms (physical activity, insulin in our modern civilization is an increased risk of chronic
sensitivity, and fat storage). Genes in humans and rodents disease. We have been employing a rodent wheel-lock
were selected in an environment of high physical activity model to approximate the reduction in physical activity in
that favored an optimization of aerobic metabolic pathways humans from the level under which genes were selected to
to conserve energy for a potential, future food deWciency. a lower level observed in modern daily functioning. Thus
Today machines and other technologies have replaced far, two major changes have been identiWed when rats
much of the physical activity that selected optimal gene undertaking daily, natural voluntary running on wheels
expression for energy metabolism. Distressingly, the nega- experience an abrupt cessation of the running (wheel lock
model). First, insulin sensitivity in the epitrochlearis mus-
cle of rats falls to sedentary values after 2 days of the cessa-
tion of running, conWrming the decline to sedentary values
in whole-body insulin sensitivity when physically active
F. W. Booth (&) · S. J. Lees
Department of Biomedical Sciences, humans stop high levels of daily exercise. Second, visceral
University of Missouri, 1600 East Rollins St, fat increases within 1 week after rats cease daily running,
Columbia, MO 65211, USA conWrming the plasticity of human visceral fat. This review
focuses on the supporting data for the aforementioned two
F. W. Booth · M. J. Laye outcomes. Our primary goal is to better understand how a
Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology, physically inactive lifestyle initiates maladaptations that
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA cause chronic disease.
J. P. Thyfault
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Keywords Exercise · Evolution · Metabolism ·
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA Adaptation · Insulin sensitivity · Adipose tissue

R. S. Rector · J. P. Thyfault
Department of Medicine,
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA Introduction

F. W. Booth Exercise is a treatment to prevent most chronic diseases

Dalton Cardiovascular Institute,
(Booth and Tseng 1995; US Department of Health and
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA
Human Resources 1996). More importantly, the lack of
J. P. Thyfault regular exercise or physical inactivity is an “actual” cause
Harry S. Truman Memorial VA Hospital, Columbia, MO, USA of chronic diseases (Blair et al. 1993; Mokdad et al. 2004).
The CDC has deWned inactivity as “not engaging in any
F. W. Booth · M. J. Laye · S. J. Lees · R. S. Rector · J. P. Thyfault
Health Activity Center, University of Missouri, regular pattern of physical activity beyond daily function-
Columbia, MO, USA ing” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2007).

382 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:381–390

A necessary tenet of medicine is to understand underly- millions of years. We are adapted to that style of
ing biological mechanism of a disease so that eVective life…we have ended up in an urbanized, highly tech-
treatments are developed and preventive methods can be nologic society. There is obviously no way to revert
deWned. Unfortunately, there is little scientiWc evidence to our natural way of life…But with insight into our
detailing the biological eVects of reduced physical activity biologic heritage we may yet be able to modify our
on the development of chronic disease. It is therefore, current life style. Knowledge of the function of the
imperative to better understand these mechanisms to body at rest, as well as during exercise under various
improve medical practice and therefore, improve both qual- conditions is important as a basis for an optimization
ity and length of life. This review will focus on three pre- of our existence.”
served, ancient, biological mechanisms (physical activity,
In 1988, Eaton et al. (1988) extended Åstrand’s and
insulin sensitivity, and fat storage).
Rodahl’s tenet,
Selection for aerobic metabolism increased the yield of
ATP from 2 to 3 molecules of ATP by anaerobic means “From a genetic standpoint, humans living today are
from glucose to 36–38 molecules of ATP per molecule of Stone Age hunter-gatherers displaced through time to
glucose (Brooks et al. 2005). The selective advantage of an a world that diVers from that for which our genetic
increased aerobic capacity for physical activity, according constitution was selected. Unlike evolutionary malad-
to Bennett and Ruben (1979), are gathering food rather than aptation, our current discordance has little eVect on
being the source of food, territorial defense or invasion, and reproductive success; rather it acts as a potent pro-
successful courtship and mating. Thus, through the course moter of chronic illnesses: atherosclerosis, essential
of evolution, aerobic metabolic pathways must have been hypertension, many cancers, diabetes mellitus, and
selected to optimize fuel utilization during aerobic physical obesity among others. These diseases are the results
activity (Booth and Lees 2007; Koch and Britton 2007; of interaction between genetically controlled bio-
Raymond and Segre 2006). The aim of this review is to chemical processes and a myriad of biocultural inXu-
achieve two tasks. The Wrst aim is to discuss an animal ences-lifestyle factors-that include nutrition, exercise,
model that employs a sudden decrease in physical activity and exposure to noxious substances. Although our
to sedentary levels as a “systemic metabolic knockdown” genes have hardly changed, our culture has been
model. The purpose of the model is to understand which transformed almost beyond recognition during the
genes might have been selected to maintain and support past 10,000 years, especially since the Industrial
physical activity throughout evolution. Our approach is also Revolution. There is increasing evidence that the
based upon the notion that nature optimized fuel compart- resulting mismatch fosters “diseases of civilization”
mentalization for survival by employing strategies for that together cause 75 percent of all deaths in Western
energy partitioning, conservation, and utilization in physi- nations, but that are rare among persons whose life-
cally active humans and animals. Sedentary lifestyles inter- ways reXect those of our preagricultural ancestors.”
fere with the inherited metabolic expectancies of fuel
From these ideas we wrote in 2000 (Booth et al. 2000),
turnover caused by daily physical activity. The second aim
is to compare the animal model to the limited existing stud- “…we present the concept that the human genome
ies using human models of physical inactivity. The purpose evolved within an environment of high physical activ-
is to highlight metabolic alterations that are caused by our ity. Accordingly, we propose that exercise biologists
new sedentary lifestyle. do not study ‘the eVect of physical activity’ but in
reality study the eVect of reintroducing exercise into
an unhealthy sedentary population that is genetically
Some of the contributors to our ideas on lack of physical
programmed to expect physical activity.”
activity as a cause of many chronic diseases
Types of physical inactivity
In this section, we brieXy site the evolution of papers that
drive our quest for the mechanisms that underlie the tre-
For purposes of this paper, reductions in physical activity
mendous increase in many chronic diseases caused by a
can be subdivided into three categories: (1) elite athlete to
sedentary lifestyle.
physically active lifestyle (2) physically active lifestyle to
In 1970, Åstrand and Rodahl (1970) wrote, “…in sedentary, and (3) sedentary to bed rest. In this review we
close to 100 percent of the biologic existence of our will focus on the change from an active lifestyle to a seden-
species has been dominated by outdoor activity. tary lifestyle. We believe this shift best mimics the rapid
Hunting and foraging for food and other necessities in maladaptations resulting from the collision between a
the wilds have been a condition of human life for genome selected on a background of physical activity and

Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:381–390 383

a sedentary lifestyle produced by a rapidly changing running (Winder et al. 1974), but only increased 26% with
environment. 2 h of intermittent voluntary running (Kump and Booth
2005a, b). Further in type I muscle, forced running for two
The rationale for our animal model designed to study continuous hours »doubles mitochondria (Winder et al.
physical inactivity 1974), but daily 2-h running produces no change in mito-
chondrial concentration (unpublished observation). The
In order to further our understanding of the above concepts intermittency of running closely approximates the animals
in humans, we applied an existing rodent exercise model. scurrying around Welds in search for food, thus serving as a
Rats naturally will run in wheels, which we reasoned would model to study natural physical activity.
closely mimic the intermittent physical activity of hunting In summary the underlying basis for our model mimics
and foraging for food (mentioned by Åstrand and Rodahl that pattern of physical activity for which genes were
1970) and Stone Age hunter-gatherers (referred to by Eaton selected to optimize metabolism to support that activity pat-
et al.). Cordain et al. (1998) estimate that recently studied tern (Booth et al. 2002a, b; Booth and Lees 2007; Chakra-
hunter-gatherers expended in their daily physical activity varthy and Booth 2004); and we are employing the rodent
the equivalent of 19 km walking (»24,000 steps) each day. wheel lock model to determine what happens to gene
A current human model of our ancestor’s putative level of expression (protein levels) and their biological function
physical activity might be the US Amish, who have not when physical activity is not engaged beyond daily func-
adopted most of the technological changes occurring during tioning. The primary goal is to better understand how a
the 20th century. Amish men and women walk 18,000 and physically inactivity lifestyle initiates maladaptations that
14,000 steps per day, respectively, (Bassett et al. 2004). In cause chronic disease.
Colorado, the US state with the lowest obesity prevalence,
the average man and woman walk 6,700 and 6,400 steps Results of the rodent wheel lock model
per day, respectively, (Wyatt et al. 2005). These data dem-
onstrate that machines and technology have replaced We have published four papers using the rodent wheel lock
human labor and largely reduced our daily physical activity model. Two of the major biological consequences of the
levels. We contend that voluntary (natural) running closely shift from high physical activity to a sedentary condition
approximates the daily living environment that generated are: a rapid decrease in skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity
the human genome. We next reasoned that a sudden termi- and a rapid expansion of intra-abdominal fat storage, fac-
nation of natural physical activity by locking the running tors that also play a part in obesity, the metabolic syn-
wheels would allow us to approximate the loss of physical drome, and type 2 diabetes.
activity from the level of our ancestors to the level of sed-
entary adults in the US Investigating this loss of activity is
extremely important as the Centers for Disease Control and Reduction in insulin sensitivity
Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2007) report that 25% of US adults are not active at all in Rapid reductions in insulin sensitivity upon ceasing
their leisure time. a physically active lifestyle
It is important to note that the animals when wheel
locked retain ambulatory cage activity and do not become The major purpose of our study (Kump and Booth 2005a)
completely immobile like studies using hindlimb unloading was to elucidate some of the mechanisms by which
in animals and bed rest in humans as we reasoned that the decreasing the natural physical activity causes decreased
inactivity in those models is more extreme than in modern insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle. Four-week-old, Fis-
lifestyle and do not appropriately mimic the loss of activity cher-Brown Norway F1-generation male rats had access to
levels over the last 100–200 years. running wheels for 3 weeks, running »5 km/day in the
In addition while the term “detraining” is commonly third week. Wheels were locked for 5 (WL5), 29 (WL29),
associated with athletes to describe the end of high-inten- or 53 h (WL53); a separate group of rats never had wheel
sity training, we use the term “reduced natural physical access (sedentary, SED). In this paradigm, WL5 rats repre-
activity” to specify the cessation of natural physical activity sent the healthy control while rats who have their wheel
which is diVerent than ceasing endurance exercise training. locked for longer periods of time (WL29 and WL53) or
We have previously shown biochemical diVerences when who never run (SED) represent the “experimental” groups.
rats continuously run daily for 2 h (forced treadmill run- Relative to WL5, submaximal, insulin-stimulated 2-deoxy-
ning) or by intermittent, voluntary wheel running for 2 h/ glucose uptake into the epitrochlearis muscle was lower in
day. Mitochondrial markers in a predominantly type II WL53 and SED (Kump and Booth 2005a), demonstrating a
muscle »doubled with daily, continuous 2–h treadmill rapid reduction in insulin sensitivity of the predominantly

384 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:381–390

type II epitrochlearis muscle in only 2 days. Along with (1999) wrote, “Certainly, obesity and physical inactivity
these Wndings we witnessed reduced insulin binding, insu- are the dominant causes of insulin resistance, although
lin receptor beta-subunit (IRbeta) protein level, submaxi- genetic factors undoubtedly aVect its severity.” Obesity
mal insulin-stimulated IRbeta tyrosine phosphorylation, and the level of habitual physical activity each accounted
and glucose transporter-4 protein level in both the WL53 for »25% of the variance in modulation of insulin-medi-
and SED rats when compared to the WL5 and WL29 ated glucose disposal in normal volunteers (Bogardus
(Kump and Booth 2005a). In addition, Akt/protein kinase B et al. 1985). Given his data, Reaven in 2001 concluded:
Ser(473) phosphorylation was lower in WL53 and SED “…the importance of habitual physical activity, as distinct
than in WL5 demonstrating that both upstream and down- from exercise training, in modifying the ability of insulin
stream insulin signaling was reduced following the cessa- to mediate glucose disposal should no longer be mini-
tion of daily running (Kump and Booth 2005a). mized” (Reaven 2001).
These Wndings conWrm two human studies that found the In recent years we have emphasized the issues:
loss of whole-body insulin sensitivity at 38 and 60 h after
• The presence of physical inactivity during states of con-
cessation of endurance training. In a study by Burstein et al.
tinuous feeding results in a downregulation of the activ-
(1985) of highly trained athletes; the metabolic clearance
ity phenotype leading to insulin resistance, which is an
rate of glucose during euglycemic clamps was 15.6, 10.1,
underlying part of metabolic syndrome (Booth et al.
and 8.5 ml/kg/min at 12, 60, and 168 h, respectively, of no
exercise after their last workout. Metabolic clearance rates
• Reduced physical activity is associated with a rapid
reached the values of the sedentary group (not athletically
development of insulin resistance (Booth et al. 2002b).
active; 7.8 ml/kg/min) at 60 and 168 h of inactivity. Insulin
• Physical activity deWciency plays a key role in the rapid
receptor binding to insulin in young erythrocytes also fell
development of insulin resistance (Chakravarthy and
60-h post-exercise (Burstein et al. 1985). In a later study
Booth 2004).
(Oshida et al. 1991), the rate of insulin-mediated glucose
• Lower mitochondrial densities in skeletal muscle
uptake (glucose disposal) in a euglycemic clamp was 9.40,
because of physical inactivity may play a role in trigger-
7.78, 6.82, 7.11 ml/kg/min for athletes at 14, 38, 86, and
ing metabolic dysfunction (Booth and Lees 2007).
144 h after their last exercise bout; no diVerences existed
from non-trained subjects (6.80 ml/kg/min) at 38, 86 or As early as 1988, Reaven (1988) proposed that insulin
144 h. Our studies extend the human studies by showing resistance was the primary defect associated with com-
rapid declines in insulin sensitivity in rat epitrochlearis pensatory hyperinsulinemia in a syndrome he called
muscle upon cessation of habitual exercise (Kump and “Syndrome X” that today is known as the metabolic syn-
Booth 2005a). drome. He further indicated, “it seems reasonable to sug-
gest that the various facets of Syndrome X are involved
The rapid decrease in insulin sensitivity by the cessation to a substantial degree in the cause and course of the
of a physically active lifestyle initiates metabolic chronic major diseases of civilization” (Reaven 1988). In 2006,
diseases Willet et al. (2006) identiWed overweight and inactivity
as “the most direct causes” of the insulin resistance syn-
Our ideas are based upon extensions of earlier papers. In drome. In 2007, Shulman’s groups reported data support-
1972, Lipman et al. (1972) published that the area under ing the concept that insulin resistance in skeletal muscle
the insulin curve during an oral glucose tolerance test sig- likely preludes any other maladaptation(s) like visceral
niWcantly increased on the third day of continuous bed adiposity and alterations in circulating cytokines thought
rest in humans. Ten years later, we showed that insulin to cause type 2 diabetes. Petersen et al. (2007) concluded
resistance develops in the mouse soleus muscle after that their data support the hypothesis that insulin resis-
1 day of hindlimb immobilization (Seider et al. 1982). In tance in skeletal muscle is due to decreased muscle gly-
1991, Wendorf and GoldWne (1991) hypothesized, “selec- cogen synthesis, diverting energy away from muscle
tive insulin resistance in muscle would have the eVect of glycogen synthesis into increased hepatic de novo lipo-
blunting the hypoglycemia that occurs during fasting but genesis. They further contend, “…reversing defects in
would allow energy storage in fat and liver during feed- insulin-stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle to
ing. Both of these features could allow hunter-gatherers to reverse insulin resistance in this organ might be the best
have survival advantages during periods of food shortage. way to prevent the development of the metabolic syn-
However, in sedentary individuals allowed free access to drome at its earliest stages of development.” (Petersen
food, this genotype would be disadvantageous; these indi- et al. 2007).
viduals would become obese with concomitant secondary All of the above taken together support our view that
insulin resistance in fat and liver”. In 1999, Grundy a primary consequence of physical inactivity is the

Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:381–390 385

Fig. 1 A hypothetical sequence

to type 2 diabetes is shown (see
text for description)

development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance, Gain in intra-abdominal fat

which can contribute to the development of the meta-
bolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 dia- Rapid gain in intra-abdominal fat upon ceasing a physically
betes, as shown in Fig. 1, and described next. Physical active lifestyle
inactivity is an actual cause of type 2 diabetes (Mokdad
et al. 2004). Primary events from physical inactivity are Rats no longer expend energy in daily running when it
hypothesized to be decreased utilization of energy-pro- ceases. One issue is what happens to the loss of daily
ducing substrates by skeletal muscle. As feed-forward energy expenditure? We estimate an excess of 373 kJ
events, we hypothesize that skeletal muscle “senses” an (80 and 293 kJ from excess food intake and cessation of
underutilization of stored energy in its cells and signals daily running) as compared to age-matched cohorts
a reduced need for additional uptake of blood glucose, never having access to wheels for running (unpublished
thereby, diminishing insulin sensitivity for glucose
uptake. We believe that the aforementioned sequence of
events is a remnant of a selected survival mechanism to
conserve the limited whole-body stores of carbon atoms
for glucose in case a food shortage were to develop
(Chakravarthy and Booth 2004; Neel 1962). Such a
mechanism would have to be rapid (hours to days) to
conserve glucose since body stores of glucose are very
limited to <1,000 kcal and can be depleted in less than
1 day. However, in modern humans who live a sedentary
lifestyle throughout their lifespan, overt insulin
resistance develops contributing to the development of
type 2 diabetes. Diabetes has become pandemic, increas-
ing worldwide by Wvefold from 1985 to 2000 and the
International Diabetes Federation (2007) predicts diabe-
Fig. 2 Values taken from the International Diabetes Federation where
tes to increase another 2.5-fold to 380 million in 2025 the year 2025 is their prediction (International Diabetes Federation
(Fig. 2). 2007)

386 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:381–390

estimation) The estimate is the caloric equivalent of Cessation of daily running was associated with increased
11.5 grams of fat. In our studies of cessation of daily palmitate incorporation into triacylglycerol
running, we subjectively observed an increase in intra-
abdominal fat after 53 h of no running, so we began The rate of palmitate incorporation in epididymal fat was
weighing the fat pads. Cessation of wheel running 4.2-fold greater in SED5 than in WL5, and increased 14-
for 53 h after 21 days of natural running resulted in a 25 fold between WL5 and WL10, being 79% lower in SED10
and 48% increase in epididymal and omental fat pad than in WL10 (Fig. 3). Palmitate incorporation (index of
weights, respectively (Kump and Booth 2005b). triacylglycerol synthesis) remained at this elevated level (at
When humans reduce the number of daily steps from least 3.5-fold greater in WL29 and WL53 than SED5).
»10,000/day to 1,500/day for 2 weeks, intra-abdominal fat Thus, the rapid increase in epididymal fat mass with the
mass, as measured by MR-scan, was increased by 7% cessation of voluntary wheel running in our model was
(Pedersen, unpublished observation). Thus, Wndings in our associated with a prolonged overshoot in palmitate incorpo-
experimental animal model of reduced physical activity ration (Kump and Booth 2005b). The overshoot of palmi-
from naturally high levels to that in a sedentary cage are tate incorporation into triacylglycerol is a training eVect of
directionally similar to that in humans decreasing daily repeated days of running as overshoot did not occur after a
stepping to an inactive level. single day of running (Kump et al. 2006).
In another model of inactivity performed in humans
where the sedentary group was compared to exercising Mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase-1
groups, Slentz et al. (2005) observed a 9% increase in (mtGPAT1) contributes to the overshoot in palmitate incor-
visceral fat over a 6-month period in 40-65 year-old, poration into triacylglycerol in adipose tissue upon the ces-
sedentary (exercise <2 times/week) subjects who were sation of daily, natural physical activity
already overweight or mildly obese at the onset of the
study (body mass index of 25–35 kg/m2). Two groups In order to begin to understand the underlying basis for the
exercising at an equivalent of running 12 miles/week at increased palmitate incorporation into triacylglycerol in
moderate or vigorous intensity prevented the fat gain intra-abdominal fat upon the cessation of running, we
and a third group exercising at an equivalent of vigorous assayed some of the enzymatic steps in triacylglycerol syn-
running 20 miles/week lost 7% abdominal fat (Slentz thesis. Ten hours after 21 days of wheel running, activity of
et al. 2005). Thus, sedentary adults had 16% mtGPAT1, a key regulator of triacylglycerol synthesis in
more visceral fat after 6 months than cohorts who epididymal fat, overshot sedentary values by 48% and
expended calories at a rate equivalent to 20 miles of remained higher than sedentary values at 29 and 53 h of
running/week. reduced physical activity (Kump et al. 2006). The over-
In other randomized controlled clinical trials using shoot in mtGPAT1 activity was accompanied by an
imaging techniques to measure changes in visceral fat increase in mtGPAT protein level with no change in
with exercise (Kay and Fiatarone Singh 2006), the fall in mtGPAT1 mRNA. More than one bout of daily physical
visceral fat ranged anywhere from a 6 to 49% reduction activity is necessary to overshoot sedentary values for
in exercise studies ranging from 8 to 52 weeks in length palmitate incorporation into triacylglycerol in epididymal
(Boudou et al. 2003; Irwin et al. 2003; Mourier et al. fat (Kump et al. 2006), which suggests that repeated days
1997; Ross et al. 2000, 2004; Weiss and Holloszy 2007). of physical activity (chronic eVect) are responsible for this
Weight regain is a problem after virtually all dietary overshoot eVect. We conclude that an increase in mtGPAT
and behavioral interventions for obesity (Wadden et al. protein in epididymal fat associates with the overshoot in
2004). The major challenge in the treatment of obesity is palmitate incorporation in epididymal fat; this adaptation
maintenance of weight loss (Wing et al. 2006). Regular would enhance restoration of fat stores after cessation of
physical activity has been found in many studies to be daily physical activity, enhancing survival in case a food
associated with long-term weight loss maintenance deWciency were to occur.
(Wing and Hill 2001). Most dieters regain about
one-third of the weight lost during the next year and Adipocyte hyperplasia is accentuated after the cessation
between 50 and 97% of individuals return to their of daily wheel running
baseline in 4–5 years (Kramer et al. 1989; Wadden et al.
1989, 2004; Wing and Hill 2001). Taken together, vis- In order to determine if increased intra-abdominal fat is
ceral fat is very plastic in response to changes in the solely due to increased food consumption, and not a cessation
amount of daily physical activity, increasing during of exercise, we tested the hypothesis that reduced physical
times of low activity and decreasing with enhancements activity, independent of excessive caloric intake, would be
in activity. unable to induce an increase in fat pad mass. The experimental

Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:381–390 387

Fig. 3 We hypothesize that the provision of wheels in cages allows daily activity and assumedly leads to an accumulation of adipose tis-
rats to express their intrinsic drive for natural daily running, exposing sue. The gray horizontal bar represents their range for palmitate incor-
the normal physiology of substrate utilization cycling. Removal of poration into triacylaglycerol of age-matched cohorts that never ran;
daily running inhibits substrate cycling in the ensuing days. Thus, the the range of the bar is from 11 am (395 § 71 pmol per mg homogenate
cessation of daily running stalls the up and down cycle of palmitate protein per min) to 4 pm (226 § 35). For more detail, see references
incorporation into triacylglycerol in epididymal fat that occurs with (Chakravarthy and Booth 2004; Kump and Booth 2005b)

design was modiWed from our three studies (Kump and tion of the running. First, insulin sensitivity in the epit-
Booth 2005a, b; Kump et al. 2006), above. 21-day-old rats rochlearis muscle of rats falls to sedentary values with
were given access to voluntary running wheels for 42– 2 days of the cessation of running (Kump and Booth
43 days, thus starting the rats running at a younger age and 2005a), conWrming the decline to sedentary values in
having them run twice as long before locking the wheels. whole-body insulin sensitivity when physically active
Rats were running approximately 9 km/day in the last week, humans stop daily exercise (Burstein et al. 1985; Oshida
after which wheels were locked for 5, 53, or 173 h (WL5, et al. 1991). Second, visceral fat increases within 1 week
WL53, WL173) before sacriWce. During the 53 and 173 h of when rats cease daily running (Laye et al. 2007), conWrm-
inactivity, one group of animals was pair fed (PF) to match ing the plasticity of human visceral fat. A fundamental
sedentary controls, whereas the other continued to eat ad question in biology then becomes, why were rats and
libitum (AL). Epididymal and retroperitoneal fat masses humans built this way?
were signiWcantly increased in the WL173-PF versus the
WL5 group, whereas epididymal, perirenal, and retroperito-
neal fat masses were all signiWcantly increased in the Speculated bases for the inactivity-induced changes
WL173-AL group compared with the WL5 group (Laye
et al. 2007). The demonstrated increase in intra-abdominal Why is the body so plastic to decreases in physical activity?
fat stores after the cessation of running in the absence of
hyperphagia demonstrates that physical inactivity induced One answer to the question was popularized by Neel (1962)
fat storage is independent of food intake. Additionally, who in 1962 introduced the concept of “thrifty” genotype.
hyperplasia of adipocytes in epididymal fat mass occurred in Neel (1962) proposed that certain genotypes were selected
WL173-AL but no change in mean adipocyte size was noted. into the human genome because of their selective advan-
tage over the less “thrifty” ones. Neel (1962) deWned a
Interim summary of our animal model of reduced physical “thrifty” genotype as “being exceptionally eYcient in the
activity intake and/or utilization of food”. The rationale is that dur-
ing periods of food deprivation, animals and humans with
Two major changes have been identiWed when 21- or the “thrifty” genotype would have a survival advantage
28-day-old rats undertake 3 or 6 weeks of daily, natural because they could rely on larger, previously stored energy
voluntary running on wheels, followed by an abrupt cessa- to maintain homeostasis, whereas those without “thrifty”

388 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:381–390

genotypes would be at a disadvantage by having smaller Schimke 1965)] were either rate limiting or Wrst steps in
fuel stores at the start of the food deprivation, and therefore, pathways. Whereas, the twelve proteins that had the longest
would be less likely to survive (Neel 1962). Chakravarthy half lives did not function as rate limiting. Thus, principles
and Booth (2004) extended Neel’s thrifty genotype by pos- of protein turnover will be brieXy described.
tulating that survival during the feast-food deprivation The importance of short half lives (t½) is that the time
cycle of the hunter-gatherer also selected genes to support a course between steady state levels of protein is determined
“physical activity cycle” in which cycling of metabolic pro- solely by the Wrst-order rate constant for degradation (kd),
cesses was triggered by the reduction of skeletal muscle where t½ = ln 2/Kd (Schimke 1970). Thus, proteins with
glycogen and triglyceride stores. Indeed, our recent work shorter half lives adapt to new steady state levels faster than
provides an example of such speculation. proteins with longer half lives challenged by an environ-
Cessation of daily, natural physical activity is associated mental perturbation (Schimke 1970). Natural selection is
with a disappearance of the natural cycling of palmitate based upon the concept that those organisms that can adapt
incorporation (an index of triacylglycerol synthesis) into to a new environment best are more likely pass their gene
triacylglycerol of epididymal fat (Fig. 3). To speculate on pools on to the next generation as compared to those with
the potential biological signiWcance of triacylglycerol slower adaptations to the new environment. Therefore, one
cycling, we will apply concepts of evolutionary or Darwin- criterion for selection of genes to study when reduced inac-
ian medicine (Williams and Nesse 1991; Eaton et al. 2002) tivity ensues would be to consider whether the half life of
to understand from an evolutionary perspective why the the protein they encoded for was short.
human body is not better designed for physical inactivity. One such example of a key regulatory protein is pyruvate
We suggest that increased fat storage upon initiating physi- dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4). PDK4, when activated,
cal inactivity is an inherited survival mechanism to store phosphorylates and inactivates the pyruvate dehydrogenase
energy as fat in anticipation of a future food deWciency; it complex (PDC). As PDC is switched between glucose-
accomplishes this feat by imposing decreased insulin sensi- derived pyruvate and long chain fatty acid entry into the
tivity to repartition glucose from inactive skeletal muscle to TCA cycle, increased PDK4 activity would inhibit glycoly-
adipocytes, where energy storage occurs. The phenotype sis, conserving glucose carbon chains from oxidation. PDK4
becomes maladaptive when physical inactivity continues has a very short half life of 1.3 h in Morris heptoma 7800 C1
unabated for months/years. cells (Huang et al. 2002). Two hours following an endurance
To sum up our beliefs as to why natural selection exercise bout, PDK4 mRNA increases »fourfold (Pilegaard
resulted in energy partitioning from inactive skeletal mus- et al. 2005). Further at 8 h post-exercise, PDK4 mRNA had
cle to fat is energy conservation so that fuels not needed for returned to pre-exercise values in muscles having high car-
work are stored for survival in the next food deWciency. bohydrate levels before exercise as opposed to muscles with
low carbohydrate at the start of exercise (Pilegaard et al.
2005), demonstrating the importance of local energy status
Rationale for rapidity of changes to reductions in regulating its expression. Regulation of PDK4 mRNA has
in enhanced physical activity been shown at the transcriptional level; no data is yet avail-
able that shows regulation by its mRNA stability (Sugden
Genes that regulate PDK4 mRNA/protein degradation and Holness 2006). However, since the rise in PDK4 mRNA
were selected into the human genome and protein is very transient after a single bout of exercise,
speciWc mechanisms, yet unknown, must have been selected
As the onset of food deWciency is rapid, adaptations for to regulate the rapid increase in its transcription and its rapid
energy storage and utilization to enhance the probability of decrease in mRNA and/or protein. In conclusion, the puta-
survival had to be rapid, leading to the need to have a rapid tive function of high PDK4 protein (inferred from its high
turnover proteins involved in energy metabolism. Important mRNA) during exercise would be to conserve the limited
regulatory processes must, therefore be very plastic. Natu- stores of whole-body glucose carbons for the central nervous
ral selection is based upon the concept that those organisms system and red blood cells, which do not oxidize fatty acids.
that can adapt to a new environment best are more likely to Further, fast turnover of molecules allows rapid adaptive
pass their gene pools on to the next generation as compared changes to meet new metabolic challenges.
to those with slower adaptations to the new environment.
Therefore, one criterion for selection of genes to study
function when reduced inactivity ensues would be to con- Concluding remarks
sider whether their half life was short. Goldberg and Dice
(1974) has commented that of the 40 liver proteins that Current human biology is a prisoner of the metabolic path-
have the shortest half lives [determined by (Berlin and ways designed by our evolution. Without knowledge of

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