Immobilization Induces Changes in Presynaptic Control of Group Ia Afferents in Healthy Humans Lundbye, 2008

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Physiology in Press

Immobilization induces changes in presynaptic control of group Ia afferents in healthy


Jesper Lundbye-Jensen and Jens Bo Nielsen

J. Physiol. published online Jul 3, 2008;

DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2008.156547

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Physiology in Press; published online on July 3, 2008 as 10.1113/jphysiol.2008.156547

Immobilization induces changes in presynaptic control of group Ia afferents in

healthy humans.

Jesper Lundbye-Jensen1,2*, Jens Bo Nielsen1,2

Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen. The

Panum Institute 24.6 Blegdamsvej 3 DK-2200 København N Denmark

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences University of Copenhagen Blegdamsvej 3

Panum Institute 24.6 DK-2200 København N Denmark

To whom correspondence should be addressed:

Jesper Lundbye-Jensen

Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology & Department of Exercise & Sport


University of Copenhagen

The Panum Institute 22.3

Blegdamsvej 3,

Phone: + 45 35 32 74 51

Fax: + 45 35 32 74 99

Running title: immobilization changes presynaptic control of group Ia afferents

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Neural plasticity occurs throughout adult life in response to maturation, use and disuse.

Recent studies have documented that H-reflex amplitudes increase following a period of


To elucidate the mechanisms contributing to the increase in H-reflex size following

immobilization we immobilized the left foot and ankle joint for 2 weeks in 12 able-

bodied subjects. Disynaptic reciprocal inhibition of soleus (SOL) motoneurones and

presynaptic control of SOL group Ia afferents was measured before and after the

immobilization as well as following 2 weeks of recovery.

Following immobilization maximal voluntary plantar- and dorsiflexion torque (MVC)

was significantly reduced and the maximal SOL H-reflex amplitude increased with no

changes in Mmax. Decreased presynaptic inhibition of the Ia afferents likely contributed

to the increase of the H-reflex size, since we observed a significant decrease in the long-

latency depression of the SOL H-reflex evoked by peroneal nerve stimulation (D2

inhibition) and an increase in the size of the monosynaptic Ia facilitation of the SOL H-

reflex evoked by femoral nerve stimulation. These two measures provide independent

evidence of changes in presynaptic inhibition of SOL Ia afferents and taken together

suggest that GABAergic presynaptic inhibition of the SOL Ia afferents is decreased

following 2 weeks of immobilization. The depression of the SOL H-reflex when evoked

at intervals shorter than 10 s (homosynaptic post-activation depression) also decreased

following immobilization, suggesting that the activity-dependent regulation of

transmitter release from the afferents was also affected by immobilization. We observed

no significant changes in disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition. Two weeks after cast

removal measurements returned to pre immobilization levels.

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Together, these observations suggest that disuse causes plastic changes in spinal

interneuronal circuitries responsible for presynaptic control of sensory input to the

spinal cord. This may be of significance for the motor disabilities seen following

immobilization as well as the development of spasticity following central motor lesions.


It is well established that motor skill training may induce use-dependent functional and

structural plasticity within the central nervous system. Experience-driven central

nervous plasticity has been extensively documented at a cortical level in relation to

motor learning (Buonomano & Merzenich, 1998; Sanes & Donoghue, 2000) and there

is growing evidence that the cortical plasticity accompanying motor skill learning is

paralleled by changes in the properties of the spinal neuronal circuitries as demonstrated

in monkey (Wolpaw et al., 1983a; Wolpaw et al., 1983b), rats (Chen & Wolpaw, 1995),

in the spinal central pattern generator properties in cats (de Leon et al., 1998; Pearson,

2000; Barriere et al., 2008) and human subjects following skill training (Perez et al.,

2005; Meunier et al., 2007; Wolpaw, 2007).

It is less well investigated how and to which extent immobilization is also accompanied

by changes in transmission in spinal neuronal circuitries. Spinal cord plasticity can

occur at numerous neuronal and synaptic sites and through a variety of mechanisms. In

humans, spinal cord plasticity has mostly been inferred from modifications in the size of

H-reflexes (Perez et al., 2005; Gruber et al., 2007; Meunier et al., 2007; Perez et al.,

2007). The H-reflex provides a gross measure of motoneuron pool excitability and

transmission across the synapses of Ia afferents and thus reflects both presynaptic

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mechanisms, postsynaptic inhibition and excitation, intrinsic motoneuronal mechanisms

and descending inputs.

Recent studies have provided evidence that H-reflex amplitudes increase following a

period of immobilization. In the rat, (Anderson et al., 1999) reported increases in the H-

reflex gain following 3 weeks of hindlimb unloading and in human (Clark et al., 2006b)

similarly observed increased H-reflex amplitudes at rest following 4 weeks of lower

limb suspension. We have recently demonstrated an increase in the excitability of H-

reflex following a period of one week of wrist and hand immobilization (Lundbye-

Jensen & Nielsen, 2008). In this study the size of the evoked H-reflexes increased with

no significant changes in corticospinal excitability estimated from motor evoked

potentials (MEPs) evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Although this

finding does not provide evidence of the specific mechanisms involved, it led to the

hypothesis that immobilization may be accompanied by changes in the amount of

presynaptic inhibition of the Ia afferents or post activation depression (homosynaptic

depression). It has previously been demonstrated that a considerable part of the H-reflex

amplitude modulation is explained by changes in presynaptic inhibition of the synapses

of Ia afferents on spinal motoneurones (Hultborn et al., 1987a; Hultborn et al., 1987b;

Meunier & Pierrot-Deseilligny, 1989; Nielsen & Kagamihara, 1993b; Faist et al., 1996).

Presumably, gating of sensory inputs to spinal motoneurones is of functional importance

in regulating the contribution of the stretch reflex circuitry to the ongoing motor activity

(Nielsen & Sinkjaer, 2002; Rudomin, 2002). One advantage of regulating this

contribution at the presynaptic level is that sensory inputs may be selectively gated,

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while allowing effective activation of the muscles by central commands (Rudomin,

2002). Furthermore, regulation of sensory information at the presynaptic level may

permit conveyance of proprioceptive information to the cortex, which might contribute

to adjusting supraspinal motor commands (Llewellyn et al., 1990; Morita et al., 1998).

In line with this notion both GABAergic presynaptic inhibition and post activation

depression have been demonstrated to increase following skill learning (Perez et al.,

2005; Meunier et al., 2007), and it is possible that presynaptic control of sensory input

changes during a period of immobilization. If this is the case it would be consistent with

the findings of Manabe et al. (1989) who observed a disuse-induced enhancement of Ia

synaptic transmission in spinal motoneurones of the rat.

The hypothesis that immobilization induces modifications of the transmission in the

monosynaptic Ia pathway through changes in presynaptic control mechanisms was

consequently tested in the present study.

We recorded the soleus H-reflexes before and after 2 weeks of ankle joint

immobilization and following a corresponding period of recovery. Disynaptic reciprocal

inhibition was evaluated through conditioning the SOL H-reflex by stimulation of the

common peroneal nerve (CPN). To evaluate presynaptic inhibition of the soleus Ia

afferents we measured the size of the femoral nerve monosynaptic Ia facilitation of the

soleus H-reflex (Hultborn et al., 1987a; Hultborn et al., 1987b) and the long-latency

(D2) inhibition of the soleus H-reflex induced by CPN nerve stimulation (Mizuno et al.,

1971). To assess post-activation (homosynaptic) depression we used the frequency-

related depression of the Sol H reflex (Crone & Nielsen, 1989b; Hultborn et al., 1996;

Kohn et al., 1997).

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Ethics Approval

In twelve healthy volunteers (9 male and 3 female) with an average age of 25 ± 6 years

(mean ± S.D.) the left foot and ankle joint was immobilized by application of a cast for

two weeks. No volunteers had any history of neurological disease. Subjects gave

informed written consent to the experiments which were approved by the local ethics

committee (J. No. KF 100.1969/1991). The experimental procedures conformed to the

standards set by the latest revision of the Declaration of Helsinki.

Experimental protocol

All subjects participated in 4 identical experimental sessions on 4 separate days. In

order to assess day-to-day variability, measurements were obtained on two different

days prior to immobilization (pretests). In addition, subjects were tested immediately

after cast removal following two weeks of immobilization (posttest) and once again

following two weeks of recovery after cast removal (retest).

During all experimental sessions subjects were seated in a comfortable armchair with

the head, torso and arms supported. The examined left leg was flexed in the hip (120°),

knee (160°) and ankle (110°) and the foot was fixed to a pedal with a rotational axis

located coaxially with the axis of rotation of the ankle joint. The pedal had a built-in

potentiometer and was connected to a strain gauge transducer providing information on

position and the torque applied. The pedal was fixed and the position of each individual

was recorded and reestablished in all tests.

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Maximal Voluntary Contraction

In each test maximal voluntary isometric contraction torque (MVC) was measured for

the ankle plantar flexors and dorsi flexors respectively in order to evaluate alterations in

the maximal strength of the subjects before and after immobilization. Subjects were

instructed to perform a maximal contraction by increasing the torque to maximum

within a few seconds and to exert maximal torque for 2 s, while maintaining the

standardized position. Verbal encouragement and visual feedback of the torque exerted

were provided. Typically four or five successive trials were performed until the peak

torque did not increase any further. The peak torque recorded in either of the trials was

taken as the MVC. After completion of the strength tests electrophysiological testing

procedures involving electrical stimulation of the peripheral nerves were performed.

Stimulation and recording

EMG recording

Electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded from the soleus (SOL) and tibialis

anterior (TA) muscles using a bipolar Silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) surface electrode

configuration (0.5 cm diameter of electrodes; Blue Sensor, Ambu Inc., Ølstykke,

Denmark) with an inter electrode distance of 2 cm. The amplified EMG signals were

filtered (band-pass, 25 Hz to 1 kHz), sampled at 2 kHz, and stored on a PC for off-line

analysis (CED 1401+ with Signal & Spike 2.5 software, Cambridge Electronic Design

Ltd., Cambridge, UK). In addition all reflex responses were quantified, averaged and

related to Mmax and/or unconditioned response amplitudes online in a custom-build

software (Winflex).

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Soleus H-reflexes

SOL H-reflexes were evoked by stimulating the tibial nerve through a

monopolar electrode (1 ms rectangular pulse) in the popliteal fossa (constant-current

stimulator model DS7A, Digitimer, UK). The indifferent electrode was placed proximal

to patella. The reflex response was measured as peak-to-peak amplitude of the non-

rectified EMG reflex response. The interstimulus interval was 4 seconds. The stimulus

intensity was randomly increased in steps of 0.05 mA, starting below H-reflex threshold

(HT) and increasing up to supramaximal intensity to measure the maximal compound

motor response (Mmax). SOL H-reflex recruitment curves were generated by averaging 5

responses at all obtained stimulus intensities. In a recent study we found Hmax to be

increased following immobilization and special care was taken to identify H max

(Lundbye-Jensen & Nielsen, 2008). Stimulus intensities ranged from 0-100 mA. In

order to enable comparison between reflex responses obtained in different sessions H-

reflex amplitudes were normalized to the corresponding Mmax and stimulation intensities

were normalized to Mthreshold in pretest1. The sensitivity of the H-reflex to facilitatory or

inhibitory conditioning effects has been shown to depend crucially on its size (Crone et

al., 1990). During measurements of the effect of a conditioning stimulus, the size of the

SOL control reflex was therefore maintained 20-25% of M max. Due to low Hmax

amplitudes a SOL control H-reflex of 15% of Mmax was used in 2 subjects in order to

allow both inhibitory and facilitatory effects.

Disynaptic Reciprocal Inhibition

In order to assess the amount of disynaptic reciprocal inhibition the SOL H-reflex was

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conditioned by previous stimulation of the common peroneal nerve (CPN) at rest. At

conditioning test intervals of 2-3 ms (Crone et al., 1987) CPN stimulation elicits a

depression of the SOL H-reflex, which is in all likelihood mediated by the disynaptic

reciprocal Ia inhibitory pathway (Crone et al., 1987). The CPN was stimulated (1 ms

rectangular pulse) through bipolar surface electrodes (Blue Sensor, Ambu Inc.,

Denmark. Diameter 0.5 cm) placed 1-3 cm distal to the neck of the fibula. Electrodes

were placed in a position to evoke a threshold motor response in the TA muscle without

activation of a motor response in the peroneal muscles. The specificity of this

stimulation was checked several times during each experiment. The stimulus strength

was expressed in multiples of the motor response threshold (1.1xMT) in the TA muscle.

This stimulation intensity was chosen because it elicited a small TA M-response, which

could be monitored throughout the measurements and thereby ensure that the effect of

the conditioning stimulus was comparable (Petersen et al., 1998). Higher stimulation

intensities were avoided to minimize influence from other pathways than the disynaptic

Ia reciprocal pathway to the measured inhibition (Petersen et al., 1998). Also, a

stimulation intensity of 1.1 x MT is submaximal for activation of all inhibitory

interneurones and thus permits both facilitatory and inhibitory effects on transmission in

the pathway to be demonstrated (Petersen et al., 1998). In each experiment a time

course of the effect of the CPN stimulation was recorded for every subject with cond.-

test intervals ranging from 1-6 ms. In a random sequence 10 reflex responses were

obtained at each conditioning test interval with an inter stimulus interval (ISI) of 4s.

Responses were averaged and expressed relative to the obtained unconditioned SOL H-

reflex amplitude.

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Presynaptic inhibition of the Ia afferent terminals

In order to assess the role of presynaptic inhibition of the Ia afferent terminals we

applied two different protocols involving conditioning of the SOL H-reflex: femoral

nerve (FN) facilitation and “D2”-inhibition. Changes in heteronymous Ia facilitation

and D2 inhibition reflect changes in different Ia pathways to SOL motoneurons,

heteronymous and homonymous respectively. Previous studies have however

documented that presynaptic inhibition of heteromymous and homonymous Ia pathways

to SOL motoneurons is similarly controlled by descending and/or afferent input (Katz et

al., 1988; Meunier & Pierrot-Deseilligny, 1989; Faist et al., 1996), suggesting that it is

mediated by the same or similar primary afferent depolarization (PAD) interneurones

(Hultborn et al., 1987a; Hultborn et al., 1987b). It is however advantageous to obtain

both measures in order to interpret the observed changes.

Heteronymous facilitation

The SOL H-reflex was conditioned by stimulating the femoral nerve (FN). This method

was used to assess the ongoing presynaptic inhibition exerted on the Ia afferents

mediating a monosynaptic conditioning excitatory volley (Hultborn et al., 1987a). In

man, there are heteronymous, monosynaptic excitatory projections from Ia fibers in the

FN nerve to SOL motoneurons and from Ia afferents in the PT nerve on quadriceps

motoneurons (Hultborn et al., 1987a; Meunier et al., 1993). The FN was stimulated

through a monopolar ball electrode placed over the femoral triangle. The indifferent

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electrode was placed just below the gluteus maximus muscle. The intensity for

stimulating the FN was 1.5 x MT in the quadriceps muscle. In each experiment a time

course of the effect of the FN facilitation was recorded for every subject (Hultborn et

al., 1987a; Hultborn et al., 1987b) with cond.-test intervals ranging from -8 to -3 ms (fig

5). The negative cond.-test intervals designate that the conditioning stimulation was

applied after the test stimulation. In a random sequence, 10 responses were obtained for

each cond.-test interval and the average response amplitudes were related to the

unconditioned reflex amplitude. The onset of facilitation was considered to be the

earliest interval at which the conditioned reflex was 10% larger than the test reflex.

Following this procedure, a more detailed time course with steps of 0.2 ms for the 1 ms

prior to the onset of facilitation was obtained. Using this procedure FN facilitation was

quantified for the optimal cond.-test interval for each subject.

As demonstrated by (Hultborn et al., 1987a; Hultborn et al., 1987b), the short-latency

facilitation of the SOL H-reflex produced by stimulation of femoral nerve Ia afferents

can be ascribed to a monosynaptic heteronymous Ia excitatory postsynaptic potential

(EPSP). Hultborn et al. (1987a) provided experimental evidence that during its first 0.5

ms this heteronymous Ia facilitation is only mediated through a monosynaptic pathway

and not contaminated by input from oligo- or polysynaptic pathways (Pierrot-

Deseilligny et al., 1981; Pierrot-Deseilligny, 1996). This is why in the present study the

onset of the facilitation was examined in details in the individual subjects with

conditioning test intervals in steps of 0.2 ms to carefully measure the amount of

facilitation within the initial 0.5 ms after this onset. Provided that stimulations were

elicited at these appropriate conditioning test intervals this early heteronymous Ia

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facilitation depends only on the size of the conditioning monosynaptic Ia EPSP.

Changes in the size of this early facilitation can therefore be used to assess ongoing

presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals to SOL motoneurons (Hultborn et al., 1987a;

Hultborn et al., 1987b). Accordingly, a constant conditioning stimulation of the femoral

nerve, which in this study was adjusted to 1.5xMT should elicit an EPSP of a constant

size in the motoneurons, and thus a constant reflex facilitation, unless presynaptic

inhibition of Ia afferents mediating the conditioning Ia volley has changed: The smaller

this ongoing presynaptic inhibition the larger the reflex facilitation.

D2 inhibition

Using CPN conditioning of the SOL H-reflex at longer cond.-test intervals than those

applied when investigating disynaptic reciprocal inhibition, CPN stimulation elicits a

pronounced depression of the SOL H-reflex reaching a maximum for cond.-test

intervals around 15-20 ms. At cond.-test intervals around 60 ms a second, more

pronounced, depression occurs. Although it is thought of as one long depression

separated by a period of facilitation, the early and late depressions are referred to as D1

and D2 respectively (Mizuno et al., 1971). Previous findings have suggested that both

D1 and D2 are in all likelihood influenced/caused by presynaptic inhibition of the

terminal of Ia afferents on SOL motoneurons. Considering D2, there is no inhibition in

the EMG corresponding to the D2 time-course as it would have been in the case of

postsynaptic inhibition (Iles & Roberts, 1986). In this study we looked at D2 inhibition

primarily because pilot experiments demonstrated D2 to have a better reproducibility

than D1 between experimental sessions. Secondly, postsynaptic inhibition may last 20-

30 ms (Baldissera et al., 1981) and may therefore interfere with D1.

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In the present experiment D2 inhibition was assessed by conditioning the SOL H-reflex

by CPN stimulation at cond.-test intervals of 40, 50, 60, 70, 90, 100 ms. In a random

sequence, 10 responses were obtained for each cond.-test interval and the average

response amplitudes were related to the unconditioned reflex amplitude.

FN facilitation and D2 inhibition provide independent information about presynaptic

inhibition and help us to exclude changes in recruitment gain in the soleus motoneurons

as a cause of changes in the H-reflex size (Nielsen & Kagamihara, 1993b, a). D2 (and

D1) inhibition reflects the level of presynaptic inhibition evoked by peripheral nerve

stimulation and FN facilitation reflects the level of ongoing presynaptic inhibition of FN

Ia afferents (which is paralleled by SOL Ia afferents).

Post activation depression

Another presynaptic mechanism, which could be affected by immobilization, is post

activation (or homosynaptic) depression originally described by (Curtis & Eccles,

1960). Post activation depression reflects a reduced Ia afferent transmitter release

probability due to previous activation (Crone & Nielsen, 1989a; Nielsen et al., 1993;

Nielsen et al., 1995; Aymard et al., 2000) and it is therefore only observed when the Ia

afferents have been previously activated by a conditioning stimulus of the same

afferents (e.g. vibration, tendon tap, electrical nerve stimulation; (Crone & Nielsen,

1989a). The depression of the monosynaptic Ia EPSP results primarily from

mechanisms operating within the presynaptic terminals, which depends on the history of

activation of the synapse (Lev-Tov & Pinco, 1992; Pinco & Lev-Tov, 1993). Usually,

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post activation depression is observed for more than 10 s following a preceding

activation (conditioning stimulus), compared with only 300-400 ms for ‘classic’

presynaptic inhibition (Hultborn et al., 1996). Unlike GABAergic presynaptic inhibition

post activation depression is also not widely distributed among the afferent fibres

(Hultborn et al., 1996).

[Insert fig 1 around here]

In the present study post activation depression was induced by electrical activation of

the soleus Ia afferents and evaluated by frequency related changes in the H-reflex. Ten

SOL H-reflexes (15-25% of Mmax) were evoked with an inter stimulus interval of 10s.

After this 10 SOL H-reflexes were evoked with an identical stimulus intensity and an

inter stimulus interval of 1s. Since the first reflex in this series was not influenced by

post activation depression it was excluded and the remaining 9 responses were

averaged. Post activation depression was quantified as the difference between the

average reflex amplitudes obtained at 10s and 1s inter stimulus interval. That is, the

depression of the SOL H-reflex elicited by shortening the interstimulus interval from

10s to 1s.

Contractile Properties

In order to test changes in muscular contractile properties supra-maximal electrical

stimulation was delivered to the PTN and CPN to elicit maximal twitch contractions.

Stimulation consisted of a 1 ms rectangular pulse delivered by a constant-current

stimulator (model DS7A, Digitimer, UK). The elicited twitch torque was registered and

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peak torque, time to peak torque and half relaxation time was calculated during offline



At the end of the second pretest a custom-molded circular ankle cast (X-lite®, Camp

Scandinavia) was configured for each subject. The subject´s left ankle and foot was

covered by a stockinette and foam padding and the cast was positioned around the

ankle, foot and toes, maintaining the ankle joint in a neutral position restricting ankle

joint movements. Subjects were not able to remove the cast themselves, ensuring that

joint immobilization was effective for the full period. Subjects were instructed to walk

with crutches and to avoid ground contact with the immobilized foot throughout the

immobilization period. After 2 weeks of immobilization the cast was removed by the

experimenter immediately before beginning of the posttest.

Data Analysis and Statistics

Reflex measurements

The mean and standard error of the mean were calculated for all parameters and


Considering SOL H-reflexes all stimulation intensities were normalized to Mthreshold in

pretest 1 and all response amplitudes were normalized to the corresponding Mmax. Hmax

was quantified from the H-reflex recruitment curve.

One-way repeated measures ANOVA test was used to determine the effect of

immobilization on MVC, twitch torque, time to peak, half relaxation time, Mmax,

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Hmax/Mmax ratios, disynaptic reciprocal inhibition, femoral nerve facilitation, D2

inhibition and post activation depression with time of measurements as a factor. Tukey

post hoc test was performed on significant comparisons. All values are reported as

mean±sd unless stated otherwise. In all tests, statistical significance was assumed if the

P < 0.05.


Following immobilization maximal voluntary plantar and dorsi flexion torque

decreased significantly (fig. 2). Plantar flexion torque decreased ~15% from 69.1±21.2

Nm in pretest 1 and 69.3±19.8 Nm in pretest 2 to 59±20 Nm immediately after cast

removal (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001). After two weeks of recovery plantar flexion MVC

returned to baseline level 69.9±20.5 Nm (p < 0.001 compared to post immobilization, p

= 0.42 and p = 0.46 compared to pretest 1 and 2 respectively). For dorsi flexion MVC

torque also decreased significantly ~23% from 44.1±9.2 Nm in pretest1 and 43.7±11

Nm in pretest 2 to 33.6±8.1 Nm immediately after cast removal (p < 0.001). After two

weeks of recovery MVC torque returned to 40.4±11.5 Nm (p = 0.004 compared to post

immobilization, p = 0.753 and 0.65 compared to pretest 1 and 2 respectively).

[Insert fig 2 around here]

Following supra-maximal PTN stimulation three parameters were quantified from the

elicited twitch contraction in order to assess changes in contractile properties. These

three parameters were twitch contraction torque (TT), contraction time (CT) (time to

peak torque) and half-relaxation time (HRT). TT was 5.34±2.83 and 5.24±2.83 Nm in

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pretest 1 & 2. Following immobilization TT increased significantly to 8.29±4.6 Nm

(p=0.03 and p=0.048 respectively). After two weeks of recovery TT decreased to

6.72±2.83 Nm (p=0.084 compared to post immobilization, p=0.994 and 0.994 compared

to pretest 1 and 2 respectively). There were no significant changes in the CT from

before immobilization (116.5±21 ms and 111.4±17 ms) to cast removal (114.7±19 ms)

or following two weeks of recovery (106.1±9 ms) (p=0.206). There was however a

tendency towards a change in half relaxation time between tests. Before immobilization

HRT was 83±21 ms and 86±23 ms. Following immobilization HRT was prolonged to

101.6±16 ms (p=0.067) After 2 weeks of recovery HRT decreased to 93.7±20 ms.

The peak-to-peak amplitude of the SOL maximal compound action potential (Mmax) did

not change significantly following immobilization (p=0.28). The group average

Mmax±s.d. was 33.5±12.9 mV and 31.9±12.5 mV in pretests, 30.9±14 mV following

immobilization and 31.6±9.1 mV after 2 weeks of recovery.


SOL H-reflex amplitudes measured at rest increased significantly following

immobilization (fig 3). We recently demonstrated how Hmax/Mmax ratios and H-reflex

recruitment curve properties changed significantly following immobilization. Because

of this, and in order to avoid an excessive amount of stimulations we focused on

determining the Hmax/Mmax ratio in the present study (Lundbye-Jensen & Nielsen, 2008).

The SOL Hmax/M max ratio increased significantly from 0.566±0.21 and 0.553±0.2 in

pretests to 0.644±0.23 after immobilization (p=0.03 & p=0.021). Following recovery

the Hmax / Mmax ratio returned to pre immobilization levels 0.565±0.24 (p=0.032

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compared to post immobilization, p=0.999 and p=0.988 compared to pretest 1 and 2

respectively). There were no significant changes in the H-reflex latency from 31.7±2.7

and 31.8±3.1 ms in pretests to 32.3±2.9 ms following immobilization. In the retest the

H-reflex latency was 32.2±3.3 ms (p=0.2).

[Insert fig 3 around here]

Disynaptic Reciprocal Inhibition

Figure 4 illustrates the time-course of the inhibition of the SOL H-reflex at rest

following single stimuli at 1.1 x M-threshold to the common peroneal nerve expressed

relative to the unconditioned H-reflex size. The inhibition was apparent when the

conditioning CPN stimulation preceded the PTN test stimulus by 2 ms (88.7±11%;

90±7.2%; 90.9±8.7%; 90.9±13%), 3 ms (88.2±13%; 86.9 ±9.1%; 92.4±10.3%;

84.8±14%) and 4 ms (89.1±10.9%; 89.2±14.6%; 91±14.4%; 85.6±9.2%) in the pre-,

post- and retests, respectively (Figure 4). No significant differences in disynaptic

reciprocal inhibition were observed between the pre-, post- and retest data at any of the

cond.-test intervals (p = 0.39-0.94).

[Insert fig 4 around here]

Femoral Nerve Facilitation

Figure 5 illustrates the early facilitation of the SOL H-reflex evoked by stimulation of

the femoral nerve stimulation at 1,5 x M-threshold for quadriceps expressed relative to

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the unconditioned H-reflex size. The facilitation of the SOL H-reflex induced by

femoral nerve stimulation had an onset at a cond.-test interval around –5.5 ms (negative

conditioning–test intervals designate that the control stimulus preceded the conditioning

stimulus). At a cond.-test interval of -6 ms the average facilitation was 110.6±18.7%;

111±19%; 120.3±21%; 101.6±18% in pre- post and retests respectively with a

significantly increased facilitation following immobilization (p=0.037). At a cond.-test

interval of -7 ms the facilitation was 108.2±9.9% and 108.2±11.7% in pretest 1 and 2. It

increased significantly to 119.5±13.8% following immobilization (p=0.01) and

decreased to 109.3±9% after two weeks of recovery (p=0.089 compared to post and

p=0.916 compared to pretests)

In order to ensure that the facilitation was caused solely by transmission in the Ia

monosynaptic pathway from the quadriceps to SOL motoneurones, an individually

optimal conditioning–test interval was applied with 0.2ms accuracy to evaluate the size

of the early facilitation before and after immobilization and recovery (Hultborn et al.,

1987a) (bottom fig.5). The average size of the FN facilitation from all subjects at this

individual interval was 112.2±4.6% and 115±5.2% in the pretests (size of the

conditioned reflex expressed as a percentage of the control reflex). After immobilization

the facilitation increased to 128.2±5.2% (p=0.013). After 2 weeks of recovery the

facilitation returned to baseline values at baseline 113.4±3.1% (p=0.033 compared to

post, p=0.995 and p=0.989 compared to pretest 1 and 2 respectively.

[Insert fig 5 around here]

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D2 Inhibition

Figure 6 illustrates the D2 inhibition which could be observed at conditioning test

intervals of 70, 80, 90 and 100 ms. At 80 ms cond.-test interval the conditioned SOL H-

reflex was 69.8±22.2% and 72.7±28% of the unconditioned reflex amplitude before

immobilization and 84.5±22.9% (p=0.156) following immobilization. After recovery

the conditioned response returned to pre immobilization level of 70.6±36%. At 90 ms

cond.-test interval the conditioned reflex was depressed to 58.9±21.5%, and

59.7±25.7% before immobilization. This inhibition decreased following immobilization

to 72.6±17.2% (p=0.08) but returned to pre immobilization level (59.6±35%) following

2 weeks of recovery.

At 100 ms cond.-test interval the conditioned H-reflex was 52.9±19.8% and

51.7±25.7% of the unconditioned H-reflex before immobilization. Following

immobilization the response was significantly larger 71.1±26.9% (p=0.024 and

p=0.015). After two weeks of recovery the conditioned response returned to pre

immobilization level of 54.4±34% (p=0.063 compared to post immobilization, p=0.996

and p=0.998 compared to pretests).

[Insert fig 6 around here]

Post Activation Depression

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Figure 7 illustrates the depression of the SOL H-reflex observed when decreasing inter

stimulus intervals from 10s to 1s. At 10s inter stimulus interval the SOL H-reflex

amplitude was 27.7±7% and 26.9±7.6% of Mmax in pretest 1 and 2, 26.8±7% of Mmax

after immobilization and 27.7±8.2% of M max in the retest. There was no significant

difference in this parameter between tests (p=0.935).

Before immobilization the depression of the SOL H-reflex amplitude was 61.7±5% in

pretest 1 and 59.6±6.6% in pretest 2. Following immobilization the amount of post

activation depression decreased significantly to 43.7± 9.4% (p=0.001 and p=0.005

compared to pretests). After 2 weeks of recovery post activation depression increased to

pre immobilization level of 58.6±11.8% (p=0.008 compared to posttest, p=0.874 and

p=0.995 compared to pretests).

[Insert fig 7 around here]


The primary purpose of the present study was to elucidate adaptations in spinal neuronal

circuitries in relation to immobilization. The main behavioral finding was that 2 weeks

of ankle joint immobilization leads to significant decreases of maximal voluntary

strength. This was accompanied by an increase in the SOL H-reflex excitability in the

immobilized leg as has previously been reported (Duchateau, 1995; Anderson et al.,

1999; Clark et al., 2006b; Lundbye-Jensen & Nielsen, 2008). Based on the applied

conditioning-test protocols of the SOL H-reflex it appears that the observed increase of

H-reflex excitability at least in part relates to changes in presynaptic control of group Ia

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afferents following immobilization whereas disynaptic reciprocal inhibition was

unaffected by the immobilization.

MVC and twitch contractions

In the present study, immobilization led to a 14% reduction of plantar flexion MVC and

a 23% reduction of dorsiflexion MVC. These changes are in agreement with the

findings in previous studies reporting 17% and 19% decreases in triceps surae MVC

following 2 weeks (Gondin et al., 2004) and 3 weeks (Davies et al., 1987) of

immobilization respectively. Depending on the duration of the immobilization period,

the observed decrease in voluntary strength has been attributed partly to changes in

neural activation and partly to changes in muscle contractile properties (White et al.,

1984; Davies et al., 1987; Duchateau & Hainaut, 1987; Duchateau, 1995; Seki et al.,

2001a, b; Gondin et al., 2004; Clark et al., 2006a; Clark et al., 2006b). Several studies

have found decreases in voluntary activation following immobilization (Vandenborne et

al., 1998; Kawakami et al., 2001; Gondin et al., 2004). Seki et al. (2001b) reported a

restriction of motoneurone firing to lower rates following immobilization and reduced

maximal motoneuronal firing rates following only one week of immobilization (Seki et

al., 2001b; Seki et al., 2007). Judged from the plantar flexor twitch measures used in the

present study, it is not unlikely that changes in muscle contractile properties may have

contributed to the reduced voluntary strength observed following immobilization. The

finding of increased twitch contraction torque (TT) and the tendency toward prolonged

half relaxation time (HRT) following immobilization is indeed in agreement with

previous studies on short-term immobilization (White et al., 1984; Davies et al., 1987;

Seki et al., 2001a; Gondin et al., 2004). The trend towards increased HRT has

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previously been suggested to relate to reduction in the reuptake of Ca 2+ by the

sarcoplasmatic reticulum following immobilization (Thom et al., 2001). Although

immobilization was accompanied by changes in twitch contraction parameters in the

present study, the exact origin of these alterations remains to be determined.

Interestingly, immobilization was accompanied by a larger reduction of the MVC for

dorsiflexion compared to plantar flexion. One possible reason for this could be

differences in muscle characteristics, fibre type distribution and myosin heavy chain

(MHC) expression demonstrating different sensitivities to inactivity. Secondly, ankle

joint immobilization, while restricting TA and SOL contractions, does not completely

immobilize the biarticular gastrocnemius muscle. Although twitch contraction measures

changed for triceps surae as a whole, the fact that contraction of gastrocnemius was

possible during the immobilization may have counteracted loss of plantar flexion MVC

following immobilization. In line with this, (Gondin et al., 2004) found SOL, but not

gastrocnemius EMG activity to be significantly reduced following ankle joint


Increased Hmax/Mmax ratio

In the present study we observed an increase of the Hmax/Mmax ratio at rest following

immobilization. It has previously been reported that the Hmax/Mmax ratio is increased

following a period of immobilization in man (Duchateau, 1995; Clark et al., 2006b;

Lundbye-Jensen & Nielsen, 2008) and hindlimb suspension in the rat (Anderson et al.,

1999) and that the gain (Hslope/Mslope ratio) of the H-reflex is increased (Lundbye-Jensen

& Nielsen, 2008).

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Modulation of the H-reflex amplitude can result from a number of factors, including

changes in GABAergic presynaptic inhibition of the Ia afferents, variation in the amount

of Ia neurotransmitter release, and changes in the excitability of the motoneurons due to

changes in either the membrane potential arising from excitatory or inhibitory input

(postsynaptic) or the intrinsic properties of the neurons. Cormery et al. (2005) recently

observed changes in the intrinsic properties of rat motoneurones following 2 weeks of

hindlimb unloading. This was signified by increased rheobase, decreased spike

amplitudes and deceased membrane time constants. Some properties of ‘slow’

motoneurones resembled those of ‘fast’ motoneurones following hindlimb unloading

(Cormery et al., 2005). This finding indicates that the motoneurones are not more

excitable or can be more easily activated. However, a selective change in the properties

of the ‘slow’ motoneurones means that the changes observed in H-reflex following

immobilization in the present study could be due to changes in the input-output relation

or ‘recruitment gain’ of the motoneurone pool following immobilization (Kernell &

Hultborn, 1990; Hultborn et al., 2004).

In a recent study we observed increased H-reflex amplitudes following one week of

wrist immobilization with no significant changes in corticospinal excitability estimated

from TMS measures (Lundbye-Jensen & Nielsen, 2008). Although many mechanisms

may potentially be involved in this phenomenon, we hypothesized based on this finding

that presynaptic control of Ia afferent input to the spinal cord could change (decrease)

following a period of immobilization. If so, this would be in agreement with Manabe et

al. (1979) who observed a disuse induced enhancement of monosynaptic Ia afferent

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transmission (EPSPs) to rat spinal motoneurones following conduction block with

tetrodotoxin and nerve section (Manabe et al., 1989).

Presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents

It has previously been demonstrated that part of the H-reflex modulation during

voluntary movement may be explained by changes in presynaptic inhibition of the

synapses of Ia afferents on spinal motoneurones (Hultborn et al., 1987a; Hultborn et al.,

1987b; Meunier & Pierrot-Deseilligny, 1989; Nielsen & Kagamihara, 1993b; Faist et

al., 1996; Perez et al., 2005). Presumably, gating of sensory input to spinal

motoneurones is of functional importance in regulating the contribution of the stretch

reflex circuitry to the ongoing motor activity (Rudomin & Schmidt, 1999; Nielsen &

Sinkjaer, 2002). One advantage of regulating this contribution at the presynaptic level is

that sensory inputs may be selectively gated while allowing effective activation of the

muscles by central commands (Rudomin, 2002). Furthermore regulation of sensory

information at the presynaptic level may permit conveyance of proprioceptive

information to the cortex which might contribute to adjusting supraspinal motor

commands (Llewellyn et al., 1990; Morita et al., 1998). There is good evidence from

previous studies that changes in presynaptic inhibition of the synapses between sensory

afferents and motoneurons is fundamental in the adaptation of the reflex circuitry during

motor learning (Kandel et al., 2000; Wolpaw, 2007). Recently, Perez et al. (2005)

demonstrated that presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents from SOL was increased

following a period of visuomotor learning. However, it has not to our knowledge been

investigated whether presynaptic inhibition changes following a period of


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Presynaptic inhibition consists of a GABA-mediated depolarization of the terminals of

primary afferents, which results in a decreased transmitter release (Schmidt, 1971;

Rudomin, 1990). In animal experiments, the most direct demonstration of presynaptic

inhibition of Ia afferents - see (Eccles, 1964) is the depression of the monosynaptic

EPSP evoked in motoneurones by a constant stimulation of Ia afferents without a

change in the motoneurone membrane potential and conductance (Frank & Fuortes,

1957). In human studies, information about presynaptic inhibition can only be obtained


In the present study we observed significant increases in the heteronymous facilitation

of the SOL H-reflex evoked by femoral nerve stimulation (Hultborn et al., 1987a) and a

reduction in the amount of D2 inhibition. These two measures provide independent

evidence of changes in presynaptic inhibition of SOL Ia afferents and taken together

with the observation of unchanged disynaptic reciprocal inhibition these findings

strongly suggest that presynaptic GABAergic inhibition of the SOL Ia afferents is

reduced following 2 weeks of ankle joint immobilization.

The early facilitation of the SOL H-reflex evoked by femoral nerve stimulation provides

indirect information about the heteronymous Ia EPSPs evoked in the motoneuron pool

(Hultborn et al. 1987a). It is essential for the method that the investigated facilitation of

the SOL H-reflex evoked by FN stimulation is monosynaptic in origin, as a change in

facilitation may otherwise be caused by postsynaptic changes at an interneuronal level.,

meaning that changes in facilitation of the test reflex cannot be ascribed unequivocally

to changes in the size of the conditioning Ia EPSP. This is why in the present study the

onset of facilitation was examined in detail with cond.-test intervals in steps of 0.2 ms.

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Considering the homonymous D2 inhibition, PAD interneurons mediating presynaptic

inhibition of the test reflex’ Ia afferent volley are activated by a conditioning group I

volley. Although the D1 and D2 inhibition (Mizuno et al. 1979) is probably

contaminated by other effects (Meunier & Pierrot-Deseilligny, 1998) the size of these

depressions can be assessed to estimate the excitability of PAD interneuron’s mediating

presynaptic inhibition. Following immobilization D2 inhibition decreased significantly

which also indicates that presynaptic inhibition is decreased. Decreased inhibition could

result from decreased excitability of PAD interneurones or occlusion following

activation by another excitatory input (Faist et al., 1996). However, in the lower limb

Iles (1996) using very weak stimuli has shown that cortically evoked decrease in CPN-

induced inhibition is not due to occlusion in PAD pathways. Furthermore, in the present

experiments, the decreased D2 inhibition was associated with increased heteronymous

facilitation, which cannot be due to an occlusion in PAD pathways (see Hultborn et al.


As previously mentioned, it may be argued, that an increased heteronymous Ia

facilitation could be observed as a consequence of skewed input to or effects within the

motoneuron pool. This could potentially affect the recruitment gain by increasing the

slope of the input-output relation of the H-reflex (Kernell & Hultborn, 1990; Nielsen &

Kagamihara, 1993b). This would be in agreement with the findings of (Cormery et al.,

2005). However, if recruitment gain had been changed by a skewed distribution of

effects within the motoneuron pool, this would be expected to enhance the effect of all

synaptic input to the motoneurons thereby increasing D1 and D2 inhibition. In effect,

the larger the recruitment gain the larger should be the D1 and D2 inhibition. The

present finding of increased heteronymous Ia facilitation and decreased D2 inhibition

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following immobilization is in other words not consistent with a change in the

recruitment gain. In conclusion, the observed changes are most likely caused by changes

in presynaptic inhibition.

Post activation depression

Post activation depression also decreased following immobilization. Post activation

depression of the elicited reflex is caused by a frequency-dependent decrease in the

probability of transmitter release from previously activated synapses. This depression of

synaptic efficiency following previous synaptic activation of Ia afferents has been well

characterized in both animal (Curtis & Eccles, 1960; Hultborn et al., 1996) and human

studies (Crone & Nielsen, 1989a; Hultborn et al., 1996). We suggest that the long term

changes we observe in the frequency-related depression of the SOL H-reflex following

immobilization reflect plastic changes at the level of the synapse between Ia afferents

and SOL motoneurones causing an increase in the efficacy of the synapse. The

molecular mechanisms underlying post activation depression are not yet fully

understood and subsequently we can only speculate about the possible mechanisms

contributing to the modifications in the amount of transmitter released following


It has however recently been reported by Meunier et al. (2007) that post activation

depression is subject to use-dependent plasticity. They reported that post activation

depression increased immediately following and one day after a single bout of skillful

bicycle training. Contrary to the GABAergic presynaptic inhibition there is so far no

evidence for a descending control of post activation depression, but some effects of for

instance monoaminergic systems cannot be excluded. It is also not unlikely that

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structural modifications of the synapses between Ia afferents and SOL motoneurones

have occurred during the 2 weeks of immobilization.

Post activation depression is decreased in spastic patients (Faist et al., 1994; Nielsen et

al., 1995) and (Hultborn & Nielsen, 1998) previously pointed out that the decreased

post activation depression in patients with cerebral or spinal lesions may (at least in

part) be secondary to the disuse of motoneurones and Ia afferents accompanying the

primary disorder. This notion is emphasized by the results of the present study and

further supported by the findings of (Gallego et al., 1979) that in the cat prolonged

disuse of the sensory fibers causes an increase in synaptic efficacy (EPSPs) of primary

afferents in triceps surae motoneurones. Conversely, Meunier et al. (2007)

demonstrated that motor training increased post activation depression.

As already mentioned post activation depression differs from the classical presynaptic

inhibition transmitted through GABAergic axo-axonal synapses (see review by Hultborn

& Nielsen). Even though both mechanisms contribute to the gating of sensory input to

the central nervous system through modulation of synaptic transmitter release, the two

mechanisms have distinct characteristics. Nevertheless, it is possible that an interaction

between GABAergic presynaptic inhibition and post activation depression contributes

to the observed changes following immobilization. It has previously been suggested

from animal studies (Enriquez-Denton et al., 2002) that reduced presynaptic inhibition

also results in reduced post activation depression and vice versa.

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It is not possible from our data to make any conclusions regarding the exact

mechanism(s) of the reduced presynaptic inhibition following immobilization, but some

speculations may be made. There is good evidence from cat experiments that primary

afferent synapses on ascending neurons and motoneurones are inhibited by different

populations of interneurones (Jankowska & Padel, 1984). Indeed, the network

responsible for controlling presynaptic inhibition of primary afferents seems in general

to be organized to ensure selective control of afferent input to specific populations of

both motoneurones and ascending neurons (Rudomin & Schmidt, 1999; Rudomin,

2002) and it is not impossible that changes in sensory input to the spinal interneurones

which convey the presynaptic inhibition leads to plastic changes during a period of

immobilization. According to afferent input and the functional requirements to the

system, the CNS may increase or decrease the level of presynaptic inhibition of Ia

afferents and thereby the central gain of the monosynaptic stretch reflex (Capaday &

Stein, 1986; Hultborn et al., 1987a; Nielsen & Kagamihara, 1993b).

Based on the findings of the present study it seems plausible that the decreased

presynaptic inhibition occurred in response to the decreased motor activity

accompanying limb immobilization. The changes in presynaptic inhibition may be a

direct consequence of a reduced voluntary motor activity. It is however also possible

that immobilization is accompanied by decreased proprioceptive input to the central

nervous system. Reducing the amount of presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents may in

this way be a means of the central nervous system to increase the gain of the actual

incoming afferent input. Since stimulation of low threshold cutaneous

mechanoreceptors by light brushing of both distal dorsal and plantar surfaces of the foot

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has also been demonstrated to decrease presynaptic inhibition (Iles, 1996) it may also be

possible that the changes observed following immobilization occur in response to

wearing the ankle cast. Measurements were however obtained after removal of the cast.

Functional and Clinical perspectives

Although the present study involved limb immobilization in able-bodied subjects, the

findings may also be of clinical relevance. This is especially the case in relation to

neurological disorders leading to physical inactivity. It is noteworthy that the findings of

increased H-reflexes, decreased GABAergic presynaptic inhibition and decreased post

activation depression following immobilization to some extent matches the findings of

previous studies in spastic patients (Nielsen et al., 1993; Faist et al., 1994; Nielsen et

al., 1995; Grey et al., 2008) and it is worth considering the effects of reduced physical

activity in itself. As mentioned previously, it is possible that the decreased presynaptic

inhibition and post activation depression observed in patients with cerebral or spinal

lesions may at least in part be a consequence of the disuse of motoneurones and Ia


Sensory feedback mechanisms through spinal reflex circuits help to ensure that the muscle

activity is optimally adjusted to the immediate environment during movement. From a

functional perspective it is interesting how changes in the functional properties of the

central nervous system following a period of immobilization relate to functional motor

control and further how subsequent training or rehabilitation affects these changes.

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This work was supported by grants from The Danish Health Science Research Council,

The Danish Ministry of Culture, The Novo Nordisk Foundation, The Carlsberg

Foundation, The Elsass Foundation and the Danish Society of Multiple Sclerosis


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Fig. 1 Spinal mechanisms. During the experiments EMG was obtained from SOL and

TA muscles. Peripheral nerve electrical stimulation was delivered to the posterior tibial

nerve (PTN), the common peroneal nerve (CPN) and the femoral nerve (FN) in order to

investigate disynaptic reciprocal inhibition, ‘classical’ presynaptic inhibition and post

activation depression.

Fig. 2 Maximal Voluntary Contraction Torque (MVC) was measured during ankle

joint plantar flexion and dorsi flexion. Measures of maximal isometric muscle strength

(MVC) before immobilization (gray bars), after immobilization (black bars) and after

one week of recovery (white bars). The figure illustrates group mean peak torque (Nm)

± SD for plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. * denotes p 0.05, *** denotes p<0.001

Fig. 3 Hoffmann reflex and M-wave recruitment curves & Hmax/Mmax ratios

Hoffmann reflexes were elicited in SOL before (gray), after (black) and 2 weeks after

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immobilization (white). The upper figure illustrates Hoffmann reflex (circles) and M-

wave (squares) recruitment curves for a representative subject. The abscissa represents

the stimulation intensity normalized to the M-wave threshold in pretest 1, the ordinate

illustrates response amplitude normalized to the corresponding Mmax. The lower figure

illustrates group average Hmax/Mmax ratios (± SD) before (pre1 and pre2), after (cast

removal) and 2 weeks after (retest) immobilization. * denotes p 0.05.

Fig. 4: Measurement of disynaptic reciprocal inhibition from ankle dorsiflexors to

ankle plantar flexors by the H-reflex technique at rest. The time course (at rest) of

the effect of conditioning peroneal nerve stimulation (single 1ms) stimuli applied to the

peroneal nerve 2-3 cm distal to the caput fibulae at 1.1 x MT) on the size of the soleus

test H-reflex. (This was evoked by single 1 ms stimuli applied to the tibial nerve in the

popliteal fossa. Size of the unconditioned soleus H-reflex 20–25% of Mmax.) The

abscissa shows the interval in ms between the conditioning stimulus and the test

stimulus. The ordinate shows the size of the conditioned test reflex expressed in

percentage of the test reflex. The time course was obtained before immobilization

(pretests 1, light grey and 2, dark grey) after immobilization (posttest, black) and 2

weeks after cast removal (retest, white). The short-latency, presumed disynaptic,

reciprocal inhibition was seen at conditioning-test (CT) intervals between 2 and 4 ms. It

was expressed as the size of the conditioned H-reflex as a percentage of the control H-

reflex size. The figure illustrates group average ±SD.

Fig. 5 Presynaptic inhibition estimated from SOL H-reflex facilitation by

conditioning stimulation of the femoral nerve (FN). The soleus H reflex was

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facilitated by a heteronymous Ia volley from quadriceps and the amount of reflex

facilitation was used to estimate the size of the conditioning I a excitatory post-synaptic

potential (e.p.s.p). The upper part of fig.5 illustrates the time course (at rest) of the

effect of conditioning femoral nerve (FN) stimulation (single 1ms) stimuli applied to the

FN at the femoral triangle at 1.5 x MT) on the size of the soleus test H-reflex. Size of

the unconditioned soleus H-reflex 20–25% of Mmax. Conditioning test intervals were -8

to -3 ms. The abscissa shows the interval in ms between the conditioning stimulus and

the test stimulus. The ordinate shows the size of the conditioned test reflex expressed in

percentage of the test reflex. The time course was obtained before immobilization

(pretests 1, light grey and 2, dark grey) after immobilization (posttest, black) and 2

weeks after cast removal (retest, white). Based on the onset of facilitation a detailed

time course in steps of 0.2 ms was obtained for each subjects in each test. The bottom of

fig.5 illustrates this facilitation at best individual conditioning test intervals before, after

and 2 weeks after immobilization. All depicted values in fig. 5 are group average ± SD.

* denotes p 0.05.

Fig. 6 D2 inhibition. Time course of the long-latency depression of the SOL H-reflex

(D2 inhibition) evoked at 40-100 ms conditioning–test interval by conditioning peroneal

nerve stimulation (single 1ms) stimuli applied to the peroneal nerve 2-3 cm distal to the

caput fibulae at 1.1 x MT). The abscissa shows the interval in ms between the

conditioning stimulus and the test stimulus. The ordinate shows the size of the

conditioned test reflex expressed in percentage of the test reflex.The time course was

obtained before immobilization (pretests 1, light grey and 2, dark grey) after

Downloaded from by Marco Narici on August 4, 2008
immobilization (posttest, black) and 2 weeks after cast removal (retest, white). All

depicted values in fig. 6 are group average ± SD. * denotes p 0.05.

Fig. 7 Post activation depression. The figure illustrates the frequency-related

depression of the SOL H-reflex at interstimulus intervals of 1s relative to 10s. In A) the

ordinate shows the average amplitude of the SOL H-reflex obtained at 1s ISI in

percentage of the average SOL H-reflex amplitude obtained at 10s ISI. In B) the

ordinate shows the amount of the frequency related (post activation) depression from

the control reflex obtained at 10s ISI. The data were obtained before immobilization

(pretests 1, light grey and 2, dark grey) after immobilization (posttest, black) and 2

weeks after cast removal (retest, white). All depicted values in fig. 6 are group average

± SD. * denotes p 0.05.

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Immobilization induces changes in presynaptic control of group Ia afferents in healthy
Jesper Lundbye-Jensen and Jens Bo Nielsen

J. Physiol. published online Jul 3, 2008;

DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2008.156547
This information is current as of August 4, 2008

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