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Se OS \ UES piu sto ST hay lyst AKAs cy Kaite lea Bay OS US agliey Sal ge ctyijlems emg As pares gale g ey he OF QE Ge Gt 5 prlih aS Srablaly Q-tks Cie Aileil 9 Ginhd pce Geared Gbldy pledXs lth, esta cay Sze Nay Kay Sledge gad ga Ay Ge 9 Yue eT ote gil clane gems Thee Pad go Ate yo Seth genre caida Ly ad (Ry Vea SNe ow. lye. Glelle Shs leks yl Gebers Eby ue Ss acniSs 2. gel y hel 2 ASHE Ses Ne jeyd aye don fers Ags Sie Aes Aina LOLS Mg Oy) gb Sade! gate Gh clTcagil ly, 2S Wye steg tas O50 col Se Ce pedi tel O92 51 cal OF pglas Kengaty eltel Tye 43g Lohan Botley wily ASTSLy gue Gleey cal 02S SUF gs CLE ALY Ka Ujbygae elesely Gyines GS Clusia Kile OSU git SOT US pels opel gly Cul 293i) hase Glel Ailey w)L eddigalisd Gia Aedes Sole AT das GAS Ge lets 029! able Vghe sAats Olly yea Ghee CIIKs lloz Gating oll: hy et 2p Ai leaggnl he gat) ds daly geal yey gees Ly gadis Gall AS abe ogaacdaly cide yose seca ody gH) JSEzy 2G GUS Cot yw wlake sll Aataye olin ys jl sie US: 59 Ao 9 oli Slee gan oT ube coll 42519 Apes ren 2 AS slyly slog Slee cents : Ket we 229 Lyle a (Mohenjo Dare) 12 sige O4Sdleg bye Gilt ate gel Cay bs Shee yar goer 2 Qkeuks GlaaT GM jy AST cue! (Harappa) ete Lydaed fayT SU Quad gale aS ageT, Ad GAS (Sir John Marshall) asl aS sig cipal sie Slage Bebe b Teal Grell p09 BX NAL, Sree Dlg Jes Olyzy 67 ceulod S athy gah ko wale 45 (Stiva) god Glely Mle Alga gaig dtalioe lat Ge Algal AS Mtady Aemtes glogrieey > 251 6 Naty Ladin yo tle Waagi gee Aan jl dace! | eollajds Gti ply Sy! Gade AT TALy Aeagten dammagth gly? Peal ceed Slee gee GI Ie Mireca Eliade - Le Yoga, immortaliti et liberté, Paris 1954, Teste t 2 hel sages pans ATS Sy gh Ig y9 AG gail acts (Axia Mundi) Olgny peated LiTOus! le asles etal Kathopanisad 3 JF glaaTys Ghsleate ys gellys (asvatthah) GlyaTes y> Kathopanigad, 6,10 Madras 1956 Sir John Marshan ~ Mohunjo Daro and the Indus culture, 3 vols, London 19gt> £ 4-2 t is pyldcllat (podinisana) GLUale (Hathayoga) 6 ite 2 elle gh € Al ghee rey mgjhdl. IAB elon}! (get a OWN Se al (Vous (Deva gramata) leliwg) GLIAL y 239 Gila! FLT ile Osar oat) (Bhakti) yet) yeh Als waltzes (Pija abe aS aljly AF Oil At adhe dey de Gleele Gatlabe ss: AF enlace CASS Hay ples Clad conidaldedy gags Sy Tad elise ste oil} be Glaaaly 3 oly (Soe ee 213 dap Oallas ea GT gia cal Sacies ol ge Gl pl gate AT cial ogee Daniel cgase» Lil osaie Lis sla as 45 j| team ad cn! HUG lEb PEAT Lge bil Sy 00S cee Abe op AT ile gta} ya od plai Gass aSJlays sacl antl Y! ib 51 CSemeayy 025i gee Gta yay (Jaina) elge 9 laeilow 9 OUleee Gh ae Alen ley he aS Ailes jT penedd SagLdz4 099 de Wace QT € Out JAte 99 9 (Brahmanisme) (tle! zp 32 9 (Vedismie wi l3y e923 3 Windouisine’ slit slay GAT Oger 4582 gel geass why a gloy ay50 44 AT yBTlay (Soma) Lu ylsy 02,5 Fy ie 5 pe eles sii ly ly Aidnelina (Agnihotra) {a GT, G27 Ob Fpl PATHE Shedd Kile OLSOU oig> Gla! (Pranagnihotra) | 20 S124 oad (Agnihotra) ax. A este sey [Old Shay Gi wljsy i oe Mircea Eliade Le problime des origines du Yoga, Cahiers du Sud,Paris 1953, Jean Herbert, Spiritualité hindoue, Paris 1947, r¥ od 1 wlysh Ks a dee rts | (Philologie) Ail! aaijt gals ENE as gb SL Gly 42S See gal Ole e a lin GSbiy pois I, gildy Saha s geleiles ASL g gle leila} Bgyerad Ql gare 295 dali GAS 22 Oy 9 aleagIpl6 (') Commentateurs indighnes) «49! Objet Lygtie OLnbe y x1 1 Ge 355" yo dlpise Blots Ke aj! BB lay (mantra) abysl 9 lay 39 gee om Ge oS Udy (gurn) Gadys jl Farce Giloy cine Le) S51 Gayes gulic aim (7) Sit Monnier Williams ) j4ls Aig b gleodsdy Gale ilog Gab dan dens glee aS nh Sis syle Oller pase Clabes Dlr bay Gl wi3yd (Shri Aurobindo) 9434 yl Gatipelas Ane Olan me Wilda Gyas Un oltilys! Glatas yea gion ie lea As yay) GSTs ibm Ashe 39 gels ilendided ye ye Uyaeel cal dete eg? weeal Gale SAK pgd Abaya Slay S99 Obelisty gle biderly - glaal yt “oy39 -¥ BSE gil, liye jl ileela ya? cabled cul sie gies Abakd eat leds oo, cal ibs Tid. 0 oe en *) Brahmanism and Hintuism, New-York 1891, ¥ * v Les trois Upanishads, Paris 19495 ¥ + V6 VY ot Masson Onrsel, Hsquisse d'une histoire de la philosophie indienne -t Paris 1923 08 R. P. Vath, Histoire de U Inde ot de sa culture Paris, 1937, Yfue -# rea sie oT O95 Sable sales ripe odgianly y (oud 252 oe iN SG azte G! aed ARH Sle Anil bd pee lw podleals CS jloged 092 Galo Gpbiwe eat AkX ly = gid 'by99 2 debate (avatar) (geil land 9 OF Us clyiS! Oly) cygey AT eal ghe 29 09,5 eghe. caddie Gh glee GUL os celetal sil yi JS alse ge Seal Slies (2d salisj! Olas SF sles zare 8S y32 val SaaS ails Gayad Oj! Olysae Aa szeg: OLS she ates) peat So Kesioh HID, Hy oUt gla; gt Lay ly gst oy soy ee |yroysrcllée | O42 Glasenapp) ylarAF bade ay ye oj Oy, ugg! gabe Geb Arpad ema Dalit gl gable Hi} alga oaiT, col ea sage ae Oa gi gb site GS g azclo 2yny aed Gh ste WT ghey oad oa! Sipdaty SIS Joly sins Syaia opt ly Gal voy SAGs Gary Gilyee crite Lael yy Uhealgey Gale Coed Vecly Anal ea Gish, olge Abaca @Kag2 9 39! G, Aan oak Gayl Ap cedlo lle wb YY ej! Oly | ae aU els Gpblul GL5 ys ae wayshaty Ayley Olgaze jks jo BB Sod Acaged Esige (Ln illo tempore) Nouveau Larousse illustré 9 Brahmanisme 7 Monnier Willams, op. cil ¥\ ye Ibid, t= 7 A. Barth, Oenoves completes, Pari 14, \ 66 so Jyh abe +t Op. cit, rr Ge or H. Glasenapp, Brahma et 2 wis 1937 Vertis ce 4 palees py tales cobyot BaSB513 Ale ae (eal (Ttihasa) ep Kani be yar lk (mythe) iagilghy oolsl GUT cy ty gay lj! Ola) Oy> anily OM aS ph gal Loss lye ts Y cy pele Libeaslas (Visnu) gatas pret ly Somed co Shoaglaces hagl Fetels (roanthana) qibeca¥l (Ksirasamudra) j-Sly> (9 (amrta) dal yep celal ycl Gelso OE 24 Galil y Gyablielcal te a3 cige Cul U5}! get l le Olga lily > clyale gelig Gel Glee! & wena Goablaly aay syle yladicel Goa BT iI ola Agta cileny solar lala Go gace yy 0 be eal aR CoS er Gr Aljsa sl bio Goa og ay aS~ 5” (Jagadgura Shri Shankaracharya) Lyle!) Gls {alin glls ase ye pet Sylaaplalyse ES HHI aT phe oy by 3 BeBD Beka » heed pea tinael Gg 5 edge aS AKeaylaly LyaKed Gyul cele yoeady 2 piiaagel Sy gly gilasly ga2 da lay 39 SG Ses ah ES Ob fina) Eley g (Smrti) ga yeu! eo gSraST So dah dyn ge coail seas i ogmgjlTy> (nceuel odeltgay flat 20) 92 99 w\Dacaael 0352 Sym 54 Weal Slag ge gully sedi ae nin Oat > allay? Olsen: JarKig tytedy antle o yay boy 9 ogy SST gpl OS Wy latins 4 SIGs Aleey cel 129 59 sig! agi Glew Gado picidn > Op geige ity Sa lasily GRAS Tt-handsa ej Aujt Itihasa ~) TsTy2 2 cate Bee ale cngah sh Canblel we ald a Be AK. Coomaraswamy, Hine Bouddhisme:e 292 Ee Paris 1919.14 Mahabharata, Adi parva, ac * The secret of budia’s greatness * ayhe y pari JL ALlyorgciagd ar alli Lael 5H plaXgue a: sAttles cal Qalitenes Gla & aya ages Gililes Olgedse shi yo Ailditas Olay Ort) Syke pop ASlia Si dar 9 LUIS Stansted b she Ka y2 LETS Gy Gian Cul ny by sel OsAte pr sgie Ab pygie cpl gril O49 SLi col lao! Tgyso9 dgciy 22S hey Saal Li) 1 Syle ty lee 92,6 gece aKa 5 jb! plats" glge slyal «(Krta yuga) gb S51 ileylye aS cu! #48 oot yeeylem, (Mahdyuga) Gal, (Kaliyuga) Uys Jy (Dvaparayuga) F s2hyblao.(Tretayugay gs ys jehs allie S52 Geeging gels Ris Ab, Geb Clete wae yloa GK DlesdTyy Lay cea lle WP oyy) a (Brahinan) Steet: (Srsti) weead OF gabe TU SNb nae 29 KjleIOTUIys alelirnyas Gat y tne reel oat ad SOl sega glats tb SUjlasyler gy! gel oo F Gabaudss Sy Salo ples gaan Kr 6S ats, 31 (Krta) by” Celi nas dha wg s yelbishlyoy cal y Weplle Gallas Brent Giles ples cijayss Ola ye ytlbnaeys eee ctl Ulylgilgon OF) 5p auleny>, AeKety> ogg BES ohjl a tS Ak Ale Olay al Ady dail ae9 ObLIaeAi pas salon ul ols 259 SS Opty ELA ccntlas age Soles I Gad. cys plas Tye eles ilibe OLS OT 2, ctlds gay miss aebycrtemy Garis Bliystesarat ese) Mejealys AbgrolerAbl gl ys Cycles cosmiques oy Heinrich Zimmer, Mythes et symboles de Phide Pavis, 151. 20» Vigna Purana VAN ye Chle pat gas tdialionsss [Satya yuga] Uy lsl. ty W gly oy aaeaeeeaeeeemmenennnemnnnrnrrt ee ee eee algal $aSsslodbee rey polars toe «, Sidgpicns (Veda) I> geSo azaleas WbKyclasaasy ylyat (Dharma) dogareeygnesd urls Gjler ght oe UF yl? PbO ls Gan nee Lajlaonasleee: Oly} a8 eos Blane ale cel edad aS |e je de cseasl 9 4228 Up)je dsb UBD 9 eda edu tials Seal Gall geal as [allasls eaajl by all eyes ules && Geb ep Deb GaP Ag Gls Gelbsil: Girt Ssshjllar pee wae weal kes lease lJOLIad GB pablele Kens 20 Keualls slash StS ey92 eh? (Prahmdnaile gat les sales Ay Gad gesi GlE SARS Mlb lai, 212g tes} taT con dpe (URES Ty gare gue glazel jl Ob aS” (Ksatriya) yall oes! godine ce en A ga Jas daly Jule aKa ghiTl 9% alby pened odd Gogh i spo gh yeteesilay? utr ly Ria ee Fn JW prlesrae sas gedile gl (Dharma) lle > plex cS bi ladles cle mae Gel? ror) Ulyguseteg allot 2b GAS Grima sleds!s Sl dmeasly bibl ice pede & Vase Gpblal GET (Visnu Purana, £,11) epeeg dish le cn gly celge ved da lyst LajdeKajag Ant ot Sled Pah cap at Vad Syl dy ealy eetige ob AI Ep? £3 ag) Olea Age agg San lyri caley © 2 ged ly Ghs Sel ely gindg old gt hia gis go be (Gudea) lelyag2l: capa 03,5 byte dgd pliajlel SUAS gle wth og dielye Orth? (Krsna) ahs 2a) 1) (Arjuna) Ugeyhe (Bhagavad.Gita) ef oly tary> aS weceal (Pandit) 3254 Ohyal pyj| 9 02. dele Gel Obese VigegTey wecenl ging sallinj! 9 pe rer Ace og peg dle (Krsnah)lety 5 glagTaz4y (adharma abhibhavat) 46! yes O) Oye Ose (pradusyanti) 22S saa lyse SoG ( hulastriyah ) oalgile Gig} (Wargneya) Loy 5 5! (stu -dustisuy Aigo 219 Aelssd oar Sb oe . samskaral jayate | potent 55 JIT, 288 h Le Shyu col oicasagla 458 yaeylyal gal Uolas (Mahayuga) F yale lyly cad Esa: ge Joab load jl JUST (arsti) tay ST Ole ly jayse9 Cal Slaw ly jay Gy “Kalpay hise: ples Sri Galo. yadgee Obl (pralaya) cee 39 eile She Bld j] aS Oley Gd ES ybe ati) gu jl cada ely le Slay 2 adhd Sy yey tu iT OUI! piel jy Sb oles OlgaIAntls Gly} cT eysoelil yr gidayn sein pblY| gle OLS, eile agi Vo48 ed oy (Dhiiténi) |) Slam Sloyeye pled (paramedvarah) eS y5, Glos sta» (Jagati. ka-armarvikrte)Ulaygie geadie Gly bh Olgeay ( bhaksayii) 25550 JI AS piRin 9 (sete) alates (niga-paryanka-suyanie) 2geUSeybe caus Vag hes Olaal yy Sypar ly Ole (punah) ab93 (prabuddhah) 392 {YC ststim: karoti) Ay ily« (Brahma ~ riypa-dlik 5 Bhagavad Gita « y¢) “1 adharmabhibhavat krsna pradusyanti kulastriyah strigu dustasu varsneya Jayate varnasamskarah Visnu Purdna- adhyayahy -Y bhaksayitva ca bhiitani jagatyekarnavikrte nagaparyankasayane sete ca rramesvarah prabuddhah ca punah srsti ati brahmartipadrhk oly sloaS2s toils ret rdlens pyersee ((Manu) gitajacl: (Manvantara) 1) lilyils 0d)lgq2 (Kalpa) WW» Nod Glan ly 2gh yee GIs Gel Wylels EX gotta Soler GiLiL je weal Sy dee By Glanly Glagts iajay j1 aS Olah jae dle de Obs? Oye cent AS Dede g.siay ( mahdpralaya) SS caldy Sybase abt elajeas dang cits pla! (tiloka) ASS dad eCoTS IT bel pra AF dail ol sNadtebyce ata snp alles peg (candy > Olea ly Shade Gra shy 29 Keil A Kile Sige ler ayal dye Kr SvrAees dle Preta yrgteee Muaiviy nga Dvipara gage ee Kali frre. gil poe Sy :OUgbl I 51 gle abe OLY \¢ Manzantera Ral gry ee UP Mahdstesa Manwantara | ale Mgr nee +++ Mahayuga “ ayf2 pUSlealyjsy WIS ype. a diteahyee Ibe cere Olet ly asetyee welggi ope ue delageenets Tee mbsf he ilo Grgdral y pat Ge CS OL) 14S Otyate ply ashy Ce Bilgiead Sal Aylazs oj gpl AS Spry ci. shel gall Liss ashdlyli cual HlaaSiTgly Vag 4S” Suid ayctns clita lyse Le} peat lassi 93, WAS oars Clary oy Waly joes ace sl oo urea! Slal LS outs oly galiels 233 Tay oI Cesta states Sp guleal gute yl al FT spastily boy Clete aS ws sloop oigilaal, 2394 TAR Aiba wack: Oy I as Sa yokes angel i Meas} a oy, SleeS oy haltyoy Gast Ose Adee oc g3il ley Ol 2h Sly lay yo a awl gi me pelos anit alles 303 diy Sol hin ore cin piles os ; HA LION GIS Laie gts. hangs Goer sysly> Cigna eo! nahi ‘( Sanatana Dharma)b, slastsibbe Abelis> pyaie oul Solas (Cull GIjlo warily owlle ea BUELL sSledet oAgetl (Philosophia Pervenis) | lila gow AT oul palent Ae gare felt pice os Sys giles) blilyilas jel,» pllecie, Shag tap ees nyt Oley 2 ere okey Oly Saale IU Ogey Hla Fit Oke pt oss yy end Hb ow Hersh ey HLL Sblyes AGRI 2 go, Sy ely ad yo Gu! AlySaS” (Manu) tl SiR alg, yl . AS jl claeetny ylpetallc et BI al ete holy lle René Guénon_ Sndtana Dharma PAP sdegey 1 Approches de 0 Jude,Paris VER SeartA Ge yen cong yal Adgby woe colada {ylayle > Scrmae (Dharma) Layla 02,5 Gerd 02) Bim gue) WV adhen Sy? OT eg58! Atay Kee get A phguliie qHlewls yay en ges AF coal ghallale 2S dey har (gatlua ig cena lagage hel 238 Salen s Glbil y «02s: een OT Eso see - Shan Kislge a pl bia ene Lyle? ppt iceallayls ajleraml FA egal pote gly on, cul (ra) Aetha StastvaglIT) cout LijiaKa lle yy aS” coal Gayl coligia Layla o a vu (dhramasya) Layla > 4 yada yada) a5 aS” ja» Bharata ) UigesTest tugSae Gaeta lS less? (adharmasya )O) GAS,s ( glanih-bhavati) 25 ee aiTuplle gals ese ( aham) gy+(tada) olST ( abhyutthanam) 25 Ol» 6 )(atmanam srjami) y coal Adharma) Lyla oT Lyte > Gs eer pte. Jor lle ps colighies Ql. aS” (Manu) 6)! Sg LU gle eT 2. gall pKa! jh | ( Prajapati) wo slabs !y Gall Copel ott job c Lacs ly gall cel gs 9 021g) AS ceed SS de Gyne gil IAS gala YOlee Rai Bahadur Pandit Kashi Nath =) The ideals of hinduion: Bombay Var Ate Bhasacad ~ Gita -AN.8 -v Yada yada bidharmasya glanirbhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam scjamyaham Rents Gnénon, Jnhodurtion enirale d Vetude des doctrines hindowes —e Parise y4ev) 1ASGe ray 928 GST pejhll. lap GT LE Bal cel (pharma Sastiny SESE Sk (Sva-dharma) geleOgiUiglle> |) Goyazuedn Cul geleca! cee? Gell Kee hb ogh IS CUE Gillen y Gila Aya 90 OT Cage au! WEED Lt gale AR Ly eal Giga Ao ye 59 pasiege! BF Lyle UU. Ljlesbl lle jl cuiten Gyare ye » goles Gis) (Swami Sharvanauda) |, (Prasthana) Ulaly 9 129 je gabe wel CLT cyan or pasa Seayds y10Ke plied edgy aC acgned Sib alli)! 2ylo yg Wy eae 2 ates GNI gan aT ula aS y Loy aah” 2 Nay (19 yo yore slogyg> (Rg Veda ) 1X2) jailer EAT Sigler aaetog S ylgmalgg hvu! + (Atharva Veda )loglyyigiT «(Sita Vela [sglates (Vajur Vela) ettj ale Olaely oof j! 9 (Apauresya) gyi Gyile ge Giesly lay close aly 1 arad Gls yy (Rei \sbyehy lo sciée Sasira yoninan Jee! + eo T geil (mantra) yay aly gas Lily (Kavayah - ga pial G0 sie |) 423% Oly92 (Kavi Rui) sliye etl gee LET Ly ( Sruti) PIAYIOg 9 Atl gdm Satyagrunil: | Spine GleAbele alow ye 9 04S GU gay Sy seep s jleT ye GCge§ SSE Gldizne amy gcel dd Gis Sao heey bed (Vania) Slee OT Shi File teat STO gone AIS 2 ST US ype me ese 2 Sy garlelogrdayXea ( Basante Kumar chatterji ) cr vlay ly Fwd | AWN 2, diled gs Ogeg pls Sreily Gea aT llyse ylgol Qb east jis The religions of the world,Calcutta. 4p ates ee) Jean Herbert,Op, cil, ¥A0ye-tSjljai What is Hinduism —y plerspe~ HEE clot SuSbitS dee ren Tayad as aS peta. alo Gaae Cli AT cal sight bi Ole Jigs Unelly Loy Ci jae gh 94K, SAMO lea lop 3913 PIR giles ly alle ley silage pet Sal odd GIS Loy Gelely ple Eee Anke Ayo sg 9 GAS” dylai syne Kaela by lal gi eSey5 logy plleol aU rut) ibe Seecads Gelett Baa alyt los gel eT Hayle | hia sey AS Spe OT ine gay SHS, aallgdege (Smrti) gaezee LIT AT Cael age ge Gods Gla eds! SMe ae OF AS 129S p52 panda Gyle (Sankar arya) Opes Galt pratyayaksa) pegiient Ny SIS layer tava tes Giant onl 52 fase P gasee AGTUle Ather Ghat ld, aU gag cad Gels elt dpa! Sy car UOye dhe ls (anumana) ¢| im abe Syd Gils Cael wad Gees alilag cu! ebic gals! 2 bee Gl Cal od eed gl Vata Gaye gle dam Cigke yaa Lil Olyte ay gel ily eal ged agyey? AL at plSail SALI ob iar gga! aS) 2 Cand d Jatt plead 9h end Dole Aecdy gt ayltay Olytee by I gell BAe c 9c alae gplyocleel pile pate —1 René Guénon . 1° homme ef son devenir selon le Véddnta, Paris —_ VdoyalA-tVue 3256 ofl raj: She © gate te Save gid gee Sruti Fat = A Sls AGES aS yy Sldbe Ae AS ool a] we at Age De peed aT ightayas wcedasily Glisil IF AS Oly Cal Gall ples JO cijan a (Veda Loy ty ee odd peal ( Samhita ) tangata 04,8 ylazy y coal Gye | Vyasny lebyay los plihey ie a7 Ry layeSsy Gil Yajur logygel Sima 1oglele oe Athurva layla, Glas! ', (Brilimana 228i 9 seed ult le atedysj! ara poles «Ra Glake, odd Ants Goliat! age OS Scbgi gel hol tae (Mangaka be e eed ge Sl peed Gul. Vad cu CI SA 95 oS al Soigils 9 Gelece! S45 5 1S des yaitg OAs (pa) Ks955 age 99 jf AMT Gel Upanigucd) is ob lig! o¢ SNe (nisl dyaledoes Sly Gob 2782955 OF ise Ba Cole \ Wa antg) sy bombo tarsi Steg WoliY clodn gia pie ye deb, ca Shereydas ead £9 Nord g& (lo lesb ylgle Gl ile Glass oH) Jacques Masui et René Daumal. “1 Tableau du développement de la tradition hindoue -Approckes de Pdnde Parisy 9¢ ner yer Age rh. pees poe tlt 4, leo! coke geet Ugtes Wats hls ciaey 9 Aci aly Dike Ne _ddlyseae lo gOhloly (Vedanta) liiloy Jf Att yy gine] | Saw (Stitra) Ue Liye -o watheas oligo ylemy Gly jlle dats oS gl rBlewhler seas (kSpclaly gl deel sleilelSgagel Grauta stray ixUa,d «al F oal( Grhya siitra) 1 3yehan fe es Sake pry s Ole by seal Soll y SSH NAS gett hte dys Ole - ot! Gilpa stitra) U3 pabybed -¢ veuledcinas il Foley tae Osea: byte BIE! 5 Ogil gas a bs J Dharma sittra) Li galeyles - > weal go ute Smrti Ge -+ eal gayak dy! eg Septet: IG Geode Gla T jl A? gel we log ay bye gaghe axl (Jog slaast_ tz) (Vedanga) Kilog ey pAilpacd gly Biles att Loge Oy ners vocal Angas (phonétique) la bya (Siksa ) (282 -y pgmi(Jyotisa) lag =v Losle ely (Kalpa) Wor SMOljy geo (Vyakarana) GITky -¢ lidacay ~ GEV gle (nirukta)ES7y 733 -0 1 e976 (chiandas) 125ly = Coal gad ges Cael ga bays gol ple Jala (Upaveda) logy! -r el aa Axes (Sittra) old peal! Gastra) Ay Gy ner as ageSoyay byrne eb wil! vas sae gall slog gyal ay byrye~ gelld Oysd lage ay bye = gems =o « Nogly glesT Ay bare - ESR Sylaes 2 ) (Manava Dharma si Lawidle ylelolglle op + Sol (Manvantara) 1 !Slgibs 94S a yelezal alias by Osi Weawlea - leailuil bl Vgle (Valmiki) Sgedly ff ( Ramayana ) ULL (Iihasa) jobtel (Bhagavad Gita) 45 (Mahahharata) li!) alg TEST ge Olgas Sie yygte CLS 2 (Parina Why yp Ag) Gyablal Gledulen y leliil Wali ve ( Makapurana) & 5: Sle ily gy -! A 4KagS she Gly gg ( Upop pBleyls aS aylo ages Bralima — purina Padma « Visnu « Siva « - Bhagavata « - Narada « — ¥ lable Markandeya « i Agni « — Bhavisya —« ~ btaster -3 Brahmavairvata = odilyglls pgleely , Linga « - >» Jens Varaha — » lehlyery y WiIKaley Skanda “ = Vamana — » blige Kirra « =» bygSer60 Matsa “ Ho led le yy Garuda 6 = by ary Brabmanda « — ybilele ya Gels (Tantra ) eat FW yz MS peel: AS Sal 2 el ode weTIRa falls y coal ob as2 Gina: GLE! (parsana ) Bly! GA4 4 pcalead Ghd gody Olgas gf ally -1 sz) (NY 1 ( Gorama let gS 4) (Nyaya Sata) Saul) byte ally veel (ately Ghiw pla bynes (5 ji ( Conmologic ) gated Slee ap b5r + ( Vaisesika ) Stas Ca-r al UIST (Vatesisika Stitea) ple gal Ar byrne Alley cal slabs ble! . (Kanada ) Bl cg atilge olay bere ( Sdmkhya ) (gSile oe 1a come ( Kapila AD Lelecal o Leal ( Simbhya Sita) 8239 (Samkhya Kavika )S pee tol gitar Fu Ada) 51) ( Yoga ) se -¢ SK gah poe Mly, Gol DU se5e Algae tai! , cal (Patanjali) Slsibl wee (eel ge Of (Yoga stra) Ob OF Gam (Ges SE gar) ( Prieva Mimamsa ) Lailane 19194 <0 rir bby ys Alley cel S19 wale asl gles 3 Parva )o! seed ( Jaimini ) eee Ol Gilp43 025:( Mimansa Sara Luise + Sul( Vedanta) liloy AisliGles y( Uttara Mimams) lo! lez it Wlesleslyl cake play cul leoltsslyl oe ls G9 32 Ka 5h (Sat Oealay OUST sled C26 gal Slope) Ss Ole Ge Sysves ( Badarayana ) Uulyloy 31 ( Brahma Sita) CaS. ob Sew AF (Caturvarna) alFylge oli bg, Sy leeedy pli gil Aly candgaia Otel Uegnaiee ce OF US Slaiyyar Gis Ghsdee yl galy2 g Aztla dyes Sige asaisle Oke! jI ()(Feodalité) daglogti Olan lish pls. 2 yo jus Oy,i2 Sale + ulers: (pouvoir temporel )S9u29 ( pouvoir spiritue! ) o128gh 99 eX Sas Nop Abgl!2 gf An eal age Ghat US Sypar elec! CIT eke yey? abel Glyly OW objets ule y atl 148 OT Qelys aldol) aS7 Ly Gly Spa ery leyiSe Cubl AS baa gd alascls le plier (Onetion ) (12 pels pls olasts 94 (Dominivn mundi Ol gAse Saal coheed Coperes Gulls ate y Lawl) peed cages as Dene Shh hel see, le WUF os (Jati) las (Varna) Gly Liebeskind Histoire génerale des institutions’Cowrs donne a Y université = de Génive, ¥\2 Liebeskind y Op , eit ¢\ « Le roi tient de nuluy, fors de Diew etde lay » “ weg hs potent 9) Coreen bein Gly ai glan AS Aid yg ditas ey O45) Sah? S35 pat 699 29 6s yetnd SH (‘Théorie des deux glaives) =! weld S32 CI 2 GAP SIS II UT 5 Kaw aly Laake go ge! 6 cal annenmnmmmmnmnnmrment OT ee et ly rleaKails Abpee ryt eh AS cel elk ee jleege flies SAS lad iI Glib gale! Vy9leo SF gated by pare say? Jy iy jh olye. eal ey (Varna) Al” ytd 4 aS Lay, cal oo y & (Jatt) ai 82> 4 Goldel SI jl ooNagel ,ylolyygld olaataly pAET LAT 2 eel Std ob yt hee Gal sos _Spdaa fates lap (Gortika ) 635 Olyee Bagh jl AT cal Shei ae gamer ywmre Qladgs [Namika ] yok Glee 05e aS eee Sal sci SAT pase yd gal ATF IT ile Sal ails ne 2 Kee Gant! Glabeby plait Glo hal AS coud leegaad Gh!> all yi Bayh aglya yd glad ay Sal golh 9 Gate pb Lelle Glogs ALS aSileg. ( Jati) Golde Sljee ef Varme ) gated eb Shy 55 LH Blas LF 22 gla! Sliye s Salts Gladbeplaslsly GaSe 3 Asad OLS OUI aly be slanted Ge 2 gilésb pl Cals Abele aS cal gile sae id ayh dong CUIKAL G Gilles 45 p42 ATES 298 Oley LH yo (slaclge Jal Sialaas 242 cule) (Dharma ) sell paral aSayyhy ale pasha p)99 Ky Ra ghe 3 Acget at Aee DNyil Ag cagTaray daily liiee atieplas y Scale Hie la 2h ysily Carck Genn eS 9 ARs sylalacagy: Ghee Sleds Gilead GAT 9 Gal sell yaa 2 gildgh pli pede crt gait Uae AIS ylag Glib logehay (MAL laaly ddice (Purnia ) ze Oli! Gls » soisshs ( nian ay aya st ley ( Vaisya ) bday (Ksatriya ) Ula” ay dae » ea Gudea) Ole ge = Ogsilagy 9 Ab ( Brihmana ) Gleela i145, 4S jlgedieb 198 Ab lia S a1 aby Qaret pba Ol gee 1) Gotrika y Namika - Re Vidas) 4 a Manava Dharnnt Sistra 1,0 \ y Visnw Purdna Wyr~ re esi Cw + Ambed SUL OT atpols s Gab. web (Ksatrive j el sles” + AT QUIT, jY ab ( Vairya i lebcay Smet SIRS AT alail y lj 92S” y OSL ib (Sucina) Ueoge as Pye ditt clacel clale y Oyilay aT igilealy. & SU Lair: Ate jf bala sT 9h da aS yanks Galle gus FAK, by AT tl cae 255 alas yo GlagiT ach cel ase hii sanT Dlg OT gst By F dle. . yb loyeKyOyee © ( Macdonell ) QigaS Ls ctl seB Olas Gluol jl eS yo ay cul ode be Gol ly Gills y cit, Kae Eletel leas ab aly yo (NUL lates » Sydeed Hl caw yg oas seth at Sy Glaags, Soe TAI Shad gah jl ul leila ly » ATs cahd2 Slat ly ELA AIT Js Golde! Shuey Coy Jul 3 Aaa Dlealy lgies byl Ae Sled OVS 3 PAE Vlei gil nly rail Kay Sylaatal Ky gaily Olae ly dye gat anil Gey I chiles iy gh Fu5j aS 91s tbe cape gat ah cal lye pa ae Amaia atl CHD ally Olealy ey Faiyy 1, Salad Gulby y seed tet ger 9 oMI2 GTI EK gh Sj aS oe igiTaaby vailelacal Olytaley Orb. Ae bo! ( Ksatriya ) asks PSN TS 4 PEI L Gilles Syah> y gal glo! y well Gea Litas Lie oF bale WAL SL Ayla alle KegF Goold yyal yo Ugilacl, Aadlaglt S92 59 ye Orbe ASL y de Eliet pa ctltiles + Sool sibs 246 OI! (Dharma) caryt bin Sly 9 ody GH apt ale Waters SUES claely cans Lyydie (gue Ele jas did ae ool Arthur, A. Macdonell, ” A Vedie Reader for Stucdnis, Oxford, \44+ , or Mahiuldrata,Varna Parva, Clxxxix, - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnt nn TTT TTT tt et pless pee be olyrleaS ails dbees rat 45 Uyeaibiea,S ylen gel Gsila, auilyiees ( Dui -ja) 02h 38999 (arya) Gas layla olje aay as weladl 1) ( Sannyasin) 29a43 GAS by! oA S Gh gy clay oy gasile Gia y syd2 Gl Ole 4 Grleagd jl 2S” pope g (Paria) lay Abb ai yleg pls gol ody dye 32. jhe yy Ate gtag plli oil Ged Ada 4 iy aly LES aaba: [giDlanly igh ceei()( Mlecchah Jazaem plied gah! yl Syrang Se 9 Slee Ghee Se Joes Gai a cul cia y ple eed ed ilib pli 5! dyed 2958! Al Ale 92 Sh ced Ge) ete 32 ALaygbil Sek dale s else! > plliiy2 aS QL Sad ATs oy em sig OF gate ET an Lay Ae Cag) Golasil 2 lle pyc! 29 Ser GRP pt AEG G2 wel aA jl alje al etch odre aiaigs Glelogts eendKS 9 yatd slailen! 2 pat aaS ariligg tie gt? ALL OSG yee Li eatily ? Shadsig 9 ge GR carey 3 gal Ghee g site plaelyrdate Oblas JAS jh 92: GT aN jects Wy pal eM eget IST ASAE Cong Sle yee 9 Anya | aislay ceayy pte s Sedee DOL > Cl y Lesh ailaljl Obey AT eal gine atte oaT AT (Shee ab Lagden ile (lls 5! Sypsatal ne yh} 2ae alee sate OL ak. 257 2 ag dele Monothéisme Polythéisme v ray wag Ghlo auS dS Sli 5 50 a eal ny gle gate gu! bal Sala gy 92 IOlyas Aeakis itd Slay 9 OSU gs Ghd C2 Ui stge! Shig cal Slay feted Abed OS st Olgaia oT fwole Geils GAT tghtes gal jyay ead ty Sosy Gol Sy Gil. takin Glealy Li y ailaias ogden y tle ajay 45S oy Guan ai, Gaba 2S Oly Arche Gok Olyion WOlee ye Sa Sa 9F4i 5 col Ky5) Ay olSL yl Ley ul ( Chali gS Ai y Sal day eagle gy lens y Glulele Olely Ty. AS i oedly + Sul( Tevara ) 2529 ples y Glie b Ohelyy & (Say 1 )Olels EFL sealilis 9 OLAS pial Bhlo Aaj aS dly ae lke |) aide ou! ic Vemed leap 9 OAL! piel lis gl chiles!» SIEK at ae pal 2 Agila y cal Colas 9 dpdreal! Clie aly Llp lie IT ys y ot les oe tse OQlas weal sgl olen SS yale AS Ssh S olin y Gated asl Se 72 gee oy rere ay ale, The transformatione AS yA. K. Coomaraswamy aia, gl) dietst3-\ of Nature in Atr New - York, \ [Neve bevy To Conceive of Hinduism asa polytheistic system js in awa gine itselpf a naiveté of which only a western student , inheriting Graecu- Roman concept of «paganism» could be capable ... ) Br, hadéranyakopanisad U1, sa ~ Ghéndogyopanisad WI , \ +]x. or plans pp let etyrlesKisls dees ean Oldest yolie ( dus'ya ) gc lle (ag Glee OF 52 G= lig iI 593 gall zene 9 OCsankara ) IASG aa ay Ly g Gal Ge ( abhasa) Lad jl eagoly( dtman ) 98 bib jee OTy2 9 AS epee Olde 2H 255 Gilda Gli old pyatcel unKanplle andl gale AgiT ged veya OU 255 cond Gblijly ALS agate y Jew Kail y ySe gale de CulVl Clee (ser Dyeayplbel Ob lasrenl ene sls plas Qoltaeles gal s (sadrs'ya ) (ele ) Gtlneyn tlic pont ole gtldge ysl Geol) |S ( pratika ) gHiay igay sSlaitaSly caeiayher pl 9 029d Aled get Glylo aT cal gal cel Laban gs Cail Olay Layer 3! ged ile ale bid)! g ales ole ( pratika ) ye! ales head ela Gls pled Aig] etl ace OT Gage aS” Olee ayl&h JS g SICAL lye! Dlg Oke gy cal jog et 32 Sie 4 dle Syn Ley, ataalys AS age y aplegue Abily le 32 Ae ee EKia! a) Waylelat Spar galee yell ned 9 Amnree sy 7 ( Sukvaca Rene Gucnon . fetroduchin 42° rude des doctrnes hindowes 4 Paris \Qet ste) + «Dans! Inde , en particulier, une image symholipue req’ résentant Pun oul autse des « attibuts divins » et qui est appeliée pratika » n'est point une idole , ear elle n’ a Jemais été prise pour autse chose quece qu’ elle ext réellement un support de mélitation et wn mOKes auviliaire de réalisation Sedtmaniripana, §> Sukraniith ira AK: Coomarassiamy op ct 1 te JIS “Yr ra4 she g Grpnecyyey Ale Oday Gaile rasliginn pcier oyrmey dale staily oi Bilgzeir ght ardiio yr Ale Grgrgd gob Sikes slaSlowyl Cole 2) 50a) ly gl opt dnc yd oy Oyay « (nadeva devam yajet ) aad cols ty a: «'(deva bhatva devam yajet) 2,Sailyi oole Sy yor les Aigcige data ely (Samadhi) les pliny> Li ryney le Adz! jai gene Gil Ogeg Biles opens Get |) age (mit) SXty (vepa) AS cal cpl cud oll Clie y alan! (avasthd ) Glad oe yor aya Gil! (amarta ) JStye y (aripa) cy pe yojl oie aS gaily syener Gerbil) loule ell Sieg hd Bye yd gil jloes Ss. 9289 glad a hh Jipst ghys Lally Alarsls oye sloyy> oly pyle das litre Sy year ES ye GS ged Me Spa EK pk Cod AY daeegd 9 oS gace G22 gs! Ose Aiylad Keo pyle pailsy ela l i 2 Eb get Slajlulet 4 belntS: Gab UgiTabyl, oly cal oylizees Eset as alee agrhary Sjlone Aa lar nes GLuslals by Spey caigedee ver by leilad Nas ale 2 Km O1j> pyle dew Ati 9 2)! 252 |; age Oso ake Ge wh lute Isy jl ad late by ginli AS yaie QT yo ce SAT Aa al | Ae See (dirs) Gee La ( Philo-Sophia ) iig2 (6 Obj > Cad eae : 31. Good <, Aig, aly sylai Gialas os 7 y3 cecalins Aili OT ys ot SL AS ge Sp gett S gS pad so Kae ( Dante ) oi] 2 atu yg LAT oo gts acne ennnmnmmennmnmnmmrrn ETT eet caters pret zlet colyal osKSilo Adee rv: (Jar) Laue Ada iledl oil “cea A dyrg 429 OT SpA) tay Salle ope je tag Cibibes le GBH gilaye BLE]? od Sel ot oF Gee Oars Ly AIR cpl yg UF Gara ebay gle "(Max Miller) ye} ge gS be cal uid ahs sly AT cath Lelbes uh gly Seat enkeall gheld phan » wh enkee Oye Coane ptnedulilyl ania EK Le aS eal Gaze bis hades aSGT Maced ace y Jal ae gates aaypsgdei tin JEL sly aslo eile GES peda le Gly by Le Sena shale pK 52 OV dg ASU de 9 Go 23 Stee lyin. alent eas old SVG Le Le Sgn ol at ylle Thess pebble Agia AS (Waisésika) 1, zy yale Vil) fpanca~-Dhvita) OLUy ASeed jal SVE has 03S Sabi a2 5253 (Samkhya) Wi LeylolegSil. waar ee ul ee 5 gelesen mes jel so a5 (Purnsa—Praketi ) Ga Lt gy ay ng Ate delyoskasy Qt va Alacae play sighs Gogeeres gla tlie Aimy ele U ogee coal gab ilerd gel D gg clea gael GK _ yl GleOT oy 230k jacaype hess SAN 92 5 shar Ale, jl ( Yoga) aS (Vedanta) Liles AK SVU y deyee (Asvara) Soy ody oa otyS Jalal gay pli! coal Sayed Ganh Gactier! daw Pr f Ons fu laws gh ga hel GUE aS ould ple y geil Helle pleas leat ol Olstesd ley? 5 Bhbes CSE gal, LER e Gel ai yd Slee SuaSy gyal gil Ap Cuil? SAS lls celal ine At SELL Ke Cla 1- Six systems of Indian Philosophy. London, 1844 2 Cosmologie analytigue. j~ Cosmologie synthétigue. SLAY Bil pobe CAREE lyfe gate ell (Miménsa) Lilacs (Yoga) Wy (Samikhya) LgSil (Vaisesika) Ole ge tale lame caimcrda |) OKs yy «(Vedinta) tilay « ed dyes bis Clg les cae eS SAM tes 2 Ogee HE My phi KG lye “eo GE Saslly ois A251 Sya54 13970 0 daly Olys ales OsIc, ol lyr ey ailik, WEL oy Ks BL) phy Jom Oly |) 6 K3 5, Sateen Sle ALIQota; Lily eS paiies 5) ale yey o ey eel eb tla saz] (Nydya)uly _, WIS geht [JVacaly ter vinsGhis csttely peel gall Ge y8 cal syeca( Gotama JbabigS ayy (Nyays Stra) iy. 8 garentSey LB AS ion sadet( Vasa) Lal 93 ( Kanada )laGi Oye G5 ol, al 0 MF Oley Wp ghe cel inne Oubey Ole b AS Sal Syaey CG DUIS yy gto tpn (Panini) gieily | cual Torey Says Dail gle bl SN LE Ade age tee el UF ples 5 92 4 (Vga) Atayh S26505! ats, OF (Ji) a, weal Sy col ot Ope tio Sor GALL Ghesgley AT aiylaoge9 GS2 Ol pace els Als eke (Pramina sastra)' jiulSlLilyy he phe by (Heta- vidya) Lea gyse. Ly (tarka vidya) Ls 91S Uy OY gin ME (tattva-sastra) Linley 6, ae René Guénon. op, cit. ¥\¥ Ge ~ The Nooya stras of Gotama The Sacred Books of the Hindus seyamajy —¥ allahabad \4y. vvr ul 2 DY aal ple fs oan by abeed cao iy § (Pramana) UL, Aabbloly gust coalgal ghel gies 93! gh nay2 ht Gn Silay Gite tl JO I yglitay Coal Ogee Care! © EPs aS anes ost files Gola alyie gal yest colageniiy coal J Vaal Sie adleley (upaména) dav lie (anumana) ct \ (Pratyaksa) Syot jh asybe «'Gabdah) eauggclsly uly aS agily cgazayl> pi (Prameya)ledyy (32 Wylok wend Slag h AT Sel G5 pares taly cul Sole ste Si oka V Oye ple Luly Gas se gis ke ue AS agpil aly Aadlty> by 14 del sie all Spo alge eaylaney Arles cod eb 9 lyoly Analing I Glare Seal Uginay ile ole aylo WT aye Gates SV pele Att aS geilate ae IL Sst ertaes yada y AKyed WTI os et diy jh; Lid 9:0 Oye cone Whe 298 eaeyeil pret AS coal dita 9 dilagad a celdgel pain cel Gi [eal el ee | isesa] ada) 51 (Vaicesika) eetisy (See ty UgiT abagty yo ty ot HUTS aS lays aS cel gi! dich b aalilas Ugil (glS Ganily 21) elect! K+ gal andi LF gest 2a Pal irin las gily 2 Teal odd Ole Gelgil: Kase gl bly gh) aKa sw « Sivas I/] + Pratysiksimumanopamanasabdah pramanani, ~ \ hoa cal od Oley Lal we gin pyle dr bgtze Slay 2 jleTys ae oiler fabs j} (nibs veyatscadbigatnaly) Goa pls gafaller scl asad ad Sg LT03> NeiyaSitraT 2 gee hole Agi 2 le (tattevajaanit ) qymey on2? ta tT sjk ct rr data GT peejl le VgtRetetis Ke gall. ayes sat Ly be ghey aS cal ely EK al gyal Sad pete (Kandida ) 1G argceal (Vaisesika sir) ALIS? gies hb Crypts apts OU glade lle ool Gly cal cagb oe Poy gat y oul Rete sy OK Gow vip oily OTS pole seul (Sankhya) gS, Carag ali aT” y Salty als ogy Oligs bhai tay Se Cagb Aili oe el Kaetusy oylo Voie gal ly oul (Padartha) SW 22 Jyol Alabey g Aled SG LE OS. io slt OY yi scuba gel: (dravya) bys yl Uyloly -, ge) ny Je reel lagen ye AF eines coke (guna) US p99 Gylaly oy il ley E35 298 AT Sul ad (Karma ) Uy WT pe Wyodor weal se ge SLES Absa! b (Samanya) WiLL ples Bylo veel setatae Smel Myay jab (visesa) LEA sy gry G,lal cull gh GBS SB ES lie y yalge jl pel aliylolo os Uylek WS) st lye Atgena b ( Samaviya ) {\glele i Cal Ae yar WeSylol Cabhava ) ty cyoyese Gai & OT GE edge SCs | (bhava eyloly Jes tb 4» ( + Canal gay! ese Slinay Se Pct lice g eis Ayia! ay 5K pie AS Aalye gltl Ugl lige ii Slew ay La (Prthivi) yes} ai Kay jolce;! AW yle egal (dravya) byl > Sleil (Héla)Ols} ols Uylaly gel (akasa) jfly (vay) Iye (tejas) GAT (Ape) Gl 22 ytee sal (dis) OKs settee Eke oil tak Slee Spas gelellasl 2 SK OL; eran gy Ks ool Sy cul lawn Sai byrys OK Olay deve seiceheieiael sameeren eee eee colyol aKaile dees yvé Uris (aunan) 2929 Ghycigias (manas) UBS diley he aS sKee g ltl 5.5 Aas asl bad! Gabe aS cad Sel bel OlasTy Glad GIF Ae gers alboddatl ail ai Spel galjl ob peswol ell ie EIS KE geo elie K+ (Samkhya) gS + Mim era cpl lic cal sae (giaeld “(Richard Garbe) gy 9 shay AS 2S agg At Solaray A ble dalen shh 51) > MG ead day aiSel Gish WL GLSl Ka cal dices SLIT pL sls undead gs gly shea Gore Isl Oy ray eKaly dim aly yy) oye os VAS cal abias Jeli Seelgor2 cee bed Le jpradhana) Bstyg (pratt) go 51 gad” Jake fuel, Spies stb ggS ger 3” cael dag! Aday AS hel gal. cael Olga Gast Ay algleole oylo pbs AT eelige ol ol e Shey ge daw ole ded ly (avikrtih Jou! edaliogey: 3S p@ (mola prakrti alley ge dea ole 238 cy “Caviker Joye D> prakr 9 (avyakta ) & 5 as GaehT Os Ga Sy Sol Clee chy Bi Aday 258 Calg dee Atay aS! & gas La Creed oly gh aK cekey Gulia Chl os pepo Atay dph cetlee aha SN Die Sinha Philosophie -) Leipzig, Vass, Hastins, Eneyelopaedia of Religion and Ethics yy 5 XT ale NAR spol LSTA AK Gane Gag gb aleel pb aS etl abl aah sgh lal y ous Sikankya y Sakisa aby Calaey yelT Ung og) YT veel cp Kail old CRD Samkhya Kirika, © T Samkhya Sitras, 1, ~ + proj dle rye I pgb pcm DIET 2 TH Gia cary? aS eal( guns) abSie WKice caine degal Jol AS dptge Sel; dale Jyay Apis! oly? ad yy geld Jalaite Galil Wageg ia delay? 298 pli Cloymge yeh 3 ydypd da jl (Sattva) Gogne Gulail ogi}! wlayle Julia 5 (rajas) blog) Geledly os el aX eli Gel. "(tamas) ogla5i delat: oy go aed Olga Aglgl cole ly Atey ee Ling) . Atelige (purusa) ogy g2 gS Le ane jlejeey (drastsrtva ) odin” 21,2 (madhyastha) akria) gy) gt ES rey Glas QT & Olga LaT ( kaivalam ) , G-1 Gao gexe Bye 6 get ogags Ailtay gy Ose dept ghey! deel) (moteur immobile) Olen eels > gel eas gy sll cul Use ely Atl K rel cl GS opsiyses jl GS AS (Samihya kari | GU "LeF edad Gpte cca (Lavra kryna) Udy Tytytel Ay Siyetar yglter(prakttih ) Jains Jol b (purusa) Jeol (samyogals } 43 (pangu-andhavat) coal ¢ Aya gS 2b1 4 Lead 92 op liged Les > + ( ketah) Balpe aay (sargah) os. il waleols Gerla Olgedibleus glad Cpt yh & Why BLT falas rajas y led SU Glas Vyat by G95) ele) tmas Teslac Olas |» 1 BAD ga AKI Jy trimirti gare Okla IMALae yl atleols Gala Glee oh GES Oleal 2 dal ey geatil 2 23 See GALI al! Gales old: GLaly DLT Jalad panmiy 0351 Tbe Gaal y Gy gett yo gle Wayy alias bs weed ae Purusasya darsanartham kaivalyartham tatha pradhanasya ~ 1 Pangu andhavat ubhayorapi samyogah tat krtah sargah Sémbhya Karika, ¥\ qulegs pyw flat algal $Stilodbee ra cul gKile Sal heel age aT Qu S Ly daly! sole gcangd cil abesilj! IS” fie i) pny Cie pled Cul glee Goats 9 Cameat Jeol AT Ltyy yp pile Jeri! yo, tl. 424) (panca bhiita) awed jolie G (mahat buddhi) pile Kosa Jelatan olay Ho Kel QT Ly ost Aalal cepa: OLAS ples seals Aialys aolol all Glas Urbeily Gazi yloly taylan ghy> care) Sal] yun yp ge Gail Ady ~ (Vora) - gn Aye -f ey adT sighlees (Oly) fea OS; ylge D2 TS ylacdl D2 ,Si eb y2 6 Gtaged veel «Yoken AlSiby cJougy dail ary «Jungere » yo Yay «pe al Oday 25 G2 ails Cay Saas slmal Oslei g.g29 03} las Gline Ley Gal Joy e5e ole wi Slate LIT, Ailieayed Gyinn Aylerpee Groby he Gisy Shy Co! CHI ana GS Ag Gy! shayly cylde 9 Gd gldl GliAlayy cul (moksa) Bless gohs Grpbtlye eculyg yo (guru) Gat ANT) Gand GPA sale sly aly GY AT CT Ley cul Glee dad Dye atte oly Line play a5. Sa Dye Gy Ebel jl 1 ajleene soled (samsara) SS aijy Sp ago 22713 ERL9 35 Keargeg Thy coal gil. les Olay Lyle! agin Senoy:(nirisvara)ly Iytalj! Gleb gl. (moksa) ital Qehs Gleb 3! wy 5 (Wasa) eles Ogg sll aeiag (Patanjali), JesUyaSiie eb Lelait ya phi KAT GW » 812,57 Sly (Vachaspati Misra)" pies ilmlely 9 wlaz2ls 2png 55 dole gins Goji Gl Aye Aye gal otaal Uda suis le Mircea Eliade “Av Le Yoga , Immortalité ct liberté Paris James Houghton Woods The Voga system of Pataiijali Hanard Oriental Series V4 ye s+ VVabe rw aaj Je Dyuaharcnsgicge Slagsth 51 Dlalaty ght (Mircea Ulinde} ele! leror apllies aKa Yo,8 aS cad plye dette, 9 ale Bla ys ge) SUI 9s op let aeal gatas Glijes Gur ci ae pares AT cal ooh) Ogiis cad ocd 021 GUL Gola! ples aed Bad AKL, atl a orgey Gil algstin elagajl OU greg lo 20 AS ga Uy A Ashe day Geass oat Tdlege AF ce! eG UT Soles Gas sale S Slay cyaing pllisy ab) ES olayelie gel cl5hjl a7 anal’ lysed ool gele Ae Ghelh GK pL ayy,5 Tye! ei 1392 (dukhinameva satva vivekinah) e=alelys 2)2 284i] 8 sl , Caudle y Wg AF 9 ANU 2y 95am datn 2252025 ol) Cobban 51! (Buddha) aol Wks plas lS oly (sarvam duhkham sarvam anityam) Spe Si99,F 9 hy 9 252 SBee jl ley g Gyles aie GaSe pled cal coe weal okey jsut g3y2 gli WS gy AK eo tegial Kirt | Aye (Yoga siitras)! 5 GB Tage! (Vogah citta urttinirodhah, 1, 2 «2! Bil wit Shy GLB Oil geleles ote pan gaan Si Saitoh oe pe” gy Shes Gils Sper jole (samadhi) lig Jley ot oilazag 3 (saimprajnata samadi) «goles les | salen gate, sao aia ly Sleslcul sad Mircea Eliade - Le Probléme des origines dit oa 4 Paris 19535 \\u2 Yoga-seience de Mhomune integral 3%) oly cael gaey OE Citta cy Knit. Jobs Ly ON ge cred Giant Nyal pS grodlny st! 1 Grae ES DN ge. aed 02,T Aa FLY! oe val urttinirodha Lois Massignon, Lexigue technique de la mystique Musulmanes, 2y20r|;+ Paris 19545 AV u- prsem wily al SAKAI IS dd vA (" (asamprajnata) ag liable Lrstelrcal gate prt hinds ley ly 5 the Wy gilwdi Sle eat Olga cole dy). samadhi) Mea}! Aastha (samskinah) Ogee gee jl SG ASL (vasana) az urlelasl Sajal. (chagrata) daly Abd eS 5555745}! Ailey pats Olay SHaS" slabs cual (tapas) Coley walgote e gteeal Soe 3p (mien) gg] Sy pdeneeeSe (Yantra) « gedta GateSeSahy « Ce STS, 5a wh § svara) « (3! 2g gga. tab ello sl Bleyley Adlgdece + (yama) gy W jam y =) herd OT Gage: 4S (niyama) gzaly = ee (tapo-dvanda saham) iy elle gaily (sana) thee Giles OS oe sles Gegatee cal (hatha yoga) ‘ = (pranayama) jaily +2 + (pratyéhara) gyls GlS>}! Geil 2ypF -0 Say aS (dhdrana) alge bye 5 _ (dhyiina) eae lings S ~ 27 (samadhi) psheas pile abit. dey on cet Yoga sittra 15 gall gels” yeanii p> Vyasa Lely -1 rt Oy digttla gatl ae Bink Siege? Gal ihe gall sdigder ele gates ype Bisdyay Shesy ctl samah orttayo nirodhavyah asim nirodhe samprajnato va samadhirbha asamiprajn: Vaya vitra I, 29 Yannoniy dharani dhyana samadhayo slavangani ra se heli selene Y (youl) « eS Slynsatla yiley cols lle Gil}! sly (Praketih) aly! j@ ya (Mahat Buddhi) JS” jae U syns 5) eS Vb s(Purusa) cbt lew alien y Ul go BE ST d5m9 (Ivara) dhos ¢lé \2}emel (asamprajniita samadhi) jllae Slagey Gam tga ilgitae (kaivalya) jlaey Jol 323 Cul So Obl gh 2(Atmand) 346 lug) (Atmanam)l) 396 yb =: plas Jel A ole al &. Silay ager foie. «2929 ln Abeebes Golo piles 295 pled jl sl. Sew cbt ee (uncl GUT 4A5} ES S295 dees (moksa) Glee Ge yeliny ase os y (ivan mukeiy ality Geet SF tar dal gpl hel yiae (Mimiusa ~ Liles od Lnilenel sys | : FaiKnc glabile,lojal oss Kage gel cal gare a) S22 clay by Adlydeps (Uttara Mimansi) Lullege Us! 9 (Parva Mimi ALAS agi Wgte (Katya) Sony cul bop patiins gl lecilene . ag osclel Leilene dally 2j12 glee dase gilyyoy ag plait Jas (dbarina) al» yal Lele p92 Lailees AST le, asi le. 3 (Karma Miminsa (SpraSng let! y cirecnl by ay oyloeli (Brahma Mimausa Louis eS op Ahaha oS Leidaga oligo 3 ol cat cil Oia aT Minima Stina) | cecal Jaimini) (ginean ay peta Olislly oo lake treed (Veda) log (anta) OLY caer (Vediinti) iley Lasky Ose ely T beg clyl yo le oleilsl liege! sliced le Cy parcudosnce (Badardyana) ULL lbadiedl aS (Brat Sawa) Loy. cal asthe gland OI pada pe per glad Gal eal ot Sheree (Madhava) |yle>Ley(Ramanuja)le il) (Sankaracharya) })GLilgiT gp sees poe d pope yl scaly ot saKBs12 dee TAs eS 31 EKA Oadig eal die gee Cote oi 9 pata OyF 39 11S peels lacdy Lilog ye Ke Ga tegay 129 pur Lint sige lan las EF OLS lay le clailyl gejcegejt Gaajlys WWGLs scteed OS pened Coal sii eS Addy eRe lleyd AT ire: by Sedan gle (Atma-bodhals) > 353 aj lA lye AS cal tj lay bane gated UTE Kila gy! Dekdraya viveka) 234549 ge jletal (O(Viveka ctida mani) cae cli esi (itmajndnopadesa vidhih) 29% Ciya+ deaSS aly (Upodesasahasr) 44 315 we bd eed go Gale Gel glo Abeba (advaita) cay pe ly Wloy ggild Jagat) Olas (satyam) 212 ceyadly (Brahma) bi Glaal) 4S cal at al oe& Ay (Brahma-eva Cal Dlealy gee (jiva) be Ob y (mithya) cul Abas! eXzaSly V2 ;1ai syns yt se Keegey lee egal le gate (")(na-aparah) Spb geen! (antar (24 iT bby ope (Gtman) Ges Ose cud asle Se ae EIS 99 Hopanisad, V) SEs! Leg! axle 91 « (bahyatas) OT J yiles AUF Olagage dat Clb 50 he gee yoy (tad antar asya sarvasya) lye y+ ly (sarvasya asya bahyatas) oHlasl: ‘Bhagavad Gita) GS ols lg: & AALS got SRK OT 5! oh jay KEY Good get grey Viveka yy) ween 2h Oly aK LAT beg lys aT eal ghiers GLE yadey 1m jaganmithya jivo brahmaiva ndparah “ Brahma si Richard Garbo. Vedinta, Hastfings, Eneyclopaedia of Religion a 942 txly+ andl Ethics Vy Se #N AN > dan dsp 12 coal sdie gall vl Ol gs 1y(pantheism) Jas Ae ¢geie 7 Sen dab Lady Seal Nd jeg dae ger col plley clas sya ge Kiet ot tee tls peat gl te cechjeg Mek SB glds Jy cal MA jap daw de J Glog ares Aad gal o ghee? 9 glreli'y cul pany Sel TAY see gsT pba {na ca aham tesu «placiles yhi lel? gays Hilogese 42 Glogage platy Aig (Dhiitabhet) Culesla gage Gelaly Suel ily a0lee Ly. avasthitah IV, 5-4) Oke ly: AT a pdine blasted Oecd begell. (bhiitasthah) Glosasaj> 2ge24 OUST Yoles Tal gly Cul alk pas Obl pas ple Cita pay clas o& aS OT Oye 27 Ol ge Oly ty ()(ayam atma bahia) Glee Y sgl ig tine YS Gly 32 col pelle ely olay aS Olea bbl piles [aul be aig Ole Soler 457] (jiva) bye glow Glial gle; cole pl Ose lt degeegilate iT lis (LSIy Gel ge pane GEL eeas Ae lyr OLR Ly 269 02S ogle Lagbl cnigin dy Aztloy lee}! (avidya) bom (V(tat tam asia get Llyn yh) olay! AT edt mga hel sists cyt Lalergabaly «geuey galy (asi) ae «OUST azn (lad) Lyem gine (tvam) 52 Asgles rgd Apey Olas yc gray QoS yey (Samdnidhikaranya) Galy> 52! ND eed eh gee gle me ine {{M(brahmavid brahmaiva bhavatiy . ()(aham brahma asmi) gine Olee ly oe ra igatege pb ly 2503 ley d y ile ole yall andy ade Glee! y (dele) BU gl cael ries giant Asya Jol Gye 8 Mejl Gla ya ge Kaw redy oy ea geal dls (arya) ple Hes ASI Ly cal bares lle dat! 2 a5 298 gly cal Le (indriya) Qelya 9 (ahambirah) 22 OUST op Caul oojgT oymg gh AT End gill ass Brhadéranyaka-Upanisad 11/5198 Sankara, Brakmasitrabhasay 1,11, 6 “ Chindogyopauisad, VL + Mundakoranisad U1, 2,8 -t Brhadaranyakopanisad 1, 4,10 “ palees paceglad ly stesKeilodles rat 8S (pada) aay dylgay rund Olgas? QUIT, cual te gt paleo Clyne + (*) (avasthactraya-saksi) eS Lpsde Giles bly de Lay nel es hey le ogo Layl pllge & ai promatha) Gal tp! Ls j.aS”( Jagarita Sthana) yng slag gle - « (pada) {svapna Callas busy Si 520Ls als aS” (dvitiyah padah)ey24i 7 . Sthana) Gee Gls OT gal g lye pile (tetlyah padah) » 40 AS y+ -- . (Susupta sthana) al ge alley oyle ol (1iviya) Lys (caturtham) plan 45 -¢ cal OlaiTags a gaatWy pls gly ergeey ltl puny? ObeiT pancakes jo rphy WAP gal Cogdeealb ain 23 ore es zs [Sdiitha Sarita)gg bowen annamaya kosa Nae pied — prinamaya kosa 633 ysitiy23 =y Aih)ywaie } manomaya kosa GatiyAd or viinamaya kosa die ti -< karana sarira la!) cle ate Anandamaya kosajsoe9 423,45 -0 ag 4 AS Aigdas Shy ckSG! Arte OLST oy» alee Ogerti @ opanisad (2 a) Sankara Vieeka cud mani, 125, Miandikyopanisad, 1, 3 “r Sankara-Ibid, 125, -t Tautlin{yopaniidd IU, 10 rar S28 Gy atsjkedle § GUS y> (Sankara) |) KS, Se cb edbloaly Ghays gbh cise 2 ABS LE erst U4 S951 ped GRE oS gs gel (Vivekie cud may Tc opt Als ba Sigel AT Ia Say diddy aiKReey Ole youl 2yl2y2 beat Ny aataly gal AT Seal GS Bi 25} Lane adglll ete hy Gio Glad zy gal goes SEUAT S yal d Al gly. dpctode EOS 29 HEU Lbs Olga AS Cord ly hu lede Wiley ¢ peed odd (gh Fo} lal - 03,5 gle) ( a Sard ele ES Ay gediles cal plleyges ceils as 5 se aT S139 Ge Ade, So UT Aaslig: Ging al gall se dle gee 2 We Sol Clg SS cal all ges Caley CURA Bag 5 lle Gal eae Gad SG1 5a, wasloeys chads op8jly! SAE Sayed label S12 ab ots seayiet (Drk-drsya viveka) 2gete 9 Mele got 5 ) & Lede (Saktidvayan) GIy 9 TNS Gays. 2 Lai (may aa il ge |) Slee (viksepasaktiy SAS Gad (vibwpasiverianapakam) jb Ti (jagar sriety SaSny ple jh ch coal F395) GAS Sy yo) 4a! be Le be a PS apy AI gs chia 09 g4Kil Biel Ui gt, « (avidya) Gilets Qa 2yten & lila Bp ASN) Joe Gle ody ad cot Vuilee igh Gas Obes}! CKi2j! ay SS ler aay (maya) lee pAsiz (adhydscarypa, pred Gia oils boi ont 9 hte s cgigeti lle | Bhagavad Gita, 1V,6 A.K. Coomaraswamy-Review of Religions, \44V Saktidoayam mayéyd viksepavrrtiripakam, 13 “1 plese Hae rat ASL AK olay gail Slay ile GL ATF ga Alas AKASH dole be Gli Get > les pylany ple obeily opt dete cabin yi (glee 228 Sis! 2 Sredle jolets Gli}! CULaly garosdonagtly AF Lens 22 _ (thar brahma asmi) (4 Olealy Gaal cians AT gaily ool py

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