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 Small Repair Patches (API 570 C2)

 The diameter of electrodes should not exceed 5/32 in. (4.0 mm).
 When the temperature of the base material is below 32 °F (0 °C), low-hydrogen electrodes shall be used.
 Weaving of weld beads deposited with low-hydrogen electrodes should be avoided.
 All repair and welding procedures for on-stream lines shall conform to API 2201
 . Examples of small repair patches are shown below in Figure C.2.

Size of the patch should not exceed 1/2 the

pipe diameter. A full encirclement sleeve
should be used if the corroded area exceeds
the 1/2 diameter.


1 in. (25 mm) minimum radius

Figure C.2—Small Repair Patches

Q1. A 14” O.D. pipe has a corroded area on it. What is the maximum size of a small repair patch that may be
used to cover the corroded area? (API 570 C2)

Answer: 14/2= 7”

 Corrosion Rate Determination (API 570, 7.1.2)

1. Point-to-Point Method

2. Statistical Analysis Method

 The Owner–User may elect to use a statistical analysis method (e.g. probability plots or related tools) to establish
a representative corrosion, remaining life estimate and/or re-inspection date.
 Any statistical approach shall be documented.
 Care shall be taken to ensure that the statistical treatment of data results reflects a reasonably conservative
representation of the various pipe components within the circuit.
 Statistical analysis employing point measurements is not applicable to piping circuits with significant localized
unpredictable corrosion mechanisms (See additional notes and statistical analysis in 6.5).
 There are many statistical tools that can be employed once Piping Circuits have been properly established. While
such calculations offer a convenient means to numerically summarize Circuit data, it is often the combination of
descriptive statistics plus data visualization through statistical plots that provide the most useful results.
 See API 574 for additional discussion on statistical analysis methods.

 Remaining Life Calculations (API 570, 7.2)

 The remaining life shall be calculated from the following formula:


tactual is the actual thickness, in inches (millimeters), measured at the time of inspection for a given
location or component as specified in 5.7.
trequired is the required thickness, in inches (millimeters), at the same location or component as the
actual measurement computed by the design formulas (e.g. pressure and structural) before
corrosion allowance and manufacturer's tolerance are added

Q1. A NPS 6 piping system is installed in December 1989. The installed thickness is measured at 0.719”. The
required thickness of the pipe is 0.456” It is inspected December 1994 and the measured thickness is
0.608”. An inspection in December 1995 reveals a 0.025” loss from the December 1994 inspection.
During December 1996 the thickness was measured to be 0.571”. What is the long term corrosion rate of this system?

A. 0.02114”/year

Q2. Using the data in question #193, calculate the short term corrosion rate in mils per year (M/P year)
A. 12 M/P year
Q3. Using the information in questions #193 and #194, determine the remaining life of the system.

A. 5.44 years
Q4. Using the information in question #193 - #195 and assuming an injection point in a Class 2 system with 7
years estimated until the next inspection, what would the next UT interval be?

A. 2.72 years
Q5. A seamless NPS 16 pipe, ASTM A135 Grade A material operates at 550 psi and 600 degrees F.
maximum. The thickness of the pipe as determined by the last inspection is 0.40”. The pipe has been in
service for 8 years. The original thickness at installation was measured to be 0.844” Two years previous
to the 0.40” measurement the thickness of the pipe was found to be 0.54”. Determine the greatest corrosion rate, i.e. short
or long term in mils per year (M/P year)
A. 70 M/P year
Q6. A seamless NPS 10 pipe, ASTM A106 Gr. B material, operates at 750 psi and 700 degrees F. (maximum).
The thickness of the pipe as determined by the last inspection is 0.30”. The pipe has been in service for 10
years. The original thickness (measured when installed) was 0.365”. Two years previous to the 0.30”
measurement the thickness of the pipe was measured to be 0.31”. Determine the greatest corrosion rate, i.e., short or long
A. 0.0065 inches per year
Q7. A seamless NPS 10 pipe, ASTM A106 Gr. B material, operates at 750 psi and 700 degrees F. (maximum).
The thickness of the pipe as determined by the last inspection is 0.30”. The pipe has been in service for
10 years. The original thickness (measured when installed) was 0.365”. Two years previous to the 0.30”
measurement the thickness of the pipe was measured to be 0.31”. The next planned inspection is
scheduled for 7 years. Using the worst corrosion rate (short or long term) determine what pressure the
pipe will withstand at the end of its next inspection period?

A. 663 psi

 Inspection Interval (API 570, 6.3.3 & Table 1)= Setting Inspection Intervals Without the Use of RBI
 If RBI is not being used, the interval between piping inspections shall be established and maintained by using the
following criteria:
a) the corrosion rate and remaining life calculations;
b) the piping service classification (see 6.3.4);
c) the applicable jurisdictional requirements;
d) and the judgment of the inspector, the piping engineer, the piping engineer supervisor, or a materials specialist, based
on operating conditions, previous inspection history, current inspection results, and conditions that may warrant
supplemental inspections covered in 5.5.
 The owner/user or the inspector shall establish inspection intervals for thickness measurements and external visual

inspections and, where applicable, for internal and supplemental inspections.
 For Class 1, 2, and 3 piping, the period between thickness measurements for CMLs or circuits should not exceed
one-half the remaining life or the maximum intervals recommended in Table 1, whichever is less.
 Whenever the remaining life is less than four years, the inspection interval may be the full remaining life up to a
maximum of two years.
 The interval is established by the inspector or piping engineer in accordance with the owner/user's QA system.

Table 1—Recommended Maximum Inspection Intervals

Type of Circuit Thickness Visual

Measurements External
Class 1 5 years 5 years
Class 2 10 years 5 years
Class 3 10 years 10 years
Class 4 Optional Optional
Injection points a 3 years By class
Soil to Air — By class
Interfaces b
NOTE Thickness measurements apply to systems for which CMLs have been established in
accordance with 5.6.
a Inspection intervals or due dates for potentially corrosive injection can also be established
by a valid RBI analysis in accordance with API 580.
b See API 574 for more information on SAI interfaces.
 Maximum intervals for Class 4 piping are left to the determination of the owner/user depending upon reliability and
business needs.
 For piping that is in non-continuous service, the interval between thickness measurements may be based on the
number of years of actual service (piping in operation) instead of calendar years, provided that when idled, the
piping is:

a) isolated from the process fluids, and

b) not exposed to corrosive internal environments (e.g. inert gas purged or filled with noncorrosive hydrocarbons).
Piping that is in non-continuous service and not adequately protected from corrosive environments may experience
increased internal corrosion while idle. The corrosion rates should be carefully reviewed before setting the intervals.
 The inspection interval shall be reviewed and adjusted as necessary after each inspection or significant change in
operating conditions and/or inspection results.
 General corrosion, localized corrosion, pitting, environmental cracking, and other applicable forms of deterioration
mentioned in 5.5 and API 571 shall be considered when establishing the various inspection intervals.
 Newly Installed Piping Systems or Changes in Service
 For new piping systems and piping systems for which service conditions are being changed, one of the following
methods shall be employed to determine the probable rate of corrosion from which the remaining wall thickness at
the time of the next inspection can be estimated.
a) A corrosion rate for a piping circuit may be calculated from data collected by the owner/user on piping systems of
similar material in comparable service and comparable operating conditions.
b) If data for the same or similar service are not available, a corrosion rate for a piping circuit may be estimated from
the owner/user's experience or from published data on piping systems in comparable service.
c) If the probable corrosion rate cannot be determined by either method listed in 7.3a) or 7.3b), the initial thickness
measurement determinations shall be made after no more than three months of service by using nondestructive
thickness measurements of the piping system. Corrosion monitoring devices, such as corrosion coupons or corrosion
probes, may be useful in establishing the timing of these thickness measurements. Subsequent measurements shall
be made after appropriate intervals until the corrosion rate is established.
 Existing and Replacement Piping
 Corrosion rates shall be calculated on one of the methods identified in 7.1.
 For repaired or in-kind replacement piping, the corrosion rate shall be established based on the previous worse case
measured rate at the replacement location or the circuit average rate.
 If calculations indicate that an inaccurate rate of corrosion has been assumed, the rate to be used for the next
period shall be adjusted to agree with the actual rate found.
 MAWP Determination -The "MAWP" of corroded pipe, compensating for expected corrosion loss at the next
inspection (API 570, 7.5)
 The MAWP for the continued use of piping systems shall be established using the applicable code.
 Computations may be made for known materials if all the following essential details are known to comply with the
principles of the applicable code:
a) upper and/or lower temperature limits for specific materials,
b) quality of materials and workmanship,
c) inspection requirements,
d) reinforcement of openings,
e) any cyclical service requirement
 For unknown materials, computations may be made assuming the lowest grade material and joint efficiency in the
applicable code. (question: If a piping system is made up of unknown materials and computations must be made to
determine the minimum thickness of the pipe, what can the inspector or the piping engineer do to establish the
minimum thickness?)
 When the MAWP is recalculated, the wall thickness used in these computations shall be the actual thickness as
determined by inspection minus twice the estimated corrosion loss before the date of the next inspection (see
 Allowance shall be made for the other loadings in accordance with the applicable code. The applicable code
allowances for pressure and temperature variations from the MAWP are permitted provided all of the associated code
criteria are satisfied.
 Annex D contains two examples of calculations of MAWP illustrating the use of the corrosion half-life concept.


Q1. A seamless NPS 12 pipe, ASTM A106 Grade B material operates at 750 psi and 700 degrees F.
maximum. The thickness of the pipe as determined by the last inspection is 0.305”. The pipe has been in
service for 13 years. The original thickness at installation was measured to be 0.405” . Two years
previous to the 0.305” measurement the thickness of the pipe found to be 0.316”. The next planned
inspection is scheduled for 8 years. Using the appropriate corrosion rate determine what MAWP the pipe
will withstand at the end of the next inspection period.

A. 499 psi

 Determination of Minimum Required Thickness (API 574 -12)
 12.1 Piping
 ASME B31.3 contains formulas and data for determining the minimum required wall thickness for new un

corroded piping.
 The specification relates thickness, diameter, joint efficiency, and allowable stress to maximum safe working
 In specifying piping for original installation, ASME B31.3 requires that the following be taken into account when
pipe thickness is determined:
a) corrosion allowance;
b) threads and other mechanical allowances (consideration should be given to crevice corrosion and loss of
thickness due to cutting the threads);
c) stresses caused by mechanical loading, hydraulic surge pressure, thermal expansion, and other conditions;
d) reinforcement of openings;
e) other allowances.
 Additional thickness is nearly always required when Item a) through Item e) are considered. Normally, the
engineer will select the pipe schedule that accommodates the required thickness plus the manufacturing
tolerance permitted by the pipe material specification.
 Additional thickness is often needed near branch connections. This additional thickness is usually provided by
one of the following:
a) a welding tee,
b) a saddle,
c) an integrally reinforced branch outlet (e.g. a weldolet), or
d) the header and/or run pipe thickness is greater than required by design conditions.
 Caution should be exercised in calculating the retirement thickness for piping with branch connections
reinforced per Item d). These calculations should be performed by a piping engineer.
 For in-service piping subject to localized damage (e.g. pitting, cracking, blistering, gouging), as well as weld
misalignment and distortion, the inspector may choose to evaluate the piping strength and suitability for continued
service utilizing the approach discussed in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1.
 Such an analysis should be performed by, or under the direction of, a piping engineer.
 12.1.2 Pressure Design Thickness
 ASME B31.3 contains a formula for determining the required thickness of new, uncorroded, straight pipe subject to
internal pressure.
 API 570 permits the use of the simple Barlow formula to determine the required wall thickness for in-service
piping. ASME B31.3 provides the guidance of when other equations are applicable.
 The Barlow formula is as follows:

 The Barlow formula gives results that are practically equivalent to those obtained by the more elaborate ASME
B31.3 formula except in cases involving high pressures where thick-walled tubing is required.
 Metallic pipe for which t ≥ D/6 or P/SE > 0.385 requires special consideration.

 ASME B31.3 also contains the allowable unit stresses to be used in the formulas contained in that publication.
 These allowable stresses include a factor of safety and are functions of the pipe material and the temperature.
Q1. A seamless NPS 12, A-106 Grade A pipe operates at 300 degrees F and 941 psi. The allowable stress is
16000 psi. Using the Barlow Equation, determine the thickness required for these conditions.
A. 0.375”
Q2. A seamless NPS 6, A-106 Grade A pipe operates at 300 degrees F and 941 psi. The allowable stress is
16000 psi. The owner-user specified that the pipe must have 0.1” allowed for corrosion allowance. Using the
Barlow Equation, determine the thickness required for these conditions.
A. 0.295”
Q4. A seamless NPS 8, A-53 Grade B pipe operates at 700 degrees F and 700 psi. The allowable stress is
16500 psi. The pipe has been in service for 6 years. The measured wall thickness of the pipe was 0.375”
prior to being placed in service. The pipe wall now measures 0.30”. Using the Barlow formula, and
considering no structural requirements, estimate how long the piping can continue to operate and not be
below the minimum thickness.
A. 9.8 yrs
Q5. An Inspector finds a thin area in the body of a NPS 8 (8.625” O.D.), 600# gate valve. The valve’s body is
made from ASTM A216 WCB material. The system operates at 700 psi and 750 degrees F. Using a
corrosion allowance of 0.125”, what thickness must be present in order to continue to safely operate?
Round your answer to the nearest hundredth, and use the Barlow equation with the1.5 intensification factor
as discussed in RP 574.
A. 0.51”
 12.1.3 Structural Minimum Thickness
 In low-pressure and low-temperature applications, the required pipe thicknesses determined by the Barlow formula
can be so small that the pipe would have insufficient structural strength.
 For this reason, an absolute minimum thickness to prevent sag, buckling, and collapse at supports should be
determined by the user for each size of pipe.
 The pipe wall should not be permitted to deteriorate below this minimum thickness regardless of the results
obtained by the ASME B31.3 or Barlow formulas.

a) The owner/user should specify how structural minimum thicknesses are determined. An example table of
calculated structural minimum thickness for straight spans of carbon steel pipe is provided in Table 7. Additional
consideration and allowances may be required for the following conditions: screwed piping and fittings.

b) Piping diameters greater than 24 in. (610 mm).

c) Temperatures exceeding 400 °F (205 °C) for carbon and low-alloy steel.

d) Higher alloys (other than carbon steel and Cr-Mo).

e) Spans in excess of 20 ft (6 m).

f) High external loads (e.g. refractory lined, pipe that is also used to support other pipe, rigging loads, and personnel
support loading).

g) Excessive vibration.
 Engineering calculations, typically using a computerized piping stress analysis program, may be required in these
instances to determine structural minimum thickness.
 Austenitic stainless steel piping often have lower minimum structural thickness requirements based upon their
typically higher strength, higher toughness and thinner initial thicknesses of piping components.
 Separate tables are often created for stainless steel piping.
 Minimum 12.1.5 Alert Thickness
Users may establish a minimum alert thickness with values greater than either the minimum structural thickness or
the pressure design thickness whichever governs the minimum required thickness.

 Alert thicknesses are often inputted into the facility’s inspection data management program. The alert thickness
signals the inspector that it is timely for a remaining life assessment.
 This could include a detailed engineering evaluation of the structural minimum thickness, Fitness-For-Service
assessment, or developing future repair plans.
 In addition, when a CML reaches the alert thickness, it raises a flag to consider the extent and severity at other
possible locations for the corrosion mechanism.
 Alert minimum thicknesses are usually not intended to mean that pipe components must be retired when one CML
reaches the default limit.
 Table 7 shows an example of alert thicknesses for carbon and low-alloy steel pipe that could be used in conjunction
with the default minimum structural thicknesses.
Default Minimum Structural Thickness for Minimum Alert Thickness for Temperatures
NPS Temperatures < 400 °F (205 °C) < 400 °F (205 °C) in. (mm)
in. (mm)
/2 to 1 0.07 (1.8) 0.08 (2.0)

11/2 0.07 (1.8) 0.09 (2.3)

2 0.07 (1.8) 0.10 (2.5)

3 0.08 (2.0) 0.11 (2.8)

4 0.09 (2.3) 0.12 (3.1)

6 to 18 0.11 (2.8) 0.13 (3.3)

20 to 24 0.12 (3.1) 0.14(3.6)

Table 7—Minimum Thicknesses for Carbon and Low-alloy Steel Pipe


Q1. An Inspector finds a thin area in the body of a NPS 8, 600 lb. gate valve body. The body is made from
ASTM A216 WCB material The system operates at 900 psi and 750 degrees F. Using a corrosion allowance of 0.125”,
what minimum required thickness must the valve body have to continue to safely operate? (Round to the nearest 3
A. 0.617”

 12.2 Valves and Flanged Fittings

 Valves and flanged fittings are subject to stress both from internal pressure and from mechanical loadings and
temperature changes.
 Valves are also subject to closing stresses and stress concentrations because of their shape. These stresses are
difficult to calculate with certainty.
 For this reason, the thickness of valves and flanged fittings is substantially greater than that of a simple cylinder.
ASME B16.34 establishes the minimum valve wall thickness at 1.5 times (1.35 times for Class 4500) the thickness of
a simple cylinder designed for a stress of 7000 psi (48.26 MPa) and subjected to an internal pressure equal to the
pressure rating class for valve Classes 150 to 2500.
 The actual valve wall thickness requirements given in Table 3 of ASME B16.34 are approximately 0.1 in. (2.54 mm)
thicker than the calculated values.
 Valves furnished in accordance with API 600 have thickness requirements for corrosion and erosion in addition to
those given in ASME B16.34.
 The formula for calculating the minimum required thickness of pipe can be adapted for valves and flanged fittings
by using the factor of 1.5 and the allowable stress for the material specified in ASME B31.3.

t- is the pressure design thickness for internal pressure, in inches (millimeters);

P- is the internal design gauge pressure of the pipe, in pounds per square inch (kilopascals);
D- is the OD of the pipe, in inches (millimeters);
S- is the allowable unit stress at the design temperature, in pounds per square inch (kilopascals);
E- is the longitudinal quality factor.
 This calculated thickness will be impractical from a structural standpoint (as is the case with many piping
systems); therefore, minimum thicknesses should be established based on structural needs.
 The calculations described above do not apply to welded fittings. The calculations for pipe can be applied to
welded fittings using appropriate corrections for shape, if necessary.

ASME B 13.3
 The minimum required thickness or pressure design thickness of a straight pipe section for internal pressure only
(ASME B31.3, 304.1.1 and 304.1.2);
304.1 Straight Pipe
 The required thickness of straight sections of pipe shall be determined in accordance with eq. tm = t + c
 The minimum thickness, T, for the pipe selected, considering manufacturer’s minus tolerance, shall be not less than
 The following nomenclature is used in the equations for pressure design of straight pipe
 c-sum of the mechanical allowances (thread or groove depth) plus corrosion and erosion allowances.
 For threaded components, the nominal thread depth (dimension h of ASME B1.20.1, or equivalent) shall apply.
 For machined surfaces or grooves where the tolerance is not specified, the tolerance shall be assumed to be 0.5 mm
(0.02 in.) in addition to the specified depth of the cut.
 D-outside diameter of pipe as listed in tables of standards or specifications or as measured
 d-inside diameter of pipe.
 For pressure design calculation, the inside diameter of the pipe is the maximum value allowable under the purchase
 E -quality factor from Table A-1A or Table A-1B
 P -internal design gage pressure
 S -stress value for material from Table A-1 or Table A-1M
 T - pipe wall thickness (measured or minimum in accordance with the purchase specification)
 t -pressure design thickness, as calculated in accordance with para. 304.1.2 for internal pressure or as determined in
accordance with para. 304.1.3 for external pressure
 tm - minimum required thickness, including mechanical, corrosion, and erosion allowances
 W - weld joint strength reduction factor in accordance with para. 302.3.5(e)
 Y -coefficient from Table 304.1.1, valid for t <D/6 and for materials shown. The value of Y may be interpolated for
intermediate temperatures.

For t ≥D/6,

304.1.2 Straight Pipe Under Internal Pressure

 For t D/6, the internal pressure design thickness for straight pipe shall be not less than that calculated in
accordance with either eq. (3a) or eq. (3b)

 For t D/6 or for P/SE 0.385, calculation of pressure design thickness for straight pipe requires special
consideration of factors such as theory of failure, effects of fatigue, and thermal stress. effects of fatigue, and
thermal stress.






Q1. A NPS 6 (6.625” od) seamless pipe made from ASTM A335 Grade P2 material operates at 800psi and
600 degrees F. The conditions require that a corrosion allowance of 0.125” be maintained.
Calculate the minimum required thickness for these conditions.
A. 0.290”
Q2. A NPS 14 (14.00” od) seamless pipe made from ASTM A106 Grade A material operates at 300 psi and
600 degrees F. The pipe must cross a small ditch and it must be capable of supporting itself without a
visible sag. A piping engineer states that the pipe must be at least 0.375” to support itself and the liquid
product. He also states that a 0.125” corrosion allowance must be included. Calculate the minimum
required thickness for the pipe.

A. 0.642”
Q3. A NPS 14 (14.00” od) seamless pipe made from ASTM A53 Grade B material operates at 600 psi 600
degrees F. Calculate the pressure design thickness for these conditions, using the formula:

t =PD/2SE
A. 0.243”
Q4. A seamless NPS 10 pipe, ASTM A106 Grade B material , operates at 750 psi and 700 degrees F.
maximum. Considering only pressure design thickness, what minimum thickness is required?

A. 0.24”
Q5. A seamless NPS 6, ASTM A106 Grade A pipe operates at 300 degrees F. and 765 psi. The allowable
stress is 16,000 psi. Using the Barlow equation, determine the required thickness for these conditions.

A. 0.155”
Q6. A seamless NPS 8, ASTM A106 Grade A pipe operates at 300 degrees F. and 741 psi. The allowable
stress is 16,000 psi. The owner-user specified that the pipe must have 0.125” for corrosion allowance.
Using the B31.3 equation, determine the required thickness for these conditions.

A. 0.321”
Q7. A NPS 10 pipe made from ASTM A106 Grade B carbon steel is to be checked for minimum thickness (t m).
The pipe operates at 900 degrees F. The existing thickness is 0.29”. Determine the coefficient Y.

A. 0.4
Q8. A NPS 10 pipe made from ASTM A53 Grade B carbon steel is to be checked for thickness (t). The pipe
operates at 975 degrees F. The existing thickness is .29”. Determine the coefficient Y.

A. 0.6
Q9. “S” is defined as the stress value for material from Table A-1 of ASME B31.3. Pick the value of “S” when
the material is ASTM A335 Grade P9 and the temperature is 950 degrees F.

A. 10600 psi
Q10. An NPS 12 seamless pipe made from ASTM A-53 Grade B material operates at 600 psi and 600 degrees
F. Calculate the pressure design thickness for these conditions.

A. 0.218”

Q11. An NPS 12 (12.75” o.d.) seamless pipe made from ASTM A-53 Grade B material operates at 600 psi and
600 degrees F. The conditions require that a corrosion allowance of 0.125” be maintained. Calculate the
minimum required thickness for these conditions.

A. 0.343”
Q12. An NPS 4(4.5” o.d.) seamless pipe made from ASTM A-106 Grade A material operates at 300 psi and 400
degrees F. The pipe must cross a small ditch and it must be capable of supporting itself without any visible
sag. A piping Engineer states that the pipe must be at least 0.25” thick just to support itself and the liquid
product. He also states that a 0.10” corrosion allowance must be included. Calculate the thickness required
for the pipe.

A. 0.391”

1. A NPS 6 (6.625” od) seamless pipe made from ASTM A335 Grade P2 material operates at 800psi and
600 degrees F. The conditions require that a corrosion allowance of 0.125” be maintained.Calculate the minimum required
thickness for these conditions.
tm = ?

tm = t + c
For t ≥ D/6,

 302.3.3 Casting Quality Factor, Ec ASME B31.3, 302.3.3(b) and Table A-1A
 (a) The casting quality factors, Ec, defined herein shall be used for cast components not having pressure temperature
ratings established by standards in Table 326.1.
 (b) Basic Quality Factors. Castings of gray and malleable iron, conforming to listed specifications, are assigned a basic
casting quality factor, Ec, of 1.00 (due to their conservative allowable stress basis).
 For most other metals, static castings that conform to the material specification and have been visually examined as
required by MSS SP-55, Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping
Components — Visual Method, are assigned a basic casting quality factor, Ec, of 0.80.
 Centrifugal castings that meet specification requirements only for chemical analysis, tensile, hydrostatic, and
flattening tests, and visual examination are assigned a basic casting quality factor of 0.80.
 Basic casting quality factors are tabulated for listed specifications in Table A-1A.
 (c) Increased Quality Factors. Casting quality factors may be increased when supplementary examinations are
performed on each casting. Table 302.3.3C states the increased casting quality factors, Ec, that may be used for
various combinations of supplementary examination. Table 302.3.3D states the acceptance criteria for the
examination methods specified in the Notes to Table 302.3.3C.
 Quality factors higher than those shown in Table 302.3.3C do not result from combining tests(2)(a) and (2)(b), or (3)
(a) and (3)(b). In no case shall the quality factor exceed 1.00.
Several of the specifications in Appendix A require machining of all surfaces and/or one or more of these supplementary
examinations. In such cases, the appropriate increased quality factor is shown in Table A-1A.

 302.3.4 Weld Joint Quality Factor, Ej ASME B31.3, 302.3.4 and Table A-1B;
 Basic Quality Factors. The weld joint quality factors, Ej, tabulated in Table A-1B are basic factors for straight or
spiral (helical seam) welded joints for pressure-containing components as shown in Table 302.3.4.


 Increased Quality Factors. Table 302.3.4 also indicates higher joint quality factors that may be substituted for
those in Table A-1B for certain kinds of welds if additional examination is performed beyond that required by the
product specification.

Classification: Internal
Internal Use

 The inspector should be able to determine the weld joint quality factor “Ej” of a longitudinal pipe weld joint.

 Increased Joint Quality Factors by performing supplemental NDE from ASME B31.3, Table 302.3.4;

Classification: Internal
Internal Use

Classification: Internal
Internal Use

Classification: Internal
Internal Use

Classification: Internal
Internal Use

Classification: Internal
Internal Use

Q1. The Inspector finds that ERW (electric resistance weld) pipe is used in a piping system. What longitudinal
joint factor (Ej ) would be used to calculate the required thickness for pressure?
A. 0.85

 The minimum required thickness of a permanent blank for a given design pressure (ASME B31.3, 304.5.3);
304.5.3 Pressure Design of Blanks

 Blanks not in accordance with para. 303 or 304.5.3(b) shall be qualified as required by para. 304.7.2.
 The minimum required thickness of a permanent blank (representative configurations shown in Fig. 304.5.3)
shall be calculated in accordance with eq. (15)

 c-sum of allowances defined in para. 304.1.1

 dg-inside diameter of gasket for raised or flat face
flanges,or the gasket pitch diameter for ring joint and fully
retained gasketed flanges
 E -quality factor from Table A-1A or Table A-1B
 P -internal design gage pressure
 S -stress value for material from Table A-1 or Table A-1M
 W - weld joint strength reduction factor in accordance with para. 302.3.5(e)

Classification: Internal
Internal Use

314.2 Specific Requirements

314.2.1 Taper-Threaded Joints.
 Requirements in (a) through (c) below apply to joints in which the threads of both mating components conform to
ASME B1.20.1.
 (a) External threaded components may be used in accordance with Table 314.2.1 and its Notes.
 (b) Internal threaded components shall be at least equivalent in strength and toughness to threaded components listed
in Table 326.1 and otherwise suitable for the service.
Classification: Internal
Internal Use
 (c) Threaded components of a specialty nature that are not subject to external moment loading, such as thermometer
wells, may be used under severe cyclic conditions.
 (d) A coupling having straight threads may be used only for Category D Fluid Service, and only with taper threaded
mating components.
314.2.2 Straight-Threaded Joints.
 Threaded joints in which the tightness of the joint is provided by a seating surface other than the threads (e.g., a union
comprising male and female ends joined with a threaded union nut, or other constructions shown typically in Fig.
335.3.3) may be used.
 If such joints are used under severe cyclic conditions and are subject to external moment loadings, safeguarding is

Q1. What is the minimum wall schedule that can be used in a male threaded joint in normal fluid service, carbon
steel (notch-sensitive) and NPS 1.5 and smaller?

A. Sch 80
 The inspector should be able to determine the total thermal expansion of a material between temperatures (ASME
B31.3, Appendix C, Table C-1).
319.3 Properties for Flexibility Analysis
The following paragraphs deal with properties of piping materials and their application in piping flexibility stress analysis.
319.3.1 Thermal Expansion Data
(a) Values for Stress Range. Values of thermal displacements to be used in determining total displacement strains for
computing the stress range shall be determined from Appendix C as the algebraic difference between the value at
maximum metal temperature and that at the minimum metal temperature for the thermal cycle under analysis.
(b) Values for Reactions. Values of thermal displacements to be used in determining total displacement strains for
computation of reactions on supports and connected equipment shall be determined as the algebraic difference between
the value at maximum (or minimum) temperature for the thermal cycle under analysis and the value at the temperature
expected during installation.
319.3.2 Modulus of Elasticity.
 The reference modulus of elasticity at 21°C (70°F), Ea, and the modulus of elasticity at maximum or minimum
temperature, Em, shall be taken as the values shown in Appendix C for the temperatures determined in para.
319.3.1(a) or (b).
 For materials not included in Appendix C, reference shall be made to authoritative source data, such as publications of
the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
319.3.3 Poisson’s Ratio.
 Poisson’s ratio may be taken as 0.3 at all temperatures for all metals. More accurate and authoritative data may be
used if available.
319.3.4 Allowable Stresses
 The allowable displacement stress range, SA, and permissible additive stresses shall be as specified in para. 302.3.5(d)
for systems primarily stressed in bending and/or torsion.

Classification: Internal
Internal Use
 The stress intensification factors in Appendix D have been developed from fatigue tests of representative piping
components and assemblies manufactured from ductile ferrous materials.
 The allowable displacement stress range is based on tests of carbon and austenitic stainless steels.
 Caution should be exercised when using eqs. (1a) and (1b) (para. 302.3.5) for allowable displacement stress range for
some nonferrous materials (e.g., certain copper and aluminum alloys) for other than low cycle applications.
319.3.5 Dimensions.
 Nominal thicknesses and outside diameters of pipe and fittings shall be used in flexibility calculations.
319.3.6 Flexibility and Stress Intensification Factors.
 The flexibility factors, k, and stress intensification factors, i, shall not be less than unity.
 In the absence of more directly applicable data, the flexibility factor, k, and stress intensification factor, i, shown in
Appendix D shall be used for flexibility calculations described in para. 319.4.
 Stress intensification factors may be developed in accordance with ASME B31J For piping components or
attachments (such as valves, strainers, anchor rings, or bands) not covered in Table D300, suitable stress
intensification factors may be assumed by comparison of their significant geometry with that of the components
 The validity of any assumptions is the responsibility of the designer.
 If two or more of the geometries shown in Appendix D are combined, their combined k and i might be significantly
different from the values shown.
 Examples include trunnions on elbows and branch connection fittings welded to anything other than straight pipe.

Q1. Determine the linear expansion (in/100ft) of a carbon steel pipe between 70 degrees F. and 450 degrees F.
A. 3.16” per 100 ft.
Q2. A 20’ long carbon steel pipe is heated uniformly to 450 degrees F. from 70 degrees F. Determine its length
after heating.
A. 20.052’
Q3. If 4 materials, carbon steel, 18Chr-8Ni, Monel, Aluminum are heated from 70 degrees F. to 550 degrees F.,
which one will expand more?
A. Aluminum
Q4. What is the modulus of elasticity of carbon steel material (carbon content < 0.3) at 700 degrees F.
A. 25,500,000 psi
Q5. Poisson’s ratio may be taken as ____ at all temperatures for all metals.

A. 0.30
 Determine the minimum metal temperature of a material, which is exempt from impact testing (ASME B31.3,
323.2.2, Figure 323.2.2A and Table A-1).
323.2 Temperature Limitations
 The designer shall verify that materials that meet other requirements of the Code are suitable for service throughout
the operating temperature range.
323.2.1 Upper Temperature Limits, Listed
 A listed material may be used at a temperature above the maximum for which a stress value or rating is shown, only
(a) there is no prohibition in Appendix or elsewhere in the Code
(b) the designer verifies the serviceability of the material in accordance with para. 323.2.4
323.2.2 Lower Temperature Limits, Listed
 See Appendix F, para. F323.2.2.
(a) A listed material may be used at any temperature not lower than the minimum shown in Table A-1 or Table A-1M,
provided that the base metal, weld deposits, and heat-affected zone (HAZ) are qualified as required by the applicable
entry in Column A of Table 323.2.2.
(b) For carbon steels with a letter designation in the Min. Temp. column of Table A-1 or Table A-1M, the minimum
temperature is defined by the applicable curve and Notes in Fig. 323.2.2A. If a design minimum temperature–thickness
combination is on or above the curve, impact testing is not required.
(c) A listed material may be used at a temperature lower than the minimum shown in Table A-1,
Table A-1M, or Fig. 323.2.2A (including Notes), unless prohibited in Table 323.2.2, Table A-1, Table A-1M, or elsewhere in
the Code, and provided that the base metal, weld deposits, and HAZ are qualified as required bythe applicable entry in
Column B of Table 323.2.2.
(d) Figure 323.2.2B provides a further basis for the use of carbon steels covered by paras. 323.2.2(a) and (b),without
impact testing, when all of the following apply:
• not in elevated temperature service
• not expected to experience shock loading or thermal bowing
• does not contain welds between dissimilar materials(e.g., austenitic welded to ferritic)
• stress ratio defined in Fig. 323.2.2B is less than one(1) For design minimum temperatures of −48°C(−55°F) and above,
the lowest temperature without impact testing (exemption temperature) determined in paras. 323.2.2(a) or (b), for the
given material and thickness, may be reduced by the amount of the temperature reduction provided in Fig. 323.2.2B for
the applicable stress ratio. If the resulting temperature is lower than the design minimum temperature, impact testing of
the material is not required. Where this is applied, the piping

Q1. An ASTM A53 Grade B pipe with a maximum wall thickness of 0.75” is being considered for use in a cold
service. What minimum temperature can it be used and not have an impact test?

A. +15 degrees F.

 Determine the minimum required Charpy V-notch impact values of a given material. (ASME B31.3, 323.3 and Table
323.3 Impact Testing Methods and Acceptance
 When impact testing is required by Table 323.2.2, provisions elsewhere in this Code, or the engineering design, it
shall be done in accordance with Table 323.3.1 using the testing methods and acceptance criteria described in paras.
323.3.2 through 323.3.5.
 Impact testing of each product form of material for any specification (including welds in the components) shall be
done using procedures and apparatus in accordance with ASTM A370.
 For material forms that are represented by the ASTM specifications listed below, impact tests shall be conducted in
conformance with those requirements as well.
 When conflicts exist between the specific requirements of this Code and the requirements of those specifications,
the requirements of this Code shall take precedence.
Product Form ASTM Spec. No. Pipe A333, Tube A334, Fittings A420, Forgings A350, Castings A352, Bolting A320, Plate
 GENERAL NOTE: Titles of referenced standards not listed in the Specifications Index for Appendix Aare A20 General
Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels and A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of
Steel Products.
323.3.3 Test Specimens.
 Each set of impact test specimens shall consist of three specimen bars.
 All impact tests shall be made using standard 10 mm(0.394 in.) square cross section Charpy V-notch specimen bars,
except when the material shape or thickness does not permit.
 Charpy impact tests may be performed on specimens of full material thickness, which may be machined to remove
surface irregularities.
 Alternatively, such material may be reduced in thickness to produce the largest possible Charpy subsize specimen.
See Table 323.3.4.

323.3.4 Test Temperatures.
 For all Charpy impact tests, the test temperature criteria in para. 323.3.4 (a) or (b) shall be observed.
 The test specimens, as well as the handling tongs, shall be cooled for a sufficient length of time to reach the test
 (a) For Materials of Thickness Equal to or Greater Than10 mm (0.394 in.).
 Where the largest attainable CharpyV-notch specimen has a width along the notch of at least8 mm (0.315 in.), the
Charpy test using such a specimen shall be conducted at a temperature not higher than the design minimum
 Where the largest possible test specimen has a width along the notch less than 8 mm, the test shall be conducted at
a temperature lower than the design minimum temperature by the amount shown in Table 323.3.4 for that
specimen width.
 (b) For Materials With Thickness Less Than 10 mm(0.394 in.).
 Where the largest attainable Charpy V-notch specimen has a width along the notch of at least 80%of the material
thickness, the Charpy test of such a specimen shall be conducted at a temperature not higher than the design
minimum temperature.
 Where the largest possible test specimen has a width along the notch of less than 80% of the material thickness, the
test shall be conducted at a temperature lower than the design minimum temperature by an amount equal to the
difference(referring to Table 323.3.4) between the temperature reduction corresponding to the actual material
thickness and the temperature reduction corresponding to the Charpy specimen width actually tested.

323.3.5 Acceptance Criteria
a) Minimum Energy Requirements. Except for bolting materials, the applicable minimum energy requirement for
carbon and low alloy steels with specified minimum tensile strengths less than 656 MPa (95 ksi) shall be those shown
in Table 323.3.5.
b) Lateral Expansion Requirements. Other carbon and low alloy steels having specified minimum tensile strengths equal
to or greater than 656 MPa (95 ksi), all bolting materials, and all high alloy steels (P-Nos. 6, 7,and 8) shall have a
lateral expansion opposite the notch of not less than 0.38 mm (0.015 in.) for all specimen sizes. The lateral expansion
is the increase in width of the broken impact specimen over that of the unbroken specimen measured on the
compression side, parallel to the line constituting the bottom of the V-notch (see ASTM A370).
c) Weld Impact Test Requirements. Where two base metals having different required impact energy values are joined
by welding, the impact test energy requirements shall conform to the requirements of the base material having a
specified minimum tensile strength most closely matching the specified minimum tensile strength of the weld metal.
d) Retests
(1) For Absorbed Energy Criteria. When the average value of the three specimens equals or exceeds the minimum
value permitted for a single specimen and the value for more than one specimen is below the required average value, or
when the value for one specimen is below the minimum value permitted for a single specimen, a retest of three
additional specimens shall be made. The value for each of these retest specimens shall equal or exceed the required
average value.
(2) For Lateral Expansion Criterion. If the value of lateral expansion for one specimen in a group of three is below 0.38
mm (0.015 in.) but not below 0.25 mm(0.01 in.), and if the average value for three specimens equals or exceeds 0.38 mm
(0.015 in.), a retest of three additional specimens may be made, each of which must equal or exceed the specified
minimum value of 0.38mm(0.015 in.). In the case of heat treated materials, if the required values are not obtained in the
retest or if the values in the initial test are below the minimum allowed for retest, the material may be reheat treated
and retested. After reheat treatment, a set of three specimens shall be made. For acceptance, the lateral expansion of
each of the specimens must equal or exceed the specified minimum value of 0.38 mm (0.015 in.).
(3) For Erratic Test Results. When an erratic result is caused by a defective specimen or there is uncertainty in the test
procedure, a retest will be allowed.

Q1. A carbon steel ASTM A 106 Grade C material is being impact tested. What is the minimum energy
requirement for this material (average for 3 specimens--fully deoxidized steel)?
A. 15 ft-lbs

328.4 Preparation for Welding

Q1. A thicker wall pipe is joined to a thinner wall pipe. The thicker pipe is taper bored to facilitate the fit up. What
is the maximum slope of the taper bore?
A. 30 degrees

328.5 Welding Requirements

328.5.4 Welded Branch Connections
 Figures 328.5.4A through 328.5.4F show acceptable details of branch connections with and without added
reinforcement, in which the branch pipe is connected directly to the run pipe.
 The illustrations are typical and are not intended to exclude acceptable types of construction not shown.
 Figure 328.5.4D shows basic types of weld attachments used in the fabrication of branch connections.
 The location and minimum size of attachment welds shall conform to the requirements herein.
 Welds shall be calculated in accordance with para. 304.3.3 but shall be not less than the sizes shown in Fig. 328.5.4D.
Figure 328.5.4F shows the basic types of attachment welds used with integrally reinforced branch connection fittings.
 The location and the minimum size of the attachment welds shall conform to the requirements of sub para. (i) below.
(c) The nomenclature and symbols used herein, in Fig. 328.5.4D, and in Fig. 328.5.4F are
Tb = nominal thickness of branch
Th =nominal thickness of header
Tm = nominal thickness of the branch weld for integrally reinforced branch connection fittings, either
(1) as specified by the manufacturer of the branch connection fitting
(2) the full depth of the resultant weld groove, after fit-up, if no manufacturer’s weld thickness is specified
(3) as documented and specified in the engineering design in accordance with Para. 300(c)(3), or
(4) calculated and documented in accordance with the requirements of para. 304.7.2
Tr= nominal thickness of reinforcing pad or saddle
tc =lesser of 0.7Tb or 6 mm (1⁄4 in.)
tmin = lesser of Tb or Tr
(d) Branch connections, including branch connection fittings (see paras. 300.2 and 304.3.2), that abut the outside of the
run or that are inserted in an opening in the run shall be attached by fully penetrated groove welds. The welds shall be
finished with cover fillet welds having a throat dimension not less than tc. See Fig. 328.5.4D,illustrations (1) and (2).
(e) A reinforcing pad or saddle shall be attached to the branch pipe by either
(1) a fully penetrated groove weld finished with a cover fillet weld having a throat dimension not less than tc, or
(2) a fillet weld having a throat dimension not less than 0.7tmin. See Fig. 328.5.4D, illustration (5).
(f) The outer edge of a reinforcing pad or saddle shall be attached to the run pipe by a fillet weld having athroat dimension
not less than 0.5Tr. See Fig. 328.5.4Dillustrations (3), (4), and (5).
(g) Reinforcing pads and saddles shall have a good fit with the parts to which they are attached. A vent hole shall be
provided at the side (not at the crotch) of any pad or saddle to reveal leakage in the weld between branch and run and to
allow venting during welding and heat treatment. A pad or saddle may be made in more than one piece if joints between
pieces have strength equivalent to pad or saddle parent metal, and if each piece has a vent hole.
(h) Examination and any necessary repairs of the completed weld between branch and run shall be made before adding a
pad or saddle.
(i) Figure 328.5.4F shows additional integrally reinforced branch connections typical of MSS SP-97 fittings that abut the
outside of the run attached by a full penetration groove weld. The welds shall be finished with cover fillets having a throat
dimension not less than tc. The cover fillet weld shall fill and smoothly transition to the attachment weld and run pipe or

Q1. A NPS 2 Schedule 80 (0.218” wall) is welded into a NPS 6 Schedule 40 (0.0.280” wall) header. What size
cover fillet weld (tc) is required around the fully penetrated groove weld of the branch into the header?
(Express answer to nearest hundredth.)
A. 0.15”
Q2. A NPS 4 Schedule 40 (0.237” wall) branch connection is welded into a NPS 6 Schedule 40 (0.0.280” wall)
header. A 1/4” reinforcing pad is used around the branch connection. The branch connection is inserted into
the header. The material of the branch and the header is ASTM A106 Grade B. What thickness would be
used to determine whether heat treatment of this connection is required. (Express answer to nearest

A. 0.70”
 The inspector should be able to determine which weld sizes require preheating and/or heat treatment. The
inspector also should be able to determine what is the required or recommended preheat temperature (ASME
B31.3, 330 and Table 330.1.1).
The preheat requirements herein apply to all types of welding, including tack welds, repair welds, and seal welds on
threaded joints.
330.1.1 Requirements.
 Unless specified otherwise in the engineering design, the minimum preheat temperatures for materials of various P-
Numbers are given in Table 330.1.1.
 The thickness intended in Table 330.1.1 is that of the nominal thickness of the thicker component[as defined in para.
 Higher minimum preheat temperatures may be required by the WPS or by the engineering design.
330.1.2 Unlisted Materials.
Preheat requirements for an unlisted material shall be specified in the WPS.
330.1.3 Preheat Temperature Verification
 Preheat temperature shall be checked by use of temperature indicating crayons, thermocouple pyrometers, or other
suitable means to ensure that the temperature specified in the WPS is obtained prior to and maintained during welding.
 Thermocouples may be temporarily attached directly to pressure-containing parts using the low energy capacitor
discharge method of welding in accordance with para. 328.7.
330.1.4 Preheat Zone.
 The preheat zone shall beat or above the specified minimum temperature in all directions from the point of welding
for a distance of the larger of 75 mm (3 in.) or 1.5 times the greater nominal thickness.
 The base metal temperature for tack welds shall beat or above the specified minimum temperature for a distance not
less than 25 mm (1 in.) in all directions from the point of welding.
330.2 Specific Requirements
330.2.1 Different P-No. Materials.
 When welding two different P-No. materials, the preheat temperature shall be the higher temperature for the material
being welded as shown in Table 330.1.1.
330.2.2 Interruption of Welding.
 After welding commences, the minimum preheat temperature shall be maintained until any required PWHT is
performed on P-Nos. 3, 4, 5A, 5B, 6, and 15E, except when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) A minimum of at least 10 mm (3⁄8 in.) thickness of weld is deposited or 25% of the welding groove is filled whichever
is less (the weld shall be sufficiently supported to prevent overstressing the weld if the weldment is to be moved or
otherwise loaded). Caution is advised that the surface condition prior to cooling should be smooth and free of sharp
(b) For P-Nos. 3, 4, and 5A materials, the weld is allowed to cool slowly to room temperature.
(c) For P-Nos. 5B, 6, and 15E materials, the weld is subjected to an adequate intermediate heat treatment with a controlled
rate of cooling. The preheat temperature may be reduced to 95°C (200°F) (minimum) forte purpose of root examination
without performing an intermediate heat treatment. Intermediate heat treatment for P-No. 5B or P-No. 15E materials may
be omitted when using low-hydrogen electrodes and filler metals
classified by the filler metal specification with an optional supplemental diffusible-hydrogen designator of H4 or lower
and suitably controlled by maintenance procedures to avoid contamination by hydrogen producing sources. The surface of
the base metal prepared for welding shall be free of contaminants.
(d) After cooling and before welding is resumed, visual examination of the weld shall be performed to assure that no
cracks have formed.
(e) Required preheat shall be applied before welding is resumed.

Q1. A NPS 8 Schedule 40 (0.322” wall), ASTM A106 Grade B, is to be welded. The weather is clear. The sun is
shining. The temperature is 30 degrees F. What preheat temperature, if any, is required.
A. 500 F
Q2. An ASME A106 Grade B, NPS 8, Schedule 40 (0.322” wall) pipe is to be welded to an ASME A335 Grade
P9, NPS 8, Schedule 40 (0.322” wall) pipe. What preheat temperature is required?

A. 3500F
331.1.1 Post weld Heat Treatment Requirements
 PWHT shall be in accordance with the material groupings (P-Nos. and Group Nos.) and ranges in Table 331.1.1
except as provided in Table 331.1.2 and Table 331.1.3.
 The P-Numbers and Group Numbers are defined in ASME BPV Code, Section IX, Table QW/QB-422. (Note that the
P-Nos. are also listed in Appendix A.)
 The PWHT to be used after production welding shall be specified in the WPS and shall be used in qualifying the
welding procedure.
 The engineering design shall specify the examination and/or other production quality control (not less than the
requirements of this Code) to ensure that the final welds are of adequate quality.
331.1.2 Other Heat Treatments
 Heat treatment for bending and forming shall be in accordance with para. 332.4.
 See Table 302.3.5 for special heat treatment requirements for longitudinal or spiral (helical seam) welds in Elevated
Temperature Fluid Service.
331.1.3 Definition of Thicknesses Governing PWHT
(a) The term control thickness as used in Table 331.1.1and Table 331.1.3 is the lesser of
(1) the thickness of the weld

(2) the thickness of the materials being joined at the weld or the thickness of the pressure-containing material if the weld is
attaching a non pressure containing material to a pressure-containing material.
(b) Thickness of the weld, which is a factor in determining the control thickness, is defined as follows:
(1) groove welds (girth and longitudinal) — the thicker of the two abutting ends after weld preparation, including I.D.
(2) fillet welds — the throat thickness of the weld
(3) partial penetration welds — the depth of the weld groove
(4) material repair welds — the depth of the cavity to be repaired
(5) branch welds — the dimension existing in the plane intersecting the longitudinal axes, calculated as indicated for each
detail using the thickness through the weld for the details shown in Fig. 328.5.4D and
331.1.4 Heating and Cooling.
 The heating method shall provide the required metal temperature, metal temperature uniformity, and temperature
control, and may include an enclosed furnace, local flame heating, electric resistance, electric induction, or exothermic
chemical reaction.
 Above 315°C (600°F), the rate of heating and cooling shall not exceed 335°C/h (600°F/hr) divided by one-half the
maximum material thickness in inches at the weld, but in no case shall the rate exceed 335°C/h(600°F/hr).
 See Table 331.1.1 for cooling rate requirements for P-Nos. 7, 10I, 11A, and 62 materials.
331.1.6 Temperature Verification.
 Heat treatment temperature shall be checked by thermocouple pyrometer or other suitable methods to ensure that the
WPS requirements are met.
 See para. 328.7 for attachment of thermocouples by the low energy capacitor discharge method of welding.
(a) If used, the heat treatment furnace shall be calibrated such that the PWHT can be controlled within the required
temperature range.
(b) Any required PWHT shall be as required by the qualified WPS.
(c) For welds that require PWHT in accordance with Table 331.1.1, the temperature of the material during PWHT shall be
within the range specified. However, if specified by the designer, the range may be extended as permitted by Table
331.1.2, provided the lower critical temperature of the material is not exceeded.
331.2 Specific Requirements
 Where warranted by experience or knowledge of service conditions, alternative methods of heat treatment or
exceptions to the basic heat treatment provisions of Para. 331.1 may be adopted as provided in paras. 331.2.1and
331.2.1 Alternative Heat Treatment.
 Normalizing, or normalizing and tempering, or annealing may be applied in lieu of the required heat treatment after
welding, bending, or forming, provided that the mechanical properties of any affected weld and base metal meet
specification requirements after such treatment and that the substitution is approved by the designer.
331.2.2 Exceptions to Basic Requirements.
 As indicated in para. 331, the basic practices therein may require modification to suit service conditions in some cases.
 In such cases, the designer may specify more stringent requirements in the engineering design, including heat
treatment and hardness limitations for lesser thickness, or may specify less stringent heat treatment and hardness
requirements, including none.
 When provisions less stringent than those in para.331 are specified, the designer must demonstrate to the owner’s
satisfaction the adequacy of those provisions by comparable service experience, considering service temperature and
its effects, frequency and intensity of thermal cycling, flexibility stress levels, probability of brittle failure, and other
pertinent factors.
 In addition, appropriate tests shall be conducted, including WPS qualification tests.
331.2.3 Dissimilar Materials
 Heat treatment of welded joints between dissimilar ferritic metals or between ferritic metals using dissimilar ferritic
filler metal shall be at the higher of the temperature ranges in Table 331.1.1 for the materials in the joint.
 This may require the use of material transition joint designs.
 Heat treatment of welded joints including both ferritic and austenitic components and filler metals shall be as required
for the ferritic material or materials unless otherwise specified in the engineering design.
331.2.4 Delayed Heat Treatment.
If a weldment is allowed to cool prior to heat treatment, the rate of cooling shall be controlled or other means shall be used
to prevent detrimental effects in the piping.
331.2.5 Partial Heat Treatment.

 When an entire piping assembly to be heat treated cannot be fitted into the furnace, it is permissible to heat treat in
more than one heat, provided there is at least 300 mm (1 ft) overlap between successive heats, and that parts of the
assembly outside the furnace are protected from harmful temperature gradients.
 This method may not be used for austenitizing heat treatments for ferritic materials.
331.2.6 Local Heat Treatment.
 Welds may be locally post weld heat treated by heating a circumferential band around the entire component with the
weld located in the center of the band.
 The width of the band heated to the specified temperature range shall be at least three times the wall thickness at the
weld of the thickest part being joined.
 For nozzle and attachment welds, the width of the band heated to the specified temperature range shall extend beyond
the nozzle weld or attachment weld on each side at least two times the run pipe thickness, and shall extend completely
around the run pipe.
 Guidance for the placement of thermocouples on circumferential butt welds is provided in AWS D10.10,Sections 5, 6,
and 8.
 Special consideration shall be given to the placement of thermocouples when heating welds adjacent to large heat
sinks such as valves or fittings ,or when joining parts of different thicknesses.
 No part of the materials subjected to the heat source shall exceed he lower critical temperature of the material except
as permitted by para. 331.2.1.
 Particular care must be exercised when the applicable PWHT temperature is close to the material’s lower critical
temperature, such as for P-No. 15E materials or when materials of different P-Nos. are being joined. This method may
not be used for austenitizing heat treatments.

Q1. When components of a piping system are joined by welding, the thickness to be used in applying the heat
treatment provisions of ASME B31.3, Table 331.1.1 shall be:
A. that of the thicker component measured at the joint, except for certain exclusions.
Q2. An ASME A335 Grade P9, NPS 8, Schedule 40 (0.322” wall) pipe is to be welded to an ASME A335 Grade
P9, NPS 8, Schedule 40 (0.322” wall) pipe. What Brinnell Hardness is required after post weld heat

A. 241
Q3. Where a hardness limit is specified in Table 331.1.1, at least _____ % of welds, hot bends, and hot formed
components in each furnace heat treated batch and 100% of those locally heat treated shall be tested.

A. 10
Q4. An ASME A335 Grade P11, NPS 8, Schedule 120 (0.718” wall) pipe is to be welded to an ASME A335
Grade P9, NPS 8, Schedule 80 (0.500” wall) pipe. What Brinnell Hardness number is required after post
weld heat treatment?

A. The Grade P11 material must be < 225 and the Grade P9 material must be < 241.

 Demonstrate knowledge concerning hydrostatic leak testing & Calculate a hydrostatic pressure (ASME B31.3, 345.4)
345.4 Hydrostatic Leak Test
345.4.1 Test Fluid.
 The fluid shall be water unless there is the possibility of damage due to freezing or to adverse effects of water on
the piping or the process (see para. F345.4.1).
 In that case another suitable nontoxic liquid may be used.
 If the liquid is flammable, its flash point shall be at least 49°C (120°F), and consideration shall be given to the test
345.4.2 Test Pressure.
 Except as provided in para. 345.4.3, the hydrostatic test pressure at every point in a metallic piping system shall be
as follows:
(a) not less than 1.5 times the design pressure.
(b) when the design temperature is greater than the test temperature, the minimum test pressure, at the point under
consideration, shall be calculated using eq=
PT = 1.5 PST/S
 P -internal design gage pressure
 PT -minimum test gage pressure
 S -allowable stress at component design temperature for the prevalent pipe material; see Table A-1 or Table A-1M
 ST - allowable stress at test temperature for the prevalent pipe material; see Table A-1 or Table A-1M
(c) in those cases where the piping system may not include pipe itself, any other component in the piping system, other
than pipe-supporting elements and bolting, may be used to determine the ST/S ratio based on the applicable allowable
stresses obtained from Table A-1 or Table A-1M. In those cases where the piping system may be made up of equivalent
lengths of more than one material, the ST/S ratio shall be based on the minimum calculated ratio of the included
345.4.3 Hydrostatic Test of Piping With Vessels as a
System 3
 Where the test pressure of piping attached to a vessel is the same as or less than the test pressure for the vessel, the
piping may be tested with the vessel at the piping test pressure
 Where the test pressure of the piping exceeds the vessel test pressure, and it is not considered practicable to
isolate the piping from the vessel, the piping and the vessel may be tested together at the vessel test pressure,
3 The provisions of para. 345.4.3 do not affect the pressure test requirements of any applicable vessel code.
provided the owner approves and the vessel test pressure is not less than 77% of the piping test pressure calculated in
accordance with para. 345.4.2(b).

 Demonstrate knowledge concerning pneumatic leak testing & Calculate pneumatic leak test pressure (ASME B31.3,
345.5 Pneumatic Leak Test
345.5.1 Precautions.
 Pneumatic testing involves the hazard of released energy stored in compressed gas.
 Particular care must therefore be taken to minimize the chance of brittle failure during a pneumatic leak test.
 Test temperature is important in this regard and must be considered when the designer chooses the material of
construction. See para. 345.2.2(c) and Appendix F, paras. F323.4 and F345.5.1.
345.5.2 Pressure Relief Device.
 A pressure relief device shall be provided, having a set pressure not higher than the test pressure plus the lesser of
345 kPa(50 psi) or 10% of the test pressure.
345.5.3 Test Fluid.
 The gas used as test fluid, if not air, shall be nonflammable and nontoxic.
345.5.4 Test Pressure.
 The test pressure shall be not less than 1.1 times the design pressure and shall not exceed the lesser of
(a) 1.33 times the design pressure
(b) the pressure that would exceed 90% of the pressure described in para. 345.2.1(a)
345.5.5 Procedure.
 The pressure shall be gradually increased until a gage pressure that is the lesser of one half the test pressure or 170
kPa (25 psi) is attained, at which time a preliminary check shall be made, including examination of joints in
accordance with para. 341.4.1(a).
 Thereafter, the pressure shall be gradually increased insteps until the test pressure is reached, holding the pressure
at each step long enough to equalize piping strains.
 The pressure shall then be reduced to the design pressure before examining for leakage in accordance with Para.

ASME B 16.5
 Determine the working pressure and minimum/maximum system hydrostatic test pressure for a flange of specified
material and temperature (ASME B16.5, Section 2 and Table 1.1-1 and Tables 2-1.1 through 2-3.19 and Tables 2-1.1C
through 2-3.19C).

 Determine the minimum dimensions of a given flange (ASME B16.5, Tables 7 through 22 and Tables 7C through 22C)

 Required Thickness Determination
 The required thickness of a pipe shall be the greater of the pressure design thickness or the structural minimum
 For services with high risk, the piping engineer should consider increasing the required thickness to provide for
unanticipated or unknown loadings, or undiscovered metal loss.
 See API 574, Second Edition, Section 11 for information on the determination of pressure design thicknesses,
structural minimum thicknesses, minimum required thicknesses, and minimum alert thicknesses. Table 7 in
Section 12 of API 574 provides examples of minimum alert thicknesses and default minimum structural
thicknesses for carbon and low alloy steel piping operating below 400 °F (205 °C).
 Assessment of Inspection Findings
 Pressure containing components found to have degradation that could affect their load carrying capability
[pressure loads and other applicable loads (e.g. weight, wind, etc., per API 579-1/ASME FFS-1)] shall be
evaluated for continued service or removed from service until corrective actions/repairs are performed. Fitness-
for-Service techniques, such as those documented in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, latest edition, may be used for this
 The Fitness-for-Service techniques used shall be applicable to the specific degradation observed.
 The following techniques may be used as applicable.
a) To evaluate metal loss in excess of the corrosion allowance, a Fitness-For-Service assessment may be performed in
accordance with one of the following parts of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1. This assessment requires the use of a
future corrosion allowance, which shall be established, based on 7.1.
b) Assessment of General Metal Loss—API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Part 4.
c) Assessment of Local Metal Loss—API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Part 5.

d) Assessment of Pitting Corrosion—API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Part 6.
e) To evaluate blisters and laminations, a Fitness-for-Service assessment should be performed in accordance with API
579-1/ASME FFS-1, Part 7. In some cases, this evaluation will require the use of a future corrosion allowance, which
shall be established, based on 7.1.
f) To evaluate weld misalignment and piping distortions, a Fitness-for-Service assessment should be performed in
accordance with API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Part 8.
g) To evaluate crack-like flaws, a Fitness-for-Service assessment should be performed in accordance with API 579-1/ ASME
FFS-1, Part 9.
h) To evaluate the effects of fire damage, a Fitness-for-Service assessment should be performed in accordance with API 579-
1/ASME FFS-1, Part 11.
 Piping Stress Analysis
 Piping shall be supported and guided so that:
a) its weight is carried safely,
b) it has sufficient flexibility for thermal expansion or contraction, and
c) it does not vibrate excessively, and
d) accounts for other loads (e.g. those included in the original code of construction).
 Piping flexibility is of increasing concern the larger the diameter of the piping and the greater the difference
between ambient and operating temperature conditions.
 Piping stress analysis to assess system flexibility and support adequacy is not normally performed as part of a
piping inspection. However, many existing piping systems were analyzed as part of their original design or as part
of a re- rating or modification, and the results of these analyses can be useful in developing inspection plans.
 When unexpected movement of a piping system is observed, such as during an external visual inspection (see
5.5.5), the inspector should discuss these observations with the piping engineer and evaluate the need for
conducting a piping stress analysis.
 See API 574 for more information on pressure design, minimum required and structural minimum thicknesses,
including formulas, example problems and default tables of suggested minimums.
 Piping stress analysis can identify the most highly stressed components in a piping system and predict the thermal
movement of the system when it is placed in operation.
 This information can be used to concentrate inspection efforts at the locations most prone to fatigue damage from
thermal expansion (heat up and cool down) cycles and/or creep damage in high-temperature piping.
 Comparing predicted thermal movements with observed movement can help identify the occurrence of
unexpected operating conditions and deterioration of guides and supports.
 Consultation with the piping engineer may be necessary to explain observed deviations from the analysis
predictions, particularly for complicated systems involving multiple supports and guides between end points.
 Piping stress analysis also can be employed to help solve observed piping vibration problems.
 The natural frequencies in which a piping system will vibrate can be predicted by analysis.
 The effects of additional guiding can be evaluated to assess its ability to control vibration by increasing the system's
natural frequencies beyond the frequency of exciting forces, such as machine rotational speed.
 It is important to determine that guides added to control vibration do not adversely restrict thermal expansion.

Classification: Internal Use


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