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Dare to Dream,

Believe in Yourself !
Berani Bermimpi, Yakin Akan
Kemampuan Diri Adalah Jalan
Menuju Kesuksesan

Herdy Harman
Tuesday, May 10 th 2022

Herdy Harman
Herdy Harman @herdyharman
Human of Human Capital and Digital InJourney

1986 1993 1998
Bachelor 1986
of Law Master of1993
Business Master of1998
Padjajaran Administration MBA Bandung - Washington College of
Bachelor of Law Master of Business Master of Law
University AIM Philippines (MM Telkom Law - American University
Padjajaran University Administration Washington College of Law -
University) USA
MBA Bandung - AIM Philippines American University
The (MM TelkomAchievement
University) Corporate
Journey s Achieveme
● Director Human Capital BRI, 2019 -Jan 2021 nts
● Advisor to The Minister of SOE for Human Best CHCO in Retail Banking 2020
Capital Development, 2019 On Digital Marketing & The Best Overall for
The Journey
● Chairman of Indonesia Human Capital Forum, 2015 -2021 HC Awards by Business
Author of
● Director Human Capital Management Telkom, 2014 -2019 in Human Capital
News Indonesia
● Director Human Capital Management Telkomsel, 2012 - (Business News
● Director of Human Capital and Digital InJourney 2021 to present
2016 2018 & 2017
2014 Indonesia)
● Director Human Capital BRI, 2019 - Jan 2021 Best CHCO on SOE Leaders Top 500 World’s Best
● Advisor to The Minister of SOE for Human Capital Development,
Award by2019
IPMI -SWA Employers (Forbes
● Chairman of Indonesia Human Capital Forum, 2015 – 2021 Global)
Publication Author
● President Commissioner
of: Info Media, 2016 - 2019
s 2012 2015
● Commissioner Graha Sarana Duta, 2015 - 2019 Satya Lencana Wira Karya Top 5 Companies to Work
● Director Human Capital Management Telkom, 2014 – by 2019 For
The President of “Strongest by Best “Get The Essence”
in Asia ACES
● Commissioner Telkom International Indonesia, 2013 - 2015
● Director Human Capital Management Telkomsel, 2012Republic
- 2014 Indonesia

“Strongest by Best “Get The

People” Essence”
Pre Test Questions
1. Apakah teman-teman pernah mendengar istilah Self Efficacy sebelumnya ?
2. Seberapa penting kita memiliki Self efficacy yang tinggi ?
3. Sebutkan minimal 3 Soft skill apa yg harus dimiliki sekarang ini ?
Kenapa Self Competency itu Penting
Dalam memasuki Dunia Kerja
Indonesia ranks 50th, It ranks fourth within
ASEAN, behind Singapore (1st), Malaysia (27th)
and Thailand (40th).

Regarding its performance on the other pillars

of the index, there is considerable room for
improvement which one is Innovation Capacity

Source :
Current Trends in the Future of Work

Double disruption (Automation + Pandemic) accelerate the technological adoption by

companies and will transform tasks, jobs and skills even faster.

In connection to such disruption, As the result, the following trends are

• Companies estimate that around 40% intensified:
of workers will require reskilling • Remote working & global worker
• 94% of business leaders report that • Borderless outsourcing of tasks
they expect employees to pick up new • Gig economy
skills on the job

The skill gap is wide, constant reskilling and upskilling is a necessity

The future of Works, The Economist

Circumstances in the Jobs of Tomorrow

On that background, 85 million jobs may be displaced, while 97 million new roles may
emerge that are more adapted to the new division of labour between humans, machines
and algorithms.

Companies cite difficulties when hiring for Companies also shift their top skills into
such new roles including in the area of: following:
• Data Analysts and Scientists, • Creativity, Critical thinking and analysis
• AI Machine Learning Specialists, as well as problem-solving, and
• Software and Application Developers • Skills in self-management such as active
learning, resilience, stress tolerance and

There is global shortage of talent in emerging profession

The future of Jobs 2020 Report, World Economic Forum, 2020

Digital Life&Digital EconomyPhenomenon

The digital economy potential is dominated byOnDemand Global digital phenomenon 2019 has huge potential market
Services (Gojek, Grab, etc), Fitech, Internet of Things, and e- that drives the emergence of disruptive digital companies.
Commerce., Jan 2019
Source: Kominfo, Tech in Asia, Daily Social, BI Statistika, IDEA World Bank
TheFinancial 4.0 TowardsOpenBanking
Mobile should now be seen as the basis for an entirely new banking model, a shift that is forcing bankers to accept
that branches are no longer the centre of the universe.

Banking Model of The Past Banking Model of The Future

Speedof changeandadoption hasbecomeextremely rapid
Time took for leading company to adopt change:


Company who can leverage new tech, big data, and algorithm is set to be an exponential company

How long does it take for technology to reach 50 million users?


22 YEARS 12 YEARS 1,5 YEARS 19


Source: In the context of product deployment from concept to customer. Novak Asami (2016), New Relic. Gibbon Rich (2019), ITAM Review. Feitelson et al
(2016), research FB. Delloite new realities of works, Desjardins Jeff (2018), World Economic Forum
WelcometoTheIndustrial Revolution4.0
"One of the features of this Fourth Industrial Revolution is that is does not change what we
are doing, but it changes us."
-Klaus Schwab, Founder of World Economic Forum

45% of the current job will be lost due to automation

-McKinsey, 2017
example :
Check in Desk Airport, Teller Agents, Call Center
Replaced by Machines

of the jobs we will hire the next generation for in the
future do not even exist today -WorldEconomic Forum
(WEF), 2016
example :
Human-Machine Teaming Mgr, Drone
Manager, AR Journey Builder, Garbage Designer
Insight from Jacob Morgan

*The Future of Work, Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders,

And Create a Competitive Organization
Human Capital Challenge in Response to Future Work
Talent Management
Managing talent is a critical issue to overcome and respond the current and future business challenges
Building Culture System
Internalize Great Values & build Digital Culture System Nowadays, Industry 4.0,
Talent Identification Talent Succession
Always On Culture Digital Culture Digital Phenomenon, and
Identify top talent by system. Observe performance Ensure business sustainability by preparing successor
data. employee potential & social perceptions. for available position.
The concept of being Critical, but still needs a culture COVID-19 pandemic are
constantly connected by conducive to its execution by
Talent Selection Talent Retention technology promoting culture activation becoming another major
Review top talent, talent cluster, and talent pool by
main expertise.
Just and challenging reward system including Effective Performance program challenges in HC
performance-based reward, career development, and Management Work Life Integration
Talent Development recognition. Knowing information about To help talents maintain
Sustain people development for preparing future
person’s action at work their physical health &
leader and future ready talent by embarking hard psychological wellness
and soft skills eq creativity, innovation,
collaborative and digital leadership

1 2 3 4 People
Great Company

Right Strategy for Talent Acquisition Establishing Agile &

Finding the right and best talent that fit our values Talent War
Employee Experience Digital Organization
Gives a competitive
Build Employer Branding by using Explore new method to meet the
Finding Right Size & Competency advantage in attracting
Creative and Proactive method to attract need of future organization.
Identify the right size & competencies of workforce to address future recruits and stay with
top talent. ● Slim Organization
business challenge in sense of quality and quantity (soft and hard skill), organizations
How sexy our company is? ● Collaboration Network
sustaining strategic workforce is critical
Gig Workers Diversity & Big Generation Gap ● Shared Service Organization
Employee Value Proposition Employer Branding
The new talent management model Multi-generation, Disability, ● Team Based Organization
Convincing the values that we Make sure that our company
needs to be reviewed as the impact of Ethnic, Cultural, Gender, ● Leveraging Partnership
propose to targeted talents reputation is better than
others the gig economy & gig workers Generation, Religion, ● Digitalize System & Procedure
phenomenon Nationality
Soft Skill Dan Soft Competency
Memiliki keyakinan diri yg tinggi akan
kemampuanmu akan membawamu ke
pintu gerbang keberhasilan
Self Efficacy is ...

Self efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in his or her

capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce
specific performance attainment. Self efficacy reflects
confidence in the ability to exert control over one’s own
motivation, behavior, and social environment. (Albert
Bandura, Self Efficacy The Exercise of Control,1997)

Merupakan keyakinan dalam diri seseorang terhadap kemampuan yang

dimiliki bahwa ia mampu untuk melakukan sesuatu atau mengatasi
suatu situasi bahwa ia akan berhasil dalam melakukannya.
Why Important
Membantu menimbulkan kepercayaan/ keyakinan diri, sehingga terhindar dari keraguan,
kecemasan (Performance Anxiety) untuk melakukan suatu upaya dalam mencapai tujuan.

Believe in Yourself, You can do it !!

Self EfficacyReflection
CerminanKeyakinanDiri Seseorang
Tinggi Rendah

Kemampuan Mampu menangani masalah dengan efektif Lamban untuk dapat percaya diri
menangani Masalah

Keyakinan Diri Yakin terhadap kesuksesan dalam Tidak yakin dapat mengatasi masalah
untuk sukses menghadapi masalah,rintangan.

Masalah dipandang sebagai tantangan bukan Cenderung menghindari masalah yg sulit

Menyikapi Masalah untuk dihindari
Gigih dalammenyelesaikan masalah Cepat menyerah

Keyakinan Terhadap Percaya pada kemampuan yang Ragu akan kemampuan diri
Kemampuan Diri dimiliki Cepat bangkit dari kegagalan

Tanggung Jawab Suka mencari situasi baru Tidak suka mencari situasi yang baru
terhadap Tugas Komitmen kepada tugas tinggi Komitmen kepada tugas lemah/kurang

Source: Mellisyah Arrianti, Keyakinan Diri

Untukdapat meningkatkanrasa percaya diri ,perlu diketahui faktor-faktoryangmempengaruhinya. SE dapat dipelajari, direnungkan untuk kemudian
disikapi untuk menjadi suatu tindakan.

Self Efficacy Theory, Simply Psychology,

Gabriel Lopez Garrido, 2020
TipsToleverageYour Self Efficacy
Membangun Keyakinan Diri

1. Rational Comparison
● Bandingkan dirimu dg orang yang setara atau dengan dirimu di
masa lalu.
● No Pain , No Gain, segala sesuatu butuh pengorbanan
● Just Be You !

2. Focus to a Bigger Picture

Enjoy the process, boleh kalah dalam pertempuran tapi tidak dalam

3. Surround Yourself With Positive People

Get to know people from your dream industry. Build network. Get in touch
with themformally and informally

Reference: 1%, Indonesia Life School Fearless Soul

Finding The Star of Life
Future Leader Profile

1. Great Character 4.4.Future

● Intellectual Capital ● Innovation & Creativity
● Psychological / Emotional Capital ● Data Driven
● Social Capital ● Adaptability
● Visionary Leadership
● Managing Diversity
Achievement ● Digital Literacy
● Academic ● Achievement Orientation
● Non-Academic ● Global Savvy

Inclusion 5.5.People
● Taking part in society ● Good Interpersonal Skill
● Sense of nationality ● Talent Management

Breakthrouh Orientation
● Culture Enthusiasm
● Communication Skill
Observed through In-depth Interview, Psychological Profiling, Culture Fit Test, Collaboration Test, Social Media Behavior & Background Check

“Character is what we are; competence is what we can do. The reality is that character and competence drive everything else in the organization.”
- Stephen R. Covey – Author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Personalbranding- whatmakesyouunique

1. Know who you are

● What you excelled at
● Your passion and dreams
● Roles you often get entrusted in

2. Follow your favorite industry closely

Check out your dream companies, trends from your favorite industries,
knowmoreabout big names and their thoughts, their career etc

3. Broaden your network

Get to know people from your dream industry. Build network. Get in touch
with themformally and informally

4. Be a leader to yourself
Branding comes from yourcharacter; how youset yourown Reference: Accurate
standards, your work ethic, the way you treat others.
Fixed Growth
Mindset Mindset
How to approach Assumed we have reached the limit of Saw it as an exciting opportunity
failure their ability to learn more

Know-it-all: Our existing method is Learn-it-all: Curious and hunger of

working just fine new knowledge defined me

Total adherence to fixed job description Culture of experimentation, where students

Culture and punished when they make a mistake can make mistake, learn and grow

How to evaluate Pit students against each Evaluate how much students helped their
students other team

Ability/What we can give to Process/Always findways to give extra value

Focus customer/client within our limited ability to customer/client

Source: Ibarra et al (2018), Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a growth mindset. London Business School
Building up Digital Data Driven Human Risk &
Agile Future
capabilities: Awareness Decision Centered Communication Governance
Making Design in the Digital
The Future World
Skills 6 Pillars “Understand
application of
how to apply
how to design
“Apply agile
principles to
“Understand and
manage risks in a
new data analytics products and all aspects of effectively in the digitised world of
technologies to decision services from a business” digital era” financial services”
to business” making, customer
insights and perspective”

● API ● Value of Data ● Human ● Agile ● Digital Marketing ● Risk &

● Blockchain ● Data Project Centered ● Experiment Framework Compliance
● Cloud Lifecycle Design al Mindset ● Communication ● Financial Crime
● DevOps ● Data ● Business Platforms ● Digital
● Internet of Management Model ● Content Governance
Things ● Data Canvas Generation ● Cybersecurity
● Artificial Engineering Strategies

Source: Institute of Banking and

Finance (IBF), Singapore
Ethics to be embedded
There are no secrets to success, It is
the result of preparation, hard work,
self belief, and learning from failure.
Thank you

Stay safe and healthy!

People illustrations by
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Post Test Questions
1. Seberapa penting perlunya memahami Self Efficacy ?
2. Bagaimana cara memupuk rasa keyakinan diri ?
3. Faktor apa saja yg dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan (keyakinan diri) ?

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