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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and
Unit 09: Software Development Life Cycle
Date Received 1st
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Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Student Name Student ID

Class Assessor name

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I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature

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Grading grid
P5 P6 P7 M3 M4 M5 M6 D3 D4

❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

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Assignment Brief 02 (RQF)
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business

Student Name/ID Number:

Unit Number and Title: Unit 09: Software Development Life Cycle

Academic Year:

Unit Assessor:

Assignment Title: Undertake a software development life cycle

Issue Date: 07/12/2020

Submission Date:

Internal Verifier Name:


Submission Format:


● The submission is in the form of 1 document.

● You must use the Times font with 12pt size, turn on page numbering; set line spacing to 1.3 and
margins to be as follows: left = 1.25cm, right = 1cm, top = 1cm, bottom = 1cm. Citation and
references must follow the Harvard referencing style.

● Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by the Tutor.
● The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
● Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS.

● The individual Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student.
● If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you must
reference your sources, using the Harvard style.

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● Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to comply this
requirement will result in a failed assignment.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO3 Undertake a software development lifecycle.

LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioural design techniques.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:


At this stage, you have convinced Tune Source to select your project for development. Complete the
following tasks to analyse and design the software.
Task 1 – Analysis (1)

1. Identify the stakeholders, their roles and interests in the case study.
Review the requirement definition of the project. Clearly indicate which stakeholder(s) provide what

Word limit: 150 – 200.

Identify FRs and NFRs of Tune Source Project.

Discuss the relationships between the FRs and NFRs.

Word limit: 300 – 400 words.

2. Discuss the technique(s) you would use to obtain the requirements.

If needed, you may state suitable additional assumptions about the project in order to justify the
technique(s) that you choose.

Techniques: JAD, Interview, Observation, etc.

Demonstrate how to collect requirements based on chosen technique.

Word limit: 700 – 1000.

3. Discuss how you would trace these requirements throughout the project by using Requirement
Traceability matrix. You will have to provide real usage of it.
Word limit: 400 – 500 words.

Task 2 – Analysis (2)

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Analyze the requirements that you identified in Task 1 using a combination of structural and behavioral
modelling techniques that you have learnt.

Scope: You only need to construct following items for the system. You will have to include:

 Use Case Diagram for the whole system.

 Use Case specification for 2 Use cases.
 Context Diagram for the whole system.
 Data Flow Diagram – Level 0 for the whole system.
 ERD for the whole system.

For each diagram, you will have to explain properly.

Word limit: 1000 – 1200 words.

Task 3 – Design

Based on the analysis result, discuss how you would conduct the design phase:

1. Discuss how the user and software requirements are addressed in the design phase.

 You will explain how Mock-up, and Wireframe are used in the project. You should include some of
the mockup or wireframe (at least 5) design of the Tune Source project to justify that it matches users’
 You will explain which architecture (client – server, n-tier, microservices, etc.) is suitable for the
project with clear illustrations and why.
 Then you will address which technical solution stack could be suitable to implement the project with
clear explanations.
2. Discuss how activity diagram and pseudocode are used to specify the software behaviour.
3. Discuss how UML state machine can be used to specify the software behaviour. Differentiate between
FSM and extended FSM using the case study.
4. Discuss how the data-driven approach improves the reliability and effectiveness of software.
Word limit: 800 – 1500.

Task 4 – Software quality management

1. Discuss two software quality attributes that are applicable to the project.
2. Discuss two quality assurance techniques that can help improve the software quality in the project.
3. Discuss how the design techniques and approaches that you have used can help improve the software
Word limit: 400 – 1500.

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (Assignment 02):
Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

P5 Undertake a software
M3 Analyse how software D3 Critically evaluate
investigation to meet a
requirements can be traced how the use of the
LO3 Undertake a business need.
throughout the software function design paradigm
software P6 Use appropriate software lifecycle. in the software
development analysis tools/techniques to
M4 Discuss two approaches development lifecycle
lifecycle carry out a software
to improving software can improve software
investigation and create quality.
supporting documentation.

M5 Suggest two software

behavioural specification
LO4 Discuss the methods and illustrate their D4 Present justifications
suitability of P7 Explain how user and use with an example. of how data driven
software software requirements have M6 Differentiate between a software can improve the
behavioural design been addressed. finite state machine (FSM) reliability and
techniques and an extended-FSM, effectiveness of software.
providing an application for

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P5.a Identify the stakeholders, theirs roles and interests in the case study. Review the
requirement definition of the project. Clearly indicate which stakeholder(s) provide
what requirements. Discuss the relationships between the FRs and NFRs. Introduce

The features, functions, and activities that must be accomplished for a project to be
regarded successful are known as project requirements (or to at least be wrapped up).
They provide the numerous objectives for stakeholders to meet and provide everyone
engaged with a clear set of guidelines to strive toward.

1. Functional requirement
1.1. Definition
An explanation of the service that the program must provide is contained in a
functional requirement (FR). It describes a piece of software or a software system. A
function is nothing more than the inputs, behavior, and outputs of the software system.
A system's likely purpose can be determined by a computation, data manipulation,
business process, user interaction, or any other specialized feature. A functional
requirement can be anything from a high-level abstract declaration of the sender's
demand to intricate mathematical functional requirement specifications in the fields of
software engineering and systems engineering. You can capture the expected
behavior of the system with the aid of functional software requirements.

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1.2. Advantage of FR
 Aids you in determining if the application provides all of the features included in
the application's functional requirements.
 A functional requirement document aids in the definition of a system's or one of
its subsystems' functioning.
 Functional requirements, in conjunction with requirement analysis, aid in the
identification of missing needs. They aid in defining the intended system service
and behavior.
 Errors discovered at the Functional requirement collection stage are the least
expensive to correct.
 Help users achieve their objectives, tasks, or activities.
1.3. Types
2. Non-functional requirement
2.1. Definition
Non-Functional Requirement (NFR) describes a software system's quality attribute.
They evaluate the software system based on its responsiveness, usability, security,
portability, and other non-functional characteristics that are crucial to its success. Non-

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functional requirements in software engineering enable you to apply limits or
restrictions on the system's design across the multiple agile backlogs.

2.2. Advantage
 Nonfunctional criteria guarantee that the software system complies with legal
and regulatory standards.
 They assure the software system's dependability, availability, and performance.
 They guarantee a positive user experience and the simplicity of use of the
 They contribute to the development of the software system's security policy.
2.3. Disadvantage
 None of the functional requirements may have an impact on the different high-
level software subsystems.
 They need particular attention throughout the software architecture/high-level
design phase, which raises the cost
 Their implementation does not always correspond to a certain software

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 It is difficult to alter non-functional code once you have passed the architectural
3. Deference between Fr and NFR

Parameters Functional Requirement Non-Functional Requirement

Requirement It is required It is non-required
It is recorded as a qualitative
Capturing type It is documented in the use case.
End result Product feature Product properties
Capturing Simple to capture It is difficult to capture
Assists you in testing the Assists you in testing the
software's functionality. software's performance.
Pay attention to user
Area of focus Focuses on the user's expectation
Documentation Describe what the product does Describes how the product works
Functional testing includes
Non-functional testing includes
Testing system, integration, end-to-end,
things like performance, stress,
Methodology and API testing, among other
usability, and security testing.
Non-functional testing comes
Test Execution Following the functional testing
after test execution.
Product Info Product Features Product Properties

4. Relationships between FR and NFR

The ultimate objective of a project is to create a high-quality product that is exactly what the
customer requested. The primary means through which a client communicates their
expectations to the project team is through functional requirements. Functional requirements
aid in keeping the project team on track. Functional requirements specify what a software
must perform and how it must respond to inputs. Functional requirements describe the
software's aims, which means that if these requirements are not satisfied, the software will not
operate. Non-functional requirements specify how the system will perform this function,

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whereas functional requirements specify the system's core behavior. Non-functional
requirements do not serve as the framework for the system, in contrast to functional
requirements. This indicates that even if the non-functional needs are not satisfied, the
system will still operate. However, the importance of non-functional criteria should not be
ignored. Non-functional requirements are more user-focused than functional requirements,
which are primarily concerned with the demands of the customer. Requirements, both
functional and non-functional, are crafted by business analysts. It falls upon their shoulders to
communicate with clients, figure out their needs and wants, and translate them into

5. Apply to Tune Source

This table will list the project stakeholders who can supply the criteria, their
responsibilities, and their interests.

Stakeholders Responsibility Criteria Interests

John Margolis, Tune Source project’s system must Finance the project using investment
Megan Taylor, be brought to market as quickly as money. Give the project's needs in
and Phil feasible. detail. Make a final choice on the
Cooper project's modifications.
The requirement must be exact Gather and evaluate the project's
and reasonable. Report and reply needs. Plan, lead, oversee, and
Duong to system modification requests as evaluate the project's execution.
Nguyen Tran PA soon as possible. resource-manage a project. Determine
Kha and estimate your financial needs.
Determine and oversee your personnel
Carly Sponsor Obtain a fresh source of income Prepare project proposals and contract
Edwards, from consumer download service agreements in coordination with
Assistant Vice subscriptions. Expect some cross- management. Keep track of and report
President, selling to increase if consumers on project productivity and quality.

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who have downloaded a track or
two from a CD decide to buy the Identify, assess, and manage risks that
complete CD in a store or via our have an impact on product quality.
website. The selling of music Implementation of product promotion
download gift cards is expected to strategies for the Tune Source project
generate new revenue.
Providing cutting-edge technology Performs project design and
and equipment Gives thorough development tasks in accordance with
explanations of the functionalities the required specifications. Coordination
that will be developed. with management in the preparation of
Developer technology and equipment
& recommendations for project
Maintainer implementation. To carry out project
development duties, conduct research
and suggest new technologies.
Performing upgrades and website
maintenance of Tune Source project
The needs of the user must be Meet with system users to determine
clearly defined. Gives a full project scope. Collaboration with
explanation of the functions that software developers and project support
will be created. teams is required. Stress testing,
performance testing, functional testing,
Tester and scalability testing should all be
department performed. Carry out manual and
automated testing. Test in many
settings, such as web and mobile.
Create tests to reduce risk. Repair, fix,
and report on risks, difficulties, and
Customers User Search the digital music library for Experience and give feedback on
music. Play some music samples. products of Tune Source project. Visit
Purchase individual downloads at a the Tune Source sales page to

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set price per. Create a subscription purchase the item. Set needs and
account for your customers that expectations for the features and
allows limitless downloads for a services to help the website perform
monthly charge. Buy gift better.
certificates for music downloads.

P5.b Discuss the technique(s) you would use to obtain the requirements. If needed,
you may state suitable additional assumptions about the project in order to justify the
technique(s) that you choose.

1. Interviews
1.1. Definition

A talk with stakeholders to elicit or validate needs and requirements is known as an

interview. One or more stakeholders may participate in an interview. A question-and-
answer period may also be included in the interview to identify other prospective
stakeholders and any differences between the needs, the high-level requirements
generated from those needs, and the resultant specific requirements. Interviews make it
easier to get stakeholders' acceptance for your needs, demands, and any modifications.

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1.2. Steps of Interview
 Step 1: Identify stakeholders to be interviewed
 Step 2: Obtain a general understanding of the customers business
 Step 3: Develop interview questions using open-ended questions
 Step 4: Set meeting time and location for the interview
 Step 5: Provide a set of questions to interviewees prior to the interview
 Step 6: Use one or more Recorders to accurately preserve results of the
 Step 7: Provide results to interviewees for confirmation of content
1.3. Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantage Disadvantage
Generally simple since it requires little The interviewer's prior notions may be
planning. reflected in the questions asked, which
may affect the replies.
When compared to big seminars, one-on- The interview approach might be time-
one and small group interviews need less consuming and ineffective for projects with

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preparation and scheduling. many stakeholders.
Smaller workshops with fewer participants Additional interviews are required to clarify
demand less commitment from any discrepancies and contradictions
stakeholders than individual and group between stakeholder information.
Interviews provide you the chance to go This method prevents many stakeholders
further into or further define a topic. from hearing and expanding on the
information being transmitted.
2. Join Application Development
2.1. Definition
JAD is a software development methodology that improves stakeholder collaboration
throughout software development cycles. Certain facets of the dynamic software
development process have embraced its life cycle. While developing a new
information system for any company or enterprise, it gathers business and system

2.2. Phrase

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 Define Specific Objectives: In collaboration with stakeholders, the facilitator
establishes all objectives and a list of items, which are then disseminated to other
developers and participants to comprehend and review. This purpose includes aspects
such as the scope of the proposed system, its potential outcome, technological
requirements necessary, and so on.
 Session Preparation: The facilitator is exclusively responsible for this preparation,
which includes gathering all pertinent data and sending it to other members ahead of
time. To gain a better understanding of the system requirements and acquire all of the
essential information for development, research is conducted.
 Session Conduct: The facilitator is responsible for identifying issues that must be
resolved in order for the system to be error-free. The facilitator will act as a participant
but will have no say over the information.
 Documentation: Once the product has been built, the records and published papers
are presented at the meeting so that stakeholders and customers may approve it.

2.3. Advantage and Disadvantage

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Benefit Drawback
JAD enables you to solve problems It's challenging for the team to keep
more quickly and develop better, error- focus and align goals due to divergent
free software. viewpoints.
The company's and clients' combined JAD could need a large time investment,
participation reduces all hazards. depending on the project's scale.
JAD saves project development costs Significant planning and scheduling are
and time. required.
System quality is improved by well- For facilitation and recording, qualified
defined criteria. and experienced persons are needed
Progress is accelerated as a result of
close communication.
JAD motivates the team to work quicker
and to produce on schedule.

3. Questionaries
3.1. Definition
A questionnaire is a type of research tool that consists of a series of questions
designed to elicit relevant information from respondents. These instruments use an
interview-style structure and incorporate either written or oral questions.
Questionnaires can be qualitative or quantitative, and they can be administered
online, by phone, on paper, or in person. Questions do not have to be administered in
the presence of a researcher.
3.2. Step
 Determine what needs to be discovered: The first step is for the researcher to
explain what information is required to satisfy the objectives outlined in the
proposal and research brief.
 Make an outline of the questions: The next step for the researcher is to create a
list of all potential questionnaire questions.
 Refine the questions: The goal here is to change and enhance the questions so
that they make sense and yield the correct answers.

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 Determine the response format: The response format is equally as crucial as
the question – whether it is a pre-coded list of options or an open-ended inquiry
that allows for verbatim remarks.
 Place the questions in the correct order: A successful questionnaire depends
on the questions' placement. They ought to flow naturally and rationally.
 Verify the questionnaire's layout: This stage entails preparing the questionnaire
and giving the interviewer specific instructions. include routings, probes, and a
strong opening.
 Test: The focus of the last step is testing. Before it is implemented, the goal at
this point is to identify any changes that are required.
3.3. Advantage and disadvantage

Advantage Disadvantage
Practicality: Questionnaires allow researchers Answer dishonesty: Respondents may not
to deliberately manage their target audience, always be totally honest with their replies –
questions, and format while collecting vast some may have hidden intentions, while
amounts of data on any subject. others may answer in the way they believe
society would accept.
Cost-efficiency: Instead of hiring surveyors to Question skipping: Make sure that all of
deliver your survey questions, you can post your survey questions demand responses.
them on your website or email them to Otherwise, you risk responders leaving
respondents at little or no cost. unanswered questions.
Speed: Using mobile tools, you may collect Difficulties with interpretation: If a question
survey data fast and easily, collecting isn't clear enough, respondents may
responses and insights in 24 hours or less. struggle to interpret it correctly. That is
why it is critical to ask questions clearly
and simply, with explanations when
Respondent comfort: When taking a Survey fatigue: If they receive too many
questionnaire, respondents are fully surveys or the questionnaire is too long,
anonymous and are not under any time limits, respondents may become survey fatigued.
which helps them feel calm and encourages

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them to make accurate comments.
Simple analysis: Questionnaires frequently Unreliable responses: If respondents don't
include built-in tools that automate analyses, read your questions all the way through or
making it quick and simple to analyze your completely, they could give answers that
data. aren't true and affect the reliability of the
data. By keeping questions brief and
straightforward, you can reduce this risk.
Scalability: Because questionnaires are very Analysis difficulties: While closed
scalable, researchers can distribute them to questions are simple to analyze, open
demographics all over the world. questions must be reviewed and
interpreted by a person. Limit the number
of open-ended questions in your survey to
obtain more quantitative data that you can
review and use more quickly.

4. Document Analysis
4.1. Definition
The document analysis technique is one of the most effective techniques to get the
requirements elicitation process started. It is the examination of pertinent business,
system, and project documentation with the goal of understanding the business and
project backdrop, as well as identifying requirements or possibilities for improvement.
It is a method of acquiring information prior to scheduling interviews or other forms of
elicitation with stakeholders. It can supplement other elicitation processes such as
workshops, interviews, and prototyping by verifying requirements.

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4.2. Stages of Document Analysis
 Prepare Stage: determining which resources are appropriate and pertinent for
study includes doing this.
 Review Stage: this entails reading the content, noting pertinent details, and
making a list of follow-up inquiries for the stakeholders.
 Wrap-up Stage: at this phase, notes are reviewed with key stakeholders,
requirements are organized, and follow-up inquiries are sought after.
4.3. Advantages and disadvantages

Advantage Disadvantages
When a stakeholder is unavailable or no Document analysis is restricted to the
longer associated with the organization. current circumstance.
Makes sure the analyst doesn't begin Documents must usually be updated to
with a blank page reflect current events.
Serves as a way to cross-check Finding and sifting through vast amounts

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specifications with other sources. of information can be time-consuming.

5. Observation
5.1. Definition
The observation includes a study of users in their natural environment. An analyst can
determine a process flow, pain areas, awkward stages, and chances for improvement
by watching users. Passive or active observation is possible. On the other side,
passive observation provides better input for refining needs. Active observation is the
most effective method for gaining a knowledge of an existing business process. You
can use any of these ways to identify the often-overlooked implicit requirements.

5.2. Step
 Choosing the study's objectives
 selecting the group to be watched
 selecting an observational technique to use
 acquiring membership in the group
 building a relationship with the participants
 watching and documenting behavior, attitudes, and beliefs during a
certain time period in order to conduct the study

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 Leaving the environment of observational research
 examining the captured data
 Putting together the report and presenting the results
5.3. Advantages and disadvantages

Advantage Disadvantage

6. Apply to Tune Source

I choose Interview to apply to Tune Source project. I use the interviewing technique
in the project because it is easy to use to get data about the project. In addition,
it provides the opportunity to go deeper or more clearly define the requirements
and wants of the founders and users. There are interview notes of stakeholders:

Interviewee Ngo Tran Bao Phuc

Interviewer Duong Nguyen Tran Kha
Position Developer
Purpose of interview Following and evaluating the project process.
Collect more requirements for the technology and equipment
needed to develop the website
Summary of Interview Discuss the progress of the project.
Discuss software development technologies
Provide the cost of additional equipment

Interviewee Duong Khac Hung

Interviewer Duong Nguyen Tran Kha
Position Tester
Purpose of interview Collect and identify problems and risks facing the project.
Summary of Interview Discuss the progress of the project.

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Discuss software development technology
Discuss the problems that are going on.

Interviewee Vu Hoang Gia Khang

Interviewer Duong Nguyen Tran Kha
Position User
Purpose of interview Collects additional site functionality requests
Refer to user experience to improve the site
Summary of Interview Discuss the customer experience with the website
Discuss the suitability requirements for the site
Collect user feedback when shopping in an online store

P6 Use appropriate software analysis tools/techniques to carry out a software

investigation and create supporting documentation
1. Introduce about Requirement Modellings
1.1. Definition
Requirements modeling is a method used in software development projects to
continually modify requirements and solutions via joint efforts and cooperation. You
may ensure that your team satisfies the specific demands of the stakeholders by
employing this strategy of cross-functional and self-organizing teams.

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1.2. Purpose

The primary purpose of requirements modeling is to aid in the achievement of the

ultimate goals of software development. It also strives to achieve the following goals:

 Determine and implement the best practices necessary to construct a

successful model.
 Outline how you propose to implement the practices.
 Always consider options to improve the overall modeling strategy.
1.3. Benefits

The following are the primary advantages of utilizing contemporary requirements

modeling and management systems:

 Simulators are simple to develop.

 Capable of automatically creating documents and running tests
 Easy integration with development and testing tools
 It is simple to manage changing demands and needs.
2. Apply to Tune Source
2.1. ERD

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2.2. DFD

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2.3. Flowchart

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2.4. Pseudocode

P7. Discuss how the user and software requirements are addressed in the design

1. Introduce about use case diagram

A use case diagram is a method of summarizing information about a system and its users.
It is often depicted as a graphical representation of interactions between various parts in a
system. Use case diagrams define the events in a system and how they flow, but they do
not describe how those events are implemented.

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2. Major UC diagram

3. Function UC diagram
3.1. Create account

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3.2. Search music

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