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Assignment 1
Ethics Section

Joseph Mamauag [Pick the date]

Technological advances in (Warfare? Weaponry? ) and Society Modern Warfare and Society The strides in the technology of warfare have moved vastly since the ancient wars of Spartans (and Persians, of the Greeks and Macedonians.) Many great minds have also battled for this nations, inventing and coming up with solutions solely dedicated to massively end lives and have the hope that they can rule the world. (and) All of these wars have stimulated an advancement that leads our society into a world of uncertainty and fear. (of constant explosions and deaths. As we all know, as humans evolved as so is their behaviours. Humans became smarter and obtain the knowledge of technology. We invented tools that allowed us to hunt for food and also to kill one another.

The way human beings kill one another had change so much because of the domination of technology. From the time of the Stone Age people have been warring against each other and ever since then the technology to make better weapons are being developed without the thinking of all of its consequences. All of the weapons invented were all for the purpose of killing and even mass destruction and that is true after the history of the world wars. When the word war is mentioned, people automatically perceive in their minds death and killing. And in most of all kinds of society killing is deemed to be unethical. But in the moment of war this ethics is thrown aside as a result of not having peace through the use of a diplomatic way, that is to say war is a last resort when all other means of diplomacy have failed.

Ever since, man had been killing each other. Over the course of history, man had developed efficient ways to do this. The invention of the gun powder had sparked the development leading to todays automated weapons. Ever since the way we have war and the results of war have changed and also automated weapons were not only used in war but also in our everyday society. Firearms use is not entirely limited by the law and now in our modern society more threats of misuse of weapon arises. Firearms dates back as early as the 16th century and been used for war. The Matchlock was one of the first and wasnt deemed as practical because of the crude design and several flaws but it is one of the first useable hand-held gun. From there the wheel lock and the flint lock was among of the better designed guns but it is the invention of the automated weapon that made a big leap in warfare. The earliest thinking of an automated weapon dates back to the times of Leonardo Da Vinci.

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