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Gabriela Katherine Almache

Student Name:
Nicole Alejandra Albiño Trujillo

Date of birth:
October 16 th, 2000

Third “A”

May – September 2021
My name is Nicole, I am 20 years old, I was

born on October 16 th, 2000 I live in

Montalvo I study at the Technical University

of Babahoyo I am in the 4th semester of the

Basic Education career, I like to read, cook

and ride a bicycle, I live with my parents and

my sister, after finishing my degree I want

to start my master’s degree since that is my

dream, also one of my purposes is to create

a foundation for street children who do not

have access to study.



H. Write a biography of yourself using simple present, present continuous, adverbs offrequency and
prepositions of time in – on – at. Write at least 120 words.

My name is Nicole, I am 20 years old, I was born on October 16, 2000. I live
in Montalvo I study at the Technical University of Babahoyo, I am in the 4th
semester of the Basic Education career, I like to read, Cook and ride a bicycle,
I live with my parents and my sister, after finishing my degree, I want to start
my master degree since that is my dream, also one of my purposes is to create
a foundation for street children who do not have access to study.



I. Write about a mystery story that had happened to you, use past simple and pastcontinuous, use
time expressions to clarify your story. Write at least 120 words.

There was once in a place called the curve of terror, where always from 5 in the
morning alady with a white veil appeared accompanied by a small child, but they
were covered withveils and they did not allow themselves to be seen from very
close. Hand in hand with the cars that passed through that place and once I stopped
a car and at the moment that the ladyand the child disappeared. They said that this
woman with her son had had an accident about five years ago and she simply seeks
justice because it was her husband's fault and today he enjoys his freedom.

M. Write a composition about two of your favorite touristic places inEcuador. Use comparative
forms (adj. + than, and as…as) and superlatives form. You can describe all you know about these
places, establish similarities and differences. Your composition has to have at least 120 words.

My two favorite places are Baños de Agua Santa and San Miguel, those places
are as big and they are also very beautiful with many amusement parks as they
are inSan Miguel, they are big mountains and warm climates, unlike Baños is a
temperature more than San Miguel and it also has many games such as El Casa
del arbol, pailon del diablos and many other things to undergo to be playing to
the extreme and Baños is the most visited place by many tourists but San
Miguel for its traditions and custom of the Ecuadorian mountains and for as
are its great.



L, look at the people or things that are in their environment andwrite 10 sentences about
their characteristics their way of being.

1. The girl who lives with my cousin is very nice.

2. My cousins, with whom I grew up, now live abroad
3. My grandmother, who is dead now, came from the North of England.
4. That's the woman who stole my dog.
5. She was dancing, which is difficult.
6. My uncle, who is now dead, came from Loja
7. This is my doy spike which jumps very high.
8. My dog spike, which is at the vet, jumps very high
9. The hospital not where I was born is being torn down.
10. My daughter asked me for a gift of princess skates.

A. Imagine that you are a journalist in an advice column and write several tips that you could give your
followers. Don't forget to use should + be + v (ing) and the vocabulary you have learned.

Guys you should only believe when the information is

verified. The news is all around you waiting to be told. If you
are attentive to what is happening near you, you will find
many interesting things to report. Be descriptive but not over
the top. A simple description is always better than an
exaggeration. Know that content doesn´t need to be perfect to
be valuable.

A. Match the words with the given images.

1. successful 2. Quiet smoking 3. skills 4. To be a better person

5. lose weight 6. midnight. 7. freezing 8. No drink
9. New Year’s Eve 10. Sweets 11. Way 12. crowd
13. Xmas 14. Improve 15. Noise 16. Strike midnight

6 5 15 2

3 13 10 7

x 14 1 12

x 9 11 16


N. Put in the correct verb forms.

1) He practicing match for tomorrow.

a) am b) are c) is

2) They getting married in the New Year.

a) am b) are c) is

3) I meeting with my friend New Year’s celebration.

a) am b) are c) is

4) Ana doing an exercise tomorrow evening.

a) am b) are c) is

5) My child’s watching the movie.

a) am b) are c) is

O. Use these words to write sentences. Use the present progressive.

a) He – not – play soccer – tonight. He is not playing soccer tonight.

b) I – walk – health – this summer. I am walking for health this summer.
c) Billy – not – meet – to celebration of new year´s. Billy is not meeting us to celebrate.
d) My sister – get married – next December. My sister is getting married next December.
e) We – not – know - about covid 19. We are not knowing about covid 19.

P. Make questions using the prompts. Use the present progressive.

1. Why / They / immigration / for the review? Why is she they imagrating for the review?
2. Where / She / with classmate? Where is she studying with her classmate?
3. What / we /in science name? What are we doing in science class?

Q. Negate the sentences.

1. My dad is studying for class. My dad isn´t studying for class.

2. The motorcycle is running with defects. The motorcycle isn´t running with defects.
3. I'm changing university and city. I´m not changing university and city.



R. Imagine that you have graduated from university and your parents give you atrip to any place in
the world. Write your ideal trip. Uses present continuous.
You can write an itinerary.
Search the most beautiful places on the internet, etc.You can begin your composition like this:
With my best friend from college we are planning to go on a trip ......

After my graduation with my parents we have planned a trip to Quito since some
relatives living there so we can stay with them for the duration of our vacation, Quito
is a city full of very beautiful places to visiting, it has beautiful landscapes to taking
many photos and thus having memories, since the holidays are over I will start to
get a job to be able to become independent and work on what I always dreamed of.


A. Watch a video (0:42 to 1:49) and answer the following question. Go to the forum on the Moodle and share
your opinion.

You have chased a dream, tell us which one?

At this time my dream is in process because the first thing I want is to _

finish my degree and always be proud of myself for what I do, I would
like to help in a few years have a great foundation to help animals, I will
be a great teacher and I will be a great daughter. _

Describe what you will be doing in the short term (5 years) and what goals you will be meeting
in (20 years). How do you think the worldwill be after 50 years. Use future continuous.
My goals and purpose of how I want to be and I will be in all this process, I will be a great teacher where I
will be teaching basic students, I will teach them how to learn to read, write. They will be happy because
thanks to their teacher they are reading and writing.
I will be married to my life partner in 5 years. I'm going to be a great wife; I'll be helping my parents. I will
buy you a car to travel and enjoy with the family.
In 20 years I will be in charge of a school where I direct my students to be great professionals, I will be
living close to my family and always taking care of them. In five years I will be a great teacher. I will be
graduated and proud of what I was able to finish when I felt that I will not be who I wanted to be today. I
will be teaching in a basic school. I'm going to help my parents for all their effort on me.
In 20 years I will be married to my life partner. we will have two very precious children. I'm going to be a
good mother and a good working wife. I will take care of my parents and I will be the one who gives them
everything they did for me, I will take them for a walk, I will be the daughter who will give.



A. Watch a video (0:42 to 1:49) and answer the following question. Go to the forum
on Moodle.
What is the video about?
It is about the wonders of Ecuador.

What are the words that describe the video?

All you need is to disconnect, fell, escape, share, enjoy, live.

How do you headline the video?

All you need is Ecuador

Follow the link

B. Match the words with the given images.

1. Amazing 12. Heights 9. Peaks

6. Myriad 3. Lifetime 14. devil´s nose
11. Head off 8. Landscapes 5. Andean
2. Sand 13. Rainforest 10. Choose
7. Join 4. Guinea pig

3 1 5 6
9 14 10 2

4 11 13 8

12 7

A. Complete the sentences with the vocabulary of the exercise B.

* In the Heights it gives vertigo.

* The Sand always escapes from my hands.

* Knowing my beautiful Ecuador is Amazing .

* I Head Off to know the world in 10 days.

* You can Choose the best place to enjoy life.

* I admit that I was taken as a Guinea Pig for that experiment.

* Wow, at The Peak of that mountain you can see the whole country.
* I will return to this country for A Timelife .

* The Devil´s Nose is the biggest tourist attraction.

* The animals can live safely in the Rainforest .

* All the Landscape are in my country, they are beautiful.

* The Anden mountain range is the reflection of our beautiful _ Ecuador .

* It is impossible to Know a myriad the diversity of bird species in Ecuador.

* The only country that Joins the coast, mountains and the east in 2
hours isEcuador.
ASGMT 1. Reporting a fashion show




Look at some of the inventions in task "C", and discuss them with
your classmates its importance to society and fill in the table.
What? Why?
Computers Virtual Platforms Is a The platforms are applicable to both
program that includes different face-to-face and distance teaching,
types of tools for teaching being a great didactic resource that
purposes. Its enriches the teachinglearning process
main function is to and facilitates the continuous
facilitate students to teach evaluation of the student.
classes and share.

Health Cure for cancer "Medicated The cure for cancer will be a syrup
Syrup" That will be consumed by all people
This medicine will help these who have the disease, the application
people to live longer and fade
of these drugs will cure all people who
this disease, apart from
chemotherapy they can include have this disease, it will be a blessing
this syrup and that this does not for all patients since people who live
influence so much high-grade with Cancer , they live a life of anger
cells and frustration in those around them.
This can upset both family members
and friends.
Technology Auditory pencil, receives and It is extremely important because it
records said information. This will serve and facilitate that these
pencil will be used for people people are motivated by knowing that
with hearing problems and there is a technological tool that makes
makes it easier for them to it easier for them to know what they
record the said information cannot hear from other people and so
when they speak and write it on they can maintain a dialogue, this
an electronic whiteboard. This pencil will serve for many people with
allows them to read and see hearing problems since it will be
what the function of the pen has created with the aim of facilitating
received. communication.

Describe an invention from the video you saw in task "A", tell us whit is

AREA: Health
NAME: Cure for cancer "Medicated Syrup"

The cure for cancer will be a medicated syrup as it contains medicinal substances provided in other
medications. This syrup is administered orally, keep it in cold areas notexposed to hot places. This
will serve for people with cancer of any degree they will consume it according to the degree of
cancer. The application of this medicine will change the lives of many people worldwide this syrup.
It would be a great contribution to import yourself for the whole worldbecause positive results will
be obtained and it would end with a powerful disease because Cancer is a diseasethat can develop
in any part of the body.

Contribution to the world:

This syrup will be very useful for people who suffer from this disease, since they take their
chemotherapy treatment here, it must also include the syrup where they can take it after four hours
before having chemotherapy, this will allow the degree to gradually disappear. These treatment-free
breaks allow your bodyto reconstitute itself with new cells to regain strength. It originates when
cells grow out of control and outnumber normal cells. This makes it difficult for the body to function
theway it should. This medicine will be used to give different medicines to relieve symptomsor to
slow the growth or spread of the cancer. Side effects can be different, depending onthe medications,
the dosage, and how they are administered.



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