Biodegradación de Plásticos Por Hongos

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Science of the Total Environment 654 (2019) 576–582

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Effects of plastic contamination on water evaporation and desiccation

cracking in soil
Yong Wan a, Chenxi Wu b,⁎, Qiang Xue a, Xinminnan Hui a
State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China
State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, China


• Plastic film in soil significantly increased

the rate of soil water evaporation.
• Plastic film in soil caused desiccation
cracking on soil surface.
• Plastic film increases desiccation shrink-
age rate but reduces the final shrinkage
• The observed effect in soil was affected
by the size and concentration of the
plastic film.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Environmental contamination of plastics is becoming an issue of concern globally. Detection of plastics, particu-
Received 15 September 2018 larly microplastics, has been increasingly reported in both marine environments and inland waters. Recent work
Received in revised form 6 November 2018 has indicated that soil in terrestrial environments has also been contaminated by plastics. Research has also
Accepted 8 November 2018
shown that plastics can have adverse effects on soil biota. However, the impact of plastics on soil physical prop-
Available online 10 November 2018
erties is still unclear. In this work, effects of plastic film of different sizes at environmental relevant concentrations
Editor: Jay Gan on water evaporation and desiccation cracking in two clay soils were studied. The results showed that the pres-
ence of plastics in soil significantly increased the rate of soil water evaporation by creating channels for water
Keywords: movement. The effect was more pronounced in soils treated with 2 mm plastics than in soils treated with 5
Microplastics and 10 mm plastics, and increased with increasing plastic content. Desiccation cracking was observed on the sur-
Soil face of soil treated with 5 and 10 mm plastics likely due to the destruction of soil structural integrity. While 2 mm
Water evaporation plastics increased the rate of desiccation shrinkage, the shrinkage ratio was reduced at the residual stage. Results
Desiccation cracking from this work suggest that plastic contamination can alter the water cycle in soils, which may exacerbate soil
water shortages and affect the vertical transport of pollutants. Further work is required to study the effects of
plastics of other shapes, and laboratory observations should be tested at field scale.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

World production of plastics reached 335 million tonnes in 2016

⁎ Corresponding author at: Donghu South Road #7, Wuhan 430072, China. (PlasticsEurope, 2018). Plastic has infiltrated nearly every aspect of
E-mail address: (C. Wu). people's lives. Although the use of plastic products provides great
0048-9697/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Wan et al. / Science of the Total Environment 654 (2019) 576–582 577

convenience, huge amounts of plastic wastes have been generated and The soil samples were air-dried, ground, and passed through a 2 mm
are causing serious environmental problems due to improper disposal sieve. Specific gravity, plasticity limit, liquid limit, and particle size
(Rochman et al., 2013; Thompson et al., 2009). Discarded plastics are were determined according to standard soil test methods (GB/T
slowly breaking down in the environment and can be transported 50123-1999, 1999), and mineral composition was determined by X-
from land to oceans (Jambeck et al., 2015). Plastic debris of under ray diffraction (XRD). Selected properties of the tested soils are listed
5 mm are considered to be microplastics, which have attracted growing in Table 1.
attention in recent years due to their ubiquity in the environment and to Plastics used in the experiment were prepared from polyethylene
their potential adverse impacts on organisms and ecosystems (de Souza (PE) film for agriculture with a thickness of 0.12 mm and a density of
Machado et al., 2018; Galloway and Lewis, 2016). 0.72 g/cm3. The PE film was cut into squares with side lengths of 2, 5,
Most existing work has focused on microplastics in the aquatic envi- and 10 mm.
ronment, so limited information is available with regards to the occur-
rence, fate, and impact of microplastics in soil (Hurley and Nizzetto, 2.2. Experiment setup
2018; Rillig, 2012). Plastics that enter the soil environment can originate
from a variety of sources, such as the use of mulch film, land application Plastic film of different sizes was added to the sieved soil at a mass
of biosolids, littering and illegal dumping, flooding, atmospheric trans- ratios of 0.5% and 1%. In a previous study, soil samples from an industrial
port, and overland runoff (Chae and An, 2018; Ng et al., 2018). In agri- area were found to contain 0.03% to 6.7% (mass basis) microplastics
cultural fields amended with biosolids, synthetic fibers were detected (Fuller and Gautam, 2016). Therefore, the mass ratios tested in this
and their presence was attributed to the prior application of biosolids work are within an environmentally-relevant concentration range. A
(Zubris and Richards, 2005). In arable soil from southwestern China, total of nine treatments were prepared: S1-10 mm-1%, S1-5 mm-1%,
the abundance of plastic particles was found to range from 7100 to S1-2 mm-1%, S1-10 mm-0.5%, S1-5 mm-0.5%, S1-2 mm-0.5%, S2-
42,960 items/kg (Zhang and Liu, 2018). In coastal soil adjacent to the 10 mm-1%, S2-5 mm-1%, and S2-2 mm-1%. S1 and S2 represent soil 1
Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, the abundance of microplastics varied and soil 2; 2 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm represent the size of the plastic
from 1.3 to 14,712 items/kg (Zhou et al., 2018). These results show film; and 0.5% and 1% represent the mass ratio of plastic added. Soil
that the soil environment is also contaminated by plastic waste. samples without the addition of plastic film were used as control.
Once in the soil, plastics can be further degraded into small particles Three replicates were prepared for each treatment and control.
via physical, chemical, and biological processes (Peng et al., 2017). All treatments were thoroughly mixed for 5 min using a blender.
Microplastics in soil can be ingested by soil organisms, which can affect Water was added to 1.2 times the liquid limit of the soil, and mixed
their growth, reproduction, gut microbiota, and immune system for 15 min. Slurry samples, with an initial water content greater than
(Lwanga et al., 2016; Rodriguez-Seijo et al., 2017; Zhu et al., 2018). It the soil liquid limit, can reduce the influence of the structural properties
has also been found that microplastic exposure stimulated fluorescein of remolded samples on test results, and have often been used to study
diacetate hydrolase (FDA) activities in soil, and increased levels of soil evaporation and shrinkage characteristics (Tang et al., 2011a; Tang
microplastics resulted in increased nutrient contents in the soil dis- et al., 2011b). The slurry was poured into a copper tray with an inner di-
solved organic matter (DOM) (Liu et al., 2017). Furthermore, plastics ameter of 22 cm and a depth of 3 cm. The tray was shaken on a vibratory
can release plastic additives, act as vectors for the transport of other pol- compactor for 5 min and then the edges and surface of the tray were
lutants in the soil environment, and increase the exposure of soil organ- smoothed with a spatula. The prepared samples were sealed with pre-
isms to those pollutants (Gaylor et al., 2013; Hodson et al., 2017). servative film for 48 h to ensure the water was evenly distributed.
Besides the above impacts on soil organisms, plastics might also alter After 48 h, the tray was placed in an oven at 60 °C to ensure that each
the physico-chemical properties of soil by changing its texture and sample experienced the same ambient temperature and humidity dur-
structure due to the distinctive characteristics of plastics compared ing the experiment. The weight of the soil was measured hourly. The
with natural soil components. Research has shown that microplastics evaporation of water (EWC) was calculated by subtracting the current
change the permeability and water retention of the sandy soil, thus af- water content from the initial water content (IWC) of the soil sample.
fecting the evaporation characteristics of the sandy soil (Machado The surface of the soil samples was captured with a digital camera.
et al., 2018). Unlike sandy soil, clay soil will shrink and crack during
the evaporation process (Krisnanto et al., 2016). The presence of cracks 2.3. Shrinkage analysis
is directly related to the transport of water and solutes in soil (Greve
et al., 2010; Wells and Hancock, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015). During the evaporation process, some samples showed desiccation
Many previous studies have explored the mechanisms of soil desic- shrinkage cracks on the surface, and others only showed boundary
cation cracking (Cordero et al., 2017; Kodikara et al., 1998; shrinkage (see Section 3.2). For samples with cracks, the number of
Lakshmikantha et al., 2009). During the evaporation process, desicca- cracks (NC) and the total crack length (TCL) were determined to evalu-
tion cracking is an intrinsic property of clay soil, and the cracking char- ate the effects of plastic on soil shrinkage cracking. The crack parameters
acteristics are affected by soil mineral composition, soil pore structure, (NC and TCL) were analyzed following (Tang et al., 2008).
and the external environment. When soil is contaminated with plastics, For samples with only boundary shrinkage, the shrinkage ratio was
its pore structure, bulk density, and water holding capacity can be al- used to analyze the effects of plastic on soil shrinkage characteristics.
tered (Machado et al., 2018); as a result, soil water evaporation and The original images of the soil surface at different times were converted
shrinkage cracking may also be affected. However, no study has yet into binary images, where black represents shrunken regions and white
been performed to address this issue. Therefore, the purpose of this represents soil. The total area of the shrunken region was calculated by
work was to investigate the effect of plastics of different sizes on counting the black pixels using Matlab 2010b (MathWorks Inc., Natick,
water evaporation and crack formation in soil. Influencing mechanisms MA, USA). The shrinkage ratio was calculated as the ratio of the total
and the consequent impacts on soil were also considered. shrinkage area to the initial surface area of the sample.

2. Materials and methods 2.4. Statistical analysis

2.1. Materials The evaporation rate was estimated by linear regression of the evap-
oration curves in the constant evaporation stage (see Section 3.1). The
Two topsoils (0–20 cm) from Wuhan, China were tested in this ex- calculated slopes of the evaporation curves were used to compare the
periment. They were collected from: 1) a park; and 2) a paddy field. rates of evaporation in each treatment, using a one-way Analysis of
578 Y. Wan et al. / Science of the Total Environment 654 (2019) 576–582

Table 1
Properties of the tested soil.

Soil Plasticity limit (%) Liquid limit (%) Plasticity index Soil classificationa Particle size (%) Mineral composition (%)

Soil 1 25.3 44.5 19.2 CLb b2 μm: 38.5 Quartz: 53.49

2–75 μm: 58.9 Albite: 13.16
75–2000 μm: 2.6 Illite: 20.17
Montmorillonite: 13.18
Soil 2 27.0 56.7 29.7 CHc b2 μm: 25.3 Quartz: 59.11
2–75 μm: 68.5 Albite: 13.92
75–2000 μm: 6.2 Illite: 15.56
Clinochlore: 11.41
According to the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM, 2017).
Low liquid limit clay.
High liquid limit clay.

Variance (ANOVA). Number of cracks and total crack length on the soil 3.2. Effects of different plastic amendment ratios on soil water evaporation
surface for different treatments were compared using Mann-Whitney
Test. A confidence level of 95% was used. Statistical analysis was per- Changes in the EWC with time in soil 1 for different soil plastic
formed using SPSS ver.13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). All figures amendment ratios are presented in Fig. 2. The increase in plastic content
were plotted using GraphPad Prism 6 software (La Jolla, CA, USA). from 0.5% to 1% significantly increased the evaporation rate for soil 1,
whether it was treated with 2 mm, 5 mm, or 10 mm plastics (p b 0.01).
Fig. 3 shows the evaporation rate as a function of plastic content for
3. Results soil 1. The evaporation rate in soil 1 was faster when it was treated with
2 mm plastics than when it was treated with either 5 mm plastics or
3.1. Effects of different sizes of plastics on soil water evaporation 10 mm plastics at the same plastic addition rate. Additionally, the evap-
oration rate increased proportionally with increasing plastic content in
Fig. 1 shows the changes in the evaporation of water with time in soil 1 treated with 2 mm plastics. However, there was a smaller increase
each of the soil treatments with 1% plastic added. The evaporation of in evaporation rate with an increase in plastic content for the 5 mm and
soil water can be divided into two stages: (1) in the constant evapora- 10 mm plastic treatments in soil 1.
tion stage, the EWC increased linearly with time and the ratio of EWC/
IWC was b0.87; and (2) in the residual stage, the rate of EWC increase
gradually slowed and approached the IWC. The addition of plastics to 3.3. Effects of plastics on soil desiccation cracking characteristics
the soils significantly increased the rate of evaporation in both tested
soils (p b 0.01). The evaporation rate was significantly higher in the Table 2 summarizes the results of soil cracking characteristics mea-
soils treated with 2 mm plastics than in soil alone or in soils treated surements. During the evaporation process, the specimens treated
with other plastic sizes (p b 0.01). In comparison to the unamended with both 10 mm and 5 mm plastics developed desiccation cracks on
soils (S1 and S2), the evaporation rate increased by 25.9% and 30.2% the surface, while the specimens without plastics and those treated
for soil 1 (S1-2 mm-1%) and soil 2 (S2-2 mm-1%), respectively, by the with 2 mm plastics only showed boundary shrinkage. The number of
end of the constant evaporation stage. The evaporation rate was signif- cracks was between 0 and 5, and the total length was between 0 and
icantly higher (p b 0.01) in soil 1 with the addition of 5 mm plastics (S1- 61.2 cm. Pictures of typical samples are presented in Fig. 4. No map
5 mm-1%) than with the addition of 10 mm plastics (S1-10 mm-1%). cracks occurred in any of the samples, mainly because the soil liquid
However, no difference was observed in those two treatments for soil limit was relatively low and the sample size was limited (Rayhani
2 (S2-5 mm-1% and S2-10 mm-1%) (p = 0.912). et al., 2008; Tollenaar et al., 2017). Although the occurrence and

Fig. 1. Changes in the evaporation of water with time in soil 1 (A) and soil 2 (B), showing the effects of plastics of different sizes at a mass ratio of 1% (Each point represents the mean value
of three replicates).
Y. Wan et al. / Science of the Total Environment 654 (2019) 576–582 579

Fig. 2. Changes in the evaporation of water (EWC) with time in soil 1 for treatment with plastics with side lengths of 10 mm (A), 5 mm (B) and 2 mm (C) and different amendment ratios.
(Each point represents the mean values of three replicates).

development of cracks were random, it was found that the influence of 3.4. Effects of plastics on soil desiccation shrinkage characteristics
plastics on soil shrinkage cracks increased with the increase of plastic
size and concentration. NC and TCL were significantly higher in S1- Changes in the shrinkage ratio with time in the two soils are pre-
10 mm-1% than in S1-10 mm-0.5% and S1-5 mm-1% (p ≤ 0.05). NC sented in Fig. 5. Soil 1 shrunk significantly faster than soil 2 during evap-
and TCL were also significantly higher in S2-10 mm-1% than in S2- oration (p b 0.01). Changes in shrinkage ratio can be divided into three
5 mm-1% (p = 0.05). stages: (1) in the initial stage, no shrinkage took place during evapora-
tion; (2) in the constant evaporation stage, the shrinkage ratio increased
linearly with time; and (3) in the residual stage, the shrinkage ratio
showed little change with time. In the constant evaporation stage, the
presence of plastics significantly increased the shrinkage in both soils,
and caused them to enter the residual stage in a shorter amount of
time. At the end of the experiment, however, the presence of plastics
slightly decreased the shrinkage ratio in both soils, indicating that plas-
tics hindered soil shrinkage at the residual stage.

4. Discussion

Soil water evaporation is a complex process affected by soil charac-

teristics, tillage, and environmental factors. Under the same external
conditions (temperature, humidity, and pressure), soil water evapora-
tion is mainly controlled by the water conductivity of soil, which is
linked to characteristics of its structure and composition (Khan and
Azam, 2017). Reducing soil water evaporation is of great concern in
agronomy, among other fields, as water is an important and scarce re-
source for plant growth. Our results showed that presence of plastics
in soil significantly accelerated the soil water evaporation process; this
Fig. 3. Changes in the evaporation rate in soil 1 treated with different amendment ratios of
effect was more pronounced for smaller plastics within the tested size
plastics. (Each point represents the mean values and the error bars represent the standard range. The soil conductivity was also related to the types and proportion
deviation of three replicates). of clay minerals present, because clays have a much lower water
580 Y. Wan et al. / Science of the Total Environment 654 (2019) 576–582

Table 2
Number of cracks (NC) and total crack length (TCL) on the soil surface for different samples.

Treatment Sample NC TCL (cm) Average TCL (cm) Treatment Sample NC TCL (cm) Average TCL (cm)

S1 No.1 0 0 0 S2 No.1 0 0 0
No.2 0 0 No.2 0 0
No.3 0 0 No.3 0 0
S1-10 mm-0.5% No.1 2 25.8 23.4 – – – – –
No.2 2 27.9 – –
No.3 1 16.4 – – –
S1-10 mm-1% No.1 5 51.6 42.7 S2-10 mm-1% No.1 5 61.2 46.3
No.2 4 39.2 No.2 3 39.5
No.3 3 37.2 No.3 3 38.2
S1-5 mm-0.5% No.1 1 16.8 5.6 – – – – –
No.2 0 0 – – –
No.3 0 0 – – –
S1-5 mm-1% No.1 2 26.5 15.2 S2-5 mm-1% No.1 2 29.2 15.4
No.2 1 19.2 No.2 1 16.9
No.3 0 0 No.3 0 0
S1-2 mm-0.5% No.1 0 0 0 – – – – –
No.2 0 0 – – –
No.3 0 0 – – –
S1-2 mm-1% No.1 0 0 0 S2-2 mm-1% No.1 0 0 0
No.2 0 0 No.2 0 0
No.3 0 0 No.3 0 0

conductivity than larger soil particles such as silt and sand (Hamdi and at a much higher rate along the plastic surfaces than between soil pores.
Srasra, 2013). The size of plastics used in this work is much larger than Therefore, the presence of plastics created channels, which increased the
the clay particles in the soil. As a result, soil moisture can be transported water conductivity of the soil and thus increased soil water evaporation.

Fig. 4. Pictures of desiccation cracking on the surface of the soil samples (at T = 10 h and 20 h).
Y. Wan et al. / Science of the Total Environment 654 (2019) 576–582 581

Fig. 5. Changes in the shrinkage ratio with time in soil 1 (A) and soil 2 (B), as affected by 2 mm plastics. (Each point represents the mean values of three replicates.)

In soils treated with 2 mm plastics, the size of the added plastics was stage, the shrinkage rate of the soil treated with 2 mm plastic was
the same as the size of the largest soil particles. The interfaces between greater than that of soil without plastic at the same evaporation time.
the plastics and the soil particles act as direct channels for water move- This was mainly because microplastics increased the soil evaporation
ment. More channels can be created when larger amounts of plastics are rate, so that after the same amount of time, the water content of the
present. Therefore, a linear relationship was observed between the soil soil treated with 2 mm plastic was lower than that of the soil without
evaporation rate and the plastic content. It should be noted that, in this plastics. In the residual evaporation stage, the water content of the soil
experiment, plastics were added based on mass, such that the same treated with 2 mm plastic was the same as that of the soil without plas-
masses of 2 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm plastics were added. This means tics, and thus the water content was not the main factor affecting
that the abundance (count) of 2 mm plastics was 4 and 25 times higher shrinkage. Rather, the shrinkage capacity of plastic is less than that of
in the treatments than 5 and 10 mm plastics, respectively, resulting in soil, so the presence of plastics slightly inhibited soil shrinkage during
more channels created for water movement. This might also contribute the residual evaporation phase.
to the effects of 2 mm plastics on soil water evaporation being more sig- The effect of plastics on water evaporation and desiccation cracking
nificant than the effects of the other two sizes. Additionally, plastics in soil observed in this study can have several environmental implica-
have a much lower water permeability than soil. Large plastics can tions. Firstly, plastic contamination in soil may exacerbate soil water
form covers in the soil. These covers reduce the effective infiltration shortages due to a significant increase in soil water evaporation. For
area, and thus reduce soil water evaporation. For this reason, the farmland soil, higher irrigation amounts and frequencies might be re-
10 mm plastics hindered soil water evaporation to a greater degree quired to maintain crop growth, but additional field experiments should
than the other two sizes, which contributed to its effects on evaporation be carried out to determine the combined effects of plastics and other
to appear less significant than those of 5 and 2 mm plastics. This is prob- factors, such as vegetation, weather conditions, and irrigation regime.
ably the reason why increasing the plastic content of 10 mm plastics The influence of plastic contamination on farmland is most notable for
didn't result in a linear increase in soil evaporation rate. microplastics, which are frequently detected at high levels in soil
Desiccation cracking of the soil body is a complicated physical pro- (Chae and An, 2018). The smallest size tested in this experiment was
cess, which can affect the strength, stability, and permeability of soil 2 mm. For microplastics b2 mm, the effects might be similar, but further
(Peron et al., 2009). During water evaporation, the matric suction in assessment is needed to determine whether the effect of microplastics
the soil increases with decreasing water content, causing tensile stress on soil water evaporation is related to their size. Also note that only
in the soil. When the tensile stress on the soil surface is greater than plastic film was investigated in this work, so the effects of plastics of
the tensile strength of the soil, shrinkage cracks will develop on the other shapes should be investigated in future.
soil surface (Nahlawi and Kodikara, 2006). The shrinkage and cracking Secondly, large plastics facilitate the development of desiccation
characteristics of the soil are related to soil liquid limit. For soils with a cracking in soil. Formation of cracks in soil allows the evaporation of
low liquid limit, the tensile stress in the soil tends to be less than the soil water from deep soil, which may further cause soil water shortages.
tensile strength, so desiccation cracks cannot form (Rayhani et al., When water resaturates the soil after cracking occurs, plastics and other
2008). The soil liquid limit used in this work was relatively low, and pollutants can migrate into deep soil layers along the cracks (Rillig et al.,
the soils shrunk without cracking during the evaporation process in 2017). Previously, it was demonstrated that desiccation cracks in agri-
the controls and in the 2 mm treatments. On the surface of the soils cultural land are one of the most important routes for translocation of
treated with 2 mm plastics, no desiccation cracks were observed. This veterinary antibiotics from pig slurry application (Kay et al., 2004). Fur-
is because the size of 2 mm plastics was the same as that of the largest thermore, desiccation cracking affects the permeability of clayey soil
soil particles, and the plastics were evenly distributed in the soil. There- barriers, such as tailings ponds for mining waste, and landfill liners
fore, the integrity of the soil structure was maintained. However, as can (Peron et al., 2013). Therefore, plastic contamination in clayey soils
be observed in Fig. 4, in the soils amended with 5 mm and 10 mm plas- can be detrimental for their application in seepage prevention.
tics, surface cracks developed and expanded from the vertical plastic
sheet, mainly because the large-sized plastics destroyed the integrity 5. Conclusions
of the soil surface structure and reduced the tensile strength of the
soil surface at their interface. At the same time, stress concentration at Soil water evaporation and desiccation cracking behavior was signif-
the soil surface with the plastics caused the local tensile stress to in- icantly altered when plastics were present. Plastic addition significantly
crease, thereby causing the tensile stress to be greater than the tensile increased the rate of soil water evaporation in two tested soils. The ef-
strength of the soil. fect increased as the size of the tested plastics decreased, and as the
The soil shrinkage rate is mainly affected by moisture content plastic content increased. Large plastics led to desiccation crack forma-
(Cornelis et al., 2006). As shown in Fig. 5, in the stable shrinkage tion on the soil surface. The presence of plastics increased the rate of
582 Y. Wan et al. / Science of the Total Environment 654 (2019) 576–582

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