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4A’s Detailed Lesson Plan

In Health 10

A. Learning Competency/ies:
1. Discusses the history of the theatrical and its own evolution, and describe how the
townspeople participate and contribute to the event.
2. Discusses the elements and principles of arts as seen in the theatrical forms.

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
A. identify the various health career paths;
B. select a particular health career pathway based on personal competence
…........and interest; and
C. reflect to the importance of health career orientation program; and
D. create a slogan on the importance of health careers in the society today.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Health: Selecting a Health Career Pathway.
B. References:

Health 10 - google drive. (2021, May 26). SDO Cagayan.

Retrieved March 28, 2022, from

C. Materials: Laptop, detailed lesson plans, PowerPoint presentation,

………….. pictures cartolinas, manila papers, speakers, flashcards,
………….. pens, chalks, board and online videos.
D. Date: May 24, 2022

III. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Preparatory Activities

Good afternoon everyone! 

Good afternoon ma’am
May I request you to tap yourself and greet “good
Good afternoon self.
May I request for a volunteer to lead us a short
I volunteer ma’am.
Yes, Leigh, you may lead the prayer.
Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank
you for today. Thank you for ways in
which you provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds
now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we
listen and write. Guide us by your
eternal light as we discover more
about the world around us. We ask all
this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Thank you Leigh!
You are welcome ma’am.
Before diving into the lesson, may I just remind
you to please arrange your chairs. Also, please
pick up litters beside and in front of you. Does that
make sense class?
Yes, ma’am.

To our class secretary, is there any absent?

There is no absent in this class today
That’s great! Keep up your perfect attendance


Are you excited to learn something new today?

Yes, we are ma’am!
Before anything else, did you have any advance
readings regarding our topics?
Yes, ma’am.

Okay then, before any discussion, I prepared an

activity for you to have fun.

This time, I would like you to group yourselves

into three. Start the count off from you Caroline.
Yes, ma’am.
All 1 together. All 2 together and all 3 together
Done ma’am.
Where are the group 1?
We are here ma’am.
How about group 2?
We are here ma’am.
And group 3?
We are here ma’am.
Here is the mechanics of the game.
This game is called “Sinemoto!”
I have here strips of paper with words that you
would be acting. For example, if I say Jungle, you
would be forming a Jungle scenario in your group
and then you freeze. After that, I would be
deciding who acts the best.
Do you have any questions?
None ma’am.

You have 30 seconds to form the scenarios class.

Yes, ma’am.
The first word is Dental Check-up”.
You have 30 seconds to act the word Dental
Check-up. You may now start!

15 seconds left!

10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…


You all did great class! The winner in acting the

first word is Group 2! Let us give them a round of
applause. Thank you, ma’am!
Very good! We still have 2 words here class. Do
not lose any chance. Do you get that, class?
Yes, ma’am.
All eyes here! Here is the second word.
“Maternal Delivery”.
You have 30 seconds to act the word Maternal
Delivery. You may now start!

15 seconds left!

10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…


This level is extraordinary class! Your poses are I wrote singing ma’am.
very nice! But, the winner for this pose is group 3!
Let us give them a boom clap!

Are you excited for the next pose? 1 2 3, 1 2 3, boom boom boom!

That’s great! The last word is “Emergency Rescue Yes, ma’am!

Team”. You have 30 seconds to act the word
Emergency Rescue Team. You may now start!

15 seconds left!

10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…


Seems like everyone is competitive huh. Okay!

You all did a great job in this. But, the winner is,
Group 1! Let us give them a fireworks clap.

Boom shhhh, Boom shhh, clap clap

Did you enjoy the activity?

Yes, ma’am. We really enjoyed the

Thank you class. Remember your word because activity.
you would relate that to our topic for today.

At this moment, we would be having a quick

flashback of the past. Let us check your knowledge
from the past lesson which is the preparing for
personal health career. The principles of arts are balance,
emphasis, proportion, rhythm, unity,
What do you need to consider in preparing for our variety and movement.
personal health career?

It should be “SMART” ma’am!

Very well said! What do you mean that it should
It should be
Specific - the plan must be clear,
concise and tangible.

Measurable - the plan must be

quantifiable by means of indicators.

Attainable - the plan must be


Realistic –the plan should not be

simply a wish.

Time-Bound - the plan must have a

clear schedule or time frame to do a
Now, may I ask Mr. Enrique to state the different
very good! Not just in preparing for our personal
health, but also in everything we are planning for
in life, we should be smart by considering the
SMART method. Did that make sense class?

Good! You have a clear understanding of the past Yes, ma’am.

lesson specially in preparing a personal health
career. That is very nice because it would able you
to easily understanding our topic for today.
A. Activity
Meanwhile, I have here bunch of paper dolls. You
are to identify who are these paper dolls. Is that

Yes, ma’am.
First paper doll.

Doctor ma’am.
Correct! How about this?

The dentist ma’am.

Correct! How about this?

Nurse ma’am.
Very good! How about this one?

That is a midwife ma’am!

Very good! And how about this?

That is a paramedics ma’am.

Excellent! Have you ever seen them in real life?

Yes, ma’am.
Did you ever see a nurse Lea?
Yes, ma’am. My sister is a nurse; I
often see her in her uniform.
Wow! She assists the doctor. That is amazing! how
about you, Karen? Have you seen a doctor?
Yes, ma’am. When I had a high fever,
we went to the hospital and I saw a
Very nice! they took care of sick people. How doctor there.
about Leo, how you seen a dentist?
Yes, ma’am. She took care of my
tooth when we have it cleaned last
Great! They took care of your teeth. How about month.
you Primo, have you seen a Paramedics?

Yes, ma’am. My father is a basketball

player and when he has games, I see
paramedics who standby throughout
Wow! They are ready for rescue! How about Liza, the game.
did you see a midwife?

Yes, ma’am. When my mother was

pregnant, she often goes to the
midwife for check-up and she take me
Thank you for your inputs class! We would get to with her.
know them better later.
B. Analysis
What did you find the activity?
It was fun ma’am.

I am happy to know that you have fun in the

activity! I have some fun too.

Taking into consideration of the presented

activities, what can you imply from it?
it has something to do with the health
Good! As you observed, they have been paper professionals ma’am.
dolls of the health professionals.

Do you think there is a connection of our topic last

meeting with our topic today?
Yes, ma’am.
How did you say so? Because the last lesson deals with the
preparation of the health career plan
and in the activities presented are
health careers.
Good point! You are correct! The last activity dealt
with the preparation of health career plan and now,
we would be dealing about selecting health career

C. Abstraction
What comes into your mind when you hear or see
the word “career”?
The word “work” comes into my
mind ma’am.
Great Primo! But why?
Because it is often associated with
work ma’am. When you choose a
career, you choose what work would
you have ma’am.
That is nice! That is why planning for a career is
an important stage that you must take as a student
because it would yield you to your future. It is not
an easy task to do. And as discussed in our past
lessons, there are a lot of stages to take and factors
to consider. You might consider taking a career in
healthcare which is a fast-growing industry
here and abroad. So, what is health career? Please
read, Lindsey.
Health careers refer to the different
careers related to medical and other
allied health professionals. The tasks
of health care workers and
professional are enormous yet
rewarding because their works focus
on wellness and prevention of
Thank you, Lindsey! Health careers are those who
work to aid our medical needs. Now, what is
health career pathway? Please read, Rome.
Health career pathway is a concrete
representation of your personal health
career plan. It is significant for it
provides a guide on what to take
in order to achieve your desired goals.
What do you think is the importance of
understanding it?
Understanding health career pathways
is important because it makes it easier
for you to identify health career
professional ma’am.
Very good! What else?
It also assists you in choosing a health
Good point! And of course, it helps you develop a
plan on how to prepare for your chosen health
career. Who among you has a plan to be a health
professional soon?
Ma’am, I want to be a nurse.
I plan to be a dentist ma’am.
I plan to be a pharmacist ma’am.
Very good! How happy my heart is hearing those
dreams! But, do you know that there are 12 health
career pathways?
Really ma’am?
Yes. Please read the first one Erlin.
Community Healthcare are specialists
in this area focus on the maintenance,
protection, and improvement of the
health of all community members.
Thank you! They are those who are assigned on
the community. Sample of health careers in this
pathway are Barangay or Community Health
Worker, Health Coach, Community Health
Educator, Community Outreach Manager,
Family Advocate, Peer Counselor, and Public
Health Aide. Next health career pathway, is Dental
health. please read, Vhea.
Dental health workers deal with
various oral conditions which include
chronic mouth and facial pain, oral
sores, gum disease, tooth decay and
tooth loss, other diseases and disorders
that affect the oral cavity, and risk
factors for oral diseases which include
unhealthy diet, tobacco use, harmful
alcohol use and poor oral hygiene.
Thank you, Vhea. These are those who take care of
the mouth, gums and the teeth. Sample of health
careers in this pathway are Dental Hygienist,
Dental Assistant, Dentist, Dental Nurse, and
Dental Health Support. Third career pathway is
Disease Prevention and Control. Please read, Migs.
People in the Disease Prevention and
Control are those who specialize in
this career path focus on
communicable and non-
communicable diseases. Their work
includes immunization, screening of
newborns, promotion of breastfeeding,
infant diseases prevention, adolescent
healthcare and life skills.
Thank you, Migs. These are the people who
control and detects the spread of virus and
bacteria. Sample of health careers in this pathway
are Community or Barangay Health Worker,
Disease Detective, Nurse, Epidemiologist,
Epidemiology Assistant, and Prevention Specialist.
We now move to the next, Emergency Medical
Services. Please read, Emie.
Emergency Medical Services are the
people assigned in this work specialize
in out-of-hospital medical care. Their
skills include first-aid procedures,
emergency medical response and
immediate medical attention.
Okay, people on the emergency medical services
are those who rescue in terms of emergencies.
Sample of health careers in this pathway are
Emergency Medical Responder, Emergency
Medical Aid, Emergency Medical Technician,
and Paramedic. We also have Environmental
Healthcare Management. Please read, Deanna.
These health workers from
Environmental Healthcare
Management try to establish
the correlation between and among the
physical, chemical, biological, social
and psychosocial factors in the
surrounding environment. These
include monitoring the quality of
environment and impact of human
activities on ecosystems and
developing strategies for restoring
Thank you, Deanna. Environmental Healthcare
Management are those who monitor the
environment and their impact to humans. Sample
of health careers in this pathway is Air Pollution
Analyst, Environmental Health Educator,
Environmental Health Inspector, Environmental
Health Specialist or Manager, Environmental
Toxicologist and Groundwater Protection
Specialist. Next is Health Education. Please read,
Those who work in Health Education
field are tasked with promotion of
healthcare and training of health
workers on managing change in
healthcare. Their work involves
assessing individual and community
needs, planning, implementing and
evaluating health programs, promoting
the understanding of various health-
related behaviors plus coordinating
health education services.
Thank you Casey. These are those who give
information about health. Teachers like us can also
be play a great role Health Education. Sample of
health careers in this pathway are Health
Education Specialist, Health Advocate, Wellness
Director, Community Health Educator, and Social
Worker. We also have Maternal and Child Care.
Please read, Maxine.
Maternal and Child Care workers deal
with complex public health issues that
affect women, children and their
families. These include providing
information on reproductive health,
family planning and improvement of
health delivery system through
advocacy, education and research.
Thank you, Maxine. They are those who took care
of the reproductive health just like pregnancy and
birth. Sample of health careers in this
pathway are Maternal and Child Health Specialist,
Midwife, Community Health Educator, Outreach
Specialist, and Pediatrician. Next we have, Mental
Healthcare. Please read, Leanna.
Mental Healthcare professionals
specialize in dealing with
interpersonal and intrapersonal
relationships and life skills. These
include cognitive and psychosocial
development, promotion of healthy
self-esteem through feelings and anger
management and identifying warning
signs or red flags of learning
disorders, such as ADHD, anxiety,
mood disorders, stress, and bullying.
Thank you Leanna. They are those who makes
people recover from what is going inside their
mind that slowly ruins them. Samples of health
careers in this pathway are Psychologist,
Psychiatric Nurse, Psychiatrist, Mental Health
Counselor, Clinical Social Worker, and Marriage
and Family Therapist. In Nutrition, we also have
Nutrition Specialist. Please read, Ashley.
Nutrition Specialists in this area find
ways to balance individuals’ food and
nutrition and their impact on patient’s
health. These include meal planning,
food preparation and health and
nutrition economics.
Okay, they make sure that the people gets enough
and equal nutrition from what they consume.
Samples of health careers in this pathway are
Nutritionist, Dietitian, Clinical Dietitian, Sports
Nutritionist, Public Health Nutritionist, Nutritional
Therapist, and Nutrition Educator. We also have,
Occupational safety. Please read, Kate.
Careers in Occupational safety path
are related to the safety, health and
welfare of people engaged in work or
employment. These include protecting
workers from sickness, disease and
injury arising from possible hazards of
their employment and workplace.
Correct! They are those who ensure that people
working on their workplace are safe and sound.
Sample of health careers in this pathway
are Occupational Health and Safety Technician,
Health Inspector, and Industrial Hygienist. Sample
of health careers in this pathway are Physical
Therapist, Practical Nurse, Home Health Aide, and
Wellness Consultant. Do you have any questions
None ma’am.
Next we have these professionals from drug
prevention and control. Disease Prevention and
Control People who specialize in this career
path focus on communicable and non-
communicable diseases. Their work includes
immunization, screening of newborns, promotion
of breastfeeding, infant diseases prevention,
adolescent healthcare, and life skills. do you have
any question?
None ma’am.
Okay, last career is Personal Health Care. Can you
please read, Rhea.
Professionals in this field perform
healthcare related tasks in a personal
care level. These include monitoring
patients; administering and assisting in
personal care and hygiene; performing
housekeeping duties; and advising
clients on related healthcare issues.
Correct! The personal care services pathway
includes occupations provide services related to an
individual's physical care, including cosmetic, spa,
fitness, and funeral you have
None, ma’am.
How many career pathways do we have?
12 ma’am.
Correct! You might be of interest of these health
professions but they are too many. Now, there are
suggested ways on how to decide with
corresponding questions that you should reflect to.
What is the first suggestion?
It is Motivation ma’am.
And what should be asked under it?
What are your reasons for selecting
this health career?
Precisely! You should ask what drives you to
choose that career. What do we have next?
It is Educational and Training
Requirements ma’am.
Correct! And under this, you should reflect on how
will you be educated and trained in this
health career? Will you be studying abroad; will
you be trained abroad? And things alike. What is
the next thing to consider?
It is Skill Alignment ma’am.
Very good! Are your skills suitable to the health
career? Are you scared of blood, of cuts or of
fractures? Are you a natural caring person? Those
things should be considered. The next thing to
consider is Role Suitability.
Yes, ma’am. Under this, we need to
consider how do we see ourselves in
the healthcare field?
Yes, do you imagine yourself taking care of
people, educating about health or dedicating
yourself to the healing of others? What do we need
to consider next?
We should consider the Place of work
too ma’am. Including the questions on
Will we be comfortable working in the
healthcare field?
Excellent! Are you people smart? Are you
dedicated to take good care of people? can you
work under pressure? Things like those are the
things you need to ponder. And lastly, we have?
Impact ma’am. Will us and our family
be benefitted when we work in the
healthcare field?
Correct! Do you want to influence not just other
people but mainly your family and of course,
Do you think that the school has an impact on your
possible health care career choice?
Yes, ma’am.
In what sense?
Because they are the one who will
mold you to be the person you want to
be ma’am.
Very good answer Annica! They are the people
who would provide you the foundations of your
dreams and ideals of life. That is why, in line with
choosing your profession, On February 14, 2019,
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed into law
Republic Act 11206 otherwise known as what?
Secondary School Career Guidance
and Counseling Act. Ma’am.
Very good! And who can give one of its
Ma’am, I want to try.
Go on, Jake.
One of its objective is to
institutionalize a career guidance and
counselling program for students in all
public and private secondary schools
nationwide in order to provide them
proper direction in pursuing
subsequent tertiary education;
What else? Can you give us another objective,
Sure, ma’am. Another objective of it
is to equip secondary education
students with the capability to make
educated career decisions and expose
them to relevant labor markets.
Nice! And the last objective? Please give it to us,
The last objective ma’am is to ensure
that graduates of tertiary education
meet the requirements of the
government, industry, and the
Great! And in this regard, schools are conducting
career advocacy activities under the
career guidance program. So, what are the possible
The schools invite different
professionals to share their
unique and inspiring life experiences
Very good! There are guess speakers. What else?
Other activities during the orientation
program are parade of professionals,
lectures from the different partner
institutions, course caravan, mock
interview for admission, among
Excellent Gio! There are parades wherein you are
asked to wear your dream profession. There are
also speakers from the different colleges. And
other more activities that would help you decide to
your career. Did that make sense class?
Yes, ma’am.
Great! Do you have any questions class?
Ma’am, what is the importance of
programs like the Secondary School
Career Guidance and Counseling?
Very good question! Aside from it helps you
decide for what profession you really belong, it
also helps eliminate job mismatch in the country
due to many students enrolling in courses they do
not really love and that made them graduate but do
getting jobs that do not match their degree. did that
make sense?
Yes, ma’am.
Great! Any more questions. Class?
None ma’am.
To wrap up, what are the 12 health career paths?
Ma’am, the 12 health career path are
Community Healthcare,
Dental Health,
Disease Prevention and Control,
Drug Prevention and Control,
Emergency Medical Services,
Environmental Healthcare
Health Education,
Maternal and Child, Care
Mental Healthcare,
Nutrition Occupational Safety, and
Personal Healthcare ma’am.
That memory id excellent! Now, how about the
suggested ways to choose a health career pathway?
This comes in 6 ways ma’am. These
are motivation, education and training
requirements, skills alignment, role
sustainability, place of work and
impact ma’am.
Impressive! Do not forget those class. Now, what
is the law that President Rodrigo Duterte has
signed in line with career guidance?
It is Republic Act 11206 otherwise
known as Secondary School Career
Guidance and Counseling Act ma’am.
When dis he signed it?
On February 14, 2019 ma’am.
Very good! Now, is everything discussed clear to
Yes, ma’am.
Great! I am very happy to know that.
D. Application
Okay, since it seems clear to you, let us have a
short blast of activity. Are you excited?
Yes, ma’am.
Posted here in the board is a word hunt puzzle. Is it
visible there in the back?
Yes, ma’am.
Great! Find 10 sample health careers in the Word
Hunt below then identify what health career
pathway do they belong. If you have an answer,
please raise your hand. Did you get that class?
Yes, ma’am.
Do you have any questions?
None, ma’am.
Okay! Let us start.

Who has a word?

Leslie is raising his hand. Do you have an item?
Yes, ma’am. Addiction Counselor and
Control Drug Prevention
Very good! We have 9 items left.
Barangay Health Worker is under
Community Healthcare ma’am.
Impressive! We have 8 items left.
Health Inspector is under
Occupational Safety ma’am.
Excellent! We have 7 more items left.
Epidemiologist is under Disease
Prevention and Control ma’am.
Great! We have 6 more items left.
Social Worker is under Health
Education ma’am.
Very good! We have 5 more items left.
Dental Hygienist is under Dental
Healthcare ma’am.
Good! We have 4 more items left.
Paramedics is under Emergency
Medical Service ma’am.
Excellent! We have 3 more left.
Psychologist is under Mental
Healthcare ma’am.
Great! We only have 2 items left.
Dietician is under Nutrition ma’am.
Very good! Last item?
Practical Nurse is under Personal
Healthcare ma’am.
Very good! Wow! I am very amazed with what
you have showed class.
Thank you, ma’am.
Now class, I think you are well ready for a short

IV. Evaluation

Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the best answer in your
activity notebook.
1. Which among the following careers belongs to emergency medical services?
a. Epidemiologist c. Psychiatrist
b. Paramedic
c. Psychiatrist
d. Social worker
2. What health career pathway specializes in out-of-hospital medical care?
a. Dental health
b. Emergency medical services
c. Mental healthcare
d. Nutrition
3. What health career pathway focuses on communicable and non-
communicable diseases?
a. Community healthcare
b. Disease prevention and control
c. Environmental healthcare management
d. Personal healthcare
4. Which health career pathway deals with complex public health issues that
affect women, children and their families?
a. Community healthcare
b. Drug prevention and control
c. Maternal and childcare
d. Nutrition
5. What health career pathway does a barangay health worker belong to?
a. Community healthcare
b. Dental health
c. Emergency medical services
d. Nutrition
6. Which is not a sample career under mental healthcare?
a. Marriage and family therapist
b. Paramedic
c. Psychologist
d. Psychiatric nurse
7. Which health career is not included in environmental healthcare
a. Air pollution analyst
b. Community health worker
c. Environmental health educator
d. Environmental health inspector
8. What health career pathway seeks to reduce community and individual
problems related to alcohol and drug abuse?
a. Community healthcare
b. Disease prevention and control
c. Drug prevention and control
d. Health education
9. What is the main task of health professionals in occupational safety? They
deal with...
a. various oral conditions which include tooth decay and tooth loss.
b. safety, health and welfare of people in a workplace.
c. ways to balance individuals’ food and nutrition.
d. promotion of healthcare and training of health workers.
10.Which among the following professionals performs healthcare-related tasks
in a personal care level?
a. Air pollution analyst
b. Dental assistant
c. Disease detective
d. Home health aide
Slogan Making:

Direction: In 10-15 words, create a slogan implying the importance of the health careers in
the society. Be guided by the rubrics below.

4 3 2 1 Score
Craftsmanshi The slogan The slogan The slogan The slogan
p is is attractive is is
exceptionall in terms of acceptably distractingly
y attractive neatness. attractive messy
in terms of Good though it
neatness. construction may be a bit
Well- and not very messy.
constructed messy.
and not
Creativity Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan
exceptionall creative and creative and does not
y creative. A a good some reflect any
lot of amount of thought was degree of
thought and thought was put into creativity.
effort was put into decorating
used to decorating it.
make the it.
Originality Exceptional Good use of Average use No use of
use of new new ideas of new ideas new ideas
ideas and and and and
originality originality originality originality
to create to create to create to create
slogan slogan. slogan. slogan.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are
grammatical grammatical grammatical more than 2
mistakes on mistake on mistakes on grammatical
the poster. the poster. the poster. mistakes on
the poster.
Total Score:

V. Assignment

Directions: Identify what is being described in each item by filling in the missing
letters to form the correct answer. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. These health workers deal with complex public health issues that affect
women, children and their families.

2. These health workers focus on immunization, screening of newborns,

promotion of breastfeeding, infant diseases prevention, adolescent
healthcare and life skills.
D I S E A _ E PR _ VE _ TI _ N AND C _ NTR _ L

3. These health workers monitor patients, administer and assist in

personal care and hygiene, and perform housekeeping duties.
PE _ S _ N _ L H _ ALT _ C _ R _

4. These health workers focus on the maintenance, protection and

improvement of the health of all community members
CO_ _U _ I _ Y H _ ALT _ CA _ E

5. These health workers find ways to balance individuals’ food and

nutrition and their impact on patient’s health.

6. These health workers specialize in cognitive and psychosocial

development, promotion of healthy self-esteem through feelings and
anger management.
M _ N _ A _ H _ A _ T _ CA _ E

7. These health workers protect workers from sickness, disease and injury
arising from possible hazards of their employment and workplace.
O _ C _ P _ _ IO _ AL S _ F _ _ Y

8. These health workers specialize in out-of-hospital medical care such as

first-aid procedures, emergency medical response and immediate.
E _ E _ GEN _ Y ME _ IC _ L S _ R _ I _ ES

9. These health workers deal with various oral conditions which include
chronic mouth and facial pain, oral sores, gum disease, tooth decay and
tooth loss, other diseases and disorders that affect the oral cavity.
DE_ _ _L H _ _ L _ H
10. These health workers try to establish the correlation between and
among the physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial
factors in the surrounding environment.
EN_ IR _ N_ _NT _ LHE _ LT_ C _ RE MA _ A _ EM _ NT

Prepared by:

Verzon, Rachelle Joy. L.

Appendix A

Paper Dolls:

Figure 1: Doctor

Figure 2: Dentist

Figure 3: Nurse
Figure 4: Midwife

Figure 5: Paramedics
Appendix B
Appendix C
Answer key of the evaluation:

1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. D

Appendix E

Rubrics for the slogan making:

4 3 2 1 Score
Craftsmanshi The slogan The slogan The slogan The slogan
p is is attractive is is
exceptionall in terms of acceptably distractingly
y attractive neatness. attractive messy
in terms of Good though it
neatness. construction may be a bit
Well- and not very messy.
constructed messy.
and not
Creativity Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan
exceptionall creative and creative and does not
y creative. A a good some reflect any
lot of amount of thought was degree of
thought and thought was put into creativity.
effort was put into decorating
used to decorating it.
make the it.
Originality Exceptional Good use of Average use No use of
use of new new ideas of new ideas new ideas
ideas and and and and
originality originality originality originality
to create to create to create to create
slogan slogan. slogan. slogan.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are
grammatical grammatical grammatical more than 2
mistakes on mistake on mistakes on grammatical
the poster. the poster. the poster. mistakes on
the poster.
Total Score:

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