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ut the Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. Award Reception & Dinner Program orch ronge fr 299 April 20 2022 itermetional radeto the econoricsfsutsstence ogricutre and he mpact ofthe Crean x Revolution. Dr Wharton served os the choirmon of he Board for International Food ond Statler Hotel, theca 1 ‘Agricultural Development US, AID (0976-63) co-Chrcn of he Commatonon Seuaty ‘and Economic Assistance, the Presidential Commission on World Hunger, and the Advisory Committee on Trode Policy ond Negotiations. The son of @ creer fer ond Ambassador, Dr. Wharton hos served sx presidents in foreign sts most recertiy,in 1995, was oppointed by President Cin as Deputy mthe second-highest postin the US. Department of State. ‘Dr. Wharton’ 22-year philanthropic career begon in Latin America with Nelson A. Rockefeller. between 1958 and 1963 he ved and worked in Southeast Asia fepresenting the Agricutural Development Council During this period, he supervised the ADCs progroms in Thailand, Vietnam, Loos, and Comhadia, ond ‘taught economics ot the University of Malaya, fr corporate directorships are Ford Motor Company, Time Warnes, Inc, Federated Department Stores, Pubic Broadcasting Service iStock Exchange, Harcourt Genera TIAA-CREF and Vice Choirman ofthe sserve Bonk of New York. His extensive non-profit trusieships have ranged from Dunalion Foreign Relations to the Committee for Economic Development (CED). Dr ion is currently co-chairman of the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics iso trustee of the Clark Fourutin ond the Basset Hospital (Cooperstown, NY) evious Wharton award recipients }: Dr. Uma Lele r Randolph Barker 2016: Ambassador James Joseph 2015:Dr. Norman Uphoff 2014; Malden C. Neshein 2015: Brady J, Deaton. 2072: Per Pinstrup-Andersen 2011:Willene A. Johnson 2010: Robert W. Hardt 2009: Frank Pedraza 2008: Peter Matlon Dyson SCFehinson Cotege of Business modo overcome COVID-19-rebtedrovbonsandlaunchedfour Asana shake tseinploredvorousmettedsondiecans Wharton Award Dinner % Welcome Award Seen Becta cete dss phiont BEMIS The awards conferred each yeor by the SI Pree uses ished chart Ourson Bee prngiessin Emeraina Markers Iwan is 0 Professor of Emerging Markets within the Dyson rel of Apples Economics and Monagement ond wos the Director of Grodvote Studies, Regional Science Program (2003-2010), Cornell Usiversty were he hos Prsaht since 1992. Prior to thot, he was the Choir of the Department ot Economics ond the Director of the Inter-University Center for Economics ot the University of Tndonesio. (wan has served os @ consultont to several {governments and organizations in Asio nd tought os Waiting professor in Jopan, Austrolio, Singapore, ond Indonesia. He previously earved acthe oprointed Head of the Office of Regional Economic Integration of the Asian Developinent Donk (ADB), during which he become the Interim Chait of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund-Credit Guorontee Investment Facility (CGIF), ond member of the Internotionol Policy Advisory Group. He is urrentiy advising the Indonesion Central Honk ond the Depast Insurance Corporation. ond o member of the International Advisory Panel of the Asion Infrastructure Inveztment Bank (ANB, Tina u "Distinguished Scholar in Regional Science, “Finonciol Economics, ond Economic Modeling” His _Teseorch focuses on the inferink between mocro-finarevl fconomics, ociol institutions, ond spotiol inequalities in © emerging markets. He hos published several books, the Totest- ones are “Regional Economics: Fundamental “Concepts, Pos, cna nstononse World Scennic (2021), and *Periphery and Small Ones Matter: Interplay apes ‘and Sociol Capitol” (Springer, 2022). Among his fat aricles ore ‘Financial Spilover in Emerging Atio™ elon Economie Papers (MIT Press, 2021), ond indonesia. Tale of Tree Crises in Trout Trursh. Rang from Ashes of the Asion Finoncia! Crsis (World Scentfic He Is curently leading o mojor research program entails interviewing hundreds of micro-smoll ond lum ‘enterprises. (MISMEs) froughout_ Indonesia, sizing the role of socol coptol ond mechonism FAS eRprocch toimprove the effectiveness of policies. % Recognition of SMART 2021-22 cohort % Presentation of the Clifton R. Wharton, J. Emerging Markets 2022 Dr. Iwan J. Aziz

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