White Paper Dde

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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

I decided to write about predicting volcanic eruptions because it seemed like an important topic. I
found a great article on the subject and looked through their sources of academic articles for more

First Draft (for peer editing)

Writing the white paper was not too difficult, I had all the information in the articles and academic
papers that I found and I just had to weave it into a good story for the white paper. I tried to use
consistent colors in the headings and title.

Second Draft (for your packet)

I only made minor changes after peer review mainly just formatting.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

I added an image to the title page and I also made sure all the images were no longer floating images
and stretched them to the edges of the paper. This was a bit of a challenge in Word because it was
causing problems with the text formatting shifting as I moved the images. I also added a little bit
more to the different sections that directly referenced the figures. One small change I made to the
final draft was changing the format of the source of the images to match the design PowerPoint.

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