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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy.,India.


A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
ICON Central Office - Madhapur - Hyderabad
SEC: Jr.Super60(Incoming) WTA-04 Date: 19-06-2022
Time: 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM JEE-ADV_(2021-P1) Max. Marks: 180
19-06-2022_Jr.Super60(Incoming)_Jee-Adv(2021-P1)_WTA-04_Test Syllabus
MATHEMATICS : Logarithms (Complete)

PHYSICS : Kinematics: 1d

CHEMISTRY : percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula,

Limiting reagent and calculations based on w/w, w/v, v/v ,
eudiometry, Percentage composition of mixtures, percentage
purity, Parallel reactions, sequential reactions, Gaseous State:
Intermolecular forces, Measurable properties of gases;

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy 19-06-2022_Jr.Super60(Incoming)_Jee-Adv(2021-P1)_WTA-04_Q.P

+Ve - Ve
No.of Total
Section Question Type Mark Mark
Qs marks

Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 4) Questions with Single Correct Choice +3 -1 4 12

Paragraph Questions with Numerical
Sec – II(Q.N : 5 – 10) +2 0 6 12
Value Answer Type
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – III(Q.N : 11 – 16) +4 -2 6 24
with partial mark
Questions with Non-negative Integer
Sec – IV(Q.N : 17 – 19) +4 0 3 12
Value Type
Total 19 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 20 – 23) Questions with Single Correct Choice +3 -1 4 12
Paragraph Questions with Numerical
Sec – II(Q.N : 24 – 29) +2 0 6 12
Value Answer Type
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – III(Q.N : 30 – 35) +4 -2 6 24
with partial mark
Questions with Non-negative Integer
Sec – IV(Q.N : 36– 38) +4 0 3 12
Value Type
Total 19 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 39 – 42) Questions with Single Correct Choice +3 -1 4 12
Paragraph Questions with Numerical
Sec – II(Q.N : 43 – 48) +2 0 6 12
Value Answer Type
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – III(Q.N : 49 – 54) +4 -2 6 24
with partial mark
Questions with Non-negative Integer
Sec – IV(Q.N : 55 – 57) +4 0 3 12
Value Type
Total 19 60

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy 19-06-2022_Jr.Super60(Incoming)_Jee-Adv(2021-P1)_WTA-04_Q.P
PHYSICS Max Marks: 60
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can
be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases. Section 1 (Max Marks: 12)
 Section 1 contains Four questions
 Each Question has Four Options and Only One of these four will be the correct answer.
 For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer
 The Marking scheme to evaluate Answer to each question will be :
 Full Marks: +3 (If the answer is correct)
 Zero Marks: 0 (If the question is unanswered)
 Negative Marks: -1 (In all other cases)
1. A body starts from rest with uniform acceleration. Its velocity after 2n seconds is v0 .
The displacement of the body in last n seconds is
v0 (2n  3) v0 3v0 n 3v0 n
A) B)  2n  1 C) D)
6 4n 4 2
2. A particle moves along a straight line in such a way that its acceleration is increasing
at the rate of 2 ms3 . Its initial acceleration and velocity were zero. Then, the distance
which it will cover in the 3rd second is:
A) 19/3 m B) 12/5 m C) 17/5 m D) 19/4 m
3. A stone is dropped from the top of a tall cliff and n seconds later another stone is
thrown vertically downwards with a velocity u. Then the second stone overtakes the
first, below the top of the cliff at a distance given by
  gn 
 n  u 2 2
g g  n( gn  u / 2)   ( gn  u ) 
A)   2  B)   C) g   D) None
2  ( gn  u )  2  ( gn  u )   ( gn  u / 2) 
 

4. Graph of vs x for a particle under rectilinear motion is as shown, where v is
velocity and x is position. The time taken by particle to move from x  4m to x  12m

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v 1  sec/ m 


4 x  m
A) 16/3 sec B) 10 sec C) 8 sec D) 12 sec

 This section contains THREE (03) questions stems.
 There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each question stem.
 The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
 For each question, enter the correct numerical value corresponding to the answer in the designated place using the mouse and the on-screen
virtual numeric keypad.
 If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks: +2 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered at the designated place;
 Zero Marks:0 in all other cases
Question Stem for Question Nos. 5 and 6
Question Stem
An insect moving along a straight line, (without returning) travels in every second
distance equal to the magnitude of time elapsed. Assuming acceleration to be constant,
and the insect starts at t = 0.
5. Q: The initial velocity of insect is ________ m/s
6. Q: The acceleration of insect is___________ ms

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Question Stem for Question Nos. 7 and 8
Question Stem
The maximum possible acceleration of a train moving on straight track is
10m/s 2 and maximum possible retardation is 5m/s 2 . For a journey of 93.75
m between two stations,
7. Q: The minimum time in which the train can complete the journey is________ s.
8. Q: The maximum speed that the train will attain during the journey is________ m/s.
Question Stem for Question Nos. 9 and 10
Question Stem
A ball released from the top of a building 180m high, takes time t to reach the ground.
When projected down with a speed u it reaches the ground in time (take g  10ms 2 )
9. Q: The speed u is ______ m/s
10. Q: The speed with which it will hit the ground when projected with the speed u is
______ m/s
 This section contains SIX (06) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct answer(s).
 For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (all) the correct answer(s).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks: +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen;
 Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen,
 Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct:
 Partial Marks: +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option;
 Zero Marks: 0 If unanswered;
 Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
 For example, in a question, if (A), (B) and (D) are the ONLY three options corresponding to the correct answer, then
Choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (D) will get +4 marks;
Choosing ONLY (A), will get +1 mark;
Choosing ONLY (B), will get +1 mark;
Choosing ONLY (D), will get +1 mark;
Choosing no option(s) (i.e. the question is unanswered) will get 0 marks and
Choosing any other option(s) will get -2 marks.

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11. If a particle is moving along a straight line and following is the graph showing
acceleration varying with time then choose the correct statement(s) for interval t  0 to
t  8 sec. At t  0 , x  0 and v0  7m / s.
(m / s 2 ) (8, 4)

4 8 t(time)

(0, 4)
A) Its displacement can never be zero B) Its velocity can never be zero
C) Its displacement can become zero D) Its velocity can become zero
12. A particle is moving along x-axis and graph between square of speed and position of
the particle is given in the figure. At t=0 and x = 0 m, select correct statement –
100 m2/s2

25 m2/s2
5m x (m)
A) Acceleration of the particle is 15 m/s at t= 1 s
B) Acceleration of the particle is 7.5 m/s at t = 1s
C) Acceleration of the particle is constant
D) At t = 1 s, velocity of particle is 12.5 m/s

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13. A stone is projected vertically upwards at t  0 second. The net displacement
of stone is zero in time interval between t  0 second to t  T seconds. Pick
up the correct statement(s):
T 3T
A) From time t = second to t = second, the average velocity is zero.
4 4
B) The change in velocity from time t = 0 to t = second is same as change
T 3T
in velocity from t = second to t = second.
8 8
C) The distance travelled from t = 0 to t = second is larger than distance
T 3T
travelled from t = second to t = second.
4 4
T 3T
D) The distance travelled from t = second to t = second is half the
2 4
distance travelled from t = second to t = T second.
14. The displacement ( x ) of a particle depends on time (t) as : x   t 2   t 3

A) The particle will return to its starting point after time

B) The particle will come to rest after time
C) The initial velocity of the particle was zero but its initial acceleration was not zero.

D) The acceleration of the particle is zero at t 
15. For a body moving on a straight line –
A) Averages peed can be less than the mínimum speed at tained by the body.
B) Average speed cannot be less than the mínimum speed at tained by the body
C) Magnitude of average velocity can be less than the mínimum speed attained
D) Magnitude of average velocity can not be less than mínimum speed attained.
16. A particle moves along a straight line and its velocity depends on time as v  4t  t 2 . Then
for first 5s-
A) Average velocity is 25/3 m/s B) Average speed is 10 m/s
C) Average velocity is 5/3 m/s D) Acceleration is 4 m/s2 at t = 0
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 This section contains THREE (03) question.
 The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER.
 For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer the using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in the
place designated to enter the answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct integer is entered;
 Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
17. A train stopping at two stations 2 kms apart on a straight line takes 4
minutes for the journey. Assuming that its motion is first uniformly
1 1
accelerated and then uniformly retarded. Find  ? , where 'x' and 'y' are
x y

the magnitude of the acceleration and retardation respectively in (km/min 2 ).


0 t1 4 l
18. A parachutist drops freely from an aeroplane for 10 s before the parachute opens out.
Then he descends with a net retardation of 2.5 ms-2. If he bails out of the plane at a
height of 2495 m and g = 10 ms -2, his velocity on reaching the ground will be(in ms 1 )
19. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the ground. It crosses a point at the
height of 25 m twice at an interval of 4 seconds. The ball was thrown with
10  x m / s velocity. Then the x value.

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CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 60
 This section contains Four (04) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
 For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen;
 Zero Marks : 0 If the none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
 Negative Marks : -1 In all other cases.
20. The most abundant elements by mass in the body of a healthy human adult are oxygen

(61.4%), carbon (22.9%), hydrogen (10.0%), and nitrogen (2.6%). The weight which a

1 2
75 kg person would gain if all Hatoms are replaced by Hatoms is

A) 15kg B) 37.5kg C) 7.5kg D) 10 kg

21. What is the mass percentage of carbon in carbon dioxide ?

A) 0.034 % B) 27.27 % C) 3.4 % D) 28.7 %

22. A sample of calcium carbonate  CaCO3  has the following percentage composition:
Ca  40% , C  12% , O  48% . If the law of constant proportions is true, then the

weight of calcium in 4g of a sample of calcium carbonate obtained from another

source will be:
A) 0.016g B) 0.16g C) 1.6g D) 16g

23. Dieldrin, an insecticide, contains C, H, Cl and O. Combustion of 29.72mg of

Dieldrin gave 41.21mg CO2 and 5.63mg of H 2O . In a separate analysis 25.31 mg of
Dieldrin was converted into 57.13 mg AgCl. What is the empirical formula of
A) C6 H 4Cl3O B) C8 H 8ClO C) C12 H 8Cl6O D) C6 H 4 Cl3O2

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 This section contains THREE (03) questions stems.
 There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each question stem.
 The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
 For each question, enter the correct numerical value corresponding to the answer in the designated place using the mouse and the on-
screen virtual numeric keypad.
 If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks : +2 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered at the designated place;
 Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
Question Stem for Question Nos. 24 and 25
Question Stem
Crude calcium carbide is made in an electric furnace by the following reaction:
CaO  3C  CaC2  CO . The product contains 85% of CaC2 and 15% of unreacted

24. How much CaO is to be added to the furnace charge for each 1000 kg of CaC2 (pure)
25. How much CaO is to be added to the furnace charge for each 1000kg of crude

Question Stem for Question Nos. 26 and 27

Question Stem
1g of a sample containing NaCl, NaBr and an inert material, with excess of AgNO3
produces 0.526g of precipitate of AgCl and AgBr. By heating this precipitate in a
current of chlorine, AgBr converted to AgCl and the precipitate then weighed 0.426g.
26. Find the percentage of NaCl in the sample.
27. Find the percentage of NaBr in the sample

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Question Stem for Question Nos. 28 and 29
Question Stem
24g pure sample of magnesium is burned in air to form magnesium oxide and
magnesium nitride. When products are treated with excess of H 2O,3.4 g of gaseous
NH3 is generated according to given reactions.
Mg  O2  MgO
Mg  N2  Mg3 N2
Mg 3 N 2  6 H 2 O  3 Mg  OH 2  2 NH 3

28. Calculate the amount of Mg  OH 2 (in g) produced in the above reaction.

29. Calculate the mass % of Mg converted into Mg3 N2 .

 This section contains SIX (06) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct answer(s).
 For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (all) the correct answer(s).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks: +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen;
 Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen,
 Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct:
 Partial Marks: +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option;
 Zero Marks: 0 If unanswered;
 Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
 For example, in a question, if (A), (B) and (D) are the ONLY three options corresponding to the correct answer, then
Choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (D) will get +4 marks;
Choosing ONLY (A), will get +1 mark;
Choosing ONLY (B), will get +1 mark;
Choosing ONLY (D), will get +1 mark;
Choosing no option(s) (i.e. the question is unanswered) will get 0 marks and
Choosing any other option(s) will get -2 marks.
30. Solutions containing 23g HCOOH is/ are:
A) 46 g of 70%   HCOOH  d solution  1.40 g / mL 
V 

B) 50 g of 10 %  W  HCOOH
W 
C) 50 g of 25%   HCOOH
 w

D) 46 g of 5 %  W  HCOOH
W 
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31. In the formation reaction of NH3 from N 2 and H 2 , 140 g of N 2 and 40 g H 2 were
mixed. Select the option(s) which is/are not correct.
A) Maximum mass of NH3 which can be formed is 180 g.
B) If % yield of reaction is 80%, then H 2 consumed will be 32g.
C) Some N 2 (g) will be left after the reaction.
D) If NH3 formed is 85g then % yield will be 50%.
32. When taken in an Eudiometer tube operating at room temperature and pressure and
subjected to complete reaction, in which of the following options, the contraction in
volume is greater than or equal to 30% of original volume. [Note: Produced H2O is in
liquid state]
A) CO(g) and O2 ( g ) taken in a molar ratio of 2:1.
B) 10mL of CH4 ( g ) and 30mL of O2 ( g )
C) N2 ( g ) and H 2 ( g ) taken in a molar ratio of 3:1.
D) N 2 and H 2 taken in a molar ratio of 1:3
33. For the following reactions:
I.  NH 4 2 SO4  2 NaOH   Na2 SO4  2 H 2O  2 NH 3
II. NH 3  HCl   NH 4Cl
If 4g of NaOH is taken then
A) Produced moles of NH 4Cl (in IInd reaction) are 1.6 times of produced moles of
Na 2 SO4 (in reaction I).
B) Reacting moles of HCl (in reaction II) is 20% lesser than original  NH 4 2 SO4
C) Reacting moles of HCl (in reaction II) is lesser than reacting moles NaOH (in
reaction I).
D) Produced mass of NH4Cl is 2.71g.
34. A mixture of H2 and O2 having total volume 55 mL is sparked in an eudiometry
tube and contraction of 45mL is observed after cooling .what can be the composition
of reacting mixture?
A) 30 mL H2 and 25 mL O2 B) 10 mL H2 and 45 mL O2
C) 40 mL H2 and 15 mL O2 D) 35 mL H2 and 20 mL O2
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35. Consider the given reaction and select the correct statements.
N2  3H2  2 NH3
A) The mass of ammonia formed when 2kg. N 2 react with 1kg H 2 is 2.428 kg.
B) The mass of ammonia formed when 2kg. N 2 react with 1kg H 2 is 4.856 kg.
C) H 2 remain unreacted also and the mass left unreacted is 0.571 kg.
D) H 2 remain unreacted also and the mass left unreacted is 0.4286kg.

 This section contains THREE (03) question.
 The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER.
 For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer the using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in
the place designated to enter the answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct integer is entered;
 Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
36. Polythene can be prepared from calcium carbide by following reactions
CaC2  2 H 2O  Ca OH 2  C2 H 2

C2 H 2  H 2  C2 H 4

nC2 H 4  polythene

Calculate the amount of polythene formed from 16kg CaC2 in kg …….

37. In an experiment, one mole of Na2CO3. 10H 2O was heated to a temperature by which it
got converted into Na2CO3. xH 2O. Water vapour obtained in this process were used to
convert CuSO4 into CuSO4 . 5H 2O. If 0.6 moles of CuSO4 was hydrated, value of x is
38. Haemoglobin contains 0.25% iron by weight. The molecular weight of
haemoglobin is 89600. What is the number of iron atom per molecule of
haemoglobin? (atomic weight Fe=56)

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MATHEMATICS Max. Marks: 60
 This section contains Four (04) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
 For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen;
 Zero Marks : 0 If the none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
 Negative Marks : -1 In all other cases.

 x  y 1 y x
39. If log     log x  log y  ; x  0, y  0 then  =
 3  2 x y
A) 7 B) 9 C) 5 D) 3

40. If log b a.log c a  log a b.log c b  log a c.log b c  3 , where a, b, c  0 , a  b  c and

a  1, b  1, c  1 then the value of abc is

A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) -1
 3 
41. If log aab  4 then value of log ab  a  is equal to
 b
17 6 1 1
A) B) C) D) 
6 17 4 6

42. Number of real values of x satisfying the equation x  log10 1  2 x   x log10 5  log10 6 is

A) 2 B) 1 C) 0 D) 3

 This section contains THREE (03) questions stems.
 There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each question stem.
 The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
 For each question, enter the correct numerical value corresponding to the answer in the designated place using the mouse and the on-screen
virtual numeric keypad.
 If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks: +2 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered at the designated place;
 Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.

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Question Stem for Question Nos. 43 and 44
Question Stem
1 1
Let  ,  ,  are positive real numbers and   1 such that log  2   , log   5   and
3 6
log    then
43. Q: The value of 16 2 3 is
44. Q: The value of 3 is

Question Stem for Question Nos. 45 and 46

Question Stem
Let x , y and z be positive real numbers satisfying the system of equations
log 2 ( xyz  3  log 5 x)  5
log 3 ( xyz  3  log 5 y )  4
log 4 ( xyz  3  log 5 z )  4 then
45. Q: If the value of log 5 x  log5 y  log5 z  M then the value of is
46. Q: If the value of z is 5 N then the value of is

Question Stem for Question Nos. 47 and 48

Question Stem
Let x, y, z are positive real numbers satisfying the system of equations
log 2 x  log 4 y  log 4 z  2
log3 y  log9 z  log9 x  2
log 4 z  log16 x  log16 y  2
47. Q: The value of is
48. Q: The value of x 2 yz  2 is

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 This section contains SIX (06) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct answer(s).
 For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (all) the correct answer(s).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen;
 Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen,
 Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct:
 Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option;
 Zero Marks : 0 If unanswered;
 Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
 For example, in a question, if (A), (B) and (D) are the ONLY three options corresponding to the correct answer, then
Choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (D) will get +4 marks;
Choosing ONLY (A), will get +1 mark;
Choosing ONLY (B), will get +1 mark;
Choosing ONLY (D), will get +1 mark;
Choosing no option(s) (i.e. the question is unanswered) will get 0 marks and
Choosing any other option(s) will get -2 marks.

49. Which of the following when simplified, reduces to unity?

2 2 log 5 2  log 5 3
A) log10 5.log10 20   log10 2  B)
log 5 48  log5 4

C)  log 5 log 3   9  5
 64 
 
 27 

50. If 3x  4x1 , then x 

2 log 3 2 2 1 2 log 2 3
A) B) C) D)
2  log 3 2   1 2  log 2 3 1  log 4 3 2  log 2 3  1

51. Which of the following is non-positive?

1  2 1
A) 5 log13 11 log13 5
 11 B) log5 ( 10  3) C) log11   D) log 2 1  
 2  2 1

52. Let x1  x2 be the two values of x satisfying the equation xlog 4  3  2log 5 5x
2  0 then

which of the following option(s) is/are INCORRECT:

A) x1  5 x2  0 B) x1  10x2  15 C) x1  5x2  0 D) x1  5x2  1

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53. If  ,   R     satisfies the equation  2 x   ( 2 x )2 x then which of the following

option(s) is/are TRUE:

A) log    1 B)  is a prime number
C) Both  and  lie in  0, 2 D)    
54. If log10 5  a and log10 3  b, then which of the following option(s) is/are TRUE:
1 a 2a
A) log32  B) log125
9 
b 3b
(1  a) a
C) log 243 (32)  D) log3 (5) 
b b

 This section contains THREE (03) question.
 The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER.
 For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer the using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in the
place designated to enter the answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
 Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct integer is entered;
 Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.

55. If the sum of all solutions of the equation ( xlog 3 )2  (3log x )  2  0 is (a log c ) where b and c
10 10 b

(a  b  c)
are relatively prime and a, b, c  N then the value of is
log32 log32
56. If x  2 and y  3 then x  y 
 
 1 1 1 1
57. The value of 6  log 3 4 4 4 ...  is
 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 
 

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