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Band Rehearsal Lesson Plan

Teacher: Terri Haley

Subject: Middle School Intermediate Band
Grade Level(s): 7, 8
Topic: Rhythm Study
Description: Study basic 8th and 16th-note rhythms
Total Points Possible: 100
Overall Goals (“what do you want them to
know…) Students will know how to count and play a
mixture of 8th and 16th note rhythms
Overall Objectives (…and be able to do”) Students will be able to count and play 8th and
16th note rhythms
National Standards addressed
Prior Knowledge/ Anticipatory Set Prior study of measures and basic whole notes,
half notes and rests
Materials Google Slides and Rhythm Randomizer using
saved settings/links
Rehearsal Procedures
Brief Introduction Students will briefly review measures, whole
notes, half notes, quarter notes and rests

Teaching Overview Enable class to understand and play Whole, half,

quarter, 8th/16th rhythms in 4/4 time; clapping
Activity Time: Activities Emphasis or Specific Objective
15min Students will watch Google Emphasis on counting and
Slides presentation and actively playing rhythms accurately with
participate in the review and new good tempo; subsequently
material. varying tempi
15min Teacher and students will utilize
rhythm randomizer online for
learning and review; watch and
interact with Rhythm
Randomizer that incorporates
basic 8th and 16th note rhythms;
10min QUIZ
Closure: Any questions will be addressed
Accommodations: Hard of hearing student will see rhythm
randomizer notes light up while feeling tempo
Advanced Opportunities More advanced students may be asked to help
classmates with lesson
Formative Assessment (How will you check for
understanding?) Students will play / demonstrate concepts taught

Summative Assessment (How will you know how Students will be able to to define / explain
they did?) concepts taught and play / playback rhythms

Lesson/Teaching Reflection/Evaluation (how did I


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