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Received: 11 February 2019    Revised: 29 June 2019    Accepted: 11 July 2019

DOI: 10.1111/aogs.13694


Evidence for the Oocyte Mosaicism Selection model on the

origin of Patau syndrome (trisomy 13)

Lilla É. Babay1  | Dániel Horányi2 | Balázs Győrffy3,4 | Gyula R. Nagy5

Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Uzsoki Hospital, Budapest, Abstract
Hungary Introduction: In 2008, Hultén et al hypothesized that maternal ovarian trisomy 21
Department of Obstetrics and
mosaicism might be the primary causative factor for fetal Down syndrome. We hy‐
Gynecology, Péterffy Sándor Street
Hospital, Clinic and Trauma Center, pothesize that this theory can be extended to trisomy 13.
Budapest, Hungary
Material and methods: We collected fetal ovarian tissue from seven female fetuses
MTA TTK Lendület Cancer Biomarker
Research Group, Budapest, Hungary
between 16 and 23 gestational weeks, following the termination of the pregnancy
2nd Department of Pediatrics, Semmelweis for non‐genetic reasons. All procedures were performed with informed consent and
University, Budapest, Hungary ethical approval from the local ethics committee. We used touch preparation tech‐
Baross Street Division, Department of
niques from fetal ovarian tissues and an anti‐stromal antigen 3 antibody against
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Semmelweis
University, Budapest, Hungary the meiosis‐specific stromal antigen 3 protein to differentiate between germ cells,
ovarian stromal cells and the cells entering their first meiotic prophase. We used
Lilla É. Babay, Department of Obstetrics and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis to determine chromosome 13 numbers
Gynecology, Uzsoki Hospital, 29‐41
in each cell.
Uzsoki u., Budapest 1145, Hungary.
Email: Results: We were able to detect a proportion of trisomy 13 cells in all cases. The
average incidence of trisomy 13 cells was 2.04% in stromal antigen 3‐positive and
0.91% in the stromal antigen 3‐negative cells. The number of the trisomic cells in‐
creased significantly with gestational age (for stromal antigen 3‐positive cells r = 0.93,
P = 0.0038, for stromal antigen 3‐negative cells r = 0.85, P = 0.0071).
Conclusions: This study indicates that besides trisomy 21, the Oocyte Mosaicism
Selection model could be extended to trisomy 13 as well. The crucial factor for trisomy
13 seems to be the pre‐meiotic/mitotic trisomy 13 mosaicism, leading to a so‐called sec‐
ondary meiotic nondisjunction of those oocytes having three copies of chromosome 13.

aneuploidy, meiosis, oocyte, Oocyte Mosaicism theory, STAG3, trisomy

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N not survive beyond 1 year of life.3 The syndrome can appear in a
complete, partial or mosaic form; the complete form is caused by an
Patau syndrome is a clinically severe condition first described by extra chromosome 13.
Patau et al1 in 1960. It is one of the most common human triso‐ In the past decades, several theories surfaced aiming to explain
mies, occurring in .18% of all clinically detected pregnancies ; the the origin of these extra chromosomes in common trisomies (tri‐
prevalence is 1:5000. It is associated with mental and growth re‐ somy 21, 18 and 13). The most widely accepted hypothesis is that
tardations, and heart, nervous, urogenital and various other organ the main problems are meiotic segregation errors of normal disomic
defects which lead to a limited survival rate: 85% of the patients do oocytes (meiotic nondisjunction) in senior women. In addition to this

Abbreviations: DAPI4′, 6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; PBS, phosphate‐buffered saline; STAG 3, stromal antigen 3; T13, trisomy 13; T21, trisomy 21.

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2019;00:1–7. © 2019 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics |  1  
and Gynecology
2       BABAY et al.

conventional hypothesis, interesting new theories have emerged.

In 2008, Hultén et  al4 hypothesized that maternal oocyte trisomy
Key message
21 (T21) mosaicism might be the primary causative factor for fetal
Hulten's Oocyte Mosaicism Selection model can be
Down syndrome. They suggested that instead of the meiotic non‐
­extended to trisomy 13. It is appealing to conclude that
disjunction of a normal disomic oocyte, the cause of T21 was an
oocyte mosaicism can play a major role in the formation
obligate—so‐called secondary—nondisjunction of T21 oocytes due
of the most common trisomies, in place of current dogma.
to pre‐meiotic mitotic segregation errors. The number of disomic
oocytes then drops faster than the small proportion of trisomic oo‐
cytes.5-8 The maternal age effect seems to be an accumulation of
T21 oocytes in the ovarian reserve of older women due to the delay a 5‐minute citrate wash (MDL No. MFCD00150031; Sigma‐Aldrich
of these cells in maturation, which lag behind the normal cells.9,10 Inc.) to remove unwanted proteins. After a 3 × 15‐minute phosphate‐
Hultén et al4 used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with two buffered saline (PBS) (MDL No. MFCD00131855; Sigma‐Aldrich Inc.)
21 chromosome‐specific probes to determine the copy number of wash, we blocked the samples by soaking for 45 minutes in 5% bovine
chromosome 21 in ovarian cells from phenotypically normal fetuses serum albumin/PBS solution in a dark chamber. After 2 × 4 minutes
at 14‐22 gestational weeks. They found that all the detected eight of a PBS wash, we started the first phase of the immune reaction
fetuses had T21 cells not only in meiotic but also in pre‐meiotic mi‐ with 100× dilution in 1% bovine serum albumin/PBS solution, cov‐
totic and ovarian mesenchymal cells. This theory may lead to a par‐ ered with parafilm, in a dark humidity chamber at +4°C for 12 hours.
adigm shift. The Oocyte Mosaicism Selection model5 might explain After a 3 × 5 minutes PBS wash, the secondary antibody was applied
the origin of Down syndrome. In our study, we investigated whether in a 2.5 mL/400 mL 1× PBS dilution. We finished the reaction with a
we could find similar results in the case of another common trisomy 3 × 5‐minute PBS wash, mounting with Vectashield antifade mounting
as well. The rationale behind specifically searching for trisomy 13 medium for immunofluorescence with 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole
(T13) among the fetal oocytes was that it is easier in fetuses to (DAPI; Cat. No: H‐1200; Vector Laboratories Inc., Orton Southgate,
establish the absence of T13 based on normal prenatal ultrasono‐ Peterborough, UK).
graphic results, as the majority of fetuses having T13 have abnormal For the second step FISH analysis, the same slides were fixed in
fetal ultrasonographic findings.11 Some other trisomies (eg, trisomies methanol‐acetic acid as were washed in standard saline citrate two
16 or 22) are more common but very often cause spontaneous abor‐ times and digested with pepsin (CAS‐No. 9001‐75‐6; Sigma‐Aldrich
tions at early gestational ages. Finding fetal ovaries in these early Inc.). For the hybridization, we used two DNA probes positioned
abortions is technically challenging and near the end (Vysis LSI (13q14) Spectrum Green Probe; Abbott
Molecular Inc., Hungary, Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja) and near
to the centromere (Vysis LSI (13q34) Spectrum Orange Probe;
2 |  M ATE R I A L A N D M E TH O DS Abbott Molecular Inc.) of the chromosome 13, according to the
manufacturer's instructions; this FISH technique is routinely applied
We collected fetal ovarian tissue samples from seven female fetuses in this laboratory. After the immune and FISH reactions, the slides
at 16‐23 weeks of gestation, following the termination of the preg‐ were stained with DAPI (Cat. No. 62248; Thermo Fisher Scientific
nancy for non‐genetic reasons. All procedures were performed with Inc., Hungary, Budapest, Repülőtéri út).
informed consent and ethical approval from the local ethics commit‐ We used stringent criteria to establish the numbers of chromo‐
tee. All the fetuses had a normal phenotypic appearance (we found some 13 in the analyzed cells. Only cells with three clear double flu‐
no abnormalities either on prenatal ultrasonographic examinations orescent signals (3 green and 3 red) were counted as trisomies; those
or at the time of postmortem examinations of these fetuses). We showing two double signals (2 green and 2 red) were scored as nor‐
removed fetal ovaries a few hours after abortion and made slides mal disomies. We excluded other combinations of signals because of
from the specimens with touch preparation technique: dabbing the the likelihood of them being artificial.
cut surface of the fetal ovaries onto a microscope slide to distrib‐ We detected fluorescent signals with a Nikon Eclipse E600 mi‐
ute a thin layer of cells for microscopic examination. The slides were croscope, and a Jenoptik CCD camera captured the colored images.
stored in a refrigerator at +4°C before the immunofluorescence and We analyzed the images with a CaseViewer program (3DHystec Inc.,
FISH examination. In the blinded experiment, the observer did not Hungary, Budapest, Öv u). CaseViewer is a digital microscope appli‐
know the gestational age of samples. cation designed to support the histopathological diagnostic work‐
For the immunofluorescence, we used an anti‐stromal antigen flow and the microscope examination process. The same slides with
3 (STAG3) antibody (Cat. No. HPA049106), which can be utilized different staining can be organized and then aligned. The applica‐
against the meiosis‐specific STAG3 protein to differentiate germ tion is useful for investigating the same slide stained by different
cells and ovarian stromal cells from the cells entering their first mei‐ markers. The digital microscope application allowed the comparison
otic prophase. For the immune reaction, we started with a 10‐minute of the immune reactions with the FISH reactions performed on the
formalin wash (neutral buffered, 10%, MDL No. MFCD00003274; same slide. The goal was to analyze 1000 STAG3‐positive and 1000
Sigma‐Aldrich Inc., Hungary, Budapest, Nagy Diófa) for fixation and STAG3‐negative cells from all samples.
BABAY et al. |

To have a control population and to test the effectiveness of the In obtaining the estimate of T13 mosaicism, we excluded cell
immune hybridization and the dual FISH probe analysis, we applied the nuclei showing any deviation from those with three green signals
same procedure to preparations of blood lymphocytes obtained from together and three red signals, as these might have been artifacts
subjects without aneuploidies. Spearman rank correlation was com‐ (Table 2).
puted to compare continuous variables. Statistical significance was set We did not find any indication of a similar type of mosaicism in
at P < 0.05. The sample analysis pipeline is summarized in Figure 1. blood lymphocytes from two adults with normal karyotypes.

Ethics approval
4 | D I S CU S S I O N
The study was approved by the Hungarian Medical Research Council
Scientific and Research Ethics Committee; reference number To explore the origin of Patau syndrome, it is necessary to talk about
5419/2013/EKU. the cell division cycles of the oocytes first. In the primordial germ
cells of the embryonic ovaries, as a first step, multiple pre‐meiotic
oogonial mitotic cell divisions take place. Meiosis is the next step,
3 | R E S U LT S starting with meiotic prophase I, which begins at around the 9th ges‐
tational week, but further progress is blocked. During the develop‐
STAG3 antibody allowed differentiation between germ cells entering ment of the oocyte, the crossover process and chiasma formation
meiosis (STAG3‐positive), pre‐meiotic germ cells, and ovarian stroma occur prenatally in a fetus, but meiosis as a cell division cycle is quite
cells (both STAG3‐negative) (Figure 2). Using FISH with two specific long, the final steps occur postnatally at fertilization in adulthood.
probes for chromosome 13, we detected a proportion of T13 cells in In the fertile period of the adult, the first meiotic cell division fin‐
all seven phenotypically normal female fetuses (Figure 3). We ana‐ ishes just before ovulation. After prophase II and metaphase II of the
lyzed 1000 STAG3‐positive and 1000 STAG3‐negative cells in all but second meiotic cell division, ovulation follows, and then the oocytes
one of the seven fetuses. (We investigated on average 916 STAG3‐ arrest. The second meiotic cell division is completed only after ferti‐
positive and 928 STAG3‐negative cells). In the case where we did lization. In essence, the meiosis is a long cell division process: it lasts
not find a sufficient number of samples (and were able to analyze from mid‐fetal life until menopause.
500 cells), presumably the fetal ovarian underdevelopment was re‐ According to the conservative hypothesis, most common triso‐
sponsible. We were able to detect a proportion of T13 cells in all mies (eg, T21 and T13) are due to a disturbance occurring during the
cases. The average incidence of T13 cells was 2.04% in STAG3‐posi‐ prolonged meiotic prophase I,12 leading to the so‐called (primary)
tive cells (range .8‐3.0%) and .91% in the STAG3‐negative cells (range nondisjunction at the first meiotic division, which happens in adult‐
0.4‐1.5%). The number of the trisomic cells increased significantly hood just before ovulation. This also associates the trisomic pregnan‐
with gestational age (for STAG3‐positive cells r = 0.93, P = 0.0038, cies with increased maternal age. It hypothesizes that at increased
for STAG3‐negative cells r = 0.85, P = 0.0071) (Table 1, Figure 4). maternal ages the meiotic process is less efficient because of the

Collect the sample:

ovarian tissue samples from 7 female fetuses (gestational age: 16-23 wk)

F I G U R E 1   Flowchart of the research.

Preparate the sample:
The main steps of the process are: touch preparation technique (store at +4°C)
the ovarian sample collecting from 7
female fetuses, the sample preparation
by touch preparation technique, the
differentiation of the meiotic prophase and stromal cells:
germ cells from the pre‐meiotic germ
cells and stromal cells by the STAG3
immunofluorescence antibody, the
identification of chromosome 13 with Mark chromosome 13:
FISH analysis performed on the same FISH analysis on the same slide
slide, and the searching process for
trisomy 13 in STAG3‐positive and
STAG3‐negative cells by comparing
results of immunofluorescence and FISH reactions performed on the same side:
reaction [Colour figure can be viewed at Search for trisomy 13 in STAG3 positive and in STAG3 negative cells: Nikon
Eclipse E600 microscope - Jenoptic CCD camera - analysis with CaseViewer]
4       BABAY et al.

longer dictyotene stage of meiotic prophase I. There is a reduction in

cohesion with the bivalent chromatids and so, in the end, only the chi‐
asma holds the sister chromatids together. The weakened bivalents
may segregate abnormally, which leads to an increase of trisomies.2
In sharp contrast, Hultén et  al5 based their theory on the
Oocyte Mosaicism Selection model: they concluded that the ma‐
jority, if not all cases of T21, are caused not by a problem in the
first meiotic cell division; instead, the crucial factor seems to be
the widespread occurrence of pre‐meiotic/mitotic T21 mosaicism,
leading to a so‐called secondary meiotic nondisjunction of those
oocytes with three chromosomes 21 (Figure 5). This model can
also explain the maternal age effect in trisomies: the trisomic oo‐
cytes may have a delay in maturation, which leads to their accu‐
F I G U R E 2   Example of a STAG3‐positive cell. Meiosis‐specific
STAG3 antibody (green fluorescence) allowed differentiation mulation in the ovaries and it can cause higher trisomic incidence
between germ cells entering meiosis (STAG3‐positive), pre‐meiotic at advanced maternal ages.
germ cells and ovarian stroma cells (both STAG3‐negative showing Previously Hultén et  al4 examined fetal ovarian tissues: they
a blue pattern) [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary. analyzed eight phenotypically normal fetuses and detected oocyte

(A) (B)

F I G U R E 3   Example of comparison of immunofluorescence and FISH results performed on the same slide. (A) Demonstration of the
immunofluorescence reaction: The blue pattern means that the cell is STAG3‐negative, and the green fluorescence reveals the meiosis‐
specific STAG3 protein which can differentiate germ cells and ovarian stromal cells from the cells entering their first meiotic prophase. (B)
Demonstration for the FISH reaction. The green and the red dots are the chromosome‐specific signals: a normal cell nucleus shows two
dual chromosome 13‐specific signals. In this picture, we can observe a T13 nucleus showing three dual chromosome 13‐specific signals. As
a digital microscope application allowed comparison of the immunofluorescence reactions with the FISH reactions performed on the same
slide, we can see that the T13 nucleus (B) is STAG3‐positive (B) [Colour figure can be viewed at]

TA B L E 1   The proportion of T13 cell

T13 cells (%)
nuclei in the examined fetal ovaries
Gestational Meiotic pro- Pre‐meiotic germ cells identified by two chromosome 13‐specific
Case No. age (wk) Total (%) phase germ cells and stroma cells probes. We used the meiosis‐specific
STAG3 protein to differentiate the cells
1. 16 13/2000 (0.65) 8/1000 (0.80) 5/1000 (0.50)
entering their first meiotic prophase from
2. 16 9/1000 (0.90) 7/500 (1.40) 2/500 (0.40) pre‐meiotic germ cells and ovarian stroma
3. 18 29/2000 (1.45) 22/1000 (2.20) 7/1000 (0.70) cells
4. 19 9/1000 (0.90) 0/1000 (0) 9/1000 (0.90)
5. 19 29/2000 (1.45) 18/1000 (1.80) 11/1000 (1.10)
6. 20 42/2000 (2.10) 27/1000 (2.70) 15/1000 (1.50)
7. 23 40/2000 (2.00) 30/1000 (3.00) 10/1000 (1.00)
Average   171/12000 (1.42) 112/5500 (2.04) 59/6500 (0.91)
BABAY et al. |

(A) (B)
0.035 0.016

0.03 0.014

Proportion Stag3 negative

Proportion Stag3 positive

0.005 0.002

0 0
14 16 18 20 22 24 15 17 19 21 23 25
Age Age

F I G U R E 4   Accumulation of T13 oocytes during fetal oogenesis. The graphs show the mean number of (A) STAG3‐positive T13 germ
cells and (B) STAG3‐negative T13 germ cells and stromal cells scored in samples of fetal ovaries. Note that the number of T13 cells was
significantly increased with gestational age for both STAG3‐positive and STAG3‐negative cells, respectively r = 0.93, P = 0.0038 and r = 0.85,
P = 0.0071 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

TA B L E 2   Number of FISH signals per chromosome in ovarian cells from seven female fetuses. For chromosome 13 the presence of six
signals would indicate a trisomy identified by two chromosome 13‐specific probes. Cell nuclei with 2 signals were considered either false‐
negative monosomy 13 (due to the pairing of the two chromosomes 13) or true monosomy 13; nuclei with 3 or 5 signals are likely false‐
negative or false‐positive signals. (Green: Vysis LSI [13q14], Red: Vysis LSI [13q34])

Number of signals

Chromosome Number of cells 2 green/2 red 3 green/3 red 1 green/1 red 3 signals 5 signals

13 12 000 11 416 171 35 168 210

mosaicism with trisomy 21 in 0.20‐0.88% of cells. They examined an In this paper, we aimed to extend Hulten's oocyte mosaicism
average of 913 STAG3‐positive and 531 STAG3‐negative cells per hypothesis to T13. According to traditional dogmas, it has the same
case, and the average incidence of T21 trisomies was 0.66% in meiotic pathomechanism as T21 (meiotic nondisjunction). To ensure the most
prophase germ cells and 0.80% in pre‐meiotic germ cells. The aver‐ consistent conditions, we used immunohistology and FISH for chro‐
age gestational age in the analyzed samples was 17.25  weeks. For mosome 13 to determine the copy number in ovarian cells. We an‐
the control process, they collected blood lymphocytes from three alyzed an average of 916 STAG3‐positive and 928 STAG3‐negative
children with T21 and three other children, shown to have normal cells in seven cases; the mean incidence of chromosome 13 trisomies
karyotypes by metaphase analysis. was 0.91% in STAG3‐negative and 2.04% in STAG3‐positive cells. The
Some question the Oocyte Mosaicism Selection model. In 2012, average gestational age was 18.71 weeks. For the control population,
Morris et al14 found no evidence of fetal oocyte mosaicism for triso‐ we used blood lymphocytes from two adults with normal karyotypes.
mies 16, 21 and 22. They analyzed eight karyotypically normal female The results show that there was no significant difference in the
fetuses between 10 and 14 gestational weeks; they used FISH to find incidence of the STAG3‐negative trisomic cells in the two studies.
the possibly trisomic cells in ovarian tissues without differentiating the The results support our hypothesis that the oocyte mosaicism is the
meiotic and pre‐meiotic cells with immune reactions, and used skin main causative factor not only for T21 but also for other aneuploid‐
samples from all fetuses for karyotyping and control. They found a ies (for example T13).
very low number of trisomic cells (0.025%), and the number of trisomic We found a significant difference in the incidence of the STAG3‐
cells found in ovary and skin samples was not significantly different. positive trisomic cells when compared with the results of Hultén
What might be the reasons for the discordant results? Morris et al (2.04% in T13 cells vs 0.66% in T21 cells). The reason for this
et al used different sample processing, control tissue and FISH might be the higher average gestational age (which can lead to more
analysis. However, more importantly, Morris et  al also examined cells entering into meiosis I.).
the fetal ovarian samples in the first and early second trimester, We also found that the number of T13 cells was significantly in‐
just before the accumulation of trisomy 21 cells during the progres‐ creased with gestational age.
sion of the fetal oogenesis, which is an essential part of the Oocyte It is appealing to conclude that oocyte mosaicism can play a
Mosaicism Selection model. major role in the formation of the most common trisomies, instead
6       BABAY et al.

F I G U R E 5   Demonstration of the
Oocyte Mosaicism Model. The right side
of the figure shows the regular meiosis.
The upper left corner of the picture shows
the primer nondisjunction that happens
before meiosis, at the time of the pre‐
meiotic mitotic steps. (During mitosis, a
lack of a chiasma can lead to segregation
at anaphase where a chromosome and
a chromatid will be in one daughter cell,
and one chromatid in the other. These
steps are not illustrated.) Instead of the
meiotic nondisjunction of a normal diploid
oogonium, the cause of the trisomy
is an obligate—so‐called secondary—
nondisjunction of a trisomic oogonium
that enters meiosis. (Red arrow shows the
pre‐meiotic mitotic step) [Colour figure
can be viewed at]

of current dogma, which includes the assumption that the most com‐ preservation is surprisingly obvious: the application of oral contra‐
mon trisomies are often caused by the separation failure of the ma‐ ceptive pills reduces redundant ovulations.9,10,18
ternal and paternal chromosomal homologs.
Further methods can be helpful to examine this theory, eg, some
molecular genetic techniques, mostly the next generation sequenc‐ 5 | CO N C LU S I O N
ing. Next generation sequencing has the advantage that it can provide
information on all 24 types of chromosomes. This diagnostic method Though more research is likely to be needed to accept the Oocyte
offers widescreen testing, avoiding diagnostic errors resulting from Mosaicism Selection model, it seems to represent a change in dogma
chromosome mosaicism caused by malsegregation of chromosomes when speaking of the background of trisomies. This study shows
or chromosome loss in the early mitotic divisions, which is relatively that besides T21, the Oocyte Mosaicism Selection model could be
common in cleavage stage embryos.16 With next generation sequenc‐ extended to T13 as well. The crucial factor for T13 seems to be the
ing, it is possible to prove that.17 However, researchers have not as yet pre‐meiotic/mitotic T13 mosaicism, leading to a so‐called secondary
investigated ovarian germ cells in pre‐meiotic mitosis. In principle, the meiotic nondisjunction of those oocytes with three chromosomes
method can be extended to ovarian germ cells, but the technical dif‐ 13. While the model remains a controversial hypothesis, this type
ficulties—for example, that the ovarian stem cells can only be isolated of oocyte mosaicism might be a general characteristic and could ex‐
from embryonic ovaries, as they develop during embryonic life—make plain the function of the ovarian reserve.
it challenging to implement the method correctly at present.
If we accept that, according to this theory, the trisomic oocytes
may be retarded in their maturation in comparison with normal oo‐
cytes, we have the possibility of reducing trisomic pregnancies with The authors would like to thank Dr. Júlia Schönléber for her expert
the preservation of the ovarian oocyte reserve by reducing the help in sample preparation, and Linda Gyurcsó‐Deák for her profes‐
number of unnecessary ovulations. One method of oocyte reserve sional support in the FISH analysis.
BABAY et al. |

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