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Bohol Island State University, Calape Campus

San Isidro, Calape, Bohol

Antoniette Niña Yuson

BEEd 1

Teaching Profession

Activity 1.4

Do a self-check of your qualities. Do you have the making of a good, great or effective teacher? Why or
why not? 10pts

Answer: Yes, I think I have the making of a good,and effective teacher but not that great because I'm
always in between. I am always in average. I don't hold much expectations about myself because I know
I can do good and I'm contented in that. We can be all a good and effective teacher as long as we have
the compassion to do so. As an educator, We need to have a lot of wisdom to share it to our students.
We also need to have a long patience to handle those hard students, you know there's always a not so
kind students. As a teacher to we need to have all the positive attitude towards our students and others
because we are the role models of them. They have look up to teachers because without teachers
there's no professionals. As a teacher , we need to consider other things side from the things that we
know because there's always a different side of every thing in this world. As an educator , we learn
everyday and we share our knowledge and experiences to our students. Someday, I'll be a teacher and I
will do my best to teach my studies with compassion and love. I'll do my very best to be a great teacher
and I'll share all my knowledge and wisdom to them so that they will know how to face the challenges
they have to come along the way to their succession.

Analyze the following situation and justify your answer. 15pts

Teacher Nimfa has been teaching for 10 years in the local public school in her province. As a teacher, she
thinks she is managing her class well. She would even cite that her students can ask her “anything under
the sun”. But in a recent evaluation given to her by her students, one of the remarked on her being
“boring” in class, aside from her being strict. What characteristics does Teacher Nimfa seem to be
lacking? What could she have done instead? Why?


Teacher Nimfa is indeed a good teacher. Because not all teachers allow their students to ask them
anything. Especially if it is under the sun, it's so private. For 10 years she has been doing a good job as a
teacher but not that great because she lacks in somethings. She had been boring in her class said by her
students it's because she lacks in posseses of humor. Maybe she hasn't been creative in her lessons. She
is so uptight and strict as a teacher even if you can anything from her but still it is not enough for the
students. Teacher Nimfa need not only her profession but also the compassion as a teacher. She needs
to atleast consider to make her discussion enjoyable and fun so that her students would not feel bored
and dull. With this she can exudes positivity to the whole class because whenever she's the teacher they
would feel happy because she is a creative andake her discussion enjoyable and fun while learning.

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