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Date: 6/21/2022

To: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission

From: Orin Sparks
Subject: Introduction of Invasive Species Signs
June 21, 2022

Dear N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Orin Sparks and I am a Student attending The University of
North Carolina at Charlotte. I hope this year has been uneventful for you and your colleagues. I am
sending this email in hopes of feedback regarding an idea to further the reversal of the propagation of
the Northern Snakehead. As you are aware the Northern Snakehead is an invasive species that despite a
valiant effort continues to plague waterways across the United States. As I was fishing in the mountains
of our state, I came across one of the signs that are placed along the streams by you all. Seeing these
signs gave me an idea that could assist in the management of all invasive species. Everywhere that a sign
is already posted would be a great place for an additional sign to be posted that displays information on
all the known invasive species in the area and what to do if you find one. Many anglers wish to do the
right thing but are just unaware of the problem. This would give the information to more people that
could hopefully assist in the reversal of the invasive species.

I am in high hopes that this idea will assist with this pressing issue. Even though I am passionate about it,
there is little I can do by myself and that is why I am reaching out to you.

I look forward to your response. I can be reached at at any time.


Orin Sparks Formatted: Font: Bold

Student – University of North Carolina at Charlotte Formatted: Font: Bold, Font color: Accent 6

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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