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LO 2.1 Recognized Kitchen Premises to be Cleaned and Sanitized.

CG Code:TLE_HECK9- 12KP-Ia-1

Activity 1. “Pitchur-pitchuran-1”


1. Take a picture of your kitchen before it cleans up.

2. Identify the portion of the kitchen to be cleaned.
a. Edit the picture by putting numbers. 
b. This numbers are the identifying marks for the order of cleaning and sanitizing kitchen premises.
(What portion of the kitchen should be cleaned first)
c. Ask parents or elder sibling to help you.
3. After putting an identifying marks (numbers) on the picture, make a short description of the
Guiding Questions: your answer must be written below the “Paste your pictures
a. Why is the number 1 mark should be the first one to clean? 
b. What should be the cleaning compound use in the area?
c. How do you clean the areas per mark?

Paste your pictures here

The first picture is our dining table. The second one is our kitchen. The third is
Is our stove. And the last is out sink. I know that it is dirty, but I’ll clean it in this

Scoring Rubrics for the Activity

Criteria Exemplary Target Accepted

5 3 2
Logic and Organization

Development of Idea

Use of cleaning materials and chemicals


Complete the sentence.

It is important to keep the kitchen premises clean to keep unwanted bacteria

I realized that _______________________________________________________________________

Keeping the kitchen clean, unwanted sickness or disease is away

I understand that _______________________________________________________

Scoring Rubrics for Activity 2 and Reflection

Criteria Exemplary Target Accepted
5 3 2

Development of idea

Logic Organization



1. Technology and Livelihood Education – Home Economics

Cookery Learning Module page 28 – 68

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