Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI of Nopresheila P Beed 3 1

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI of Nopre,Sheila P.

BEED 3-1
Elementary Education (Tarlac State University)

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University
Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
Tel. No. (045) 493-0182; Fax No. (045) 982-0110
Re-accredited Level III by the Accrediting Agency of
Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines
(AACUP), Inc






BEED 3-1



APRIL 23, 2021




I. Objectives:

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At the end of the lesson pupils are expected to:

 Identify equivalent fraction,

 Appreciate the value of putting effort to works and

 Write examples of equivalent fraction and solve problems on their own.

5 II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Equivalent Fraction

Reference: Mathematics Book VI pg. 166-170

Materials: flashcard, pictures , PowerPoint presentation

Values: Punctuality

10 III. Learning Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student Activity

A. Primary Activities:
1. Prayer
Everybody stand up for the opening

Please remain standing. “Lord, Thank you for the blessings that
we receive each day. Guide us in our
lesson for today and help us to be a
good-listener. In Jesus name we pray,
Energizer Amen.
Class do you know the song
“Where o where is Pretty little Mary”?
“Yes teacher.”

Where o where is pretty little Mary (3x)

Picking up paper putting in your table
Let us solve problem.

Where o where is pretty little Mary (3x)

Picking up pencil putting in your table
Let us solve problem.

Where o where is pretty little Mary (3x)

Picking up numbers putting in your
Let us solve problem.
2. Greetings:
Good afternoon Grade 6!
“Good afternoon Teacher Cherry it’s
nice to see you always.”
Before you take your seat please pick
up pieces of paper under your
chair. (Pupils will pick up a piece of paper and
they will put it in the trash can)

Processing of Prayer:

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In our prayer earlier what word did you

remember? “Good-listener, Teacher!”

Why is it important for pupils like you to

be a good-listener? “It is important for us to be a good-
listener for us to understand and
comprehend well on our lesson.”
Very Good!

3. Checking of attendance:
Is there absent today?

4. Drill: “None, Teacher”

“Mental Computation”
I will show a flash card and tell me what
the answer is.

55/5=? 1.36
7x8=? 2. 63
3x3=? 3. 11
9/3=? 4. 56
10/5=? 5. 9
6x6=? 6. 3
8x8=? 7. 2
4x8=? 8. 36
9. 64
5. Review: 10. 32
Let us have a short review
What was your topic yesterday?

Very Good! “Properties of Multiplication”

Try to answer the following:

Match the mathematical sentence in
column A with the property of
multiplication in column B. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the blank
before each number.

Column A
1) 0.9x0.06=0.06x0.9
2) 6.74x0=0
3) 2.201x1=2.201
4) (0.4x1.2)x5=0.4x1.2x5)
5) 0.5x(2.4+16) 1. c
Column B 2. e
a) Identity property 3. d
b) Associative property 4. b
c) Commutative property 5. a
d) Distributive property
e) Zero property

6. Motivation:

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Class, I have here an exercises

Answer the following and match the
corresponding letters to the solution for
you to be able to unlock the mystery
words. Put the letter in box below.

1) 3x6= Q. 3
1) 18
2) 9/3= T. 27
2) 3
3) 28 / 4 = L. 24
3) 7
4) 16 / 2 = E. 18
4) 8
5) 7x4= V. 28
5) 28
6) 6x9= A.54
6) 54
7) 4x6= E. 10
7) 24
8) 100 / 10 = U. 7
8) 10
9) 36 / 6 = I. 4
9) 6
10) 3 x 9 = N. 6
10) 27
11) 15 / 3 = F. 5
11) 5 F
12) 5 x 5 = A. 12
12) 25
13) 6 x 2 = I. 21
13) 12
14) 3 x 5 = R. 25
14) 15
15) 17 / 1 = T. 17
15) 17
16) 7 x 3 = N. 19
16) 21
17) 4 x 4 = O. 16
17) 16
18) 19 / 1 = C. 15
18) 19

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation/Discussion:

Okay class, what words are formed based

on the exercises?
Very good!

Let us find out more about the mystery

words. I have here a word problem.
Let us answer it.

Lita and Letty are twins. They love eating

pizza. Lita can finish eating 2/4 pizza in a
minute. Letty can finish eating 3/6 pizza in
a minute. Who can eat faster, Ella or

Observe the following figure:

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1Ella 2 1
Betty 2
2 3 3
6 6
3 4 5 4
2. Performing Activities:
Who do you think can eat faster?
Now let us see.
(Pupils will answer differently)
What is asked?

“Who can eat faster, Ella or Betty?”

What are the given?

“2 of pizza and 3 of pizza”

What operation should use to solve 4 6
the problem?

What is the number sentence?

2 . 3 ₌
4 6
Class, first of all, what do you call the
parts of the fraction before we proceed
answering? 2 3 Numerator fraction
4 6 Denominator

Very Good.

Now, what are the solution and the answer?

Now listen, let us find out the answer by (Pupils are confused how to solve it)
trying to solve it.

The fractions 2 and 3 have the same

4 6


Because 2 and 3 are equivalent.

4 6

To determine who among Ella and Betty

who can eat faster, here is the solution.

2 3
4 6
12 = 12

Do you understand class?

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2. Processing Activities: Yes teacher

Based on the figure what do you think is
the answer of the question?
“Based on the figure Ella and Betty can
finish eating pizza at the same day.”
What do you notice about the figure?

“The figure is the same/equivalent”.

Based on the discussion what do you
think is our topic for today?
“Our topic for today is about Equivalent

Now, Equivalent fractions are fractions

that have the same value. To find out if
the two given fraction are equivalent,
their cross product should be equal.

Again, what is Equivalent Fractions?

“Equivalent Fractions- are the fractions

that have the same value. Their cross
products are equal.
Take a look at another example.
3 6
4 8

What is the product of 3x8?

24 ma'am
What about the product of 6x4?
24 ma'am
Therefore: 3 6
4 8
3x8 = 6x4
24 = 24
The fractions have the same value.

Another examples:
Find the fraction equivalent to 3
To find fraction equivalent to
given fraction, multiply or divide
the numerator and denominator
on the given fraction by same
nonzero number.
Multiply both the numerator and
denominator by 3 x 2 = 6
4 2 = 8
Multiply both the numerator and
denominator by 3 x 3 = 9
4 3 = 12

Multiply both the numerator and

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denominator by 3 x 4 = 12
4 4 = 16
Multiply both the numerator and
denominator by 3 x 5 = 15
4 5 = 20
Multiply both the numerator and
denominator by 3 x 6 = 18
4 6 = 24
Therefore 6 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 18
8 ,12 ,16 , 20 , 24

are equivalent fraction of 3/4

Do you understand now class?

3. Reinforcing Concept and Skills: Yes Teacher!

Direction: Determine whether the fraction
are equivalent or not. Write = or ≠ in the

1. 1 5
2 10

2. 15 3
20 4 1.=

3. 3 1 2.≠
20 2
4. 6 1
12 2 4.=

5. 2 4 5.=
5 10

4. Generalization:
What are equivalent fractions?

“Equivalent fractions are fractions that

have the same value.
How to determine if the fraction is equivalent
to a given fraction?
“To find fraction equivalent to given
fraction, multiply or divide the
Verification Process: numerator and denominator of the
given fraction.
Ok class, what should we remember
about the equivalent fraction?

“Teacher to find fractions equivalent to

Valuing Process: a given fraction, multiply or divide the
Okay class, for today we learned about given fraction by a fraction equal to 1.
equivalent fractions. What do you think is

the relation of equivalent fractions to

your studies? “Teacher, I think that the relation of

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equivalent fractions to our studies is

that if we put effort in our studies like
studying our lessons every time we will
Very good! Like in our school. Punctuality get good grades.
Is very important to us because
punctuality is a good reflection to our
attitude as being a responsible. We need
to balance/equal our time so that we will
be able to study all the lessons properly
and also will still have time to play and
enjoy life.

5. Application:
Give the next three fractions equal to
each of the given fraction.

1. 1 ,2 , 3 , ? , ? ,?
4 8 12 ? ? ? 1. 4 , 5 , 6
16 20, 24
2. 3 , 6 , 12 , ? , ? , ?
5 , 10 , 20 ? ? ? 2. 24 , 27. 30
40 . 45 . 50
3. 3 , 6 , 9 , ? , ? , ?
4 8 12 ? ? ? 3. 12 , 15 , 18
16 , 20, 24
4. 5 , 10 , 15 , ? , ? , ?
6 12 18 ? ? ? 4. 20 , 25 , 30
24 30 36
5. 2 , 4 , 6 ,? ,? ,?
7 14 21 ? ? ? 5. 8 , 10 , 12
28 35 42
IV. Evaluation
Direction : Answer the following question and
solve it by finding the equivalent fractions.

1. When Jaden was on his grandparent’s farm,

it rained 5 out of every 6 days.

1. 15
2. Ezra planted 20 pumpkin seeds. He noticed that
4 out of every 5 of the seeds grew into plans. 2. 16
How many pumpkin seeds grew into plants.

Solution :
1. When Jaden was on his grandparent’s farm,
it rained 5 out of every 6 days. Start by
writing this as a fraction:
So, Jaden spent 18 days on the farm in all. You
need to find how many days were rainy. So, find
the fraction that is equivalent to and has a
denominator of 18.

You can use the fact that 6 x 3 = 18. Multiply

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both the numerator and denominator of by 3

= =
The fraction tells you that 15 of the 18 days

were rainy days. So your correct the answer is

15 now next is,

3. Ezra planted 20 pumpkin seeds. He noticed that

4 out of every 5 of the seeds grew into plans.
How many pumpkin seeds grew into plants. Again
start writing this a fraction:

So, Ezra planted 20 pumpkin seeds in all. You need

to find how many grew into plants. Find the
fraction that is equivalent to and has a
denominator of 20.
You can use the fact that 5x4= 20. Multiply both
the numerator and denominator of by 4.
= =
So the fraction tells you that 16 of the 20
pumpkin seeds grew into plants.

Is that clear class?

Do you have question?

Very well now kindly take out your

assignment notebook and copy your Yes ma’am
None ma’am

That will be all for today thank you for

listening see you again tomorrow. Bye!

Bye ma’am see you again tomorrow.

V. Assignment : Encircle the pairs of fractions which are equal to each other.

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1.) 3 , 5 2.) 2 , 8 3) 5 , 20 4.) 1 , 3

5 10 3 12 6 30 8 24

5.) 3 , 5 6.) 5 , 15 7.) 2 , 10 8.) 3 , 18

5 8 16 7 20 3 15 4 24

9.) 15 , 10 10) . 15 , 12
20 18 20 18


15 BEED 3-1

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