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Some people advocate the death penalty for those who have committed violent

crimes. Others say that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the death penalty and give your

Many people believe that violent crimes must be given death penalty while others
think that it is not a suitable solution to punish serious offenders in modern community.
This essay will shed light on the pros and cons of death penalty .In my opinion, it must be
applied for violent crimes.
To begin with, it needs to be admitted that death penalty has a few disadvantages like
wrongful conviction and morally contrast. It is clear that this punishment is completely
irreversible and no way to change the penalty if ever a new evidence will surface. This
may result to people getting punished for offences they did not commit. Moreover, it is
contrary to morality because we have no rights to kill other humans. Right to live is the
basic right of any human being, and no one can infringe this right, irrespective of the
person’s deeds.
On the other hand, it cannot be denied that death penalty most always maximizes
justice for victims and decreases the crime rate. Firstly, death penalty can enforces justice
to victims. For example, that method can properly deliver justice to those who have killed
and to bring closure for the pain to a victim’s family .Secondly, capital punishment
directly affect the crime rate because the required execution will alarm potential criminals
from thinking of committing such crimes.
To conclude, although death penalty might have certain negative effects like a
wrongful execution with innocent people and the contrast of morality, it has an extremely
positive influence on community and declines the level of violent crimes. For these
reasons, I believe that death penalty is extremely necessary to make the world better.

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