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Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic
abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities
studying together.
Discuss both views and state your own opinion.
Many people believe that the selection of students should be appropriate with their
academic skills, whereas others think that mixing students with variety of abilities
together is more beneficial. In my opinion, I believe that it is better to have students with
different abilities studying together. I will give reasons for my answer in the following
Selecting students according to their academic abilities has many benefits. First of all, it
is easier for teacher to teach students which are talented because they can easily plan
more suitable lessons to work at the right speed for them. This means student can study
more effectively.In addition, one of the most obvious benefits of forming students of
similar abilities is increased paces .Students with a high academic ability can be provided
with more advanced materials to progress faster, whereas those in a lower level group can
acquire knowledge easier when their teachers explain the lesson to them at a slower pace.
On the other hand, having students with different abilities studying together can be much
more appropriate and fantasic.Firstly, students would be able to learn from each other and
overcome their weaknesses because higher-level students can push lower-level students
further by modeling and encouraging them. Secondly, students can be multi tanlented
because of the variety of academic skills. Therefore, the importance of studying together
is undeniable.
All in all, both of methods of enrollment are appropriate. In conclusion, it is my belief
that it is more beneficial with students if they can study together with different abilities

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