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Nadurata, Joville DB.




As both climate change and waste are becoming increasingly serious concerns around
the world, it's critical to understand how these two important challenges interact. Recycling
helps to alleviate the climate misfortune. It is excellent for the environment since we are
using old and used materials to create new ones. We are helping reduce air and water
pollution by conserving resources.

The population keeps growing with each passing day. As a result, the volume of waste
created has increased significantly. The larger the amount of waste produced; the more area
is needed to dump it. When we think of recycling, we should really think about the whole
idea; reduce, reuse and recycle. We’ve been careless up to this point with the way we’ve
treated the Earth, and it’s time to change, not just the way we do things but the way we think.

The webinar has enlightened me and has educated me as to the importance of

recycling and how it helps the environment as well as the economy. In conclusion, people
should be properly informed as to the significance of recycling.
Realino, Ross Emerson S.
CE 520



As we push through the 21st Century, from our households and down to the streets,
everything above, under and in between is made of plastic, and heavy production of plastic
wastes has become one of the most critical problems in our country and in the whole world.
This has caused a severe contribution to waste management issues and climate change.
Awareness among all ages of people, especially the youth, are always raised in every
environmental actions and one of these is by conducting webinars.

With a theme of “Recycling the Future: Buhay ng Plastik Pahabain, Pagresiklo

Palakasin”, the webinar not just addressed the dilemma caused by plastics but also on how
can we use plastics by turning it into something new and useful. As the speakers share their
bright ideas and knowledge regarding the topic like the impact of plastics in our daily lives,
I was quite amazed by the project presented by one of the speakers. The project is called
“EnviroTech Waste Recycling, Inc. and it aims to convert the plastic wastes into school chairs
that can be useful to students. Their concept of EnviroHome, wherein plastic wastes can be
used in installing houses also interests me as it can help also in material costing. It’s also
great that the utilization of eco-friendly grocery bags instead of plastic grocery bags was also
addressed to help reduce wastes.

As the webinar approaches its end, Sir Ralph Cuazon left a remarkable quote to all
listeners in which he said, “Society needs to stop thinking of plastic as ‘waste’, but as a
renewable resource that needs to be disposed of correctly. I agree with his statement
because we all need to start thinking out of the box. I agree that we have so many ways in
solving proper waste management. After attending the webinar, the new ideas that the
speakers have shared have added to my knowledge and understanding regarding the
recycling of plastic wastes that can help save the future of next generation.
Sindac, Gian Carlo F.
CE 520



Plastic waste has been the most abundant problem in the waste management of the
country. Unlike like any other waste like paper or food, plastics doesn’t rot and takes a long
time to decompose which propose several harmful effects to our environment. Throughout
the Webinar, Recycling the Future: Buhay ng Plastik, Pahabain, Pagresiklo Palakasin, the
speakers introduced plastics not as a nuisance but as a new type of resource. Although
plastics have many harmful effects to the environment the Webinar taught us that plastic
waste can be made into useful products like plastic chairs as introduced by Envirotech Waste
Recycling, Incorporated. I also learned that plastic waste is not the real problem but the
management of the use of single-use plastics that most people are not aware of.

As stated by Sir Ralph Cuazon, “Society needs to stop thinking of plastic as ‘waste’, but
as a renewable resource that needs to be disposed of correctly”, which I strongly agree of.
Instead of us complaining about and abolishing the use of plastics completely to save our
environment, we must try to adapt and make use of it as a new source of products that can
improve our way of living and at the same time helping our environmental setting. Overall,
I can say that I have learned many things regarding the plastic waste management here in
our country with the help of the Webinar’s speakers.
Dr. Analiza P. Rollon

Recycling plastics

Plastic pollution

Mismanagement of Plastics in the Philippines

Villareyes, Elmer Jr., E.


CE 520




One of the most common problems of our country is the accumulation of plastic
objects or what we call plastic waste. Plastic waste has the most serious and harmful
impact on our nature because of its long period of decomposition, it also produce toxic
chemicals that can affect the health of human being, and the air and water pollution. “Buhay
ng Plastik Pahabain, Pagresiklo Palakasin Webinar” gives me new idea on how we can turn
plastics into a new material or resource. Yes, plastic could destroy environment but the
webinar showed that even the greatest enemy of the nature has the potential to become a
useful one. The impact of plastic waste depends on how we treat it, because the webinar
taught me that plastics aren’t the main problem but our insensitivity and carelessness.
Mismanagement of the plastics must resolve and we should also consider what could be the
possible uses for the plastic waste just like the products introduced by Envirotech Waste
Recycling, Inc. and other projects.

We want to reduced using plastics just to avoid the possibility of deterioration of

nature but instead of avoiding it by putting an end on using plastics; we must see the
plastic as a useful element for a new material. That’s what Sir Ralph Cuazon and all the
speakers stated earlier which is absolutely right and I strongly agree with. Improving our
way of living and helping our environment/natural habitat by creating innovative way is
better than removing or abolishing thing that is meant to be reused. Overall, “Buhay ng
Plastik Pahabain, Pagresiklo Palakasin Webinar” taught me many things and made me
realize that plastics are made to be used properly. We should be a good example as an
individual and as a community just like the “Juan for All, All for Juan – Bayanihan of the
Pipol” project by Eat bulaga TV show.

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