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Learning Area English

Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Learning Modality

School Biñan Secondary School of Grade Level Grade 7

LESSON Applied Academics
EXEMPLA Teacher Cheska Mary L. Barcelo Learning Area English
Teaching Date March 14-18, 2022 Quarter Three – Week 5

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Explain one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed

2. Make a stand on the material viewed through creating a live podcast, vlog,
or a talk show
3. Appreciate different customs/traditions based on material viewed
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period
of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity, strategies in listening to and
viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and
associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech,
passive/active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity;
comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and
appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and
feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past
and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.
C. Most Essential Learning MELC 18: EN7VC-IV-i-16 Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a
Competencies (MELC) material viewed
(if available write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling Competencies Enabling Competency: Make a stand on the material viewed
(if available write the
attached competencies)

II. CONTENT The Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio

A. References Learner’s Packet (LEAP) Grade 7 English Quarter 3
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material Learner’s Packet (LEAP) Grade 7 English Quarter 3 Pages 1-4
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. List of Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation, Movie clips, Downloaded Youtube videos, handouts,
for Development and printed rubric
Engagement Activities

IV. LEARNING Learning Activities

A. Introduction Greetings

Checking of Attendance

Covid 19 safety reminders

Recap of the previous lesson: I Am Proud to be a Filipino by Toribia A. Mano

Look at the clips and tell me what do they have in common. In what ways do they differ?

From the movie: Corpse Bride

From the movie: UP

From the movie: How to Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World

B. Development Introduction of the Author: Amador T. Daguio

Amador T. Daguio was born on January 8, 1912 in Laoag, Ilocos Norte and died on April 26,
1966 in PGH, Manila. He was a writer, poet, educator and a lawyer. His notable works
inclue: Wedding Dance, The Flaming Lyre, Man of Earth, and Hudhud Hi Aliguyon. He was
awarded the Republic Cultural Heritage Award in 1973.

Unlocking of Difficulties: Find your match

5 students will be given a word that needs to be unlocked and 5 students hold the
key/meaning to these words. The students need to find their “match” within a minute with
the help of context clues posted in the screen.

1. unspoiled – a place not marred by development

2. adamant – refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind
3. continuity – the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period
of time
4. dissension – disagreement that leads to discord
5. lingers - stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave

Context clues:
1. The story is set in the mountains of northern Philippines, in a traditional community
unspoiled by outside influence.
2. Lumnay, however, is adamant and stands her ground — she will love only one man.
3. She holds the promise of the continuity of Awiyao’s lineage.
4. But then, Lumnay stops to reflect on her fate questioning why they had to separate and
plans to air her dissension to the tribe.
5. However, she changes her mind and runs away from the ceremony toward the bean fields
where she lingers for a long while to be with the beans, the produce she is able to breed.

Comparison between the wedding dance in the Northern Philippines and the wedding dance
that we’re accustomed of:

Video Link:

Video Link:

Video: Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio

The Wedding Dance
By Amador Daguio

The story is set in the mountains of northern Philippines, in a traditional community

unspoiled by outside influence. The story may have happened before or after the Second
World War, one summer night before harvest time.
Awiyao is a strong, muscular, industrious member of the tribe. He’d been married to
Lumnay for seven years yet without children. He loves Lumnay and was a good husband to
her, but he is forced to take another wife as the laws of their society dictate. Lumnay is a
tough, graceful woman who is also an industrious worker. She was a loving wife to Awiyao,
but after the failure to give him an offspring, she has to suffer separation from the love of her
life. Madulimay is a younger woman chosen to be Awiyao’s new wife. She holds the
promise of the continuity of Awiyao’s lineage. So here, we have a forced love triangle.
On the night of the festivities for his second wedding, Awiyao visits his first wife
Lumnay in the house he built for her. Awiyao is worried that Lumnay is not among the
wedding dancers. He invites her to the dance, but she remains still. He apologizes to her and
explains why the situation between them had to be this way. It is clear that they understood
each other. They do not point fingers nor judge one another.
Awiyao expresses his admiration and love for his wife and his regret for giving in to
the pressure of producing an offspring. He encourages Lumnay to accept another husband.
Lumnay, however, is adamant and stands her ground — she will love only one man. Awiyao
promises to come back to her if he fails again for the second time, but Lumnay wishes him
and his new wife only blessings from Kabunyan. She admits to him how difficult the
situation is for her.
When Awiyao is called back to the dance, he pauses as if to think over his decision.
Lumnay accepts his invitation to the dance and plucks up her courage to face her tribe, the
joys of the past and the pains memories keep bringing her. But then, Lumnay stops to reflect
on her fate questioning why they had to separate and plans to air her dissension to the tribe.
However, she changes her mind and runs away from the ceremony toward the bean fields
where she lingers for a long while to be with the beans, the produce she is able to breed.

1. What is the situation of Awiyao and Lumnay’s marriage?
2. How did Lumnay respond to Awiyao when he invited her to come to the wedding dance?
3. What was expected of them during their time of marriage? Were they able to fulfill it?
4. Do you think Awiyao and Lumnay love each other? Explain your answer.
5. Explain your beliefs/convictions on the story you just watched and read.
C. Engagement Go to your group and help each other individually make a stand on the material viewed
through creating a live podcast, vlog, or a TV talk show:

1. Live Podcast - A live podcast is similar to a live radio show. Live Podcasting means
recording your episode with a live (virtual) audience.
2. Vlog - is a set of videos that someone regularly posts on the internet in which they record
their thoughts or experiences or talk about a subject
3. TV Talk show – a TV talk show is where various topics are discussed informally in live or
recorded television

Choose from these set of guide questions for your live podcast/ vlog/talk show:

1. What is the tribe’s marriage law that is presented in the story?
2. If you have the authority to change their marriage law, would you change it? Why or why

1. What is the tribe’s marriage law that is presented in the story?
2. Do you agree with the tribe’s marriage law? Why or why not?

1. What is the tribe’s marriage law that is presented in the story?
2. What do you think about their marriage law specially now in the 21 st century? Why?

You will be graded individually based on these criteria:

Your group’s score is the total of all of your individual scores.

5 3 1
Delivery Holds attention of Consistent use of Displays minimal eye
entire direct eye contact with audience,
audience with the use contact with audience, while reading mostly
of but from
direct eye contact, still returns to notes the notes
seldom Speaks with
looking at notes satisfactory Speaks in uneven
variation of volume volume
Speaks with and with little or no
fluctuation in inflection inflection
volume and
inflection to
maintain audience
and emphasize key
Content Demonstrates full Is at ease with his/her Is uncomfortable with
knowledge of his/her stand by answering all his/her stand and is
stand by answering the given set of able to answer all the
all the given set of questions with a bit of given set of questions
questions elaboration without elaboration
with explanations
and The use of word The use of word
elaboration signals when signals when
presenting his/her presenting his/her
The use of word stand is observed stand is not observed at
signals when sometimes all.
presenting his/her
stand is observed
most of the time
Enthusiasm/ Demonstrates strong Shows some Shows little or mixed
Audience enthusiasm about enthusiastic feelings about the topic
Awareness topic feelings about topic being presented
during entire
presentation Raises audience Raises audience
understanding and understanding and
Significantly awareness of most knowledge of some
increases points points
and knowledge of
convinces an
audience to
recognize the validity
importance of the
D. Assimilation 1. Do you like the story? What do you like the most about it? Why?
2. What does the story say about us Filipinos?
V. ASSESSMENT True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false on
your ¼ sheet of paper.

1. The story is set in the mountains of northern Philippines.

2. Awiyao had been a good husband to Madulimay.
3. Awiyao expressed his admiration and love for Lumnay and his regret for giving in to the
pressure of producing an offspring.
4. Lumnay and Madulimay fought one another to claim Awiyao’s love.
5. Lumnay ran away from the ceremony towards the corn fields.
VI. Happines meter
Using this happiness scale, how would you describe what you feel about our story for today?

What did we learn from today and how are we going to use it in our daily lives?

What should we do when we encounter people with different beliefs and traditions from us?

Respect begets respect

VII. Rewrite the stars
Watch or read the story again and answer the question in two to three sentences:

If you were the Awiyao or Lumnay, how will you change the ending of the story?

Scan the QR codes to watch or read the story online.

Youtube Video PDF File

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Checked by:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher I

Noted by:


School Head

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