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2 Days in the Valley

2. Operation Mekong
3. Gibby
4. Three Monkeys
5. An Inspector Calls
6. Star Weekend Reviews
7. An Inspector Calls
8. Take care
9. True events
10. Partner

1. It is something he would recommend for anyone.
2. a) He attended every function that concerned his grandson
b) He was afraid that his grandson would be lonely

3. a) i. His grandfather was diagnosed with cancer

ii. Chemotherapy failed to help
b). you could hear the nurses laughing down the hall
4. a) His grandfather was courageous and caring. He stayed dignified until his death
b) He knew that his grandfather wouldn’t have wanted him to cry

5. Lesson: An important lesson he learned was that it was necessary to care for those around
you and to spend quality time with them
Reason: It is very important to be kind and compassionate to family members and friends as
we will be together only for a short time. We must do meaningful things together while we
can / Any suitable answer

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