5signmeni2: Tpewmunt

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Liwhet do wauumdwrond lu wwoauh ?

Reosasuch us Rgatematio
aciuty duceted
daud diaronenu) md he duuelopmnt
agamioud 60d e enewia dg*
Glue 2 xplaun um dhat wutr a
Aengituoimal anolyiw u olso ualtud Pam
uanuch it us
fixed nomple ef

muuhuh urtsunahen uwsperndont

em wgnhinumd vaAin eon be t6ileted

Eampt uuhn a qroup ef

fomilies o aNLd to vucoa
at uehost e{ dikwnt Rimd e puoduut
uguia untuuab like,
atly uniY montthly
9D3 hy
eluouwah'en us oid vos a
data coch

Oephh Imtiuiew
focuo ug0up
By Guuauitahue jechue technugus
Gy auortitatu
qws y h a t is am
«ltsuome auw auall ?
An 4 ndifaundnt vau'aul that a u uuvodud o
puupoas ooludy lut
may theet h
dependent vauoulu aui walled &rtrane aLu
aus 1 C6) uwhich tumn
latduuul h comaLointy
o anosammt mwaAu ?
|ms i(¬)
Reuialuliky tuum seat deacuilu
e a t deacuilu hF
CenAablncy m ameA mnt
meaa u
L F) uuhat
doyoumaan uy comauct vaua
h xtimd to
spictt h e neosnumunt 0
enist duing measuud.
euo 2(8) 8rplain hu conapt Independent ond
Q b n d n t Vaualls uuih m êuompes

n 2 (8) Ohendumt Vauialu

u Vauiale depvmds on onatheu vauuaDo
etrun i t uis calluud oipendent Vasuiabu

- t u t Seats on duanng puoguomm

mdepemdent auatl
he vo
hvauwalule that us puLeceedina omothe
to a dapomdent v a u a t l is tesmed a
ndypen dent vaiualA
Campl- Salus tuainvmg puoguom
kLo C) uhat au pu@jechue Jechmiaus Epbaun

mA C)
PMajective techomigus Late ca 0Lulkot
pLLO Onauty iotimg un uhuco
ROmum us giun
dmp Unstuuctuwe
t a uiLh uagoal e
umco uung puwonally
Lrrplu vgr GAAUng ehau OLldeLulng techmuaus,
rag occiohies celo.

us (d) umat us thu

meorvg e meaouummt

rA Cd) Meaaluummt us a
poCtaa e6
Obtavnimg a
nmmuiaL desluui kh em
h Xtvnt d huchh a psor OUN ayect
eoA0A ome thvasuaeteriotins
usale) Hw us ow aludnal deau tuttuu ha

amminal dcals
Ansle) Ihe cdinat Seale is he oppegLtt Hr
meTrurmat dealu lucauar un h i H u
eaaLmmmt aealt t h vaualle a u
a amgid wmto uuomts omd audw
tOLu u, uhu dcole wAuply uLoLd to foi
uauialle into uor amd mos
dagu defenence uutuun hu vauolilt

ci1ON C2
Lto &A) ushat do yars wrdveotand y
dcdeni'fio maauch ? Ezpair uts
ns3lAJ Anuhod wan be calld
rdy uiher ut uruude data uhush
us lJuUalle quonhifiaile vomd
m ens Ualil uull O loass d pe
40gcol urcple and uueaoemurg hu
Puaey dlyechve o Uwenifie muthod us to
O h u data u u t the Me C% 0sunvan on

uifiolle fypotheacs con be foonulate d:

hauacteuuatiss Ucienhfio Method.
coLlectine- Psuon to
unutatin9 a
n w ueaR
Quch h
tXLSUng urfewmmatenn
is uulienm duy Hu dvertiota
hat t U e a m6
Stuuctud uiomdom C uun ougamiaid

LLgh i t fetlo
b e luasio e/ deienti'fio
tuuchuod and uuw Ougamwid bHocdu

3) eyjechvw
u n t i o mthodo uotauch a u nat t a a d
philos ephioal oe 9natea2d
wmohmat data
oippoLce od dy facto ond h u u alycthB

) Deteuminitucs
denifio mithodo tuy to istatuuah causab
atenahup autu sccunvmeia md Hu
taetons uusperraillu as hum
rw 3(8) Explaim thu Lceneypt of aeaueh amd
oepiicaten i n hi uauiau
chm e managuert
6 8 ) Reaeaueh io o
yotmaio actvy
dupehed touonds
distolHLy mdHe
duu epmmt m augomierd body
Reovauch abpucatien wn
fuuchiena qua e
accountng wnd erore
Budgutauy contual dystum
oaugnrg mw piochicno Lond
uvntouy coAAirg ethodsow
uatmunt depileeioten m d uts
d om
Maurting Reaaauc
TOLLtootung the demamd
fou fpuoduuet
malyAmg the luuyung behauwauuu s sorau
eauung thu efehwnas & duuuhii ng
Eotimah'ng he uoduct poterhal
o n n Reoauev ulsment and
aen ehauu'ou Ougamw
ndiluduual behalioL Lorrd

4ttude o Emplayau
diadeuahip chanastenati and dyles
19uLLo 4lA) 2xploim he vawicua appuoaehio to
Comduct ualt'taie udlies
Ldns 4(A)
Reocauchuo uiaLai
wm/plG Guualutone
977uthod to dtudy uunmon b e h a u OLLL
omd haliut

Ehomoguiophic 4phuuo ach

hen og waphió uapp10 aC tu fiealitatiue
UleAlaLeh u s o n wm- dpfh
Qfudy l t Ual
uald Cim h u

Tenenenaio gto uappbe02.cA to qlialtoti Le

LoeasLelv Laun Qf clde ruftong o
dhaa uho a i efo at t, nd theu
tietd Reoeauch
Tued eorasueh is vmathuu oyntmalised approe
alitah'ue lsauch hat ams to astudy
dong puuto de
time huaugh untuoehon nd atawsah'en

d o 4(8) whas is a draluiAA Ve eaoneh diug"

l h e n is a
diçeupt e warauuw diaLg
uALd im uuatart'
4 (6) uhun t e alyeci e o h utoa
t u deseuilu h u chauactestico o f a
Umememen pepulatien, h e ueaLau
Llect deocuiphu uwatauch
t wam puO uide ond desuulo h e u t i c a
geahenuw md um formahen 06o Lut he tougut

Lo Deacuiptive Reocaww Deag au

ighdughhng decial Halim
Qcauept ne Leoiauch Aughught the pue Laltnt
Cual t eLolent SocLol pt olierw i n a
)Reat ufe ituatier
Deacuipue uteoLanh us vatao uLd un
Ctal i f ituat'em 0 lcsaill
d halpe un
denti fjing foalstummo
fosemulahing theouieo
g wng nouledg
Im e a o va
pauhUutau Aitu an'on teke us
mot uPGecUuehid ealyu euy omal amena
wnemahon ts iauaitalste on a bautiutat

Jdnhfrcahen Relationohip
us atso uuotd wn
udentifyung uuluamt
Latiemohip l t w dtuunt act
Erom u- dialaal ond uunk actan
| A) uuhat auu
expiuurnental derugm?
Guuiefly erploin thu vaiaus
Ontas lvangr
ns s(A) u
cupuuvmmt deogn is uuugaudio
H u mot
acuuati fom
Luumunt ueorauch 0s i t twes to
DMBLLL diapMOu hypotess mmathemah-
Cally uth otatsal ahemah
malysus aloo
rupotheais teohi ng auwoianch

h u uwoeawh us olsO
uch coAe panuh upond u
ucallid On aChOn
dluth uYALaut
dtudy itguiu
i L e lidacd ord pGccduue uul mot
utuuill piwmit
weu eol
bout dalioaility diuaunv wronre
oallocahen d0 hua
auup u dridids t uomd dihfrunt uarmnt
e n r it
called tUL fotnuirrnernt may se
Juut uf
i t uu
Otuu Aasie it i
Callsd 4uoi
eJheue aur two muthode lrperurruntab liatauw
fomal Expuwmuntab
emplutely uuamdemi3ed deaugr
Rondomiged blscA de01gm
Latin 0g luaw
fact ouias design
ryomal Erpr mmtal
fOl ond of{iU uiihout conduob
Jteu anu uuith contu a desigr
OLu and ftus uuih 6@rNaL
8) uunat is a Roio Wcale omd Uuhat
durtuiptius otatishica that eom d
oLd fou vatio iecolk
ms slB)
Kaho lcale io
that c o n be
itate gouu3e
lon ond wnfe AQ ual
etuwn mt ual
miughbouuung dota pounts md
ha aitonce
con be domolted dhuAoughu
diatio Acals mates dhHOLLgA
auu yeo 4 s ho
mdUA Lahio fCali.
The data
attaunid #ruuug co ucano Aeal
ma/te He atcome
o nd
m d
CAenhifue unlupsplohn
Huuu auu
t e m i u a t u u u

The lempuotun

Chample diguuo &

n0 negatiue AhumaL

uo m w a r

an i k e t Scals
u o 6CA) LDsutu Hote

ssauw. Ihese acalu

uold oale wn

wn Auuuy I t aw
uid un

wr matiu
phyneh 0 m i t n i

mntened u g a n ding
ul agummun cau


Eompl Enuuonmment a fomily -feet

tha muntal quuauth O thild.

() Stengly doagsuuu
(1) Dioaguiue,
(11) Mehu aguii ()
G) dgLe ()
Aongly agus (
ueb (B Sptain demotic O1fjerntiat Jeals d h
con ONpi

6 ( otmatic ditruntia e c a l us centuLuckj

anQeioted iLelalid {0 a Momspt ,


watt h eljoct n hat cale.

EXompiu. How uwas h u dast and fuality
orvd 9
uuy dahiaj ocauy
a) +3
6) t 2

e 1
ey wreabfacro

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