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Special Assignment ForHolidays (VI-VIII)

Read the story and answer the following questions.

This is the story of a man who thought that he had the right to do whatever he liked. One day, this
gentleman was walking along a busy road, spinning his walking-stick round and round in his hand, and
was trying to look important. A man walking behind him objected.
“You ought not to spin your walking-stick round and round like that!” he said.
“I am free to do what I like with my walking-stick,” argued the gentleman.
‘Of course, you are,” said the other man, “but you ought to know that your freedom ends where my
nose begins.”
The story tells us that we can enjoy our rights and our freedom only if they do not interfere with other
people’s rights and freedom.
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Why was the gentleman on the road moving his walking stick round and round?
2. Who objected to his behaviour?
3. What argument did the gentleman give?
4. Was the other satisfied with argument?
5. What did he say in reply?
B. Complete the following statements with the correct option.
1. The gentleman was walking along a
i. lonely road. ii. busy road. iii. narrow road.
2. The gentleman was
i. running along the road. ii. disturbing others on the road.
iii. spinning his walking-stick round and round.
3. The man who protested was a
i. teacher. ii. passer-by. iii. policeman.
C. Write whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The gentleman was spinning the walking-stick round and round in his hand to drive away the dogs
2. The gentleman was walking along a busy road
3. The man walking behind praised his action
4. The gentleman thought that he had the right to do whatever he liked.
5. We can enjoy our rights and freedom even if it interferes with other people’s rights and freedom
D. Write synonyms of the following words.
1. Spinning 2. Interfere
E. Write any four nouns used in the above passage.
F. Write the past form of:tell,enjoy
G. Frame Sentences of the following words:) Important II) Freedom
H. Choose any two abstract nouns from the given passage.
2. The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us to our day’s work. The early: riser has
done a large amount of hard work before other men have got out of bed. In the early morning the mind
is fresh, and there are few sounds or other distractions, so the work done at that, fresh is generally
well done. In many cases the early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air,
and this exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening.
By beginning so early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all the work he can be
expected to do, and is not tempted to hurry over any part of it. All his work being finished in good time,
he has a long interval of rest in the evening before the timely hour when he goes to bed. A sound
night’s rest rises early next morning in good health is most refreshing, and after he gets to sleep
several hours before midnight, at the time when sleep and spirits for the labors of a new day.
1. What is the great advantage of early rising?
2. How is early morning different from other hours of the day?
3. Why is the early riser not tempted to hurry over his day’s work?
4. What enables the early riser to go to bed at the proper time?
5. What are the advantages of going to sleep well before midnight?
6. Find the synonyms for the following words/phrases
(a) Diversion (b) Carefully
7. Give the antonyms of the following words :
Fresh, Early, Good, Before
8 Pick out adjectives used in the passage
9.Frame Sentences :adventage, exercise
3.Newspapers are our good friends. Life without Newspapers is a waste. Newspapers bring us news
and views from all corners of the world. Any incident or occurrence of importance that
takes place as reported by the newspapers. The word ‟NEWS‟ is interpreted as North, East,
West and South. It means that the newspaper provides us with information and news regarding
various subjects from all directions. Newspapers also give us articles on all kinds of topics such as
political, social, economic monetary, business, commerce, sports, education, health etc. Newspapers
publish advertisements that attract the attention of the customers.
They also contain book reviews of literary, historical and other books by the scholars. Newspapers are
of different types. Some newspapers are published daily. They are called “Dailies‟. We must cultivate
the habit of reading newspapers to know what is happening around the globe. The one who reads
newspapers and interprets editorial pages can only be master in current affairs and general
knowledge. Reading newspapers helps you to find out what news is and how it is written. The one who
dreams of being a journalist should not spare a day without reading the newspaper. They should be
aware about the editorial and be well versed with vocabulary. We will get to know news from all the
countries if we read newspapers regularly. If we are reading the newspapers seriously, it will also help
to shine in competitive examinations.
1. What kind of articles are published in newspapers?
a) Educational and health related b) Political, social, sports and games related
c) Economic monetary, business, commerce related d) All the above
2. What are the benefits of reading an editorial page?
a) One can become a businessman b) One can become a poet
c) One can get mastery in current affairs d) One can pass the elite exam
3. Newspapers publish advertisements attract:
a) Attention of foreigners b) Attention of tourists
c) Attention of customers d) Attention of air hostess
4. How do newspapers help the students?
a) He can get knowledge of current affairs b) He can shine in competitive examinations
c) He can enhance his vocabulary d) All the above
5. Who is a journalist?
a) Daily news reader b) Press reporter
c) Book reviewer d) Script editor
6. Write the full form of NEWS.
7. Pick out the helping words used in the paragraph.
8 List the pronouns used here.
9. Frame sentences:
Waste, Newspaper
Q:4.i)Write four sentences using the rule of past continuous tense.
ii) Write four sentences of Future indefinite tense.
Iii )Write four sentences of present perfect tense.
Q:5 Write few lines about your father.
Q:6 Write your daily routine during Summer vacations.

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