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CE 132 – Structural Analysis II

Learning Objective:

In this chapter, the method of consistent deformation – a
Method of Consistent force method of analysis will be applied to analyze
Deformation statically indeterminate structures.

Instructor: Richelle G. Zafra, PhD

Topic Outline 1. Introduction : Statically Indeterminate Structures

3 4

5.1 Introduction
• Statically Determinate vs. Indeterminate Structures
• Advantages and Disadvantages of Statically Indeterminate
5.2 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
Simple Continuous
5.3 Method of Consistent Deformations Beam Beam
• Single Degree of Indeterminacy Roller Pin

• Multiple Degrees of Indeterminacy

Beam is statically determinate Beam is statically indeterminate

Statically Determinate vs. Indeterminate Structures Introduction
5 6

Determinate Structure Indeterminate Structure

Seattle Central Library, Washington, USA
When all the forces (reactions) in Structure having more unknown
a structure can be determined forces than available equilibrium
from the equilibrium equations equations
TransAmerica Building,
San Francisco, USA Continuous Bridge

Why Do We Need to Study Indeterminate Structures? Contrast

7 8
Determinate Structure Indeterminate Structure
Considerable compared to Generally smaller than
Most of the structures designed today are statically indeterminate


indeterminate structure determinate structure
 Reinforced concrete buildings are considered in most cases as P P
statically indeterminate structures since the columns & beams are 4

poured as continuous member through the joints & over the PL 3 1 PL 3

48EI 192EI
High moment caused by thicker Less moment, smaller cross
 More stable compared to determinate structures or in another word member & more material needed section & less material needed

 In many cases more economical than determinate structures. 2
4 8


Contrast Contrast
Determinate Structure Indeterminate Structure 10
Determinate Structure Indeterminate Structure

• Support will not develop the • Support will develop horizontal No effect & no stress would be Serious effect and stress would be
Stability in case of over load

horizontal force & moments force & moment reactions that developed in the beam developed in the beam
necessary to prevent total will hold the beam
collapse • Has tendency to redistribute the
• No load redistribution load to its redundant supports
• When plastic hinge forms, • When plastic hinge forms, the
certain collapse for the system system would be a determinate No effect & no stress would be Serious effect and stress would be

structure developed developed

Plastic Hinge Plastic Hinge

9 10

Advantages and Disadvantages of

Indeterminate Structures 2. Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
11 12

In the analysis of indeterminate structures, it is necessary to satisfy:

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Equilibrium conditions
1. Smaller stresses 1. Stresses due to support satisfied when the reactive forces hold the structure in stable
2. Greater stiffness settlements equilibrium, as the structure is subjected to external loads
 Smaller displacements 2. Stresses due to temperature 2. Displacement compatibility
3. Redundancies changes and fabrication
Satisfied when the various segments of the structure fit together
 Load redistribution in case of
errors without intentional breaks, or overlaps
support collapse
3. Member force-deformation relations
Provide the necessary link between the forces and
displacements of the structure


Methods to Analyze Indeterminate Structures 3. Method of Consistent Deformation

13 14

Force Method Displacement Method

 This is the general formulation of the force method
 Satisfies displacement compatibility  Satisfies force-displacement
and force-displacement relations relations and force equilibrium  Introduced by James Clerk Maxwell in 1864

 Forces are the unknowns  Displacements are the unknowns

 Method of consistent deformation  Slope-Deflection Method
 Three-moment equation (only for  Moment-Distribution Method
beams)  Direct Stiffness Method (matrix

Procedure of Analysis Procedure of Analysis (Cont.)

15 16

1. Remove restraints from the indeterminate structure to render it 3. Relate deformations in the primary structure with the
determinate redundants (unknown) as loads.

 This determinate structure (which should be stable) is called 4. Apply compatibility conditions, that is, the deformations in the
primary structure indeterminate structure should be the same to the combined
effects of deformations in the primary structure due to the
 The removed restraints (can be reactions or internal forces) are called original external loads and redundants.
redundant restraints and the associated forces to these restraints
are called redundants. 5. Redundants are computed in the application of compatibility
2. Compute deformations in the primary structure with the original
external loads 6. With the known redundants, all other unknown
reactions/forces can be computed.


Single Degree of Indeterminacy Single Degree of Indeterminacy

17 18

 Consider the propped beam shown. 1. Render the structure determinate

 Remove By (By is the redundant) Ay
 Primary structure is cantilever

2. Determine vertical deflection at B yBO

 Degree of indeterminacy = 1 due to original load P (yBO) Primary Structure

 Degree of indeterminacy determines the number of 3. Relate vertical deflection at B

redundants to remove to render the structure determinate due to redundant By (yBBy) yBBy


Single Degree of Indeterminacy Single Degree of Indeterminacy

19 20

4. Compatibility. The combined effect  Let ࢌ࡮࡮࢟ be the deflection at B fBBy

yBBy and yBO is equivalent to the MA yB
caused by unit loading at B.
vertical deflection at B (yB) in the Ay 1
indeterminate (actual) structure. By  By principle of superposition, ×

‫ݕ‬஻ை + ‫ݕ‬஻஻೤ = ‫ݕ‬஻ = 0 (1) ‫ݕ‬஻஻೤ = ‫ܤ‬௬ × ݂஻஻೤ (2) ‫ܤ‬௬

 The compatibility equation above Primary Structure =
assumes that y values are based on  Substituting Eq’n (2) to Eq’n (1) yBBy
same (y) coordinate system. That is,
sign should be accounted. yBBy ‫ݕ‬஻ை + ‫ܤ‬௬ × ݂஻஻೤ = 0 (3) By



Single Degree of Indeterminacy Example 1: Propped Beam

21 22

fBBy Determine the reaction at B of the beam shown with the following
 By can now be solved using conditions:
Eq’n. (3).
×  P = 32 kips applied at midspan
 By definition, ࢌ࢏࢐ is the flexibility
of the structure at its degree of ‫ܤ‬௬  L = 20ft
freedom i caused by unit load =
yBBy  EI = constant
at j.


Example 2: Continuous Beam Example 3: Truss

23 24

Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the beam Determine the force in member AC of the truss shown.
shown. The support at B settles 1.5 in. Take E = 29000 ksi, Axial rigidity (AE) is the same for all the members.
I = 750 in4.


Multiple Degrees of Indeterminacy Multiple Degrees of Indeterminacy

25 26

 Consider the continuous beam By the principle of superposition,

 It is indeterminate to 2nd degree

 Let By and Cy be the
redundants ∆஻ை ∆஼ை
‫ܤ‬௬ ‫ܥ‬௬
 This indeterminate beam ‫ܤ‬௬ ‫ܥ‬௬ +
requires two compatibility
equations +

ࢌ࡮࡮ × ࡮࢟ ࢌ࡯࡮ × ࡮࢟ ࢌ࡮࡯ × ࡯࢟ ࢌ࡯࡯ × ࡯࢟

Multiple Degrees of Indeterminacy References

27 28

 Compatibility equations
1) Caburnay, J. M. 2nd Sem 2013-2014. CE 132 Lecture
∆஻ை + ∆஻஻ + ∆஻஼ = 0 → ∆஻ை + ݂஻஻ × ‫ܤ‬௬ + ݂஻஼ × ‫ܥ‬௬ = 0 Notes, CE Department, UPLB.
∆஼ை + ∆஼஻ + ∆஼஼ = 0 → ∆஼ை + ݂஼஻ × ‫ܤ‬௬ + ݂஼஼ × ‫ܥ‬௬ = 0 2) Hibbler, R. C. 1995. Structural Analysis. 5th Edition.
Prentice Hall: New Jersey.
 Maxwell’s Theorem of Reciprocal Displacement
3) Kassimali, A. 1993. Structural Analysis. 4th Edition.
The displacement of a point B on a structure due to a unit load
acting at point A (ࢌ࡮࡭) is equal to the displacement of a point A on PSW Kent: Boston.
a structure due to a unit load acting at point B (ࢌ࡭࡮ ), that is
ࢌ࡮࡭ = ࢌ࡭࡮.


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