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Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res.

2013 Mayank Srivastava, 2013

ISSN 2278 – 0149

Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2013
© 2013 IJMERR. All Rights Reserved

Research Paper



Mayank Srivastava1*

*Corresponding Author: Mayank Srivastava, 

In this paper, condition-based Preventive Maintenance (PM) approach is used for a Computer
Numerical Control (CNC) turning machine .Wearing of CNC machine is based on the various
machining conditions (such as cutting speed, feed and depth of cut) and the time for which it is
being used. Larger value of machine power and production rates usually results in more wear
and failure of CNC machine. The various machining conditions of CNC machine usually affects
the PM requirement. Higher production rate usually results in greater deterioration of the machine,
and hence there is a need of frequent preventive maintenance of the machine. In this paper, we
adopted the methodology of PM approach to determine the preventive maintenance index function,
using the values taken from a CNC machine, to determine the exact time needed between the
2 PM visits, which in turn can help in reducing the frequent breakdowns occurring in the CNC

Keywords: Preventive Maintenance, CNC machines, Machining Conditions, PM Index,


INTRODUCTION maintenance of an equipment with the goal of

Preventive Maintenance (PM) can be improving equipment life by preventing excess
described as maintenance of equipment or depreciation and deterioration. This
systems before fault occurs. While PM is maintenance includes, but is not limited to,
generally considered to be worthwhile, there adjustments, cleaning, lubrication, repairs,
are risks such as equipment failure or human replacements, and the extension of equipment
error involved when performing preventive
maintenance, just as in any maintenance
operation. In other words, PM is the planned We usually observe in our day-to-day life,
that if the machine works continuously under
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITS Gwalior, MP, India.

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Mayank Srivastava, 2013

certain conditions, then there will be frequent Various Mathematical models and their
need for the inspection and repair of the solution procedures for various machining
machine. Thus, in our study, we tries to conditions selection problems specially for the
determine the exact time needed to do the turning operation are done by Hitomi (1996).
preventive maintenance of the CNC machine, Formulating the machining conditions
from the data gathered by working on the CNC selection problem as a multi-objective
turning machine type AUTOCOMP-55. On this decision-making problem is done by the
machine, a particular type of design or product Malakooti and Deviprasad (1989).
is made and the values concerning to that
product is taken into analysis, to determine the According to the Gray et al. (1993), the
various parameters like optimum values of decisions like preventive maintenance and
cutting speed and the corresponding feed rate, tool replacement are solved at different levels
processing time of an operation using a of the decision-making hierarchy keeping in
particular tool type under some constraints, view that the preventive maintenance (PM)
which are due to some technical limitations of decisions are always handled at a higher level
machine and tool and design requirement for than the tool replacement decisions.
the part. For tool life distributions, some models are
proposed by the Lakovou et al. (1996) to
LITERATURE REVIEW determine the selection of optimal cutting
The literature review has been carried-out in speed and policies for tool replacement in
the areas of maintenance of CNC machines. machining problems.
Techniques of preventive maintenance index
Koomsap et al. (2005) studies that
function and geometric programming model
integrates both the process planning and
have been reviewed to assess the various
Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM)
parameters of CNC machines.
scheduling decisions. They proposed a
Nolden (1987) used the devices like system that usually collects information on the
vibration monitoring, wear particle analyzers, current condition of a machine in order to
etc. to predict failures which helps in determine its working lifetime.
determining the predictive maintenance of a
Figure 1: AUTOCOMP 55 CNC
CNC machine. Turning Machine
For optimization of the condition-based
maintenance Banjevic et al. (2001) presented
a control-limit policy and software respectively.
To minimize the total weighted tardiness
(lateness) of jobs in a CNC machine Cassady
and Kutanoglu (2003) considered the PM
planning and Production Scheduling (PS)
decisions simultaneously.

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Mayank Srivastava, 2013

Cassady and Kutanoglu (2003 and 2005) Co Operating cost of the CNC
also considered the preventive maintenance machine (Rs/min)
planning and production scheduling decisions Ctj Cost of tool j (Rs./tool)
simultaneously to minimize the total weighted
tardiness (lateness) and total expected Di Diameter of the generated
weighted completion time, respectively. surface for operation i (in.)
di Depth of cut for operation i (in.)
H Maximum available machine
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) is a
power (hp)
maintenance which is usually performed
whenever its need arises. This type of Li Length of the generated surface
for operation i (in.)
maintenance is performed when we get the
kind of indications showing that the equipment Si Maximum allowable surface
or machine’s performance is deteriorating or roughness for operation i (min.)
is going to fail. CPM Cost of a PM visit (Rs./visit)
In this present work, I usually put emphasis PM
Duration of a PM visit (min)
on finding the time between the two PM visits, tr Tool replacement time (min)
using the data collected from the CNC turning
machine (AUTOCOMP-55, which is making Decision Variables
certain specific types of products). vij Cutting speed for operation i
using tool j (fpm)
METHODOLOGY fij Feed rate for operation i using tool
Proposed PM Index Methodology j (ipr)
The notation used throughout the paper is as
Dependent Variables
tm ij Processing time of operation i
Parameters using tool j (min)
A, B, k, T Coefficients for the proposed PM ri Production rate of the machine for
index function operation i (part/min)
 ,  Speed, feed, depth of cut Zij Expected tool life of tool j for
exponents for tool operation i (min)
Kj Taylor’s tool life constant for tool j Uij Expected usage rate of tool j for
Cm, b, c, e Specific coefficients of the operation i
machine power constraint Pij PM index for operation i used
Cs, g, h, l Specific coefficients and
Data Collection and Calculations
exponents of the surface
The values of some of the constraints taken
roughness constraint
from the previous research papers are

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Mayank Srivastava, 2013

Table 1: Values of Constraints Used The various relations that are using for
Tool Used : Single Tool Type
finding the PM index are as given below:
Taylor’s Tool Constant, Cj: 125321000 D L
• tmij  12v f
i i

Tool-Life Constraints  = 4.3 ij ij

 = 1.6
 = 1.2 tmij  Di Li  / 12v ij fij 
Uij  
Machine Power Constraints b = 0.96 • Z ij   
K j /  v ij . fij . d i 
 
c = 0.70
e = 0.71
• PM Cost = A + B.rk

Surface Roughness g = -1.60

• n = T/(tm + tr . U)
Constraints h = 1.005
• PM Cost per Operation
l = 0.30
1 B B.t r .U
PM cost of m/c when it is idle A = 10 (Assume) = ( + + t k 1 + t k )
T m m

B,k (Dependent on T and B = 30 (Assume)

on cost of PM visit) k = 2.5 (Assume) • PM Index =

Data collected from CNC turning machine 1 B B.t r .U

are as follows: T.C PM
(A.t m
.U k 1 +

Table 2: Data Collected from In terms of vij and fij, it can be expressed as
CNC Turning Machine
• Pij = P1vij-1fij-1 + P2vij-1fij-1 + P3vijk-1fijk-1
S.No. Machining Parameters & their values
+ P4 vij+k-1fij+k-1
1. Depth of Cut (di) = 3mm = 0.118 in
2. Max. Allowable Surface Roughness (Si) = 300
in 
A Di Li Atr  Di Li di
3. Dia. of generated surface (D i ) = 543mm =
P1 = 12TC , P2 = 12K TC ,
21.378 in
( k 1)

4. Length of generated surface (Li) = 500mm = B  12 

19.685 in P3 =   ,
TC PM   Di Li 
5. Operating Cost of CNC machine (Co) = Rs.350
 ( k 1)
per 8 h = 0.72916 Rs/min Bt r di  12 
P4 = K TC  
6. Cost of a PM visit (CPM) = Rs.526 Rs/visit j PM   Di Li 

7. Tool Replacement time (tr) = 3 min • Mij(v) = C1(Cs' )(1/h)vij(g-h)/h +

8. Cost of tool j = Rs.1000 (Assume Avg)
C2 (Cs' )-(-1)/hvij[h(-1)-g(-1)]/h +
9. Operating time period (T) = 1680 min
Cycle Time = 25 min C3(Cs' )-(k-1)/hvij[(h-g)(k-1)]/h +
Clamping / Declamping Time = 5 min
C4(Cs' )-(+k-1)/hvij[h(+k-1)-g(+k-1)]/h

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Mayank Srivastava, 2013

Figure 2: Possible Intervals or Range to Determine Optimum Value

vopt vmintm vm+t

where • fij = (1/ ( C S vijg ))1/h

 Di Li C 0 The algorithm used for the single machining
C1   C PM P1,
operation problem is as follows:

 Di Li di C tj
C2   C PM P2 , Step 1: Finding (v,f) pair subjected to surface
12K j
roughness and machine power constraints.
C3 = CPMP3 , C4 = CPMP4 , 1/ g
 1 
VB    1 /  bh  gc 
, f    C   g  C   b 
   h B
 m s

  C S , fB 
Di Li d i C mdi
C t  , C  ,
12K j m
Thus, fB = 0.0435 , vB = 480.2
C S di Step 2: Finding (v, f) pair subjected to surface
C S 
Si roughness and tool life constraints.

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Mayank Srivastava, 2013

1/ g Step 7: Optimal value of speed and feed can

 1 
VA    , be obtained by employing the one-dimensional
  h
 C S , fA  optimization method like Newton-Raphson

fA  C s 
 1
C t  g 
1 / g  1 h 1 method, Bisection method, etc.
Thus, after performing various iterations,
Thus, fA = 0.0207, vA = 301.184
the optimal value of cutting speed is
Step 3: vmintm = min [vA, vB]
vopt = 148.6175 rpm
i.e., vmintm = vA = 301.184
Similarly, the optimal value of feed rate is
Step 4: Find the derivative of M(v) w.r.t. v, 2
fopt = 0.0006723 ipr
conditions arises:
Step 8: Now, Processing time of an operation,
(i) M '(v)  0, then vopt = vmintm (Case 1 in Figure
tm = 110.265 min
Expected Tool Usage, Uij = 0.0495
(ii) M' (v) > 0, then vopt = vm + t
PM/Operation = 0.65724
Step 5: Find the cutting speed minimizing the
PM Index = 1.2495 X 10-3
machining plus tooling cost on the surface
roughness constraint. = 0.0012495

h / h  g  Time b/w 2 PM visits

C   hg 
Vm t   1 C S   / h  = tm/PM Index
 2 h  1  g   1 
= 88247.077 min
or, vm+t = 148.543
= 183.85  184 days
Step 6: Determine the upper and lower
bounds of the interval.  6 months

• If vmintm < vm+t, then v1 = 0 and RESULT/CONCLUSION

v2 = vmintm (Case 2 in Figure 2) In this study concerning to the CNC machine,
• If M' (vm+t) < 0, then vm+t = v1 and we proposed a PM approach, which is used
to find out the time between two PM visits on
vmintm = v2 (Case 3 in Figure 2)
the CNC turning machine. The proposed PM
• If M' (vm+t) < M' (vmintm), then methodology finally results that the preventive
v1 = 0 and v2 = vm+t (Case 4 in Figure 2) maintenance concerning to the operation of
CNC turning machine should be carried out
every 6 months, thus making the life of the tool
vm+t < vopt < vmintm
as well as machine to increase without any
or, 148.543 < vopt < 301.184 failure or breakdown.

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Mayank Srivastava, 2013

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