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Worksheet 11: Angiosperm

Group 2

● Two flower specimens per group ● pentel pen
(Same species or different species is ● cutter or blade
okay). This will be ​Flower A ​and ● Magnifying lens/ hand lens – optional
Flower B. ● tweezers
● White paper ● camera for documentation
● Pencil

Watch the videos listed below​ to guide you on how you are going to dissect the collected flower and
arrange it for submission on your course site. These links are also uploaded on your course site.
1.A-level core practicals: flower dissection​ ​
2.Flower Dissection:​ ​

Select which of the two flowers collected will be presented as an actual flower or as an annotated
drawing. It is preferred to collect big flowers, but if this is not possible, smaller flowers can also be
Flower A​ will be dissected to investigate the parts of a flower.
Flower B​ will be cut in half longitudinally (to show its internal structure) and drawn and
•Go to Appendix C (common errors) and Appendix D (scientific drawing) to produce a drawing with
neat lines and no shading,
•Go over Appendix A to G for more detailed instructions.

Other Videos you can watch to help you with this exercise:
•Flower Dissection:​ ​
•Flower Dissection - Reproduction in flowering plants:
•Flower Anatomy Under the Microscope​ ​
Question 1 (5 points)

A. Actual Flower A (​see Appendix A and G)

Before dissection​, lay the flower on white paper with the surnames of the group members written at
the lower right corner of the paper.

Question 2 (30 points)

After dissection​, as exemplified in Appendix G (parts of an Alstromeria flower). Label all the parts
and describe its functions and locations
● 5 Sepals - collectively known as calyx, sepals enclose the reproductive structures and serve
as a defensive and protective organ that is found just below the petals.
● 5 Petals - collectively known as the corolla, petals conspicuously attract pollinators to the
● Stamen - also known as the androecium, stamen serves as the male reproductive organ of
the flower. Its stamen tube is attached to the anthers to create the stamina column.
○ Anther - produces male sex cells (pollen grains)
○ Filament - holds up the anther
● Pistil - also known as the gynoecium, pistil serves as the female reproductive organ of the
flower. It is situated at the center of the petals.
○ Stigma - serves as the uppermost part of the pistil which collects the pollen grains
from the male organ.
○ Style - supports the stigma and connects it to the ovary
○ Ovary - produces female sex cells (ovules)
■ Ovules
● Pedicel - Holds the flower together and serves as an elevation in order to attract more
pollinators. It is located at the bottom part of the flower.
● Bracts - specialized leaves that help attract more pollinators which are located underneath
the sepals.
● Ovary position
○ Superior (Hypogynous). This means that the ovary sits above the other floral parts.
● Inflorescence type
○ Solitary. This refers to the presence of a single flower that isn’t technically part of an
● Number of floral parts
○ 4. The flowers have sepals, petals, stamen (divided into the anther and filament), and
pistil (divided into the stigma, style, and ovary).
● Flower symmetry and sexuality
○ Regular (Actinomorphic) and Perfect. The flowers have a radial symmetry with the
presence of every floral part in one flower.
● Ovule placentation
○ Axile. The ovules are borne at the center of a compound ovary.
● Pollination type
○ Self-Pollination. A flower’s pollen fertilizes its own eggs even in the absence of a
pollinating agent.
Question 3 (5 points)

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis​ flower longitudinal section

B. For the annotated drawing/picture of Flower B​ (​see Appendix B to F)
After cutting through the flower​ (see Appendix B), lay the flower on white paper with the surnames of
the group members written at the lower right corner of the paper.

Question 4 (30 points)

An annotated drawing/picture of the flower in longitudinal section​, as exemplified in ​Appendix F

(Fully annotated scientific drawing/picture). ​Label all the parts and describe its functions and
locations​ (e.g. ​ovary position, inflorescence type, number of floral parts, flower symmetry and
sexuality, ovule placentation, and pollination type)​.
Annotated scientific drawing:

● Ovary position
○ Hypogynous (Ovary superior). The ovary is attached above the other floral parts.
● Inflorescence type:
○ Solitary axillary. The flower occurs in the axils of green or foliage leaves.
● Number of floral parts:
○ 4. The flowers have sepals, petals, stamen (divided into the anther and filament), and
pistil (divided into the stigma, style, and ovary).
● Flower symmetry:
○ Regular (Actinomorphic). The flower can be divided into equal halves along any
diameter and is radially symmetrical.
● Sexuality:
○ Perfect. The flower contains both male stamen and female stigma.
● Ovule placentation:
○ Axile. ​The placentae are located on a central column.
● Pollination type:
○ Self-pollination. ​The pollen from the anther is deposited on the stigma of the same
flower, or another flower on the same plant.

Reproductive parts’ functions:

Stigma- ​It is the receptive tip of the flower and thus contains hairs and waxy substances adapted to
trap pollen. It is the first part of the plant to make into contact with pollen.m
Style- ​ the connecting tube between the ovaries and the stigma. As a tube it acts as a buffer for
pollen that is not worthy to be received by the ovules in the ovary.
Ovary- ​ Contains the ovules awaiting for fertilization. Develops into the fruit once the ovules is
fertilized thus acting as protection for the seed.
Filament- ​ Carries the nutrients needed by the anther to produce pollen. Also acts as the anchor for
the flower and the anther
Anther- ​ Produces and stores pollen which are the male gametes of the flower

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