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1. What is light year?

Answer - Light year is the unit of length used to measure large astronomical distances or in other word light
year is the distance travelled by the light in vacuum in one Julian year (365.26 days). In km it is equal to 9.46
× 1012.In parsec is equal to 0.406. It is mostly used to measure the Galactic distance.
TIP: You should know how to calculate Light year using simple maths.

2. What is equator?
Answer - It is an imaginary line at the centre of the earth which is equidistant from the north & South Pole.

TIP: You should know the concept of Latitude , Longitude, Equator , Tropic of Cancer , Tropic of Capricorn ,
N North Pole and South Pole. Which are imaginary equidistant lines Latitude or Longitude?

3. What are poles?

Answer - These are the places on the earth’s surface that Earth’s imaginary spin axis passes through.

4. Why ice floats on water?

Answer - The Reason for ice to float in water is that ice is less dense than water.
Reason for its Less density- As we know, d = 𝑉 .Here, density is inversely proportional to volume, so as ice
have more volume occupied than liquid so it is less dense than water. That’s the reason why ice floats on
Tip: Learn and read a little about Icebergs as well, how much portion they are above and below water.

5. Centrifugal and Centripetal force?

Answer – Centripetal Force -The component of force acting on a body in a curvilinear motion directed
towards the centre of axis of rotation.
It is this force which makes the body to follow circular path, if this force is not there then the body will follow
a straight line path.
Centrifugal force is a virtual force and it only exists in presence of centripetal force, to follow Newton’s
Third Law of motion.
Centrifugal force is basically the apparent force equal and opposite to the centripetal force, drawing a body
away from the centre of rotation
It is taken is consideration so that Newton’s 3rd Law do not violate.

6. Newton’s three laws and their applications?

Answer –
Newton’s first law of Motion
It states an object will remain at rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external
1- A ball rolling down a hill keeps rolling until any friction or any external force is applied.
3- A large ball is kept in centre of a room, if no one pushes or pulls the ball it will remain at the same position.
Newton’s Second Law
The rate of change of Linear momentum of a body with time is directly proportional to the net external force
applied on it.
Applied force is directly proportional to Rate of change of momentum.

Which also be written as

F= 𝑡
F= m 𝑡
F = m x a, example with same amount of force pushing a cycle is easier than pushing a car.
Newton’s Third Law
Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Punching a wall, firing a gun, movement of ship.
Tip: There is a common question asked in interview, how does a Ship move ?

7. How does ship move?

Answer - Ship moves by Newton’s third law of motion. The propeller pushes the water backwards with force.
The reaction force acts in forward direction and moves the Ship.

8. What is responsible for ozone layer depletion?

Answer - 1- Ozone layer is a region of earth’s stratosphere that absorbs most of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.
2- The ozone layer is mainly found in the lower portion of the stratosphere.
3 -Absorbs 97-99% of sun’s UV rays.
4 -Ozone layer is also called ozonosphere
5 -Ozone layer acts as a filter for harmful UV rays from sun.

Depletion of Ozone layer causes skin cancer.

Depletion of Ozone layer is caused by use of (CFC’s)
CFC means Chlorofluoro carbons
CFCs are formed in aerosol spray case and refrigerants.
From 2020, ships will be using HFC’s (Hydro fluoro carbons)
Tip: A very common question, read thoroughly about it and don’t confuse with Global warming.

9. How does an object float e.g. - why ship floats?

Answer - It is the concept of density. An object will float on water if it is less dense than water otherwise it
will sink. The same goes to ships, it is because of the fact that Ships have large air space in them which
decreases the average density of the ship less than water and ship can float on water.
As per principle of floatation the weight of water displaced by the ship is equal to the weight of the ship due to
which Ship floats in water.
Tip: The definition of Archimedes’s principle is a very common question , learn it with proper words and also
understand the concept as well.

10. Why is sky blue?

Answer - As per RAYLEIGH’S LAW,
Scattering is inversely proportional to wavelength raised to the power 4
As we know that in VIBGYOR, wavelength is maximum of red colour and minimum of Violet colour.
Traffic light STOP signal is of red colour, because red has maximum wavelength so scatters minimum and
can be seen till farthest distance.

When it comes to White light from Sun, it disperses into seven constituent colours out of which
Violet, Indigo and Blue scatter the most in respective order and all these three colours combined together
seem to be blue in colour. Hence sky appears blue in the day.

During the sunrise and sunset, the sun is farthest away from us and since red colour scatters the least – thus
the sky colour seems to be red in colour.
Tip: This answer covers three common questions being asked in Interview.
11. How is rainbow formed?
Answer - Rainbow is a splendid phenomenon of nature and a fine example of dispersion of lights.
When a man whose back is toward the sun is watching in the sky, the light rays coming suffer dispersion in
the small raindrops still dinging in the sky and acting like a prism. This leads to formation of concentric rings
called rainbow.
Rainbow is a classic example of Reflection, Refraction and Dispersion.

12. Difference between mass and weight

Answer - Mass is the amount of matter an object contains while weight is the force an object exert on the
ground. Mass is a Scalar quantity and weight is a vector quantity. Mass unit is Kilogramme and weight unit is
Kgf. Mass is measured using Beam balance and weight is measured using Spring Balance.

13. What is atmospheric pressure?

Answer - The pressure exerted by the weight of the atmosphere on Earth is known as atmospheric pressure its
value is 10, 1325 Pascal (14.69 pounds per sq. Inch) at Sea level.
Effect on pressure with altitude:
Pressure always decreases with increase in height this is because at higher altitudes there are fewer molecules
or less molecules as compared to that at sea level.
. °. One observed phenomenon
− At higher altitudes, we have a difficulty in breathing. This is because of the low atmospheric pressure.
Type of Atmospheric layers –
- Troposphere – ( the lowest part of atmosphere the part in which we live)
- The stratosphere – up to 50km from troposphere(region in which ozone layer lies)
- The mesosphere
- Thermosphere and Ionosphere
- The Exosphere

14. On increasing height, what happens to atmospheric pressure & boiling point?
Answer - Atmospheric pressure and boiling point both decreases with increase in height.
Tip: Where does food cook faster on land or mountain? What is the role of pressure cooker? These are a few
Common questions that need to be understood well and are related to this concept.

15. Speed of sound in vacuum

Answer - Sound require medium to travel. Sound cannot travel in vacuum thus zero.
Tip: What is the speed of sound in solids? What is speed of sound in Liquids? What is speed of sound in gas?

16. Explain Charles’s Law ,Boyle’s Law , Avogadro’s Law, Ideal Gas law , Pascal’s law and their applications ?
Answer –
Boyle’s Law- At constant Temperature, pressure is inversely proportional to volume. Example using a
syringe, sucking out blood from our veins.
Charles’s law – At constant Pressure , Volume is directly proportional to Temperature . Example boiling of
water in an open container.
Pascal’s law – In a confined space filled with incompressible fluid, when pressure is transmitted through the
fluid, then the same pressure acts everywhere. Example Hydraulic lifts or Hydraulic jacks for lifting a car or a
Gay Lussac’s law – At constant Volume, Pressure is directly proportional to temperature. Example boiling of
water in pressure cooker, where volume is constant so with increase in pressure inside the pressure cooker the
boiling point of water increases.
Ideal Gas Law – An ideal gas is defined as one in which all the collisions between atoms or molecules are
perfectly elastic and in which there are no intermolecular forces. PV =n RT
17. Units and definitions of pressure, speed , velocity, acceleration, angular velocity, angular displacement,
angular acceleration ?
Answer –
Pressure is the amount of force acting per unit area. Its SI unit is Pascal. It’s a scalar quantity.
Speed is the change in position per unit time with no defined direction. It’s a scalar quantity.
Velocity is the change in position per unit time with a defined direction. It’s a vector quantity.
Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes. It’s a vector quantity.
Angular velocity is the rate of change of angular position of a rotating body.
Angular displacement is the angle in radians through which a point or line rotates in a specified sense about a
specified axis.
Angular acceleration is the rate at which angular velocity changes.
Tip: Most of the students have weak basic concepts regarding this topic.

18. Difference between interference and diffraction

Answer –
Diffraction – Phenomenon that occurs when a wave encounter an obstacle or a slit,
Bending of wave around the corners of an obstacle like ray of light from under the door.
Interference- In which two waves superimpose to form a resultant wave of greater, lower or of same
Tip: Do you know practical example of Diffraction and Interference?

19. What is wave and particle nature of light?

Answer –
Light as a particle
The emission of free electrons from a metal surface when the light is induced on it, is called photoemission or
photo electric effect. This effect led to the conclusion that light is made up of packets or quantum energy.
E = h*v
Light as a wave
Light is transverse and electromagnetic wave.
The wave nature of light was first illustrated through Diffraction, interference, polarization.
Tip: What is Polarization?

20. What are astronomical units?

Answer - A unit of measurement equal to 149.6 million kilometres that is the mean distance from the centre
of the earth to the centre of the sun.
Some Astronomical units are Astronomical unit (AU), Parsec, Light year.

21. What is isomerism?

Answer - Isomerism is the existence of molecules that have the same numbers of the same kinds of atoms and
hence same formula but differ in chemical and physical properties.
Tip: Know some examples of Isomerism as well.
22. What is the difference between infrared and ultraviolet rays of light?
Answer –

Radiations Freq Range (Hz) Production

Gamma Rays 5 x 1020 to 3 x 1019 Nuclear origin
X-Rays 3x 1019 to 1 x 1016 X- Ray tube, excitation of
inner shell electrons
UV - Rays 1 x 1016 to 8 x 1014 Excitation of atoms , arc
lamps spark
Visible - Rays 8 x 1014 to 4 x 1014 Excitation of valence e- in
Infrared Rays 4 x 1014 to 1 x 1011 Vibrations of atoms &
Microwaves 3 x 1011 to 1 x 109 Klystron & magnetron
Radio frequencies 3 x 109 to 3 x 108 L – C oscillatory circuit

Properties & uses of EM radiations

Gamma rays = Treatment of cancer &tumour, preservation of food for long time, nuclear reactions.
X- Rays = In surgeries, Investigation of Crystal structure.
UV- rays = Absorbed by ozone layer, detection of finger prints in forensic labs, in burglar alarms, Surgical
instruments sterilization preservation of food staff.
Visible Light = for seeing the objects, eye surgery (in form of laser)
Infrared Rays = Called heat waves, used un physical theory in solar cells solar water heaters & cookers,
staking photographs during for smoke, used in green house.
Micro waves = Radar Systems, speed of cricket / tennis ball, speed of automobiles.
Radio waves are used in communication systems.

23. What type of mirror is used in vehicles and why?

Answer - Convex mirror is used as a rear view mirror in vehicles because it gives a wide range of image
which allows driver to see most of the traffic behind him.

24. Types of ships?

Answer - Types of Ships: General Cargo Ship, Bulk carrier, Container Ship, Tanker Ship, RO-RO Ship,
Passenger Ship, LNG Carrier, and LPG Carrier.

25. What is evaporation, boiling, sublimation, condensation and distillation?

Answer –
(1) Evaporation-Process in which liquid converts into vapour state.
(2) Boiling – Process in which liquid converts into vapour state when heated to a certain temperature called
Boiling point.
Difference between Evaporation and Boiling?
Evaporation is a slow process where as Boiling is a fast process. Evaporation takes place only at the surface
where as Boiling takes place throughout the volume of liquid. Evaporation takes place at all temperatures
where as Boiling takes place only at Boiling point.

(3) Condensation – Process in which vapours changes into liquid state. The gas has to be cooled, like if you
cool steam, it converts back into water,
Dew point – The temperature at which water vapour present in air starts getting condensed.
(4) Distillation – Method of purification or separation of impurity from a liquid.
Distillation is a process of Evaporation followed by Condensation. A process to make drinking water by sea
Fractional Distillation: Separating a mixture of liquids with separate boiling points. This is how we get
Aviation oil, diesel oil, petrol etc from crude oil extracted from Earth.
5) Sublimation – Transition from solid state to gaseous state (no involvement of liquid state)
Ex- Naphthalene balls, camphor balls.

26. Difference between Oceans and seas?

In terms of geography, seas are smaller than oceans and are usually located where the land and ocean meet.
Typically, seas are partially enclosed by land.

27. Number and names of oceans and continents?

Answer –
Oceans- Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean and Antarctic Ocean.
Continents – Asia, Europe, Australia, North America, South America, Africa and Antarctic

28. Lenz law?

Answer - Lenz’s law is based on Faraday’s law of induction.
Lenz’s law - It states that when an emf is generated by a change in magnetic flux according to Faraday’s law,
the polarity of the induced emf is such, that it produces a current that its magnetic field opposes the change
which produces it.
E=- 𝑑𝑡
-(ve) sign indicates that the induced emf (e) and the change in magnetic flux (d ɸ B)have opp. Signs.

29. What is endothermic and exothermic reaction?

Answer –
Exothermic Endothermic
1- An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction An endothermic process is any process which
that releases energy through light or heat. requires or absorb energy from its surrounding.
2- It can be for physical OR chemical change. It can be for physical OR chemical changes.
- Ex Chemical change - EX Chemical changes
Reactant gives Product + Energy Reactant + Energy gives product
Eg Acid + Alkali form Eg Electrolysis
Water + Salt Photosynthesis

Physical changes
Physical changes
gas – ice – water
Water – ice – gas absorb Energy
Energy release

30. What are isotopes?

Answer - Elements with same atomic no. but different mass number.
Mass no = no of Protons + no of neutrons
Example 1 C- 12, C-13, C- 14
Example 2 U– 234, U- 235, U – 238
31. What is potential difference?
Answer – The work done by an external agent in carrying a unit positive test charge from one point to the
other point in an electric field is called the potential difference b/w than points.
VA- VB = 𝑞
Electric Potential
Work done by an external agent carrying a unit positive test charge from infinity to a point in the electric
field is called the electric potential at that point ,V= .

32. Draw domestic electric circuit with fan, bulb and heater?
Answer - Tip: Always remember that they are connected in parallel.

33. Relationship between Volume of cone & volume of cylinder

Answer - (Volume of Cylinder) = 1/3 (Volume of Cone)
Tip: Try to memorize mensuration formuales especially for square, rectangle, circle, cylinder, cone, sphere.

34. What is refractive index? Laws of refraction?

Answer - Refractive Index
The ratio of velocity of light in one medium to velocity of light in another medium is known as Refractive
M = 𝑉₂
It can be defined as a dimensionless no. that describes how fast light can propagate through the material.

1. First law of Refraction states that the Incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal at the point of incidence
all lie in the same plane.
2. Second law of refraction is Snell’s law.
According to Snell’s law the ratio of sine of angle of incidence and refraction of a light wave is constant when
it passes through from one medium to another.
1m2 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑟
In other words it is a formula that describes the relationship b/w angle of incidence &refraction when referring
to light travelling from one medium to another
Absolute Refractive Index = ratio of Velocity of Light in Vacuum to velocity of light in Medium which is
always > 1.

35. Why water in earthen pots remain cool?

Answer - The water kept in an earthen pot remain cool in summer because of evaporation. The earthen pot
has many small holes, water seeps out through them and evaporates from the surface of pot. The energy
needed for evaporation is taken from the water kept in the earthen pot. As a result, water kept in earthen pot
remains cool.

36. How do you make a saturated and a super saturated solution?

Answer –
A saturated solution is one containing as much solute as possible without forming a precipitate
There are 3 ways to make saturated solution
1- Add solute to a liquid until no more will dissolve
2- We can also make a saturated solution by evaporation of the solvent from an unsaturated solution.
ii) An unsaturated solution is a chemical solution in which the solute concentration is lower than its
equilibrium stability that means more solute can be added without forming precipitate.
For example:
Take a glass of water and add sugar to it, here sugar is solute and water is solvent.
Initially it is an unsaturated solution because we can easily add sugar to it in fully dissolved condition. Now
one stage comes that no more sugar can be easily dissolved. This condition is called saturated solution. Now if
you increase the temperature of water, you can easily add more sugar to it – this is called super saturated
Example of super saturated solution – Gulab jamun syrup.

37. Why evaporation gives cooling effect?

Answer - Evaporation causes cooling because the process requires heat energy. The energy is taken away by
the molecules when they convert from liquid into gas, thus breaking the liquid bonds and causes cooling.

38. Kirchhoff’s law ?

Answer –
Junction law (KCL): It states that the algebraic sum of all the currents meeting at a junction is always zero.
KCL is based on the law of conservation of charge.
Loop law (KVL): The algebraic sum of all the potential differences in a loop or mesh is always zero.
KVL is based on the law of conservation of energy.

39. What is bulk modulus? What is Young’s modulus?

Answer –
Bulk Modulus: The relative change in the volume of a body produced by a unit compressive or tensile stress
acting uniformly over its surface.

Young’s Modulus: It is the ratio between Stress and Strain of a Body. Stress is force per unit area and Strain
is Proportional deformation of an object (change in length/ Total length)

40. What is Mirage and how is it formed?

Answer - The Mirage is caused by total internal reflection of light because of light passing through layer of air
of different densities. A mirage is a naturally occurring optical phenomenon in which light rays bend to
produce a displaced image of different objects; it creates the illusion of water in Desert.
Tip: Do you know the definition of Total Internal Reflection.

41. Colours of rainbow

Answer - There are seven colours in a rainbow. These are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.

42. What is centre of mass? Does centre of mass shifts when immersed in water?
Answer - The centre of mass of a body is a point, where the whole mass of the body is supposed to be
Centre of mass is the point at which the distribution of mass is equal in all directions and does not depend on
gravitational field. Centre of gravity is the point at which the distribution of weight is equal in all directions
and it does depend on gravitational field.
Centre of gravity shifts when immersed in water and it depends on the shape of the section submerged.

43. What are isomers?

Answer - Isomers are the chemical compounds that have chemical formula but different chemical structure
resulting in different chemical properties.
Tip: Know a few examples.
44. What are alkanes, alkenes and alkynes?
Answer - They are simple hydrocarbon compounds with no functional group.
Alkane: Carbon-Carbon single bond.
Alkene: Carbon-Carbon double bond.
Alkene: Carbon-Carbon triple bond.
Tip: A few examples are always good to know by name like methane, ethane etc.

45. Mensuration formulae

Answer - Always better to know a few formulas of circle, rectangle, square, triangle, polygons, cone,
cylinder, sphere .
46. Trigonometry formulae
Answer – Always better to know a basic formulas .

47. What is GMT?

Answer - GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. It is the mean solar time, through which world’s time is set.
It is based on Royal observatory in Greenwich, London through which zero degree line of longitude passes.
Greenwich line is used to indicate o degree longitude that passes at the North and the south poles. The
observatory was renamed as the Royal Greenwich Meridian. This north south line is used as the World’s
standard time zone system.
The entire world is divided into 24 times zones.
And as we know that the earth rotates from west to east and rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours, therefore each
degree corresponds to 4 minutes.
Example: If at 0° longitude time is 9 am then 15° east of 0°, the time will be 10 am & if we move to
15degrees west time will be 8 a.m. So we can conclude that places east of GMT will gain time as they see sun
earlier & places west to it will subtract time.
Office – Greenwich, London
Indian standard Time – The meridian passes through Allahabad at 82.5 east of Prime Meridian and the time in
India is 5 hrs 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean time.
For every 1 deg Longitude the time changes by 4 minutes.

47. Why leap year formed?

Answer - Leap year system is introduced by Julius Caesar. He explained us about the leap year that earth
takes 365 DAYS, 5 HOURS AND 30 MINUTES i.e. about 365.25 days for making a complete revolution
around the sun.
A leap year comes after every four years as we have a year of 365 days and this 0.25 adds up four times to
make 1 and it makes a difference of approximately 1 day which we add in the month of February, thus leap
year is formed.

48. What is 0 degree latitude?

Answer - The Equator is called 0 degree latitude.

49. Keppler’s Law ?

Answer - Keppler gave three laws of planetary motion:
Law of orbits: Each planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit with the sun situated at one of the two
Law of Areas: The radius vector drawn from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal area in equal interval of
time i.e. the areal velocity of a planet around the sun is constant.
Law of Periods: The square of the period of revolution of a planet around the sun is directly proportional to
the cube of the semi major axis of its elliptical orbit.
50. Doppler Effect and its application?
Answer - Doppler Effect refers to the change in wave frequency during motion between a wave source and its
Doppler Effect is used in RADAR to measure the velocity of detected objects. It is also used to measure the
Ship speed.
Tip: How do we measure the depth of sea under the Ship?

51. What will you prefer, to pour acid into water or water into acid?
Answer - I will prefer to pour acid into water instead of water into acid because if water is poured into acid its
a massive exothermic reaction that may splash acid out of container, therefore always add acid into water
slowly and steadily to cover up the heat produced in the process.

52. How can we produce or liberate Hydrogen gas?

Answer - We can liberate hydrogen gas by reacting an acid with an active metal, for example reaction of
hydrochloric acid with zinc produces zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas can be detected by
burning splint test.

53. How will you recognize H2S gas?

Answer - Hydrogen sulphide has a characteristic foul odour of rotten eggs.

54. How will you calculate area of leaf?

Answer - Leaf area meter is a scientific instrument that is specially designed to measure the area of leaves.
This instrument is based on Photometric Technology.

55. Why are warning signs Red in colour?

Answer - Red colour is used for danger signals because as red colour is having the longest wavelength, it is
the least scattered. So, this signal can be seen from a very long distance.

56. Name some Ports in eastern and western coast of India ?

Answer - There are six major ports located at west coast of India i.e. Kandla port (Gujarat), Mumbai port
( Maharashtra), Navasheva,Jawaharlal Nehru port(Maharashtra), Mormugao port(Goa), New Mangalore port
( Karnataka) and Kochi port(Kerala).
There are seven major ports located at east coast of India i.e. Tuticorin( Tamil Nadu), Chennai(Tamil Nadu),
Ennore( Tamil Nadu), Visakhapatnam(Andhra Pradesh), Paradip(Odisha),Haldia and Kolkata(West Bengal)
and Port Blair (Andaman and Nicobar Island).

57. Where will the sun set first, Mumbai or Chennai?

Answer - Sun will set first in Chennai as compared to Mumbai because Chennai is in the Eastern part of the
country and Mumbai in the western part therefore Sun will rise as well as set early in Chennai than Mumbai.

58. Define Density?

Answer - The degree of compactness of a substance is called Density. Density is a measure of mass per
Tip: Note the SI and CGS unit of density. What is the density of water? What is the density of Sea water?
What is the density of mercury ? What is the density of iron?

59. What is Specific gravity?

Answer - Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a given reference material.
Specific gravity is another name for Relative density. It is a unitless quantity.
Tip: What is Specific gravity of water , sea water, iron , mercury ?
60. Difference between ‘g’ and ‘G’?
Answer - ‘g’ is acceleration due to gravity, its value is 9.81 m/sec2. It is the acceleration gained by an object
which falls under the influence of gravity. 'G' is the force of attraction between two objects of unit masses and
separated by unit distance. It is universal gravitational constant which is equal to 6.67 * 10^(-11) Nsq.m/

61. How is Fog formed?

Answer - Fog forms when cold air moves over warm water due to which water vapour in the air condenses to
form tiny droplets or crystals in the air. That’s the reason, fog happens when it is humid.

62. What is Equinox?

Answer - The time or date twice each year at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night
are of approximately equal length, it happens on about 22 September and 20 March.

63. What is winter solstice, summer solstice?

Answer - The solstice that marks the onset of summer, at the time of the longest day, about 21 June in the
northern hemisphere and 22 December in the southern hemisphere. It is called summer solstice.
The solstice that marks the onset of winter, at the time of the shortest day, about 22 December in the northern
hemisphere and 21 June in the southern hemisphere.

64. Name the busiest /commercial Ocean?

Answer – The busiest ocean in terms of trade and commerce is the Atlantic ocean.

65. Name five important Sea Ports?

Answer - Five important Sea ports are Port of Shanghai- China, Port of Singapore- Singapore, Port of
Rotterdam- Holland, Jabel Ali-United Arab Emirates, Port of Los Angeles- United States.
Two more important ports are Port of Busan- South Korea and Ambarli-Turkey.

66. Name the biggest Port?

Answer - Port of Shanghai in China is the biggest port in the world.

67. Name the busiest Port?

Answer - Singapore port is the busiest port in the world.

68. Tell the sea route, if you want to go from Mumbai to New York?
Answer - Sea route from Mumbai to New York, Mumbai port to Arabian sea to Gulf of Aden to Red sea to
Gulf of Suez to Suez canal river to Suez canal to Ismailia canal river to Nile river to Damietta branch river to
Mediterranean sea to Alboran sea to Strait of Gibraltar to North Atlantic ocean to New York port.

69. Tell the sea route if you want to go from Mumbai to England?
Answer - Sea route from Mumbai to England, Mumbai port to Arabian sea to Gulf of Aden to Red sea to Gulf
of Suez to Suez canal river to Suez canal to Ismailia canal river to Nile river to Damietta branch river to
Mediterranean sea to Alboran sea to Strait of Gibraltar to North Atlantic ocean to Bay of Biscay to English
channel to North sea to Thames river to London port.

70. What is difference between Bay and a Strait?

Answer –
Bay: A bay is a water body enclosed on almost three sides by land, with a wide mouth that opens into the
Strait: A strait is a naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies
of water.
71. Chemical used for Artificial Rain?
Answer - The most common chemicals used for cloud seeding i.e. making artificial rain include silver iodide,
potassium iodide and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide).

72. Marco Polo discovered which place?

Answer - Marco polo discovered China.

73. Slope of y = 𝑥 3 + 5
Answer - 3x^2 is the slope of y=x^3+5.

74. What is mach number related to ? What is value of 1 Mach?

Answer - Mach number is the ratio of the velocity of an object to the velocity of sound in the surrounding
Value of 1 Mach is the speed of sound under normal atmospheric conditions i.e. 344m/s.
Mach is used to measure the speed of jets.

75. Bone contains what elements?

Answer - Major elements in bone are Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Sulphur and trace elements are
Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Cadmium.

76. 1000 micron equal to?

Answer - 1000 micron is equal to 1 millimeter.

77. What happens on heating a hollow metal sheet?

Answer - On heating a hollow metal sheet the metal will go free expansion due to which the diameter will
decrease and length will increase.

78. Cigarette lighter contain which gas?

Answer - Cigarette lighter contain flammable gas such as propane or butane.

79. Red cross day?

Answer - Red Cross day is celebrated on 8 May. Red Cross represents "With humanity, towards peace".

80. Nucleus size measured in which unit?

Answer - Nucleus size is measured in femtometre (fermi) which is equal to 10^-15 meter.

81. UNO headquarters is in?

Answer - UNO headquarters is in New York, United States.

82. What is Astronomical value?

Answer - Astronomical Unit is a unit of distance which is equal to 149.6 million kilometres, the mean
distance from the centre of the Earth to the centre of the Sun.

83. What causes Acid Rain?

Answer - Acid rain results when Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide are emitted into atmosphere which
then react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form sulphuric and nitric acids.

84. Which is most melleable metal?

Answer - Gold is the most malleable of all metals.
85. How will we go from Newyork to Seattle – Mark the sea passages?
Answer - Port of New York, United States to North Atlantic ocean to Caribbean Sea to Panama Canal to
Panama Gulf to North Pacific ocean to Strait of Juan De Fuca to Puget Sound to Port of Seattle, United States.

86. Tell us 5 important points about Suez Canal?

Answer –
The Suez Canal is a man-made waterway in Egypt connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian ocean via
Red sea.
It enables a more direct route for shipping between West and East.
It allows ships to take a shorter route from North Atlantic Ocean to Indian Ocean without having to
circumnavigate the African continent.
The waterway is vital for international trade since it opened in 1869.
The Suez Canal stretches 120 miles and took 10 years to build and was officially opened on November 17,

87. Tell us 5 important parts about Panama Canal?

Answer –
The Panama Canal is a short cut between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
The length of Panama Canal is about 82km.
Panama Canal plays an important role in international trade, construction completed in 1914.
Ships can cross going in either direction, and it takes about 10 hours to get from one side to the other.
Construction of Panama Canal took 10 years to get completed.

88. Difference between Electrovalent Bond and Covalent Bond?

Answer - In Electrovalent bond there is complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom.
Electrovalent compounds are more soluble in polar solvents like water.
In Covalent bond there is mutual sharing of electrons between the atoms. Covalent compounds are more
Soluble in non-polar solvents like benzene.

89. Difference between atom & molecule?

Answer - Atoms are single neutral particles. Molecules are neutral particles made of two or more atoms
bonded together.

90. What is 𝜋 ?
Answer - Pi is the ratio of circumference of any given circle to its diameter. Regardless of the circle's size,
this ratio will always equal pi. In decimal form, the value of pi is approximately 3.14.

91. What is the area of ?

3 ft

5 ft

8 ft

Answer - Given figure is a trapezium,

Ar(Trapezium)= 1/2*d*(s1+s2) = 1/2*5*(3+8) = 27.5 sq.ft.
92. What is the area of?

11 cm

6 cm

13 cm

Answer - Given triangle is a right angled triangle,

In a right angled triangle, perpendicular to hypotenuse = base*height/hypotenuse
6 = 11*height/13
height = 78/11
Ar(triangle) = 1/2*base*height
= 1/2*11*78/11 = 39

93. Name Important Straits of the World?

Answer - Some of the important straits of the world are Bering Strait (US-Russia), Bosphorus Strait (Turkey),
Hormuz and Bab-el-Mandeb strait, Strait of Dover, Strait of Gibraltar, Strait of Malacca, Sunda strait, Palk
Strait, Strait of Tartary, Bass Strait.
Longest strait- Strait of Malacca
Widest strait- Denmark Strait
Narrowest strait- Bosphorus strait
Shallowest strait- Sunda strait
Strait separates Asia from America- Bering strait
Starit separates Australia from Tasmania- Bass strait
Strait separates Europe from Africa- Strait of Gibraltar

94. How are Day and night formed?

Answer - We get day and night because the Earth rotates on an imaginary line called its axis and different
parts of the planet are facing towards the Sun or away from it.

95. What is International Date Line?

Answer - The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line on Earth's surface defining the boundary
between one day and the next. The dateline is not straight but zigzags to avoid political and country borders.
When you cross the International Date Line from west to east, you subtract a day, and if you cross the line
from east to west, you add a day.

96. Name some major sea ports of India?

Answer -
Kandla port (Gujarat)- Busiest port of India.
Mumbai port (Maharashtra)- Largest port of India.
Visakhapatnam port (Andhra Pradesh).
Chennai port (Tamil Nadu)- Second Largest port of India.
Port Blair port (Andaman and Nicobar Islands).

97. What is Tropic of Cancer & Tropic of Capricorn?

Answer –
The Tropic of Cancer is a parallel of latitude on the Earth, 23.5 degrees north of the equator
The Tropic of Capricorn is a parallel of latitude on the Earth, 23.5 degrees south of the equator
98. What is momentum?
Answer - The amount of motion occurring in a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.
p=m.v. It is a Vector quantity.

99. What is angular momentum?

Answer - The amount of rotation of a body, which is the product of its moment of inertia and its angular
L=mv/r or m x angular velocity

100. What is acceleration due to gravity?

Answer - Acceleration due to gravity is the rate at which an object changes its velocity due to the force of
It is represented by 'g' which is equal to 9.8 m/s^2.

101. What do you mean by free fall?

Answer - Free fall is the downward movement under the force of gravity only.

102. What is prime meridian?

Answer - A prime meridian is the meridian in a geographic coordinate system at which longitude is defined to
be 0 degree.

103. What is total internal reflection ?

Answer - When a ray of light travels in from denser medium to rarer medium and strikes on the surface gets
reflected completely to the same medium is called Total Internal Reflection.
The phenomenon occurs if the angle of incidence is greater than a certain limiting angle which is called
critical angle.

104. What is the area of ?

4m 3.7m

3.2 m

Answer – Calculate yourself.

105. 𝑎⃗ × 𝑏⃗⃗ = ab Sin $ , where $ is the angle between a and b.

106. 𝑎⃗ ∙ 𝑏⃗⃗ = ab Cos $ , where $ is the angle between a and b.

107. What is formula of volume of cylinder ?

Answer – Find out yourself
108. What is formula of volume of sphere ?
Answer – Find out yourself
109. What is formula of volume of cone ?
Answer - Find out yourself
110. What is formula of surface area of cylinder ?
Answer – Find out yourself
111. What is formula of surface area of sphere ?
Answer – Find out yourself.

Tip: Understand the basic difference between Volume and Surface Area.

112. What is difference between distance and displacement?

Answer - Distance is the length of the path taken by an object whereas displacement is the shortest distance
between the initial and final position of the object. Distance changes with path taken whereas Displacement
will always be the same, as there can be only one shortest route. Distance is a Scalar quantity and
Displacement is a Vector quantity.

113. What are work, power and energy?

Answer - Work is said to be done when a force is applied to an object and we see a significant change in the
position of the object that is Work done = Force X Displacement.
In physics we can define energy as the capacity to do work.
The unit of work and energy is joule which is named in honour of James Prescott Joule.
Power can be defined as the rate at which work is done or work done per unit time. Its unit is watt (Joule/sec)
Tip – What is the value of 1 Horse Power and what is the value of 1 Kilowatt?

114. Time period of a pendulum ?

Answer - A pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot so that it can swing freely. Time period of a
pendulum is the time taken by a pendulum to complete one revolution.
115. When will be time period of pendulum be infinity and why?
Answer – Time period of a pendulum is infinity when value of g is 0.
Tip – Find out the formula for calculating Time period of a pendulum ?

116. What is Archimedes’s principle?

Answer - Archimedes' principle is fundamental to fluid mechanics. It states that when an object is fully or
partially immersed in fluid, it experiences a force acting upwards called buoyant force which is equal to the
weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
Tip: What is a Fluid? Does upthrust force acts on us on Earth?

117. What is law of floatation?

Answer - When an object displaces a weight of water equal to its own weight, it floats. This is called the
principle of flotation.

118. Where will food cook faster, on hill or land? Why?

Answer - On hill there is decrease in air pressure which causes decrease in boiling temperature because of
which it takes more time to cook at hilly areas or high altitudes as compared to plain land.
Tip: Concept of Pressure cooker is also very important.

119. What are different types of lenses?

Answer - There are three types of lenses: Concave, Convex and normal lens.

120. Difference between convex and concave lens?

Answer - Convex lens are converging lens and concave lens are diverging lens
Convex lens is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges while concave lens is thinner in the middle and
Thicker at the edges.

121. Types of mirror & their uses?

Answer - There are three types of mirror: Concave mirror, convex mirror and Plane mirror
Concave mirrors are used in reflecting telescope, make-up mirror and shaving mirror.
Convex mirrors are used as rear view mirror in vehicles, spying mirror and street light reflectors.
Plane mirror is used as looking glass, used in solar cookers and kaleidoscope.

122. Where is Konark sun temple located?

Answer - Konark sun temple is located in Odisha, India.

123. Who elects Vice-President of India?

Answer - The Vice-President of India is elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of the
members of both House of Parliament.

124. How many wheels are there in Ashok Chakra?

Answer - Ashok Chakra consists of twenty-four spokes.

125. What is ratio of length to width of our national flag?

Answer - The ratio of width of the flag to its length is two to three. In the centre of the white band is a navy
Blue wheel which represents the Ashok chakra.

126. Who has won major number of gold medals in single Olympics?
Answer - Michael Phelps from United States has won major number of gold medals in single Olympics in
Swimming having 23 gold medals.

127. Which has larger area Greenland or India?

Answer - Since India is located near the equator its size look much smaller than Greenland. In reality India is
Bigger than Greenland. India has size of 3,166,414 sqkm while Greenland has a size of 2,166,086 sqkm.

128. India share border with which countries & name their capitals?
Answer - India share its boundary with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China and
Nepal- Kathmandu
Bhutan- Thimpu
Bangladesh- Dhaka
Pakistan- Islamabad
Afghanistan- Dhaka
China- Beijing
Mayanmar- Naypyitaw

129. Solar Eclipse & lunar Eclipse explain?

Answer - A Solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which
fully or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned.
A Lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow. This occurs when the Sun, Earth and
Moon are aligned.

130. Who is our President? Who is our Vice President?

Answer –I guess you know this.
131. Capital of USA?
Answer - Find out yourself.

132. Open a refrigerator and leave the room, will the room become cool or hot ?
Answer - If we open a refrigerator and leave the room, the first rush of cold air may cool things down a little,
but in the long run, the room will get warmer. In this case heat is merely recycled from the room into the
refrigerator, then back into the room. Due to the constant running of the compressor the net room temperature
in the room would increase.

133. 4 people you invite to a party? Will you order 8 inch diameter 2 pizzas or one pizza of 16 inch diameter, if
the price is same?
Answer - I would order one pizza of 16inch diameter because of its larger area compared to two pizzas of 8
inch diameter. Now calculate yourself, you know the radius, calculating area is easy.

134. Are Longitudes equidistant?

Answer - Longitudes converge at the Geographic north and south poles thus they are not equidistant.

135. Are latitudes equidistant?

Answer - Latitudes are equidistant.

136. What is distance between Longitudes at pole?

Answer - The distance between longitudes reaches zero at the poles as the lines of meridian converge at that

137. Relationship between wavelength, frequency & velocity?

Answer - Wavelength = Velocity/Frequency

138. Which gas is soluble in water at room temperature? NH4, Cl, O2, CO2
Answer - Carbon dioxide is readily soluble in water at room temperature. Co2 is soluble because water
molecules are attracted to Co2 because of its polar nature. Carbonated drinks are one such example.

139. Which has highest density? Water, C6H6, CCl4

Answer - CCl4(1.5g/ml) has highest density then H20(1.0g/ml) and least dense is C6H6(0.874g/ml).

140. Maximum percentage of which gas is present in air? N2, O2, CO2
Answer - The air in Earth's atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent Nitrogen,21 percent Oxygen
and 0.04 percent Carbon dioxide.

141. Lemon contains which acid?

Answer - Lemon contains citic acid.

142. Why do aromatic compounds give sooty flame?

Answer - Aromatic compound burn with sooty flame because they have ring structure of carbon atom. This
causes incomplete combustion of the carbon chain. Thus they give sooty flame.

143. Deepest point in Ocean?

Answer - The deepest point of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep and is located beneath the western
Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Marina Trench. Challenger Deep is approximately 36,200 feet deep.
144. Why Needle sinks but ship floats
Answer - Ship which is made up of iron and steel can float in water because it displaces water with a weight
equal to the weight of the ship. On the other hand Needle displaces water which has less weight than the
weight of needle and hence it sinks.
One point to add here is that ship has a lot of space filled with air which decreases the average density of the
ship less than water thus makes it float in water.

145. Locate on Map?

Answer – Have a decent knowledge about various oceans , seas, canals , countries and continents on Map

Greenland, Canada, USA, Mexico, Japan, China, Russia, Asia, Denmark, Rotterdam, South Africa, Indonesia,
Australia, Momgolia, Mayanmar, New-Zealand, Dubai, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Suez canal, Panama Canal

146. Cabinet Ministers of our country? Finance Minister, Home Minister, Foreign Minister, Transport Minister?
Answer – Remember they keep changing so keep yourself updated.

147. Chief Justice of India ?

Answer - Chief Justice of India is (UPDATE YOURSELF).

148. Name all the Continents?

Answer - North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica are the seven continents
in the world.

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