Alphonso GI Certificate!

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s$q c FORM O-2

oEZ oEz
dk6 . Fstssqt
efrffi T{iIEFtit

ffi scrEeh ?ftr+*

Geographical Indication Registry
ar€oit at a*aifuo uweh (rftrrfiaru aur riqa"r) srftlfrqa, rees
Geographical Indication of goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999

ry to (t) d ar*d ffiFrdE sq<ela orerqr um rz (r) ({) d ortftd cIFFa sc+*l d zftmfiozu iFr lrf,rorrr
Cettificate of Registration of Geogtaphical Indication under section 16 (1)'or of authorised user u'nder section 17(3)(e)

sq-Eqf-{ Hrqr:
Geographical Indication No.: 139 RTIFICATE NO.324

qTfuF-f, srrqtil €rqr Rnrqt zz,og,zooS

Authorised user No.: Date :

sffFm fotn cTrdT t f6 rffiftrfi sq-€f{ (|M irrrgh {s-d rrrTed s-qrd-q e) / qTFry-d sqqiil-r

dqrqd T.f t- rrqr d qrft{ ft{ro- qn

d fuq {tr'rsr { rftnfffo frrqr rF{r t I

Certified that the Geographical Indication (of which a reptesentation ie annexed heteto)/ authorised user has been registered in
the tegisterln the name of The Director of Research, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth; M/s.
Konkan Hapus Amba Utpadak Ani Utpadak Vlkr€te Sahkari Sanstha; M/s, Devtad Taluka Amba Utpadak
Sahakari Sanstha Maryadit; & M/s. Kelshi Parisar Amba Utpadak Sahakari Sangha Maryadit Xelshi.
Condition & Jurther infomotion continued in poqe - 2
in class 31 under no. 1_39 as of the date 22.09.2008
in respect of ,,Alphonso,,
Falling in Class - 31- Horticulture (Mango)

20 of aq{ q ft Rqr rr{ gqt-F6-d frtqr rrtr I

October 20 18 at Chennai.

Regisrat of Geographical Indic atian.

gFfdff,tq EHi' 6qr qerq sfufua ftfu t ro s{ A fuc i frr as gS ro s{ d !fi-qB d fuC
rcl-r ssd qrqrf, q-do 10 s{ a1 oitr qrsfu $ q5a;6 fr rffi fuqr qr som i r

Registration is for 10 years ftom the date fitst above mentioned and may then be renewed for a
pedod of 10 years and also at the expitation of each petiod of 10 years thereafter,

{s rlqrurqf, or sq*rr ftfufi or{srfr { q fttvr d ffindfocq qftrrw or} 6 6* TS frtqr

crT qiDdr t I

This Certificate is not for use in legal proceedings or for obtaining registration abroad.

Condition and further informotion continued.....

Application No. L39 made by The Director of Research, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli
Taluk., Dapoli, Dist., Ratnagiri - 4L5 7L2, Maharashtra, lndia, Application No. 379 made by M/s. Devgad Taluka
Amba Utpadak Sahakari Sanstha Maryadit, Jamsande, Taluk: Devgad, District: Sindhudurg- 4L66L2, Maharashtra,
lndia and Application No. 497 made by M/s. Kelshi Parisar Amba Utpadak Sahakari Sangha Maryadit Kelshi, Taluka:
Dapoli, Ratnagiri - 4t5 7L7, Maharashtra, India are merged together to proceed as a single application as per the
order of Registrar of Geographical Indications dated May 29, 2018 under Application No. 139 for Registration in
Part A of the Register as Alphonso in respect of Horticulture (Mango) falling in Class - 31.

Details of Registered Proprietor

The Director of Research, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli Taluk., Dapoli, Dist., Ratnagiri -
4L5 7 L2, Maharashtra, lndia
(Applicant in GlApplication No. 139)

M/s. Devgad Taluka Amba Utpadak Sahakari Sanstha Maryadit, Jamsande, Taluk: Devgad, District: Sindhudurg-
4L66L2, Ma ha rashtra, I ndi a
(Applicant in GlApplication No. 379)

M/s.Kelshi Parisar Amba Utpadak Sahakari Sangha Maryadit Kelshi, Taluka: Dapoli, Ratnagiri - 4L5 7L7,
Maharashtra, India
(Applicant in Gl Application No. 497)

M/s. Konkan Hapus Amba Utpadak Ani Utpadak Vikrete Sahkari Sanstha, Regional fruit research station, Vengurle,
Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, lndia
(Co-applicant in GlApplication No. 139)
Geographical Area of Production of 'Alphonro'

The geognphrei arca c! ycductton dl Nphc, gr 's ,sstncled to lhe Ka.ken rclan ot Us?stasklrs campr,Erg ol llte)
d,,slt,cts !t2., (i' Pagha!, itr) lhare fu) llerypd. i,i; Ralneg n ord itt S:nd4tdi'tE


f Horkan Rccion of [lrhrerlrr

THAT, 1. The Director of Research, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan

Krishi Vidyapeeth, Ddpoli Taluk,, Dapoli, Dist., Ratnagiri 4L5 7L2,
Maharashtra, India. 2. ],4/ s. Konkan Hapus Amba Utpadak Ani
Utpadak Vikrete Sahkari Sanstha, Regional fruit research station,
Vengurle, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, India. 3. M/s. Devgad Taluka
Amba Utpadak Sahakari Sanstha Maryadit, Jamsande, Taluk:
Devgad, District: Sindhudurg- 4L66t2, Maharashtra, India. 4. M/s.
Kelshi Parisar Amba Utpadak Sahakari Sangha Maryadit Kelshi,
Taluka: Dapoli, Ratnagiri 4LS 717, Maharashtra, India are the
Registered Proprietor of the G.I. "Alphonso" in respect of
Horticulture (Mango) falling in Class - 31.

Date: O3.10,2018
Place: Chennai Registrar of bographical Indications

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