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Explanatory Notes for EWHO1002172

Explanatory notes for questions 1 to 20: 7. Choice A : This option is strongly supported in para 3 of the
passage: The forces of reaction, though, never could control
1. Choice A : This (A) is incidentally true, but it does not give the forces of revolution.
the full picture, which (C) does - no mistaking that this is paint Choice B : This is a later reference in the passage.
applied to a canvas (para 1). The illusions of Fantin-Latour’s Choice C : Though this option is theoretically true, it could
still life have been left far behind. mean any of several political arrangements under the sun.
Choice B : Although this option is true, it does not address Choice D : This refers to historical events in the passage,
the question. not grand narratives. Choice (A)
Choice C : Correct based on the explanation given at the
beginning. 8. Refer to para 2 of the passage.
Choice D : This is denied by the passage - He generally did Choice A : This refers only to the allusions to Prometheus
not varnish or glaze his paintings. Choice (C) and Jesus in the second paragraph.
Choice B : The nineteenth- and twentieth-century left
2. Choice A : This can be inferred from the last paragraph - To developed a revolutionary apologetics to make sense of
look at one object you have to look at all the others. To historical disappointment explicitly supports (B).
confront one individual thing, you have to confront a whole Choice C : This mistakenly refers only to the French
world. Revolution. The problem was that redemption did not follow.
Choice B : This is a general observation. Choice D : This option is true, but it does not address the
Choice C : This is not true, as the artist in question was not question. Choice (B)
conservative at all.
Choice D : This (D) takes the question literally. 9. Only (B) is correctly matched.
Choice (A) Optical metaphor refers to ideology … objects appear in a
predetermined relation to each other (para 1).
3. Refer to para 3 of the passage. Miracle of incarnation in 1789 refers to political ideologies
Choice A : This is supported by “The left corner of the table born out of the French Revolution (refer to para 2 of the
doesn’t even match up with the right corner”. passage).
Choice B : This is supported by “The apple is the exact color The music refers to the revolution’s pilgrimage.
as the wall behind the table. So, it looks as if the wall, in the Sweetness and light refers to the aspirations of the counter-
background, has simply bled into and become part of the revolutionary right (para 3).
bowl of fruit in the middle ground”. The Antichrist refers to Marxism being a powerful global
Choice C : This is supported by “mixing the colors and force (para 3).
boundaries of the middle apple into the apples next to it”. Lost Atlantis refers to the grand drama of political and
Choice D : This option is not true “the carafe barely exists, intellectual life (last para). Choice (B)
since it merges into the colors and shapes of the wall behind
it and the other objects nearby” Choice (D) 10. Refer to the penultimate paragraph which validates option D
as the correct answer. The remaining options do not refer to
4. Refer to the last para of the passage. the apocalyptic revolution mentioned in para 1.
Choice A : Correct. This option is supported by “Every Choice (D)
object is implicated in every other object. To look at one
object you have to look at all the others”. 11. (A), (B) and (C) are variously supported by a person’s view
Choice B : This cannot be true as it contradicts an apple of the world is refracted through her language last sentence
isn’t just an apple. It is also all the other apples. of para 1. Choice (D)
Choice C : This is outside the scope of this discussion.
Choice D : Although this option is true at large, it is less 12. (A), (B) and (C) are uniformly dismissed by Whorf turned out
specific than (A). Choice (A) to be wrong about Hopi time-words and tense-markers. (D)
is confirmed by Hopi has them. (para 2).
5. Choice A : this can be inferred from para 2. Choice (D)
Choice B : this can also be understood from the second para.
Choice C : Correct. This is a characteristic which can be 13. This answer has to be inferred from the third paragraph. The
attributed to Paul Cezanne’s paintings and not to Latour’s. author disputes the claim Eskimos have dozens of words for
This can be understood from the last para. snow and affirms that nearly all modern linguists might reject
Choice D : this is true according to the last para of the this claim and substantiates this argument with the
passage. Choice (C) observation consider the panoply of snow-words in English
(sleet, slush, flurry, whiteout, drift, etc.). (A) is thus correct
6. Choice A : This cannot be true, given the author's and (C) and (D) are called into question. (B) is an exception
apprehensions; refer to the last para - To speak about such as Arabs need no rich vocabulary to appreciate snow.
matters is already, two decades on, to conjure up a lost Choice (A)
Choice B : Correct. “Two grand narratives competed for 14. Choice A : This is a sweeping statement and not directly
attention” (para 1) and “ Try to convey the grand drama of connected to the context. Refer to para 4 of the passage.
political and intellectual life from 1789 to 1989 to young Choice B : Correct. This is supported by “his speed at
students” (last para) which refer to (para 2) “The ideological differentiating them is just 124 milliseconds faster — not
narrative of the European left and The counter-revolutionary even the blink of an eye — than an English speaker’s” and
right in Europe” (refer to the 1st sentence of the penultimate “But they have no difficulty distinguishing the color of a leaf
para) strongly support (B). and the color of the sky”.
Choice C : This option, if true, is not mentioned in the Choice C : This is too brief, though seemingly true in the
passage. given context.
Choice D : This option focuses exclusively on communism, Choice D : This is out of context.
while the passage has a broader vision. Choice (B) Choice (B)

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15. Choice A : This is clearly incorrect because the subsequent 20. The passage points out in the context in question that
paragraphs explain why the hypothesis is flawed. contrary to popular lore, there was no epidemic of suicides—
Choice B : This option can be eliminated because the let alone window-jumpings—in the wake of the Stock Market
hypothesis was certainly not popular. Crash of 1929.
Choice C : Correct. This option best describes the (A) This choice supports the point that there was no
organization of the passage. epidemic of suicides—let alone window-jumpings—in
Choice D : This option is incorrect because the subsequent the wake of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and the
paragraphs do not clear any ‘misconceptions’ pertaining to epidemic in question was a myth.
the theory. (B) This choice points out that the fall of the man in question
Choice (C) cannot be logically connected to the Stock Market
Crash for the reason mentioned therein.
16. The last sentence notes that Lytle, a speculator who lost all (C) This choice mentions that the unfortunate self-
his money on the stock market, gives his soul to Mellon, a destruction of the lady in question was a result of
possible Satan-incarnate in public memory. To sell one's overwork and exhaustion and not connected to the
soul (to the devil) implies to do or be willing to do anything, Stock Market Crash as such.
no matter how wrong it is, in order to achieve one's objective. (D) Correct. This choice supports the case that due to the
(A) This choice is not directly related to Lytle’s decision. 1929 Stock Market Crash, panicked investors did find
(B) This choice is not directly related to Lytle’s decision. all doors closed in their mind. Choice (D)
(C) Correct. Lytle accuses Mellon directly for the crash in
question. Explanations for questions 21 to 24:
(D) This choice is not directly related to Lytle’s decision.
Choice (C) 21. Statement 3: This statement, which describes a tear as a
universal sign, gives an introduction to what follows in the
17. The passage mentions that “Behind 1929’s building-jumping subsequent sentences.
myth, however, may be the larger truth that the onset of the Statement 2: This sentence, which states that weeping is
Great Depression did correlate to an increase in suicides”, part of a shared human language of emotional expression,
hence a connection between the Wall Street Crash and the complements the fact mentioned in 3.
Great Depression cannot be ruled out. Statement 4: This statement follows 2 presenting a
(A) Refer to “In fact, there was none,” wrote economist contrasting idea that a tear, on its own, means nothing.
John Kenneth Galbraith.” Statement 1: This sentence follows 4 stating that people can
(B) Refer to “another dispirited stockbroker who would understand the meaning of tears only when they know much
make it an even dozen by jumping to his death.” more about the particular mental, social, and narrative
(C) Refer to “Based on statistics reported by Galbraith in contexts that gave rise to them.
The Great Crash 1929, the suicide rate in the United Hence 3,2,4,1 is the appropriate sequence.
States increased from 17.0 per 100,000 people in Ans: (3241)
1929 to 21.3 in 1932 during the worst of the financial
calamity” from which it can be inferred that the 22. The given sentences are part of a paragraph that takes into
observation that some of the tragedies noted by effect the current situation of India vis-à-vis China, and warns
Galbraith may have been moved back a year or two to the Indian government to stay alert and prepared in advance,
the time of the stock market crash is not unreasonable. in the wake of a downswing in relations between the two
(D) Correct. The 1929 Stock Market Crash could have led countries.
to the Great Depression. Choice (D) Statement (1) – Opens the paragraph by making us
aware of the evolving face of China.
18. The author mentions that ‘Dark humor may have also Statement (2) – The words ‘This overt aggression and
contributed to the myth’, with reference to Vaudeville nationalism …’ are a reference to what
comedian Eddie Cantor, who lost most of his money in the has been stated in (1) about China, and
Crash, soon after joking that when he requested a 19th-floor this sentence warns India about the
room at a New York City hotel, the clerk asked him: “What impending danger from China.
for? Sleeping or jumping?” Statement (3) – It asks India to take stock of its tactical
(A) The author never mentions the need for comedy to and organizational capabilities in order
sustain tough financial situations. to stay prepared for the inevitable, and
(B) Correct. The dark humor contributed to perpetuate the follows (3).
myth in question. Statement (4) – This concludes by giving an advice to
(C) The author does not cite entertainers having their take a lesson from the past.
savings of a lifetime wiped out in the twinkling of an eye Therefore, the correct sequence of the jumbled sentences is
seeking refuge in wry humor. 1,3,2,4.
(D) The author does not mention the movie business as Ans: (1324)
such in the passage. Choice (B)
23. Statement 4: This is the opening statement as it gives an
19. The author clarifies that contrary to popular lore, there was introduction to what follows in the subsequent sentences.
no epidemic of suicides—let alone window-jumpings—in the Statement 2 : This complements what is stated in 4 by citing
wake of the Stock Market Crash of 1929. However, the
the example of Ukraine, Syria. etc. Further, ‘such geopolitical
author reveals the larger truth “Behind 1929’s building-
jumping myth, however, may be the larger truth that the games’ in 2 refers to the ‘targeting of specific regimes’,
onset of the Great Depression did correlate to an increase in mentioned in 4. Hence it is obvious that 2 is a continuation
suicides.” of 4.
(A) This choice refutes the author’s larger and lasting Statement 5 : This statement follows 2 by speaking about
(B) The press is not called into question in the passage as the consequence – the victimisation of the local people.
such. Statement 1 : This statement follows 5 by mentioning how
(C) Correct. The author mentions that “People may not the people who indulge in geopolitical games justify their
have been leaping off buildings by the dozens, but action.
during the final months of 1929, American newspapers
Statement 3 : This statement which is a continuation of 1 is
reported terrible incidents involving those who lost
nearly everything in the Crash.” the concluding statement.
(D) The passage does not discriminate between methods Therefore, the correct sequence of sentences is 42513.
of self-destruction as such. Choice (C) Ans: (42513)
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24. Statement 3 : This statement, which sets the tone of the Statement 2: This sentence follows 5, linked by the word
paragraph, is ideally the opening statement. ‘reduction’ stating that according to scientists, the reduction
Statement 2 : ‘The outbreaks’ in statement 2 refers to the may already be happening.
outbreaks of the various diseases mentioned in 3, hence 2 Therefore, statements 3,4,5,2 form a sequence. Statement
is a continuation of 3. 1, which is more generic in nature, is not required for the
Statement 1 : This statement corroborates what is stated in logical coherence of the given sequence, and is the odd man
2 by citing the example of the Ebola virus disease. out. Ans: (1)
Statement 5: This statement follows 1 by mentioning the
cause for the outbreak of these viral diseases. Explanatory notes for questions 28 and 29:
Statement 4 : This statement concludes the paragraph by
further elaborating on what is stated in 5. 28. The first sentence says that life both 'reflects' and 'extends'
Hence 32154 is the logical sequence. our offline activities that is our daily life. In the middle part,
Ans: (32154) the passage says that it has lost its 'exotic edge' and finally
concludes that people use it 'regularly', making it a part of
Explanatory notes for questions 25 to 27: everyday life. This sense is given by choice 4, which is the
best option.
25. Statement 4 : Both 2 and 4 are possible for the first sentence.
But, if we observe the rest of the sentences, they are related Choice 1: incorrect because the option captures only a part
to planets and hence, 4 is a more apt candidate for the first of the essence of the paragraph.
sentence. Choice 2: incorrect because of two reasons: one, it is not a
Statement 5 : The cross reference 'these exoplanets', straightforward mirror and second, it is the internet, not the
referring to 'exoplanets' in Option 1, makes Option 5 the social media that has become an integral part of the
second sentence. everyday life as per the information given in the passage.
Statement 1 : This option, which contains the contrast Choice 3: incorrect because the focus of the passage is on
between the exoplanets being 'large' and 'not likely to harbor 'Internet being an integral part of our lives', not on 'our lives
water', becomes the third sentence. being an integral part of Internet.'
Statement 3 , which gives further generalization based on Choice 4: correct as per the reasons given above.
the second and third sentences, is a good fit for a concluding
sentence. Thus, the best option is Choice (4). Ans: (4)
Statement 2 is irrelevant in the context because its focus is
on 'extraterrestrial life'. 29. The passage talks about the cuneiform writing and tells us
what we can understand by deciphering the writing. This
Correct Order: 4513 sense is given by Choice 3, which is the best option.
Odd sentence: 2. Ans: (2)
Choice 1: incorrect because the option does not consider the
26. Statement 2 : Of all the sentences, 2, which introduces the present implications of the research that are considered in
concept, is the first sentence. the last sentence.
Statement 4 : The mentioning of the typical philosophical Choice 2: incorrect because based on the script of the time,
problem in statement 4 and the description of the problem we cannot conclude about the sophistication of the whole
(words used for finite beings cannot be used for God) in civilization.
statement 1, make it clear that 4 must be followed by 1. Choice 3: correct as per the reasons given above.
Statement 5 : The use of 'this difficulty' referring to the Choice 4: incorrect because the paragraph does not say that
difficulty of 'not being able to describe God adequately' it is difficult to decipher the code.
makes 5 the last sentence of the paragraph.
Statement 3 is the odd man out because the rest of the Thus, the best option is Choice (3). Ans: (3)
sentences talk about religious language and its problems,
but this sentence talks about God only. Explanatory notes for question 30:
Correct order: 2415
Odd sentence: 3. Ans: (3) 30. It is explicit from the passage that the author is not in favour
of meritocracy and option 1 which offers a reason why
27. Statement 3: This sentence begins the paragraph stating meritocracy, as an ideal, is undesirable reflects the author’s
that a quarter of the carbon humans are emitting into the opinion.
atmosphere is absorbed by the oceans, thereby partially Choice 1: Correct based on the explanation given above.
mitigating the greenhouse effect of that carbon. Choice 2: This is inappropriate because it conveys that luck
Statement 4: This statement follows the general statement 3 determines success or failure in the world, which is not the
by giving a specific example of the Southern Ocean, which focus of what the author is trying to convey.
accounts for nearly 40 percent of marine carbon absorption. Choice 3: This is completely in contrast to the views
Statement 5: This sentence, which states that there could be expressed by the author.
enormous consequences for our already warming planet if Choice 4: This is not the opinion held by the author.
there is even a small reduction in the Southern Ocean’s Ans: (1)
ability to suck up carbon from the atmosphere, is a logical
continuation of 4.

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Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : EWHO1002172.Exp/3

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