My Mother at Sixty Six Extract Questions

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Ans. At the security check, once again the old fear or sp=——= and felt that old familiar ache, my childhood’s fear. but all I said was, see you soon, Amma, all I did was smile and smile and smile... 41. What were the poer’s feelings on her way to the airport ? Ans. Fear of losing her mother; pale face made her look olds affraid. may not mest 42, What was Kamala Das’ childhood fear? Ans. Her mother was growing old. Her childhood’s was fear of separation / death. her again ( ia, What were che parting words ofthe poct? as, The post sid "See you soon, Amma" 1. How did the post hide her feclings at the airport? ns. To hide her feelings, she said, “See you soon, ih ‘ soon, Amp and felt th li nd efi a smiling face behind for he a sand ele cha old familiar ache, sae ra tichind for her mathe bu id was, smile and smile and smil See you soon, Amma, alt 1 did wae 2? Where was th ans: She was ae che alpore 1 poet? 46, "See you soon, Amma, all T Ass. Repetition/Simile M7, What does her smile signify did was smile and smile and smie...", What is the poetic device used here! "Fe signifies her attempt to hide her fea from her mother / attempt to reassure het mother eid familiar ache, my childhood’ fea 0 , but all I said was, ‘See you s 1" What do these lines vw Spout the poet’ feelings for her mother? ei ay Sy sm Amn a section Be [jas. She loved her mother and was pained at seeing the mother growin ld, She feared of losing het mother 49. What do the poet’ parting words suggest? ns. Words of assurance that they would meet again / life must 69 0” J comforting herself as well as her mother on an optimistic note 50. Why did the poet smile and smile? ns, Does not wane 10 show hher agony and fear co her mother 1 her outer smile hides her inner Pain of separation Comforts her mother / wanes © PHY rom her mother om a pleasant noe 51, On-what note does the Poon end? Ans, The poem ends in opsiism mc her hope to meet her mother ABN —— Ans. He pe and looked out at Young Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes, putafter the airport's security check, standing a few yards away, looked again at her, wan, pale as a late winter's moon 20, What did the poet see avhen she looked out of the car Ang, Kamala Das looked our t9 scene of jubilaions she sa sprinting trees and happy children coming out of thei homes to enjoy themselves, 21. Why did the poet look out of che window? Ans, The poet looked out ofthe window to distract herself from the fear of separation of her mother 2D ‘that she was as old as she looked but soon put that thought sway and looked out at Young Trees sprinting, che merry children sping out oftheic homes.’ What is the contrast highlighted in these lines? ‘Ans. The contrast is that of her active and ill mother on the one ha i ‘ a 2 0 and and the energetic, i carte children on the other ee ee lil 31. Explain : ‘late winter's moon’. Ans. Dull and obscure / hazy / not shining / dim . is the mother compared to a late winter's moon ? don Torte ° her pal tee waa pean /t0 emphasize the paleness of the mother’s face 33. What did the poet realize on seeing her mother? Ans. The poct realized that her mother was really as old as she looked. 34, What did the poet again observe on reaching the airport? Ans. Kamala Das noticed again how her mother looked pale and weak. 35. Name the poetic device: "wan, pale face". Ans. Tautology | 36. What does the poet compare her mother's pale face to? Mention the poetic device. +The poet compared her mother’s pale face to that of alate winter's moon, which fe no longer bright. The posts device used for the comparison is that of a simile. How does the poet describe her mother ? Old, wan, pale, ashen face like that ofa corpse/ like a late winter's moon ‘What was the old familiar ache? Fol familiar ache was the agony and pain of separation from her mother, What is meant by "familiar ache"? Like anyother child, the poct, too, a a child, harboured the fear of losing her mother. She refers to chis as familiar ache", ie ed do you know that the Joyful scene did not help her drive away ‘that thought’ from her mind? + ee sccurity check, once agin the old fear of separation came back / old familiar ache i 3 Febskay F and felt that old familiar acho — Driving from my parent's home to Cochin last Friday morning, I saw my mother, beside me, doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse and realised with pi that she was as old as she looked but soon put that thought away, 1, Where was the poet? Where was she going? Who was with her? is. The poet was in her car. She was travelling from her parents’ home to Cochin airport. The poet's mother was with hp: 2. Describe the poet's mood. Why? Ans. The poet was sad and anxious as she noticed her mother looking old and pale; she realized that her mothe mt inching close to death. i 3. What familiar ache and childhood fear did Kamala Das feel? Ans. The fear of separation fron her montier Foss of mother 4, What did the poet observe when she looked at her mother? ‘Ags. ‘The poet observed that her mother had hecome old, weak and pale. 5, Explain ~ ‘her face ashen like that of a corpse.” ‘Ans. Her face lad turned pate andl lifeless like that of a dead body. 6. Who is V2 What was ‘my childhoods fear? ‘Ans. Kamala Das; losing her mother/fear of separation, "7. Name the poetic device: “her face ashen like that of a corpse" Ans. Simile 8, What was the painful realization of the poet? ‘Ans. The poet realized dhat her mother might not live for too long, ‘9. What docs the poet compare her mother's face with? | She compares her mother’s face with that of a corpse = Met mass water ahant her mother whil “driving to airport at Cochin? “What worried the poet when she looked at her mother ? . = fear of separation ~ childhood fea ~ that the mother was getting very old ~ that her face looked ashen like that of a corpse ~ fear that she would be alone when the mother died ~ it might be ther lst meeting 15. ‘Why was there pain in her realization ? = couldnt reconcile herself to the thought of losing her mother ~ she would be left alone / separation from the mother — there were obvious signs that the mother would pass away very soon ~ she was deeply attached to her smother ! had the childhood fear of losing her mother 16. Which thought did the poet try to put away ? Ans. The thought she pat away was that her mother would pass away as she had become very old an looked pale and weak. 17. How does Kamala Das try to put away the thoughts of her ageing mother? Ans . She looks out of the car window at young trees sprinting and the merry children running out of the their homes. 18, Why did the poet put ‘that thought? away ? Ans, Because she did not want to think of her mother's death/ did not want to be separated from her mother, 19. Who is ‘I’? What did ‘I’ realise with pain Ans. ‘The poet, Kamala Das. She realised with pain thar mother was nearing old age, and consequently inching close to death, and looked out at Youna Trees sorintina.

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