Deep Water

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EB yh the Yakima river referred to as 'treacherous'? u ee oe river has been referred toas ‘treacherous’ as there had been many cases of drowning in the river. Douglas’ jos Sdet continually warned against it because of its rough water and fast current. It was not safe at all for swimming. What was the ‘misadventure’ that William Douglas speaks about? (NCERT) sy. Wil Douglas’ traumatic experience in the California beach, as a child, made him afraid of water. However, as he ces keaming to swim in the Y.M.C.A. pool; he was thrown into the deep end by a big boy of eighteen years old. The experience terrified him as he had almost drowned and finally lost consciousness before being hauled out of the water. he was thrown into the po pool by a big boy. He an ied his eyes and saw nothin a rigid. “eb Eunos) 164 av and fears that Do " and fears when er, He tees d of emotions Ae Downs so 00 Sung poston, He sale 0 jocating, His legs a eg out heme wa 0 wit into ¥.M.G + pool Why did Ie Fall tc ete He grew pa ais a 14 How did Douglas hope to com 8 surface of the pool as he ord qa vals wash nthe po By ig os he land a eee ignel He Plann hat whe is eta oto, he leat on i and pleco the edge ofthe pool. He ia sstallowed 106 meh landed in a sitting positio jl make a big jump, come ye I bol tthe surface like acon, He could not swim. . ; ji jimself when he regained his memory? / QS Where did Douglas ee Mow . . ee of water failed, he felt drowsy and i Consciousness, Hi ‘Ans, When Dough being earied. He got the feeling of floating in space. On regaining bis consiounes, memory was of ch the pool on his stomach and vomiting. He recalled that the boy who threw hime dar he acca ole fe vhidly heard someone giving instructions to carry him to the locker room that he was only’ fooling’ ‘ pe mm y las determined to get over his ‘water? ; NC him of the joy of canoeing, boating and swimming. He felt terrorised by the memories of his near-death expen. at Y.M.C.A. swimming pool. Q7 How did the instructor build a ‘swimmer’ out of ‘Douglas? (ee, ‘Ans The instructor rook immense pains to drive fear out of Douglas’ mind by making him hard, rigorous and syste Pratice, He pura belt around Douglas, attached a rope to belt and relaxed his hold on the rope and Douglas x im fo Put his face under water and exhale, and t0 raise his nose wet id ‘Nex the instructor held him atthe side of the pool and had him kick with hie legs. Thus, piece by piece, he hu ‘swimmer’ out of Douglas. Q8 Douglas says, "The instructor was finished, but I was nots" What did the instructor teach Douglas? Hor & Douglas finish the task begun by the instructor? Ans. The instructor raugh of training. However, 29 How did Douglas make sure th 2 nce? Douglas went to Lake Wenoworth in New Hamp and. Only once when he was in the midile of had le also swam, across Warm Lake to the other shor” ad conquered his fear of wares, tid the teror return, But he conf un, fronted it and sw, ‘Oremove his residual doubts whether he pe OH CED | QL The childhood experiences of terror of Douglas made him stronger and more determined. Klucidate the statemey, supporting it with evidences from the text. ‘Ans, Douglas’ childhood experience at California beach developed a phobia for water in him. The waves leno, hhim down and swept over him. He was frightened at the overpowering force of the waves. Douglas’ a neardeat unpleasant childhood memories when a big boy 1d swallowed too much water. His lungs were . swimming, pool revived th drowning experience at Y.M. picked him up and tossed him into the deep end. He was frightened a ready to burst. He grew panicky, He was suflocaing, His legs hung, as dead weights, paralysed and rigid. His a inting fear of water in Douglas’ heart. He could not go near water florts to jump up ceased. ‘The misadventure filled a for years. The fear of water ruined his fishing, trips and deprived him of the joy of canoeing, boating and swimming oe ive days 3 He went 69 Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire lesson that eed his far of water. He understood the g conque? : 2 + Why does Douglas, as an adult, recount a childhood experience of terror and his conquering of it? What deep Y seaning does he draw from this experience? pool about how san adult recounts his childhood terrify ough 7 os “mest drowned and how he conquered the “ross Lake Wentworth in Ni tease swim and finally how he swiras ‘eount to glorify his accomplishment 3 Douglis draws a deep meaning from his cecrifj ders peace. There is terror only in the fear of death, ‘ref Fear cripples an individual and limits one’s scope. When Douglas had death, he had found peace. He finally learnt char all chat one needed co far is conquered. It is basically the fear of death that produces terror. He realised thi avercome there is peace. This lesson made him persevere and finally helped co Dough shared his experience as a useful lesson and called upon his waders o conquer their but celebrates drownit swim — @UMLVE We LaLapUooIUIL, Ans 3, “All we have to fear is fear itself”, Describe Douglas’ experiences which led to the making of this statement. pelhi(c) 2015 or Douglas fully realised the truth of Roosevelt’s statement, “All we have to fear is fear itself.” How did this realisation help him brush aside his fear and become an expert swimmer? Foreign 2014 Ans Douglas had experienced both the sensation of dying and the terror that the fear of death can Cause. Strong will, determination, courage as well as honest labour won over all his terrors and fears. The will to live brushed aside all his fears. In Teality all our fears are only psychological, and can € easily won over, if we can control our mind. is realisation makes Douglas resolve to learn cs ns 5. Ans ee sWi ‘ing i amming by engaging an instructor, This Sorin Pee bY Piece, uilt Douglas into a ae However, his first step was to drive it awn es Fear of water, before taining him Sam tee (echniques. When Douglas tried and a pene of the pool up and down, small he swoon tpt cHOr of water would return So, and sean ake Wentworth dived a igs Island Hla am WYO miles across the lake to Stamp Act land. Finally, he was certain that he had Conquered his fear of water, re to oblivion, and the curtain of .” What was the incident which nearly Killed Douglas and developed in him a strong aversion to water? Foreign 2014 The incident which nearly killed Douglas occurred When he was ten or eleven years old. He had decided to learn swimming at the YMCA pool, and thus get rid of his fear of water. One moming, when he was alone at the pool, waiting for others, a big bully of a boy tossed him into the deep end of the pool. Though he had planned a strategy to save himself as he went down, his plan did not. work. Thrice he struggled hard to come to the surface, but failed each time. He was frightened and got almost drowned in the pool, lost his consciousness and felt that he would die, Though. he was ultimately saved, this misadventure developed in him a strong aversion to water. Desire, determination and diligence lead to success. Explain the value of these qualities in the light of Douglas’ experience in ‘Deep Water.’ allindia (¢) 2014 ‘The terror of water followed Douglas wherever he went. To get rid of it, he made a strong determination. He decided to overcome his fear through his will power. He engaged an instructor who would perfect him in swimming. The instructor first helped him drive away his fear, and then gave him many exercises besides teaching him how to exhale and inhale in water. The practice went on for months together, during which his fear came back to haunt him, but his desire and firm will made him persist in his efforts. It was only through sheer determination and diligence that Douglas could not only counter his terror, but also became an. expert swimmer. He swam across and back large distances to ensure that his fear of water did not return. Hence, desire, determination and diligence succeeded in removing his fear of water. Ans x i las What misadventure did Douglas experience at the YMCA swimming pool? Allindia (6) 2013 s the timid Douglas sat alone YMCA swimming pool waiting for other people to come, a big boy, probably cighteen years old came there. He asked Douglas whether he would like to be ducked, Saying this, he picked up Douglas and tossed him into the deep end of the pool, Douglas landed inside the pool in a sitting position, swallowed water and went at once to the bottom of the pool. Though Douglas was extremely frightened he had his wits intact so on his way down he started to plan. He decided that when his feet would hit the bottom he would make a big jump, come to the surface, lie flat on it and then paddle to the edge of the pool. at the side of the He tried to apply his plan but failed to come out of the water, Thrice, he went down the pool and was unable to come out. After sometime he got unconscious and when he regained his senses he was at the side of the pool. Describe the efforts made by Douglas to save himself from drowning in the YMCA swimming pool. all india (c) 2013 or How did Douglas try to save himself from drowning in the YMCA pool? Delhi 2012 When his feet hit the bottom of the pool summoned up all his strength and mate a ee ° spring upwards thinking he would bob to the Surface like a cork. But when nothing like th, happened Douglas tried to yell but no sound. came out. Now a great force was pulling him under. He was paralysed under fi 8. Ans Ans pool spake ‘ople old yould fthe ring 10 soon that on out ot she aid Douglas’ experience ay 4), pool affect him and how did he yyy, Ye A his fear of water? Allindio (6) 2013 “OMe as’ experience at the YMCA ogy p effect on him. He never wey pa fay saved water. He tried 10 ayojg eine 8, How ans Doug reachin} pool, He fe Permit. And whenever be went ta yee treo that seized him in the pool way the irs hs would become paralysed, tey yy is ear. This handicap stayed yy Wye ‘Up, CONE hy, rn gral for years. ruined his fishing tps. He Tost the joy oy canoeing, boating, and swimming, wit,’ tused every way t0 overcome his fear of wir POH with little success. 1t held him firmly jn at bn Finally, one October, he decided to empigy 2 | instructor and learnt to swim. He wen, mac and practised five days a week, an hour ¢ Douglas did succeed in his mission. The made him an expert swimmer, 4 Poo} ch da instructy 9, How did Douglas develop an aversion water? Delhi 2012 or “ ww there was terror in my heart at the overpowering force of the waves.” When gig Douglas start fearing water? Which experience had further strengthened its hold on his mind and personality? All india 2010 las. Ans Douglas developed an aversion to water in his eal childhood. When he was three or four years old, hs father took him to a beach in California. The waves knocked him down and swept over him. He was buried in water. He was frightened and perhaps this was the moment his fear of water took root inside his mind. Further, when Douglas was ten‘ eleven years old, he decided to learn to swim ant! went to the YMCA pool. Here an incident took : place that finally established his aversion (0 walel as a big fear. One day when Douglas was alone 7 the pool sitting on the edge and waiting for oll! to come, a big boy threw him into the deep the pool. What followed was a nightmarish c: him. Douglas tried very hard and ap)! knowledge to come to the surface of the Wir to no avail. Somehow, he was saved. Thus oi fearful incident, his fear of water got im! his heart and mind permanently. sxperienee ied all hs ater Dt er ts edit ae io sped the instructor make Douglas 2 Ho ewitniner” albino 2012 Systane bis fear of water, Douglas finally yo BA atao get at instar to Tear swimming. abn spatter started working wid i five Wrsanverk, at nowt each day The instructor ey pelt around Douglas. A rope was attached pe belt that went through a pulley that ran itr ovethead cable, The instructor held on to fhe end of the Tope and along with Douglas wat back andl forth, across the pool, hour after hae day after day, week after week. On each tap across the pool a bit of panic seized pouglas, I took almost three months before the tension reduced. hen the instructor taught him to put his face under the water and exhale and to raise his nose and inhale. For weeks, his instructor made him kick with his legs. Until, he was able to command his legs at his will, In this way, piece by piece, his instructor made Douglas a sgvinimer, When Douglas perfected each piece, his instructor put them together into an integrated one. As a result, in nearly six months Douglas was able to swim, dive, craw! and so on. ‘The story ‘Deep Water’ has made you realise that with determination and perseverance one can accomplish the impossible. Write a paragraph in about 100 words on how a positive attitude and courage will aid you to achieve success in life? Dethi 2014 Ans 12. Ans Determination and perseverance is a combination of attributes and abilities that drive people to set goals for themselves and then to take the initiative to achieve these goals. Douglas was able to overcome his fear of water by the values of positive attitude and courage. Initially he was afraid of water but his git and determination made him get an instructor to train him and overcome his fear. Determination today leads to our success tomorrow. It is that innate quality in our soul, which comes to surface when face difficult tasks. It is a reflection of our values taught to us by society and circumstances and enables us to overcome all obstacles. we Roosevelt said, “All we have to fear is fear itself.” Do you agree? Why! why not? The quote, “All we have to fear is fear itself”, by the ‘American President, Franklin D Roosevelt, is absolutely true. It is only the fear of consequences which prevents us from taking an action and hampers our progress. William Douglas’ fear of drowning makes him develop an aversion to water. Hence, he avoids going near water bodies or indulge in water sports. When he is able to overcome his fear with the help of the instructor, he succeeds. Likewise, there are numerous incidents around us that show how fear cripples the mind of a individual and society, and acts as a barrier to growth. ‘The other lessons in the textbook also support the view. The bangle makers of Firozabad in ‘Lost Spring’ fear that the police would put them in jail, so they accept theit exploitation, and do not organise themselves into co-operatives. It is only when we are able to overcome our fear, that we can step ahead and progress in life.

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