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Affirmative:  Subject + MUST + verb + …

Negative:  Subject + MUST NOT/MUSTN’T + verb + …

Interrogative:  MUST+ subject + verb + …?

MUST +subject+ NOT+verb+.....?
MUSTN’T +subject+verb+....?

No,subject+MUST NOT/MUSTN’T+verb....

Folosim must pentru a exprima:
1. Certitudine/așteptări motivate
 It  must  be her dog. The collar says her name.-Trebuie să fie câinel ei
 This house  must  be in a good state! They renovated it last year.
 Must  they be rich?  They live in a luxury flat in the city centre.
2. Obligație strictă
 I  must  search for a new house, my contract ends soon.-Trebuie să caut o casă nouă, mi se termină contractul în
 She  must  clean the kids’ clothes, they got very dirty at the park.
 Must  we be on time?
3. Necesitate
 I  must  buy a new bunch of flowers.
 Must  they chop the olive trees down?
4. Interzicere (negativ)
 You  must not  give your address on online forums!
 He  must not  surf the internet while working!

Yesterday I ________ finish my geography project. She will ________ wait in line like everyone else.
 must  must
 mustn't  have to
 had to  has to
All employees ________ on time for work. The doctor _____ get here as soon as he can.
 must be  must
 mustn't  mustn't
 have to  have to
If you are under 13 you _____ to get your parents' Your daughter may ________ try on a few different
permission. sizes.
 have  have to
 must  had to
 musn't  must
We ________ forget to take the chicken out of the Do you _____ work next weekend?
freezer.  have to
 have to not  must
 must  mustn't
Bicyclists _____ remember to signal when they turn. Angela, you _____ leave your clothes all over the
 mustn't floor like this.
 must  mustn't
 has to  must
 have to

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