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Affirmative:  Subject + NEED+ verb + …

Negative:  Subject + NEED NOT/NEEDN’T + verb + …

Interrogative:  NEED+ subject + verb + …?

NEED +subject+ NOT+verb+.....?
NEEDN’T +subject+verb+....?

No,subject+NEED NOT/NEEDN’T+verb....

Need  există cu scopul de a exprima nevoia de a face ceva.

 Need este folosit ca și verb modal și ia forma negativă de needn't.
 Need este folosit doar la prezent, la trecut se foloseste forma verbului ordinar :did /didn’t need
 Do you need some help?  "Yes I do. I need someone to help me with this math exercise."(verb
 You needn't take your umbrella. It is not raining.(verb modal)
 Need he lock the drawer?(verb modal)

 în forma afirmativă este folosit alături de cuvinte negative ca de exemplu: not everybody-nu toată
lumea, no one-nici un/o, nobody-nimeni, only-doar, never-niciodată, hardly-deloc,aproape
 No one need do the shopping.
 Not everybody need come.
 He need only wait.
 She need only call me and I will come.

Negativ: not este adăugat lui  need ( i.e., need not sauneedn't)

 You needn't send the email.
 She needn't apologize.
 They need not justify their attitude.
 Need I lock the door?
 Need he call the doctor?

Când este folosit ca și verb ordinar:

 ia „s” la a -3-a persoană singular: He needs a job
 ia „ed” la trecutul simpu: he needed a job
 în forma negativă se folosește verbul auxiliar „didn’t”: He didn't need it.
 în forma interogativă se folosește „did”: Did you need a job?
 este urmat de verbe la infinitiv cu forma „to ...”: he needed to find a job

Semi-modal need Main verb need

Need it be so dark in here? (formal) Does it need to be so dark in here?
You needn’t mention this to your father. You don’t need to mention this to your father.
Alege varianta corectă.
1. Jack __________ (go) home early last night.
 must go
 had to go
 have to go
2. Ted __________ (buy) some food at the grocery store because we're out.
 has to buy
 needed to buy
 did buy
3. __________ (she/commute) to work every day?
 Does she have to
 Does she need to
 Both are correct
4. Children __________ (play) with cleaning products.
 needn't play
 have to play
 mustn't play
5. We __________ (get) going—it's already midnight!
 got to get
 need to get
 both are right
6. When __________ (you/arrive) for work last week?
 musted you arrive
 had you to arrive
 did you need to arrive
7. Hey, __________ (you/mow) the lawn. The grass is getting too long.
 you need to mow
 you must to mow
 you need mow
8. You __________ (do) the cleaning up this morning, I'll take care of it.
 must do
 don't need to do
 mustn't do
9. They __________ (visit) the doctor yesterday, as they were not feeling well.
 have to visit
 must visit
 had to visit
10. I __________ (get up) every morning at six o'clock, so I can make it to work on time.
 need to get up
 have to get up
 both are correct

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