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Law of Malus

Date: ____________

Aim: To study of polarization of light and verify the law of Malus.

Objectives: a) To understand light as a Transverse wave for existence of polarization

b) To study propagation of the EM waves and types of polarization.
c) To know the techniques for polarization of light.
d) To develop the experimental measurement skill.
e) To explore application areas of polarization.

Apparatus: Light source, Polarizer and Analyzer, Photo-Cell, Power Supply,

Digital Multi-meter.


Basic Methodology:

When unpolarized light passes through a polarizer then light gets polarized and the
intensity of plane polarized light becomes half of the intensity of unpolarized light.
When this plane polarized light passes through analyzer then the intensity of transmitted
light is proportional to square of cosine of angle between axis of polarizer and analyzer.

Formula: According to Malus’ Law, when a beam of completely plane polarized light
is incident on the analyzer, then the intensity I of the emergent light is given by

I = Io cos2 Ѳ

where Io = Intensity of plane polarized light incident on the analyzer.

Ѳ = Angle between planes of transmission of polarizer and the analyzer.

Setup and Procedure:

A) To Verify the Law of Malus:

1. Make the connections as shown in figure.
2. Switch on the power supply; note the current shown by the micro ammeter (Initial
3. Keep the analyzer initially at zero position, switch on the bulb. Note the current
shown by the micro ammeter.
4. Rotate the analyzer through 10o and note the current.
5. Repeat the procedure by increasing the angle every time by 10o and note the
corresponding current. Take values of θ from zero to 90o.
B) Study of Polarization:
1. Keep the polarizer at zero position. Note the current.
2. Rotate the analyzer in step of 30o so as to go through one complete rotation and
note the corresponding current every time.

1. Once set the position of the polarizer should not be disturbed throughout the
2. The source of light, polarizer, analyzer, and the photo cell should be adjusted to
the same height.
3. The voltage applied to the light source should be constant throughout the

Initial current Io = ________ µA.

A) Verification of Law of Malus.

Observed Actual
Sr. Angle
Current Current Cos Ѳ Cos2 Ѳ
No. Ѳo
I (µA) I - Io (µA)
1. 0
2. 10
3. 20
4. 30
5. 40
6. 50
7. 60
8. 70
9. 80
10. 90

B) Study of Polarization:
Observed Actual
Sr. Angle
Current Current
No. Ѳo
I (µA) I - Io ( µA)
1. 0
2. 30
3. 60
4. 90
5. 120
6. 150
7. 180
8. 210
9. 240
10. 270
11. 300
12. 330
13. 360


1. Plot the graph of current I against cos2 Ѳ.

I µA

cos2 Ѳ X

2. Plot the polar graph of I against Ө

Result and Conclusion:

The graph of current I against cos2 Ѳ is a straight line; indicates that 𝑰 ∝ 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 Ѳ.
Hence Malus’ law is verified.

Exercises and Viva Questions:

1. How much un-polarized light is passed by a combination of the first polarizer

and a second that has its polarization axis at 450 with respect to the first?
2. Rotate the polarizer across these two beams. You will find that these two images
will appear and disappear alternatively. Why?
3. Rotate the polarizer across the light coming from red sunset. The intensity of
light will not change. Why?
4. Which kind of waves cannot be polarized? Give example.
5. If you allow the laser beam to pass through a calcite prism. You will see two
images on the screen. Why?

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