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A Socially Relevant Project report submitted to


In partial fulfilment of B.Tech., V Semester

Submitted by
S RIYAZ - 198P1A0579

Under the Guidance of


Assistant professor


(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu )

Valasapalli Post, Madanapalle – 517325 -Chittoor(Dt),A.P


This is to certify that Socially Relevant project work entitled
“WOMEN SECURITY SYSTEM” is a bonafide work carried out by S RIYAZ,
in partial fulfilments of B.Tech., V Semester in Computer Science & Engineering of the
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Ananthapuramu during the
academic year 2021-22. The socially relevant project report has been approved as it satisfies
the academic requirement in respect of socially relevant project work prescribed for the
B.Tech., V semester.

Project Guide Head of the Department

S RIYAZ - 198P1A0579
KUMAR REDDY hereby declare that the Project Work entitled “WOMEN SECURITY
SYSTEM”, is a bonafide work done by us under the guidance of Mr.B MADHUSUDAN
REDDY, M.Tech, submitted in partial fulfillment of B.TECH., V semester in Computer
Science & Engineering, Aditya College of Engineering, Madanapalle affiliated to
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Ananthapuramu, during the
academic year 2021-22. The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted
to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.


S RIYAZ - 198P1A0579

It is our privilege and pleasure to express our profound sense of respect gratitude and
indebtedness to Dr. S. RAMALINGA REDDY, Principal for guiding and providing
facilities for the successful completion of our socially relevant project work.

We sincerely thanks to Dr. M.V. JAGANNATHA REDDY, Head of the

Department, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, for this valuable support
and constant encouragement given to us during this work.

We express our deep sense of gratitude to Mr.B MADHUSUDAN REDDY, M.Tech.,

Project Guide for supporting and encouraging at each stage of our project work and guided
us to do our best.

Last but not least, we wish to acknowledge Our Parents and friends for giving moral
strength and encouragement.

S RIYAZ - 198P1A0579


Abstract i

List of figures ii

List of tables iii


1.1 Why society needs women safety
1.2 Facts on a glance on rapes cases in India

1.3 Domestic violence


2.1 Harassment:

2.2 Negative attitudes of male co-workers

2.3 Lower pay-scale

2.4 safety and security


3.1 She (Society Harnessing Equipment)
3.2 ILA Security
3.3 Aeshs (Advanced Electronics System for Human Safety)
3.4 VithU App
3.5 Smart Belt
3.6 ‘We’Rsafe
4. E-Disha:An Analytical Review
4.1 E-Governance of India
4.2 Electronic delivery of integrated services in India
4.3 Challenges of E-Disha
5.1 Drawbacks of the existing systems
5.2 Existing women problem
5.3 Solution to the problem
5.4 Objectives of project
5.4.1 Advantages of Gadget over existing Technology
5.4.2 Expected outcomes of project
5.4.3 Working Approach
5.4.4 Component details

In today's world, security and safety is one of the necessary

questions which arises in all of our minds be it ourselves, our daughters,
wives, friends, sisters, cousins. As a woman steps out of their homes, they
themselves along with their near and dear ones are worried about her own
security and safety as she cannot walk freely in odd hours. Also, in our
society women were never taught how to stand independently. She did not
get an equal status to men, whether it's about their rights, physically
strong, socially or economically. Speaking of another scenario of the
present time, we all use mobiles and with the advancement of technology
many Android based smart phone application have come to rescue which
can be a companion to women. Apps like Safetipin, Himmat, Shake2Safety,
Vith u, Nirvhaya, Raksha app, BeSafe etc. This paper tries to bring
forward the different apps available which can help in becoming a weapon
for the women folk and fight against Violence against Women. There is also
an unavoidable problem which comes along with it. One has to unlock the
phone, open the app and then press a button. It also happens that the
abusers usually go for the phone first. Here arises the importance of
gadgets like safety bands, rings, key rings etc. that can be carried around in
disguise and used faster, and which will allow the women to send
emergency messages with their location in times of distress. Apple, Titan
and Sonata have launched Safety Watches for Women. With this safety is
just a click away. India’s first safety watch for women by Sonata features a
unique, first of its kind safety functionality built into the watches, which
allow the wearer to instantly notify up to 10 preselected guardians during
moments of emergency and panic. When a call is made from Apple Watch
with SOS, it automatically calls the local emergency number.

Key Words: Technology,safety,E-Disha,Moblie phones



01 State wise statistics on Rape cases
02 Percentage of ever married womens
03 She figure
04 control unit
05 Wrist unit
06 Base station unit
07 Main page of WeRsafe App
08 Calling an emergency contact number
09 A list of Areas is shown
10 Available hospitals and police stations
11 Available options on App
12 Add\modify the contacts




01 Governance vs E-Governance
02 E-Disha service portal
03 E-Disha Benefits
04 state level implementation of E-Governance
Women Security System (2021-2022)

Chapter 1
Women are the backbone of any economy, primarily shaping the future of the
country. She who earlier stayed at home to attend her domestic duties is now
maintaining work and home simultaneously, participating in the process of
economic development on an equal footing with men. The Government of India,
meeting a longstanding demand for gender parity in the workforce, has
approved an amendment in The Factories Act 1948 to allow women employees
to work in night shifts. The amendment suggests that night shift for women
shall be allowed only if the employer ensures safety, adequate safeguards in the
factory as regards occupational safety and health, equal opportunity for women
workers, adequate protection of their dignity, honour and transportation from
the factory premises to the nearest point of their residence are met. Night Shifts
have been in existence for a long time, however for India it was only recently
through an amendment to the Factories Act 1948 that it was allowed under the
law for women to work night shifts. Women are participating in almost all the
spheres of economic activity. From village to city, we can see a number of
women workers and entrepreneurs contributing towards the national income of
the country. Garment units already employ 60% of the women workforce; and
with growth in this industry the number will go up tremendously. So far, the IT
sector was employing women for late-night work hours but had no legal
obligation to provide the above safety measures.
There is no denying the fact that women in India have made considerable
progress in almost seven decades of Independence, but they still have to
struggle against many handicaps and social evils in the male-dominated society.
With the onset of IT&BT industry, women work in night shifts. It is the
responsibility of the firm to provide office transportation to such employees.
Now a days even though the companies provide the facilities for transportation,
but the security of the women is not fully ensured as one of the incident
occurred in the year 2007 at Pune where a girl working in the call centre was
brutally raped by two of her cab drivers assigned by the company, not only this
we have come across many of the same incidents in the recent times where the
safety of the women cannot be fully ensured with the cab facilities provided by
the compaines.

Fig 1: State wise statistics on Rape cases

Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest sons of India, quoted that, “There is no
chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is
improved”, It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing. Therefore, the
inclusion of “Women Empowerment” as one of the prime goals in the eight
Millennium Development Goals underscores the relevance of this fact. Thus, in
order to achieve the status of a developed country, India needs to transform its
women force into an effective human resource and this is possible only through
the empowerment of women.


● About 10% of all the crimes committed in the country are those of
women abuse.
● Women make up two-thirds of the estimated 876 million adults
worldwide who cannot read or write
● 30 lakh girl children were lost to female infanticide during 2001-2011.
● A woman is raped every 20 minutes in India.
● After 60 years of independence, 1 in 3 women in India are still illiterate.
● Only 39.5% women in India are economically active, compared to 80%
in China.
● Of the 1.3 billion people who live in absolute poverty around the globe,
70 percent are women.
● 10.9% of the female population owns land, and among agricultural
workers the figure drops down to 9.3%.
● Less than 40% of women give birth in a health facilty
1.1.1 Domestic Violence
● One in three ever married women report having been slapped by their
● Between 12 and 15 % report having their arms twisted, being pushed,
shaken, kicked, dragged, or beaten up, or having something thrown at
● 10% report that their husbands have physically forced them to have sex.
● Around two-third of married women in India were victims of domestic
violence and one incident of violence translates into women losing seven
working days in the country.
● One in seven ever married women have suffered physical injuries as a
result of spousal violence.
● For most women who have ever experienced spousal violence, the
violence first occurred within the first two years of their marriage.

Fig 2: Percentage of ever married women

Chapter 2
We can’t deny the fact that the role of women in society has been radically
changed in the past few decades. From running a jet plane, teaching kids to
serving as admin head or company executive, women are seen playing each role
with aplomb. They are not only cherishing their fulfilling careers, but also some
of them are outrunning men. Despite these incredible advances, women still
have to face a lot of work issues and professional challenges at workplace.
Some of the problems and challenges faced by working women in the
workplace are as follows:
1. Balancing between paid employment and family care.
2. Work related stress problems faced by working women.
3. Victims of physical harassment and unfair treatment in the workplace.
4. Tolerance of abuse, violence, harassment and discrimination.
5. Sexual harassment, mental pressure and safety problems.
6. Prejudiced and stereotyped thinking faced by working women.
Steps and corrective measures are being taken up by management and
employers to provide female employers with a better workplace by eliminating
gender discrimination and biasness from offices. The number of working
women is increasing day by day but still there are certain women issues and
barriers that they have to come across and tackle at workplace.
2.1 Harassment:
Women are still considered as easy target by their fellow male colleagues.
Women are much vulnerable so higher management and even colleagues harass
them by cracking obscene jokes, passing derogatory comment or trying to touch
their private parts etc. In such cases, most of the women remain silent and try to
ignore them in fear of losing job. Even some of them prefer to quit job .
2.2 Negative attitudes of male co-workers:
In most of the cases working women feel humiliated with the attitude and
derogatory remarks passed by their male colleagues. It is believed by most the
men that women are hired only to add glamour and colour to the office
environment. This kind of unhealthy work atmosphere, lack of support from
Smart gadget for women safety Using IoT (2017-18) Department of Electronics
& Communication Page 10 colleagues and higher authority leads to job
dissatisfaction and less productivity for women. Higher management should
take some steps to create a healthy and conducive work environment for ladies.
2.3 Lower pay-scale:
Women are paid less because management has a preset notion that she will
leave the job after having children or marriage. While harassment, bullying etc.
are vivid acts in offices, lower pay scale is something that kills the confidence
of a female employee from inside. It is a silent crime and no one can compliant
about it. Women should be vocal about their right, remaining silent means that
you are also supporting this shameful act. Employers should ensure that equal
wages are paid to women employees without gender discrimination.
2.4 Safety and Security:
Women employees are not safe in office, not even in transports. Incidents of
rape and sexual assault in office cab are making headlines everyday on
newspapers. Women have been the victims of sexual harassments by the male
colleagues or driver. This needs to be stop and for this higher authority must
take necessary steps.
Some Recommended Solutions
1. Partners can be more sensitive to women’s needs, and counter tradition by
helping their Wives perform daily tasks and take care of children.
2. Organisations should have an internal code to ensure security of women
employees and Take measures to ensure that they discharge their job in a secure
3. Governments should make it mandatory for companies to install Global
Positioning System (GPS) in vehicles carrying women, in all industries which
engage women in night Shifts.
4. Providing self-defence training to women; installing safety devices and
CCTVs at the Work place; undertaking police verification of cab drivers,
security guards etc.
5. Child care facilities and Child care leave for working women should be
provided by every organisation.
6.Flexible timing and possibility to work from home are required for working

Female Foeticide
● Every year one in 25 female foetuses are aborted.
● There are only 762 girls for 1000 boys, and one in every four girls are
● There are instances of women getting pregnant 11 times in a matter of
years just to have a boy.
● It is estimated that more than 10 million female foetuses have been
illegally aborted in India.
● 30 lakh girl children were lost to female infaticide during 2001-2011.
Chapter 3

The status of women in India has gone through many great changes over the
past few thousand years. From equal status with men in ancient times through
the low points of the medieval period to the promotion of equal rights by many
reformers, the history of women in India has been eventful.
In modern India, women have adorned high offices in India including that of the
President, Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and Speaker of the Lok
Sabah. However, women in India continue to face social challenges and are
often victims of abuse and violent crimes and, according to a global poll
conducted by Thomson Reuters, India is the “fourth most dangerous country” in
the world for women, and the worst country for women among the G20 [A
group of developing industrial Nations established on 20th August 2003]
In India, every day more than 30 women were murdered and many are
suffering austere mental and physical trauma. Having this concern in mind
many developers have come up with creative applications. Some of such
applications are:
3.1 She (Society Harnessing Equipment)

It is a garment embedded with an electronic device. This garment has an electric

circuit that can generate 3800kV which can help the victim to escape. The
garment delivers an electric shock to attackers strong enough to cause severe
burns, protecting the victim from any of the electricity. The development of the
garment was made with the capabilities of providing the electric shock when it
is squeezed forcefully, so sharing a hug or embrace wouldn't be enough to

Fig 3: She Equipment

3.2 ILA Security

The co-founders of this system, have designed three personal alarms that can
shock and disorient potential attackers and hence safeguard the victim from
perilous situations.
3.3 Aeshs (Advanced Electronics System for Human Safety)
Advanced electronics system that can detect the location and health condition of
a person, will enable us to take action accordingly. The project will be
developed that can detect the location and health condition of a person using
electronic gadgets like GPS receiver, GSM, pulse rate sensor, body temperature.
The Advanced Electronic System for Human Safety (AESHS) maintains
real-time status of all unit elements in the tactical combat zone. The GPS based
end-unit carried by a person is connected via Wrist unit to other network sharing
units. Implementation of the AESHS can be realised as part of the human
monitoring and alarm system (MAS) to provide automatic tracking, monitoring
and reporting of individual persons.
3.4 VithU App
VithU, is an emergency App that, at the click of the power button of your
smartphone 2 times consecutively, begins sending out alert messages every 2
minutes to your contacts that you feed into the app as the designated receivers
or guardians. The message says "I am in danger. I need help. Please follow my
location." The receiver will receive a link to your location every 2 minutes
giving them your updated location. Also, you will get updates on the Crime
Scene in India and a “Tips Feed” option exclusively giving you safety tips in an
emergency situation. This is an emergency app initiated by a popular Indian
crime television series “Gumrah” aired on Channel
3.5 Smart Belt
This system is designed with a portable device which resembles a normal belt. It
consists of an Arduino Board, screaming alarm and pressure sensors. When the
threshold of the pressure sensor crosses, the device will be activated
automatically. The screaming alarm unit will be activated and send sirens asking
for help.
3.6 ‘We’Rsafe
In this section, the key features of the ‘We’RSafe’ App are listed below, which
provides an overview of the system as well as explains why it is different from
and maintain
(1) The first time users have to register to the app by entering the basic details
of the user like Name, Phone no, Emailid, etc in the Signup Page.
(2) A one-time verification code will be send to the user’s email-account. Then,
the user will have to enter the verification code in order to complete the
registration process. Then, a message will be send to the user’s mobile number
for completing the registration successfully. The user now can access the main
features of the app.
(3) User will be able to manage their Emergency Contacts using the Add
Emergency Contacts option.
At emergency situations
(1) There is an Alarm Button. On pressing the alarm button, a police siren (a
shrill and loud noise) will be activated which will get the attention of nearby.
(2) There is an Emergency Call Button. On pressing that button an emergency
number will be autodialed
(3) There is a Panic Button. On pressing that button once, an alert message will
be send to the emergency contacts along with his/her current location. In case,
the user does not have an internet connection then only alert message will be
(4) There is an Available Hospitals and Police Stations Button. On pressing that
button, there will be two modes available, like offline mode and online mode. i.
The user can use the offline mode in case if the user does not have an internet
connection. On pressing this mode, it provides information about nearby police
stations and hospitals according to the fixed area-wise. ii. The user can use the
online mode in case, if the user has an internet connection. On pressing this
mode, it provides information to nearby police stations.
working of the app

Fig 7:Main page of app Fig 8:Calling an emergency number

Fig 9:List of areas is shown Fig 10: Hospitals and police stations

Fig 11:Available options of app Fig 12: Add\modify of app

Chapter 4

India is a country of great diversity accompanying varied culture, lifestyles,
languages and beliefs and states having different social and economic
development levels. It is a well-established fact that well being of community
depends upon the choices made by the people and granted by the authority.
Moreover, the essential prerequisites for quality
governance are that the system should be good and suited to theneeds,
aspirations, background and ethos of the people concerned and those selected
for system operating must be endowed with the character and competence and
motivated by the feeling of public service. However, in times by gone the
mechanism of service delivery of government departments left much to be
desired in India. Traditional governance is characterised by inherent evils like
inefficient working, discourteous dealing personnel, shabby surroundings, long
queues, greasing the palm(bribe), complex procedures, jam-packed spaces,
habitual absenteeism, procrastinating officials etc.[5] Table -1
refers to the main idea of Governance versus e-governance. The government in
India has been continuously endeavouring to provide citizen services in a
bettermanner. There have been several successful initiatives and many
noteworthy projects have been undertaken in
various states of India. Some of the successful initiatives are;Gyandoot, e-seva,
SETU and SUDA. The Government of Haryana has given a special emphasis on
implementing Mission Mode e-Governance Projects, identified under the
National e-Governance Plan(NeGP). The State is implementing, Common
Service Center(CSC) Scheme for establishing and operating 1159 rural CSCs
and 104 urban CSCs (including 49 Showcase CSCs)[3] under the state’s brand
name “e-Disha- Ekal Seva Kendras” for the dissemination of various services to
the under citizens i.e. G2C, B2Con a single window system, GOI scheme of
establishing one lakhCSCs across the country. Table 2 Reflects the various state
level implementations of e-governance of India .


e-Disha ESK (Ekal Seva Kendra : Common Service Centers) initiative of
Haryana Government is an effort towards creating a Citizen Services Network, a
way to take the governance to the citizens and hence make it available even at
the grass-root level. This is aimed to provide citizens access to information
about government services and processes, knowledge about the local best
practices and contents, and delivery of government services at their doorstep
[3]. The project e-Disha is an IT-driven electronic interface between the
government and the citizens that facilitates the general public to receive
effective and timely. The project e-Disha is an IT-driven electronic interface
between the government and the citizens that facilitates the general public
toreceive effective and timely services. e-Disha offers a wide spectrum of
citizen-friendly services to save them the bother of running around various
departments to avail different services.[7] Around 39 G2C services of
departments such as the Public Health & Engineering Fig 1. E-disha services
portal Department, RPO, city corporations/municipal offices, Road Transport,
Registration & Stamps, Revenue, Social Justice&Empowerment, District
Administration, and Health has been covered and one district level e-Disha
center has been established in district mini secretariats of Haryana in the first
phase. Figure 1 is representation of e�Disha various services available under
window scheme
III.Challenges to E-Disha
There are large numbers of potential barriers in the implementation of
e-governance. These can be Environmental, Geographical, Social Challenges,
Economical Challenges and Technical Challenges. Some hindrance in the path
of implementation, like security, unequal access to the computer technology
bythe citizen, high initial cost for setting up the e government solutions and
resistance to change[5]. Some of the reasons of failure of e-governance projects
and its challenges are:
• Problem of citizen’s access to the available information sources such as the
internet. The majorproblem ishelowrateofinternet connectivity, though price is
not a major hindrance in this context.
• E-government initiatives in India have gained momentum in the past decade
but citizen participation is missing in this sector.
• Language is one of the major barriers in implementation of G2C e-governance
projects in India. Dominance of English on the internet constrains the access of
non- English speaking population like Hindi and Punjabi [9].
• Cost, Illiteracy, lack of infrastructure, security and privacy of personal and
financial data are other constraints that hamper e-governance efforts.
• E-governance has also focused towards investment
in hardware and very little on developing software and services, which could
maximize hardware investments.
• Basically mindset of the people involved in the processes and the technical
problems involved in using Indian languages in IT sector are the major
impediments to e-governance in India.
• The recipient of information i.e. user is not allowed to have a participatory role
in the present system of Governance.
Chapter 5
India is a country of peace-loving and law-abiding citizens. It is a safe
destination for domestic and international tourists. However, like any other civil
society, there are aberrations, and a few persons break the law now and then. In
recent past, a few isolated incidents have been reported in India in which
women were sexually assaulted. There have been many cases where cab drivers,
taxi drivers or auto rickshaw drivers and other people have harassed, molested,
raped or tried to kidnap the women in the day today life. Many women are
afraid to be alone in work places and even in public places due to fear of being
harmed. This fear has been caused by repeated cases of violence towards
5.1 Drawbacks of the existing systems:
1. The systems are bulky and are not portable where in these cannot be carried
easily anywhere, any time.
2. Requires more hardware, which in turn increases the implementation cost.
3. The systems doesn’t provide a complete kit solution to the existing problem
4. As we can see above the entire systems are separated with each other and
lack the feature of one stop solution to problem of women safety
5. The main drawback of the applications and services is that the initial action
has to be triggered by the victim which often in situation like these doesn't
happen. So the emphasis is to build a solution that works autonomously in
situations encountered.
Also these existing technologies are not one stop solution to the existing
problem. Our project presents design and implementation of women safety
system which will ensure women safety by providing the one stop solution
using IoT.
5.2 Existing women problem
Women are the subject of exploitation inside and outside the home say whether
on roads, trains, cabs, schools etc. Women occupy almost half the globe. But
their survival has always been a question, when it comes to existence with
honour and dignity. Women’s empowerment in the country can be brought once
their safety and security is ensure, either it may be at home, publics places or
during travelling.
5.3Solution to the problem:
The level of security can be increased more by electronics assistance device
having portability that can be carried anywhere, which can track the location of
women , captures the image of culprit and makes the alert call to the registered
family numbers in times of danger The electronic gadget (project) is
implemented using Internet of Things (IoT) gadget will be used in the public
places such as malls, bus stands, offices etc. The description of the hardware’s
and the software tool required for making the women safer is given in the
further topics The major reference of our project is taken form the paper entitled
as “Smart Security Solution for Women based on Internet of Things (IOT)”
published (ICEEOT) 2016, the paper proposed has the major drawbacks as
follows: Not providing the defence application for the women to escape the
critical situation And also the proposed system lacks the feature capturing
image of the culprit Our project mainly focuses on providing the tolerable
electric shock to culprit that reduces the exited state and help women to escape
the critical situation, we also tend to implement the device that is triggered
without any manual aid e that provides safety for women in public places
transport vehicles such as cabs, taxi, bus, auto rickshaw and working places.
5.4 Objectives of project
The project aims to provide low cost IoT based solutions for women safety
which includes: Image capturing of culprit, this helps to find the culprit and
also serves as valid proof to make culprit guilty in the Indian Judicial courts
Making alert call via cloud ( Twilio ) to family alerting woman is in danger
Locating the position of women under danger Electric shock gadget for defence
to help women escape in critical situation
5.4.1 Advantages of Gadget over existing Technology
● Portable Can be easily carried any where
● Comfortable and Easy to Us
● Reduced cost
● wifi-Enabled
5.4.2 Working Approach
e-Disha has been evaluated using various aspects. It is expected that the time
bound service delivery will result in improving the efficiency of delivery of the
services and elimination of corruption and middlemen from the process. By
providing a wide range of services at a single window has helped in saving
citizens time and energy. e�Disha is also helping in integration of databases of
Government departments and organizations. This integration has also forced the
user departments to carry out process reengineering and standardization in
delivery of services. In addition to this, these centers are creating jobs in the
districts for the local youths and spreading the utility of Information Technology
among the masses. It is expected that it will help in improving the financial
health of District Red Cross / IT Societies. More efforts are needed to bring
rural people to this facility provided by e-governance.

[1] Bavec, Cene & Vintar, Mirko, "What Matters in the Development of the
E-Government in the EU Electronic Government".6thInternational Conference,
EGOV, Regensburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2007: Springer, pp. 424-435
[2] Unwin, Tim, ICT4D - Information and Communication Technology for
Development: Cambridge. Cambridge

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