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IKON ACTIVITY RESOURCE PACK Teacher's Guide Derek Strange Contents page 2 Description of the pack page 3 TheFlashcards page 4 The Picture cards page 4 TheDomino cards page 5 — Further activities, games, and projects to use with Chatterbox 1 page 12 Further activities, games, and projects to use with Chatterbox 2 page 19 Photocopyable activity sheets 2 Chatiernox Actvty Resource Pack Description of the pack The Chatterbox Activity Resource Pack contains materials and ideas for classroom games and activities based on the language presented and practised in Chatterbox 1 and 2. Use these ideas to supplement the many other games and practice activities you will find in the Chatterbox Teacher's Books. The pack consists of flashcards illustrating sixty-four vocabulary items from Chatterbox 1, and fourteen photocopyable activity sheets. ‘These photocopy masters are to be found on pp.19 to 32; they include thirty-six black and white illustrations from which children can make their own picture cards, and a set of twenty-four picture domino masters which can be stuck onto card and cut out to make Class sets. (Octord University Press, Greal Ciarenton Street, Cxfore OX2 6DP. xfer New York Athews Aucklené Banglok Bogols Bueras Ares Cape Town Chennai Der es Salaam Delhi Fioence Hong Keng Istanbul Karach Kokaia Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne: Maxco Cty Mumbél Natodi Paris S80 Paulo Sharghal Singapore Taipei Tekyo Teorto Warsaw with associated companiasin Bern Ibadan (OXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH ‘aro rade marks of Oxford Universy Press Ian 010 426060 1 © Oxtord University Press 1922 Fist published 1992 Tenth impression 2001 Al righis reserved, 'No part ofthis publication may be reproduced. stered in 2cetrieval system. or ransmitied, in any'iorm or by any means, electric, mechanical, photocopying, eeardina, or lherwise, without the prior wittan permission cf Oxford University Press, wth the sole exception ofthe photocopying caried fut unger the condiions described below. 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Indnidual purchase's may mace copies fr their own use or for lise by classes they teach, Schoo! purchasers may make copies for usa by ther staff and students but his permission does not extend to adctinal schools or branches, Inno circumstances may any part of his took be photocopied fo resale. ‘Tho orginal lutions for the pholoepyable shoots ao by Wilow. ‘Tho illustration for he flacheards, picture cate, and dome cart ara taken trom Chattrbox Aatnity Books 1 and 2 ‘Typeset by Oxiord Universiy Press, Gxlore Printagin Hoag Kong Teacher's Guide 3 Flasheards “The flashcerds help to present end practise vocabulary imtreduced in evel 1 of Chatterbox. They are grouped and colour-caded by topic into these sets (the number in brackets refers to the unit in Chatterbox ¢ in which the ‘vocabulary item fist appears): People woman (8) man (6) twins (3) detective (6) robber (7) monster (AB7) Places park(12) shop (13) supermarket (13) bank (9) ccal6 (6) cinema (13) 200(8) Transport aeroplane (4) bicycle (4) boat (4) bus (13) taxi (19) Toys ball (4) doll(4) kite (4) balloon (4) calculator (6) rope (13) Animale: elephant (3} duck (1) giraffe (2) dog (6) monkey (9) snake (9) fon (9) hippo (5) parrot (11) Food apple (3) banana (11) orange(3) nizza(13) icecream (3) eheeclates (13) Adjectives ‘big (6) small(6) tall(@) shor (7) sad (8) happy (6) Common objects cervelope(4) telephone (8). television (6) cempucer (4) letier (7) map (8) comic (6) newspaper (10) urrbralla (3) basket (13) money (4) Clothes shoes (10) socks (10) ircusors (11) skirt (10) blouse (10) shit (10) cost (10) hat (12) Using the flashcards Teaching vocabulary To present vocabulary, hold up individual cards, saying the word cleaty two or three times while the pupils listen. Thoy thon repeat tho word severel tmes ater you, For further practice or revision of vocabulary use some of the following ectvitoe: Listen and point Put the flashcarcs up in a row at the frort of the clas, Pupils isten and point tothe picture oF the wore you say. Word race Flash up inéivdual carcs and get pupils to say the word without a verbal prompt. The pupil who cays the word fret wins the cara, Mystery card A variation of the previous actly is to cover the card with plain sheet of paper as you hold itup, then remave the covering shoot litle by Itle to reveal the picture. eel The fist pupil to identfy the picture and give the correct word wins the card, Show me the word Give out a set of cards to individual pupis. Pupis listen and hold up their card when they hear you say the word forit. ‘Altornativaly,eay the words forall tho earls in the set except ore. The pupilwith the missing card roids it up and the class supply the corresponding word. Remember the sequence Show a sequence of fashcards, dling the word for each crcl two or three times. Then give the sere sequence again, but this ime miss one or two words out. The pupils supply the missing words. Remove more and more words fram the soquonce, unt! pupile remomber the whcle set Listen and do Using a selected set of fasheards, give insuctiors to the pupils, eg. Touch the duck, Give the elephant bel 4__Chatiervox Activity Resource Pack Development towards reading and writing ‘When the pupils are familar with the pronunciation and meaning of the new words, put the flashcards on tho: board and write the words undemeath. Alternatively, ‘word cards can be made to go with the picture flashcards, Drill the words, then use some af the folowing practice acivities: Find your word Give out he selectec peture flashcards and wate the ‘words on the board. Punils bring their flashcards tothe board and metch them wih the conect werd, Word and picture match Jumble the flashcards, stick them en the board and number them. Put up the writen ivords na ciferent order where athe pupils can easly see them. Pupils find and ‘copy the words inthe same order ee the numbered fleshcercs on the boar. First letters Put large alohabet cards around the racm. Hold up one ‘of the picture ilasheards. Pupils race fo touch the letter of the alphabet which is the first letter of the word ilustiated on the flashcard Find your family ‘Arrange selected flashcards into groups of words boginning with the same lator, 0g. bank, boat, and banana; comic, computer and cafe; dot, detective, and luck, Give one of these cards to each pupil. The whole class then circulates to find and jpin ther ‘tary’ of words beginning with the same letter Whispers relay Pupis stand ina ine, facing te board. Snow ine last uot in the line a card. Pupils then whisper the word uD tho Ine to the frst person, who writes up the frtlotor of the word (othe whole word) on the board, The game can bbe played with teams who compete to be the firstto write Up the letter or word correctly The picture cards ‘There are three pages of small picture card masters in thase notes (pp.18- 21). They can be photecapied, coloured in by the pupils, stuck onto card, and then cut up to make multipie sets of cards for pupils o use in games played in groups o” pairs. Some of the games suggested above can be adapted to play in smaler {groups or pairs using tne small pcture cards instead ct the flashcards. Other vecabulary games to play with the small picture cards are: Srapt Organization: pas (Materials: one set of selected cards per player Each payer has the same sel of selecied cards which are wel-shultled, The players place their sets of cards faco-down in a pila in front of them. Pupiss take tue to um over ona card (rom the top oF their pile and place I lace-up in a separate ple in he centre cf the table. AS each card is turned over, the pupil names the picture. bath players have the same picture showing inthe centre atthe same time, the frst one to shout ‘Snep'' wins both piles of cards in the carire, The pupil who evertually has, allthe cards, wires the game. Pelmaniom Organization: smat groups Materials: two sets of about ten selected cards for each group Select wo copios of each of tha cards to be practised! ‘and shuffle them together. Spread them all ut, face down cn the table. Pupiss take tums to turn over two at the cards, naming each picture. IF the two cards are the ‘same, the pupl wire the pair. 1! the wo pictures are not the same, they must be tuined face-down again for he ‘next pupil to teke a turn. Pupils must try to remember oxactly whore oach picture ie, to beable to turn ovor and name a pair. When there areno caruslelt on the table, the pupil with fe most cards in his/her pile is the winner eS ( 4) ? a) | a) Ee Variation: make a word card to go vith each picture care. Pupils try to remember where matching pairs ol ward and picture carcs are on the table, Bring me a Organization: teams Matericls: one set of the same selected cards for each team Pupils in teers are grouped around a selection of cards, spread out face-up on ther table Call out Bring me a (boat)! The first oupilte bring the right card to the teacher wins @ point forhisiher tear, Alphabet relay race Organization: teams ‘Materials: one set ofthe same cerds 10 practise selected letters of the alphabet, for each team: large shee's of paper Selecta few letters ofthe alphabet to be practised and ‘ck largo choots of paper, cach showinga diffrent letter, acund the roan, Pupils in teams are grouped around a seleotion of cards, face-dovn ina pie, for words beginnng with the letars to be practiced. Each team has the same selecton of cards, shuffled. Sait the race. Fupils n each teem take turns to tun over the too ‘card nthe pil, take it quisly to the right later on the ‘wall, return tothe team and touch the next member of the ‘team, who repeats the process with the next card trom the team’s pile. The winning team is the one that first placse all thor cards undor tho correct laters of the alphabet Card collecting Organization: whole class Materials: 3-4 sets of selected cards for vocabulary to be practised Solect and shuts the cards, Orally, gve each pupil the name of a leter of he alphabet — tne frst letter of one of the words being practised. Give out all the cards to the pupis, atrandom, co that oach pupil starts with the same number cf cards. The pupils then circulate for a given time, collecting from each other as many cards as possibio for words beginning with ther letter. Word lotto Organization: whole class Materials: four cards per pupit Give out four cards trom ine selecied set of words to be practised tc each pupil, who spreads the cards out lace- upon the desk. Make cure that no pupils two of the same card. Say fe vod forany of the pictures, a random. I pup! has the ight pioture for that vird, helshe tuins the card over. The frst pupl to finish turning ver allfour ofhis/her cards is the winner Varition: Instead of saying tne words for the pictures, hold up the flashards, Pupils cal out the word forthe llashcard onlyf they have the same picture in front of them on therr desk. I they are righ, they can turn aver that card. If they call ou when thay have rot got the same picture in thee sot, give thom an extra emall pioture card to add to thelr set, making itmore difficult for them ‘ofinsh. Alphabet chain Organization: large groups. feams or whole class Metorials: one cera per pusil Givo out ono card to each pupilin the group or toam. Teacher's Guide 5 Choose cards for words beginning wih as mary difierert letters of the alphabet as possible. Pupils race to arrange themselves in alphabetical order accorang to te trst letter of the word for ther card, Lip-reading Organization: groups or teams Materials: The seme set of about ten selected cards for each team Pupits spread out their set cf cards face-up on a lable. Stand at the fron of the class and mouth one of the words silent. Pups musi try to ip-ead the word yeu are saying and hold up the rightcard for i. Correct ‘readings score points. Pupils can later take over the mouthng of the words for hair own toams ta Ip-read. The picture domino cards On pp.22 and 23 of these notes you wil find hotocapyable masters for 24 picture damino cards. Photocopy sets of these for pars to colaur in, mount en card, and out out Dominoes: Organization: pairs Materials: one set of domino cards for each pair Pupils shuttle and place the caids face-down on the table Fach player then takes sevan of tha eaide anc) locks at them, without showing hisiher partner. The remaining car¢s are placed tace-down ina pile. The frst player starts by placing one card face-up in the middle of the desk, naming both pictures. The rext player must place a matching picture next to either ol the two pictures ‘on the frst card, and again name both pictures on the naw card. [Fa pupil cannot match a card, ho/sho must take another card fom ihe pile. Fupils take turns to ry to add one of ther cards to the picture chain, The player \who is the frst io use all of hishher carci fs the winner | o/a1a) a 6 He Tse il 6 Chatterbox Activty Rescurce Pack Further activities, games, and projects to use with Chatterbox 1 Unit 1 Puppets (Organization: whole class ‘Material: one photocopy of exch of the two Puppet cutines on po.24-25 for every pupil Senne Pua oa ata dene and cut around them carefully with scissors. They then gue any long, flat piece of wood (e.g an icecraam stick) Ss oe Sore 3 = ae <7 (Bue a Cag (eey ASL Ny, Si { ww Pupils keep ther puppets and use tern for dialogue practice throughout the course ‘The invisible alphabet Organtation: whole class and pairs Materials: rove Domonetrato by drawing the shape of any ofthe small letters of the alphabet in the alr, with your finger. Pupils must name the etter. They then sit side by side and take tums ta draw diferent lottrs in the air for each other in the same way, ‘What's your name? Organeation: wnole class ‘Materials: Blackboard, paper, pens On the board draw a blank arid with numbers down the side Pupils copy the grid ancifil in the names of the My class 1. | Maria 2.) Anna 3.| George 4! Mark 5.| Michael 6. upils in the class. They do this by circulating and lacking each other: What's your name? Pupils answer by speling out their name, using the English names for the alohatet: My name's Maria, m-@-r-i-a. What's your name? ‘They find out and wrie in ne names of ther clessmates one by one on the arid, adding ther own name to the end of the ist ‘The alphabet song: a concert Organization: whole class or groups ‘Materials: musical instruments; ths, plastic botties. cried peas. beans or rice ‘The ‘a..b..c. song, and al the other songs in later units ‘of tho coureo, can be practised with any simple musical instruments which the pupils know how to play and can bring with them fo cless. Alternatively, pupils could make thair own simple musical nstrumonis: drums from largo tirs,ralles or shakers from smaller tins oF plastic bottles halt-illed with dred beans, peas orrice, and cymbals from largartinlids. etc. Many ofthe sangs can also be ‘dramatized with actions and mime. Encourage pupis 10 ‘suggest and develop their own ideas. Unit 2 Wall dictionary Organization: whole class ‘Materials: paper, bu-tack, colour magazines, pens Put up laige sheets of paper an the wal, headed with one cr two letters of fhe alohabet ~the alphabetical wordlist at tho back of the Teacher's Bcok shows whichletters have alotof words and wil need more space, anc which ores will eed less space. The pictures for the wal cictionary can ba cut out of magazines, brcughtin by pupils from heme, or they can be dawn and labelled by the pupils themselves. The resut willbe a gradually developing ccdllage of pictures anc new words. updated every week or two with new toms, ‘Language puzzle’ oxtension Organization: whole class ‘Materials: one sfp of neper for each pupil Give each pupil sip of paper with either the beginning forthe end of one af the puzzle sentences writen on it Pupiss circulate and fin the other half of their sentence. ‘Tris geme can also be played wth the Read and match puzzle in Unit 6 Later, studente can rrako their own eplt sentences fort (lass to mach. Teacher's Guide 7 Unit 3 Knock, knock! Organization: whole class/pairs Materials: nore Knork sharply and clearly on the desk any number of times between 1 and 10. Pupiss Isten and call ut me ‘number of knocks they heve heard, They then continue the game in pairs ‘a! or ‘an’? Sit or stand? Organization: whole class Matenals: none Callout ine word for any of the objects students can identify from the course so far. Mx up words whch ‘ake '@ and thoes which tako ‘an’ The pupil cit and licton. I they think the word! should take ‘an, they stand up; they think ittakes a’, heyrmust slay siting, These who stand or stay siting wrongly are ‘out’. Go faster end faster util there is only one pup eft it Note: the new words cn then be added to the ‘Wall dictionary’ with the appropriate aticle Make a telephone Organization: pairs ‘Materials. sal! ns, strng ‘Ask pupils toring ffom home ane emply hot chocolate, or coffee tin. They (or their parents) should already have made a small hoe in the bottom ofthe tin with @ harnrror and nal Give each pair of pupils a two-metre length of string, They then thread one end ofthe string each through the hele in the botom of their fin ang pullit up through the ‘pen endl, They then tie stiong knot at each end, 10 stop the string from baina pulled back through the holes. Inpirs, pupils pull he string tight kotweon thoir two lelephones. Pupils use ther telephones for simple conversations in this end later units. They can use their own, home telephone number, or else rrake up a number, and practice the telephone dialogues showin on PA p.12 Unit 4 Birthday cards Organization: incvidval pupis Materials: card, coloured pens Pupils design and colour their own birthday cards for their friends or members ot ther families who are soon having bithdeys, and write he HAPPY BIRTHDAY" mossage inside in English. Find the fives Organization: pars Materials: pen and paper Pupils draw a grid of six squares across and six down. ‘They pul the letters Ato F across the squares at the top and the numbers 1 to 6 nextto the squares down the side. They then hide five number 5s in any five squares oF ‘heir gid, without showing their partner. ABC mDivsEiyeh: Ce 5 Pupils take tums to call out equate references for each others grids (es shonn for the game on PEI p."6), end try ofind each other's hidden number 5s, ‘The first pupil to find al five of Fisher partner's hidden numbers wins the game. The game cen be extended ky asking pupils to draw grids of ten squares across and doivn, and to hide all fe numbers from 1 to 10 in the squaros, Jigsaw sontene Organization: pairsigroups ‘Materials: photocopied sentences Use this antvty 2s an extension to the language puzzles on PB1 p.15 and PB1 p43. Write out thre@ or four simple sentences (questons or statemerts). Make enough photccoples for each group to have one set of the sentences. Cut up the words and punctuation marks for each sentence into seperate smal slpa of paper. Give cach group one set of sips of paper to reconstruct one: sentence at a tme, ocssiby as an inter-aroup race. Later. pupils. can make their own jigsaw sentences for each ‘ther fo complete in pairs or groups. 8 Chatterton Activity Resource Pack Unit 5 Our class Organization: whole class/pars Matonas: phoiogranhs, glue, paper, coloured pons Ask your class to bring ina photograph of themselves, which they stick onto alarge poster-sized sheet of paper. Each pupil hen wntes a small speech bubble for himihersef, tke those on PB1 p.17. Pupils thenadd a hort lade! to go alongside thoir partner's photograph Ths is. She'sHes Unit 6 mystery picture (Organization: vinole ciass/teams Materials: magazine pictures or pictures from pp.19 to 21; envelopes, scissors Cut out pictures from magazines, showing any of tho ‘objects for which the pupils now know the wards in English. (Alterratively, selected picture cards for the objects cauld be photocopied from pp.19 to 21 of hase notes ) Put each picture in an envelope and cut one or ‘va small hoes in the trent ofthe envelope. Number the envelopes and pass them round the class in orcer. Pupils ‘must guose what the pictures inside the envelopes show. ‘This can be played as an entertaining game between two teams ~team members have to agree among themselves hat the party-hiddon pictures show. Onee you have shown your class what fo Go, you could repeat the activity later in the course, but this time pupls make ther own mystery pictures, Unit 7 Wanted posters Organization: pairs Materials: lage sheets of paper (Ona large sheet of paper, oupils write a short description

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