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The era was――the future.

An age when mankind had begun spreading out through the cosmos.
The universe was smouldering with a flame which still hadn't gone out.
A few months had already passed since the decisive battle that had come to be called the 2nd Battle of Cordelia
Having triumphed, Cordelia had displayed an attitude that even came across as sympathetic towards the Neo Terras
(who had arbitrarily opened hostilities), and immediately entered into a peace treaty. Then, they had done an about-
face, and declared neutrality towards the Neo Terras and the New Solars.
They had made it clear to all humanity that they would not belong to either of the established military powers
which split society in two, and that they intended to be a third power in both name and reality.
That had given everybody presentiments of the arrival of fresh chaos in the Milky Way, and the coming of a new
era in the near future.
The central figure of that was Maya Cordelia, who had succeeded her late father to become the 52nd Generation
Grand Duchess of Cordelia.
And then there was the Pride of Cordelia, Alicia Viewstroem, who had continued to support Maya officially and
personally, who was feared by her enemies as the Onihime, and revered by her allies as a valkyrie.
However, there was no one who knew the truth about them.
Or, who it was that was truly guiding Cordelia——
﹁ Kuku, if you waddle too much, they'll find out what's beneath your cloak, Cordelia's perverted Onihime-sama. ﹂

﹁ Ah...... I'll kill you! R, remember that...... Haahaah...... nnh uuuuh...
Alicia said, trying to suppress the pleasure that assailed her entire body as she staggered along behind Donny
Bogan, rubbing both legs together.
﹁ Haha! That prostitute who just passed us turned her head because of your pungent semen stench! Look! All the
citizens are looking at you! Respond to them with a smile! ﹂
﹁ ﹂
I, I'm not going to make...... kuhaaah...... a, a smiling face at the scum of Tabit...... uuu...
This place was Cordelia's Tabit District. It was the foremost red-light district on the outer rim of the solar system,
and it was now an area under Bogan's control.
﹁ H, how many times are you going to...... bring me to a repulsive place like this before you're satisfied? ﹂
Alicia scowled at Bogan with eyes that were mixed between pleasure and hatred.
She was wearing her military uniform, which had been soiled by a large amount of sticky cum that Bogan had
ejaculated himself, and was walking with several vibrators stuffed into her genitals, connected to cables that stretched
from some devices attached to her thighs. Her appearance especially gleamed with obscenity in this lust-filled district.
No one would think that this perverted woman―who was wiggling her hips obscenely and emitting love juices, with
her nipples hard and stiff, and her military uniform, which was admired by the people of Cordelia, covered in
cum―was the country's Onihime.
﹁ Fufu, the truth is, you've been looking forward to being brought here, haven't you? After all, since we're in this
district, there'll be no problem, no matter how much you expose your true nature as a pig bitch, right? ﹂
﹁ S, shut up, shut up...... Ah, I'll definitely make you regret...... uuu, putting these on my body...... E, enemy of
Maya――Hih, ahih, hahiiiiii! ﹂
Unable to jeer at Bogan all the way to the end, Alicia had made a slovenly getting-off face and crouched down on the
Counting from this morning, the lung genitalization remodelling that Bogan had performed on Alicia, which
conferred pleasure just from breathing, had brought about dozens—no, hundreds of climaxes.
﹁ What's wrong? The perverted Onihime-sama can't walk anymore? ﹂
﹁ Haa, haa...... haa...... Ah, I...... kuh, w, won't lose...... f, for Maya's sake...... uuh, uu...... kuu...

  Alicia stood up, while clenching her teeth and making her entire body twitch.
﹁ It really was the right call not to brainwash you completely, unlike Maya. However, you want to be teased under the
pretence of protecting Maya, do you not? After all, now that you've been dumped by your boyfriend, I'm the only one
who can satisfy your carnal desires, right? Fufufu. ﹂
﹁ Don't screw around! Kuuh, th, there's no way I would be like that! I, I just want to protect Maya! ﹂
  Alicia said to Bogan, while holding onto her body (which had just finished climaxing) with both hands.
﹁ Even though Maya herself wants to be impregnated by me more than anything, right? ﹂
﹁ That's because! Kuu, because you filthy bastard broke Maya's mind......... That's why, no matter what happens......... I
will protect Maya! My precious Maya! ﹂

009 008


 Contrary to her noble intention to try and protect Maya——whose body, and even mind, had been extensively
remodelled; in whom not even a bit of her original reason or whatnot remained; who had now been reduced to
Bogan's flesh puppet——Alicia's face was steeped in desire that she had no way to hide.
 No matter what Alicia herself thought, her mind and body, which had continued to be trained and remodelled,
was starting to accept the masochistic pleasure. That was deeper-rooted because she had the righteous justification of
protecting Maya.
「Donny Bogan...... Kuh, I, I'll have you keep your promise...... hiikuh...」
「Yeah. I'll refrain from knocking up Maya. In exchange......」
「Don't say it! I know! That's why I'm doing what you tell me, like this......! Hiaah...... kuh...... Following your
perverted orders, as you wish...... uu...... aaah...」
 Waves of ecstasy seemed to have assailed her again while she was talking. Alicia's face contorted into a pained
expression, and her semen-covered body began shaking.
「In that case, shall I have you take off your cloak and roll your skirt up right here? Show the guys here your sow
pussy, holding plenty of vibrators inside it.」
「Wh, what?!! Th, there's no way...... I could do something like......」
「I can impregnate Maya, then? Mmm?」
「Kuh...... I, I...... can do it...... I'll do it...... Uuuh, if, if it's to protect...... Maya...... Uuuh, if it's for Maya's sake...... I'll
endure any humiliation...... hah, hah, haah......」
 Perhaps because she was trying to at least hold back from orgasming, Alicia audibly ground her teeth as she
placed a shaking hand on the hem of her skirt.
 Conversely, that moment, Bogan thrust his hand up her skirt, and forcefully pushed the vibrators into her vagina.
 A wretched orgasmic voice, which seemed to echo through the street, had burst out of Alicia's throat.
 Alicia's body stiffened on its tiptoes, and love juices flooded out like a water fountain from the gaps between the
vibrators that were crammed into her vagina, soaking the ground.
「No way! Hahahaha!!! Let's stop before this gets to the media or whatever, and becomes a scandal. Hey! Walk
quickly, pig bitch!!!」
「Hihaah...... Sh, shiid...... I won'd forgive youu...... Absolutely...... Absholudely...... won'd fohgive youuuu......」
 Though Alicia yelled at Bogan (who laughed loudly as he ordered that) with a voice that had become inarticulate,
she had no choice but to keep tottering along with him.
 The place that the pair eventually reached was the 『Shangri-La』, which was considered the finest-class brothel
in Tabit.
 It was a paradise of lust, which people such as royals, nobles and government officials visited (regardless of
whether they were Neo Terran, New Solar or Cordelian) for the purpose of satisfying almost every possible wicked
desire a human being could conceive.
 Taking along Alicia, who had become unable to even stand on her own anymore, Bogan opened the door to a
special VIP room at the very back of the establishment.
 The arrangements for a party were already taken care of.
 Welcoming the pair in were some influential people of Tabit district, and———
「Goshujin-sama! And Hime Nee-sama! Welcome!」
 The eyes of Alicia, who had been gasping and having repeated climaxes, opened wide. Standing there was Maya
Cordelia herself.
 She had a steel collar on, and all she was wearing on her body were black leather panties. The number 『13』
had been tattooed on her naked breast, like a cow on a ranch. Her pink nipples were hard and stiff, and the golden
piercings that had been set into them were shining bewitchingly.
 Being surrounded by naked men with thriving cocks, and rather proudly sending them depraved, flirtatious
looks, her appearance was the very image of a whore.
「M, Maya......」
「Hime Nee-sama, you were pretty late, you know? I got tired of waiting, ufufu.」
 Maya said, making the eyes of a dog bitch in heat.
「Looks like everything's ready, then, Maya.」
「Yes, Goshujin-sama. I've made the cocks of the guests from Tabit erect. Everyone wants me, and precum has been
spurting out for a while! Ufufu!」

011 010

 Maya reached a hand out to one of the throbbing meat poles, then scooped up the slimy, raw-smelling juices that
oozed out from the tip with her fingers, and brought them to her mouth.
「Chupu, nnh...... Rerorero, ahh, delicious. Goshujin-sama, please let Maya get covered in everyone's cock juice
 Maya wiggled her hips obscenely as she noisily licked up the male precum. Love juices were flowing out from her
damp leather panties, and dripping down her flushed thighs. Alicia just stared at that, dumbfounded.
「Alicia, it looks like you have no words for Maya's appearance, huh?」
「Y, you bastaaarrrd!!! Donny Bogan!!!」
 With Maya's completely changed appearance in front of her eyes, Alicia tried to grab hold of Bogan.
 However, because strength would no longer fill her limbs due to the repeated orgasms, it wasn't much different
from sluttishly draping herself around him.
「I did promise not to make her pregnant, but I never promised not to make her work in a brothel, did I?」
 Bogan said, while half-jokingly groping Alicia's body, which he held up with his arms.
「Y, you think deceptive logic like that...... uuh, w, would be understandable......? S, stop......! Don't touch my body......
ah, nnh...」
 Being teased by Bogan, Alicia made her twitching body wiggle back and forth obscenely as Maya watched.
「Ahaa, Hime Nee-sama is feeling it, huh? Hime Nee-sama's getting-off face is really pretty. Your entire body is
gooey with semen. I want my body to be covered in semen right away, too!」
「D, don't look...... Mmm, Maya...... Don't look at me...... aunn, like this...... hiah, ah, aannh...」
「If she couples with that many men, Maya will definitely get pregnant, won't she? Which means that the reborn
Grand Duchess of Cordelia will carry a man's child without even knowing whose it is.」
「Y, you can't! Something like that is absolutely off-limits, Donny Bogan. I will absolutely not allow you, t, t, to make
Maya, ahh, pregnannnd!」
 Despite making her articulation strange from the pleasure, Alicia desperately complained on Maya's behalf.
「Isn't that admirable? Still, I am not an oni. If you say you'll get pregnant and bear my child, I'll put an end to Maya
being a prostitute.」
「Wh, d, don't screw with me! To get pregnant with the child of a worm like you―――」
 Alicia almost reflexively refused.
「Maya, how about you? Do you want to get pregnant with my child?」
 Bogan asked Maya, on the other hand, while pulling on one of her nipple piercings, and
「Yes, I want to get pregnant! Aaannh, I wanna get pregnant, I wanna be fertilized by Goshujin-sama's semennn!
Aaanh, I wanna give birth to a cute babyyy!」
 While wiggling her body back and forth from the pleasure of having her nipple pulled upwards, Maya made her
cheeks blush like a little girl in love.
「She looks quite keen on it herself, doesn't she?」
 Bogan said theatrically, and Alicia took back the words she had said a moment earlier.
「I, I'll do it! I can get pregnant, okay?! I'll get pregnant with your child! I'll give birth to it! So, so, Maya, Maya......」
 Another one of Alicia's strong barriers had crumbled under the pretence of protecting Maya. Bogan chuckled,
while seething with dark lust.
「Okay, inject yourself with this drug. You've heard of it, right? It's Critical Baby, a wonder drug in fertility
treatment. This boosts the success rate by 100 times. I couldn't use it on a normal person, but it's just right for you,
since you've been thoroughly remodelled.」
「Kuuhh...... Un, understood......」
 Alicia's face, which was flushed from the pleasure, contorted painfully due to humiliation that was probably
crueller than death.
「That's good, isn't it, Maya? It seems Hime Nee-sama is going to become pregnant for your sake.」
 Bogan said to Maya, giving her nipple piercing a few tugs.
「Hyaaah!! I'm happy, for Hime Nee-sama to get knocked up from Goshujin-sama's semen on Maya's behalf! Aaanh,
I'm gonna cum, just from imagining it! Gonna cum, imagining Hime Nee-sama's swollen bellyyyy!」
「Uuu...... Maya......」
 Holding back tears at the sight of Maya, who exposed her shameful ecstasy without any pride as the Grand
Duchess of Cordelia, Alicia injected the fertilization enhancement drug into her own body.

013 012


「Now, we have a little time before Alicia's medicine takes effect. Maya, amuse us until then.」
「Certainly, Goshujin-sama. Now that I know Hime Nee-sama is going to get pregnant after this, I can't hold back
「Maya, what are you saying?!」
「Aha, you're silly, Hime Nee-sama. It's been decided, hasn't it? Starting now, Maya is going to be violated by these
「Th, that's...!」
 Maya faced the shocked Alicia, and made the smile of a completely degraded doggy bitch.
「I don't have to get pregnant, you know? No matter how much I've been creampied, I'll be safe as long as I take
some medicine afterwards. But Hime Nee-sama is now certain to get knocked up. Aaanh, I'm so jealous!」
「That's how it is. Alicia, this means that you're the only one who'll get pregnant.」
「Aaah, Mayaaa......」
 Alicia finally became unable to bear it, and fell to her knees on the spot.
「Ufufu, Hime Nee-sama, please feel nice and horny from Maya's ahegao, and make sure to get pregnant from
Goshujin-sama's semen, okay?」
 Maya said, bluntly. Then, without even trying to listen for Alicia's reply anymore, she gleefully plunged into the
crowd of men who were awaiting Maya, Grand Duchess-cum-prostitute.
「Ah haaannh! Okyaku-sama, sorry I've kept you waitinnng!」
 Her eyes gleaming with wicked desire, Maya exposed her body to the lowly men who had bought her for money.
「Yeah, we got sick of waiting. 'Cause of that, we're gonna rape you a lot, Maya Hime-sama!」
 Competing to be first, the men, who had erect meat poles, grabbed hold of the bitch's body, which had matured so
much that it didn't seem like that of Maya the Grand Duchess.
「Yeeessss! Please tease Pervert Whore Grand Duchess Maya with her customers' perverted cocks! Maya will
service them using her mouth, pussy, ass, all of her slut holes!」
 Maya's plump lips had breathed out particularly indecent words.
「For Maya to say those sort of words, making a face like that...... uuuh...」
 Alicia made a sorrowful groan, but it no longer reached Maya's ears.
 And then, Maya parted her lips (which hadn't even known a kiss with someone she loved before she underwent
Bogan's training), and tangled tongues with a man she didn't know.
「Nnberoh, juru nnh, bujurubujuruu uuu, jurujuruuu...」
「Kuku, looks like Maya-sama likes kissing.」
「Yessh, Maya loves dirty tongue kisshesh! Please let me drink lots of stinky, gooey shaliva! Before the cock juices,
Maya wants you to dirty her mouth a lot...... njuru, nnh, gokugokugohyun...」
 Maya obscenely wiggled her pretty, pink-coloured tongue like a slug, and slurped up the saliva that the dirty men
spit out like it was truly delicious.
 Her throat, which had a sturdy collar on it, audibly gulped, and every time it did, Maya's noble face slackened
「Stop...... Please stop, Maya!」
「Hime Nee-sama, why are you making a face like that? Even though Maya is so happy right now... Hora, please
look! There are sooo many stiff, hard cocks♪」
 Maya, who had glanced at Alicia for a mere moment, licked her lips due to the meat poles that had been stuck out
at her, then picked one with a particularly swollen glans and started stroking it with both hands.
「Aaanh, awesome, an erect cock, throbbing in my hands, mmm...」
 Maya's long, slender fingers were wrapping firmly around the meat pole, which was oozing wet with precum, and
stroking it up and down. Lewd juices flowed out from the glans, which had opened its mouth wide, and dirtied her
pure-white hands.
「Haah, haah haanh, does the perverted Grand Duchess's handjob feel good? Hey, does Maya's hand pussy feel
「Yeah, it feels like my cock's being pulled off! Here's a reward, nympho Ohime-sama.」
 The man who was having his towering meat pole stroked made his hips twitch as he grabbed hold of one of
Maya's jiggling breasts. He kneaded her heaving breast flesh, and noisily sucked on her pierced nipple.
「Aaaannh, my boobs feel goooood! More, do it even harderrr!」

015 014


「Heh heh, you've got cow-like tits! Even having piercings like these... Aren't you embarrassed? Eh? How about it?」
「Ih, it's embarrassinnng, having piercings like these... Making them such perverted tits, ah, ah aannh, it's really
embarrassing, ohhhh...」
「This pervert is feeling it, even while she's saying something like that!」
 As he sucked on one of Maya's nipples, the man now hooked his finger inside the piercing on her other nipple
and pulled as hard as he could.
「Hehyaaaaaaahh, b, boob gettin streeeetched! Pull id morrrre! It's okay if you rip my nipple off, sooo, please tease
Pervert Maya's piershed boooobsh!!」
 Maya's hips spasmed as she panted shamefully, and she nearly crumpled down, just like that.
「Hey! It's still too early to sit down!」
 Another man, who had been creeping his tongue along Maya's thigh, spanked her twitching ass with all his might.
 A high-pitched smacking noise resounded, along with a slutty voice which was even higher than that, and Maya's
body, which had nearly sunk down to the floor due to the pleasure of having her nipples teased, jerked as if it had
been struck by an electric current.
「Y, you bastarrrrd! What are you doing to Maya?!!」
「Can't you tell by looking? I'm giving Grand Duchess Maya-sama's noble ass a spank!!」
 Sneering at Alicia, who raised a voice of anger, the man repeatedly spanked Maya's buttock.
「Hohii! Ihh! Hahiinh!! Being spanked, m, my ass is being shpanked!」
 Maya's fleshy buttock turned bright red in the blink of an eye because of the man's palm, which was swung down
with all his might. Every time she was spanked, Maya made a fawning whine that was mixed between pain and
「What's with that voice?! Does having your ass spanked feel good?!!」
「Nhii! Ih, it feehs goood! Ahih iiinh! I, I've nevah been spanked, even by Tou-sama! Aah, feels good, spank me,
spank meee, spank me mooore!!」
「To get off from having your ass spanked... You're a genuine pervert, aren't you?! Don't you feel sorry for your
people, who don't know anything?」
「Ah, Ah'm shorreeeh, I'm sorry thah I'm a pervert who getsh off havin her ass shpannnked! But, buuht, since I am a
perverrt, a hopeless perverrt, I feel it so much from mah ass bein spannnked!!」
 It was obvious to anyone's eyes that Maya was trying to get off even further by breathing out self-deprecating
「Ish id bad thah I'm a perverrrrt?! The people don know, bud am I, the Grand Duchess of Cordelia, bad for bein a
huge pervert who really loves embarrassing and painful thiiings?!!」
 The men surrounding Maya grinned.
「You're really wonderful. Our Maya Hime-sama isn't bad. We like perverted Maya-sama!」
「Is, ish thah truue?! Aaanh, I'm happy! I love all the customers here! I like you far, far more, hahiiih, than the
ignorant citizens of Cordeliaaaaa!!」
「Maya...... P, please stop...... already...」
 Alicia felt crushed due to the sight of Maya, who, in the end, had even started to show contempt for her citizens,
for the sake of her own pleasure.
 And so, no matter how much Alicia (whom she had once loved and respected more than anyone) despaired, the
sexual service of Maya, whose mind and body had now been completely eaten away by wretched pleasure, was never
going to stop.
「Ah hahaaannhh, everyooone! Please rape Mega-Pervert Grand Duchess Maya's nympho bitch holes a lot, with
everyone's super-thick coooocks!」
 The thoroughly degraded Maya said, stripping off her black panties by herself. And then, before she could even
finish saying all her words, the men's furious meat poles penetrated Maya's female holes.
「I get Maya-sama's number-one pussy!」
「Hah hiiiiinnnh!! Cock, a super-thick cock arriiived! Went into Maya's bitch hoooole!!」
 A noticeably large meat pole had spread Maya's vaginal opening out wide, and thrust to the deepest depths of her
vagina in a single stroke.
 As if it were a matter of course, Maya raised a scream of climax, becoming horny and spewing out lots of the
gooey, perverted juices that had accumulated inside her vagina.
「Ahiiih, hiiinh, f, feelsh gooood, cock going into my pussy, why doesh it feel so goooood?!」

017 016


「Maya Hime-sama wants me to rape her ass pussy at the same time, right?」
「Yeh, yesssh, please rape my ass pusshy ad the same tiiiime! I, I love having, my slovenly bitch holes, pounded bah
two cocksh at onnnnce!!」
 Maya tightened up on the meat pole, which had been snugly inserted to the hilt, with the entrance of her vagina,
and at the same time, her anus also made a show of twitching greedily.
「Then, I'll take your ass pussy.」
 The men's eyes were moist and glinting with lust, and one of them plunged his throbbing penis into her
obscenely undulating light brown anus.
「Nhooooooohhh, s, somefin amazin went in mah asssss!!」
 Maya's slutty voice burst out again. Her anal sphincter tightened up fiercely, and his veiny pillar of flesh was
buried into Maya's rectum.
「Ohohh, hohh, hohiiiii! Ass feels goooooood!! Ass pussy being raped ish the beeeessst!!」
「Kuku, this girl is beyond help! She's the lowest anal fucker!」
「Thah's riiight! Ah am, th, the lowesht anal fuckahhh!! Ah, Ah love it in mah assss!! Ofu, oh, hoheeeehh!!」
 Due to the words of scorn that the men gave off, Maya made a smiling face that was steeped in abject pleasure.
While voluntarily admitting that she was an anal fucker, she swung her hips furiously, and used her vaginal and
intestinal walls to stroke the meat poles that had stuffed both of her holes. Squishing noises resounded, and two kinds
of slimy juices, which made sweet and sour smells, flowed out from her vagina and anus.
「Hyaaannhh, cooock, please gimme moah coooock!! I'll jerk your cocks, soo! After that, put one in mah mouth
tooo, let me drink super-rich cock juuuice!!」
 Despite having her vagina and anus filled by cocks, Maya seemed to want to say that she still wasn't satisfied. She
grabbed hold of a couple penises that were within reach and stroked them, then opened her mouth so wide that the
back of her throat could be seen, and stuck out her tongue. Naturally, the embodiment of a man's lust was mercilessly
forced into Maya's mouth as well.
「Nbuooohh! Zubuh! Ngobubuuu, gupu, gobu, obuuu!!」
 Despite having her slender chin held down, and being put into a state where she couldn't even breathe
adequately, Maya caressed the meat pillar like crazy with her tongue and the lining membrane of her mouth.
「Maya Hime-sama! Are our cocks that delicious?」
「Th, theh're dewicioush! Cock, cock's dewicioush, my bitch pussy and ass pussy and throat pussy find all cocks
 Maya―who indulged in pleasure, making full use of her hands and feet, and her front and rear bitch
holes―looked like she was trying to savour all of the males' meat poles at once.
 The fair skin characteristic of the Cordelian royal family was tinged bright red with sexual excitement. Her
pierced nipples and her clitoris, which continued being rubbed by a meat pole, were so swollen that they didn't seem
「Ahii, hii, fuhiiiiinnh, cock, cock'sh amazinnn! F, feelsh doo goood, feelsh like Ah'm already goin craaazyyyy!!」
「Yeah, we'll drive you crazy! I'm gonna bore in so hard that I'll break through your womb, and make you have a
womb orgasm!!」
「Same for this ass pussy. I'll make it so that your ass pussy stays open and shits itself for your entire life!」
「P, pleashe do thad!! You can break through my wooomb, or make my ass pussy stay open, sooo! Let me have a
womb orgasmmm! I want an ass pusshy orgashmmm!!」
「M, Maya, what are you saying?! Stoooop!!」
 Alicia raised a sorrowful scream, and Maya panted back with a face that had thoroughly slackened from multiple
「Ahaaaahhh!! Hime Nee-hyama, whaah're you talkin abouuut?!! If you really wanna orgasm, it's natural to do id
enough to break yoh body, ishn't iiit?!!」
「――Sounds about right. Ora!! I'll break you, as you wish!!」
 The men, who were ruled by lust, thrust their penises with the force of surging waves, intending to literally break
Maya's body.

019 018


「Eh hyaaaaah!! Aweshomme! Everyone'sh amaziiiinn!! Ohh, my pussy and ass pussy, bein ground intooo! F, feels
like they've become one pusshy nooow!! Feehs gooooood!!」
 Even from this extreme torment, which would undoubtedly break her mind and body if she were a normal person,
Maya just made her body convulse, and expressed a look of ecstasy in her eyes, which had rolled back completely.
 The mind and body of Maya, who had undergone complete Semen Doll Remodelling, ended up accepting every
possible disgrace. Single-mindedly indulging in pleasure as a mere bitch—That was Maya now.
「Uhiaaah, ahi, ehyaah! Ah, hyaaah...... Ehehieaheaeeeeehh, aah, quickly, semen! Gimme semeeennn!」
「Kuhh, does this perverted semen woman want cum that much?!!」
「Ah, Ah wanniiiit! P, please give lots of super-rich semen to this cum-addicted perverded pig womaaaaan!」
 There was no longer the slightest bit of the Grand Duchess's personality. Maya spit out shameful pleading words
as she continued her cock service with her entire body.
「P, please gimme shemennn! Spurt it out, semen, semen!! Spew out stinky semen into the s, slutty perverted pig
woman's p, pussy and ass pussy, and mouf pusshyyyyy!!」
 Maya squeezed the meat poles that had been buried in her vagina and anus almost hard enough to bite them off,
and, at the same time, sucked on the cock that she held in her mouth without pause.
「Uohh, take this, you pig woman!!」
 The men simultaneously thrust their penises out toward Maya. Their desire transformed into a torrent of hot
semen, and rushed into Maya's vagina, anus and oral cavity all at once.
 Maya's eyes rolled back, and she let out a muffled moan of climax. Her entire body convulsed like crazy.
「Nhiih, hihhhh, semennn, spurtin, semen'sh cominnnn, nhuooohh! Cyummmiiiiinnng, cummin the hardesht
 Maya noisily slurped up the cum and gulped it down. Regardless of her own intentions, her cleft, which had
reached orgasm, was pulsating incessantly, and sending the hot cum that burst into her vagina and anus to the depths
of her womb and rectum. Furthermore, the men's lust juices had been relentlessly poured not just into Maya's body,
but onto it as well.
「Ah hyaaah!! M, my body, lots of shemeennn! I've already, become jusht a pusshyyy! That's fiiine! I don't need
anythin anymoah, I don't need anything but cock anymooorrre!!」
「Th, that's...... Maya......」
「She's become a fine piece of work if I do say so myself. A 100% complete Semen Doll, that's your precious
「D, Donny Bogan, you bastaaaaarrrd!!」
「And you're a Semen Doll too, Alicia, just like her. It's just that your tiny mind hasn't been erased.」
「Hiuuahh, s, stop...... ahih...... hih, iih...... ah, ah...... hahiiiiihh...」
 Alicia scowled hatefully at Bogan, but when her own remodelled body was recklessly fondled, even that
transformed into vulgar panting right away.
「Seems the drugs have slowly started kicking in. Well, Alicia. Let's have you get pregnant with my child.」
「Uuuuh...... Th, that's...」
 Alicia had accepted pregnancy in order to protect Maya, but her readiness had faltered after spending a lot of
time being made to see her beloved Maya's disgraceful state. Womanly emotions seemed to have welled up, and her
facial expression had stiffened.
「Kuku, what's with that face? If you prefer, shall we have Maya take over your pregnancy duties from now on?」
 Alicia made a stern look of hatred due to Bogan's ridicule.
「S, silence! Do you think I would take back what I said?! I, want you to im, impregnate me! With your lowly cum!」
「Ah, that's right. Just from having thought about exposing your belly to your citizens, uncouthly swollen and
pregnant with my child...... Kuku, look, my cock seems like it's about to burst.」

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 Alicia purposely scowled at Bogan's meat pole, which twitched, and made many blood vessels bulge out on the
「In that case, rape me quickly!! Enjoy yourself as much as you can, right now. No matter how unsightly my
appearance becomes, the likes of you will never――」
 Like a surprise attack, Bogan plunged his meat pillar into Alicia's wet vaginal hole in the middle of her sentence.
 The face of Alicia, who had been shaking with rage, instantly slackened from pleasure, and a bestial howl
resounded from her wide-open lips.
「Kuku, did you orgasm the instant it was put in? Looks like you wanted my cock quite a lot, didn't you, sow?」
「Haohh! Ohh, th...... There's no way I would want, s, something like your filthy co――Hehiahh! Ii, hiiiinnh!!」
 So as to interrupt her words, Bogan grabbed tight hold of Alicia's breasts, and kneaded her full, voluptuous teats
as he thrust his penis into her vagina, which twitched greedily.
「Nhohi, hihyaahh! N, no matter how violendleh you do it...... D, don't think Ah'll submit ta you, don think iiiit!! A, as
if Ah wouh...... hiinh, l, lose to the likes of youuu! N, no matter how much I'm raped bah a cock like this, I, I won't
「Kuku, because if you keep pretending to oppose me like that, you'll get to be raped by me a lot after this point,
right? Even when she degrades, Cordelia's Onihime is still a tactician, huh?」
「Ridiculous, p, pretending to oppose...... Hooohh, I'm not, haguwaah, pwetendin to opposhe youuu!!」
 Contrary to those firm words, Alicia was clinging to Bogan with both arms and raising a voice of joy. Her nipples
were standing erect from her areolae under Bogan's hands, her hips were swinging smoothly up and down, and her
slippery vaginal flesh was constantly squirming and stroking his cock.
「No matter what you try to say with that mouth, your body wants me, Alicia!」
 Bogan made eyes that were gleaming with lust, and slammed the tip of his erect meat pole into Alicia's cervix.
 Alicia's eyes rolled back, and tears of pleasure flowed out from their edges.
「Ahiih, hahiih, at the back! Pussy'sh amaziin, the back, cock even hittin mah wooomb!!」
「Kuku, your womb is honest. It's shaking from a climax and saying it loves me more than any other man!」
「Ih, ih'sh nod like thaaah! Ah, I woulhn't, l, love, a, a, a scummy man like youuuuuu!!」
 Having become completely inarticulate due to the climaxes, which would no longer stop, Alicia's expression was a
mixture of irritation and the pleasure of a bitch having her womb caressed. And yet, her vaginal folds, which tightened
up around Bogan's meat pole, greedily increased their pulsation, wanting to get his cum even a second sooner.
「Ah, I, don love you or anyfinn! Ah despise youuu! Ah hade you so much that I wanna kill you righ nooowww!!」
「So you say, but your womb is clinging to my cock, isn't it?! To want the semen of me, who you want to kill, must
mean that you wish to get pregnant with my child!」
「Shuddup! I'll tell you right now! You can impregnade me, or whatevah you wand! You did shay you wouh make
meh pregnand, after alll!!」
「Then, as you wish, I'll shoot semen straight into your womb and knock you up.」
「But remember! Haoohhh! Your child will also aim for your life......! Ahaah! I'll definitely kill you...... Agu, prepare
yourself, and knock me uuup!!」
 Alicia tried to defy him until the end, but it was like she felt a sense of corruption from being impregnated by a
man like Bogan, and she was transforming that into her own pleasure, and going mad cumming.
「Kuku, no, you prepare yourself! My child with you will be a daughter, of course. I'll thoroughly remodel her, too.
Into an even greater Semen Doll than you! From now on, look forward to exposing your ahegaos from my cock
together, mother and daughter!」
「Wha? A, ash if I'd allow somethin like that!! To let you remodel a child, yoh daughter, and rape her? I definitely
won allow sush a thing!!」

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「Fufu, if I remodel her starting while she's in your belly, there'll be no question that she's a Semen Doll. Or, would it
be better to degrade her from a normal person to a pig bitch, like her mother? As a mother's special privilege, I'll let
you decide!」
「Y, you fiiiiiieeeeennnd!!」
 Pleasure, hatred and fear mixed together, and Alicia's face slackened.
 Bogan suddenly held onto Alicia tightly, then pushed his way through her twitching vaginal flesh, snagged her
cervix with his glans, and immediately pounded it with his lust on the brink of ejaculation.
「Nhihaaaaahh! W, womb's, hahii! Womb, doon't, nod sho rough! Aheh ahii, hihaaaaaahh!!」
 Alicia's womanhood firmly held his cock, which had pierced through her cervix, deep inside it of its own accord.
「Get pregnant with my child, Alicia!!」
 Bogan spewed out semen from his meat pole, which had penetrated the inside of her uterus, to his heart's content.
He slid inside, and let it out straight into her actual womb.
「Whad is hiiiiissssss?! In my womb, semen's bein led out in my wooooomb!! Aheh, gumminnng, no use anymoah,
 Alicia, who had rolled her eyes back completely, made screams that almost sounded like her death throes, and
bent her entire body back and forth strangely.
「Ohih, hii, tinglinn, womb tingliiiing, ih'sh the first time it'sh been like thiiiisss! What's happenin to my
「Fuhahahahaha!! Is that so? Did you feel it?! You got pregnant with my child, didn't you?! You got pregnant with
my child just now, Alicia!!」
「P, pregnant, Ah got pregnant! I'm cumming from geddin pregnant, cumming and pregnant with a baby!
Pregnancy orgasm! No ushe anymorre, I can'd run away, from such an amazin orgashm anymooooorrre!!」
 Alicia's face had slackened with 100% pleasure. That was the moment when Alicia, who had been given thorough
bodily remodelling by Bogan, took another step down the stairway of depravity.
「G, getting pregnant feelsh goooooood! Conceiving a baby, f, felt sho gooood! Aheh, hiheh, pregnancy orgasm's the
 Nowhere was there any of the rebellious attitude from just before. All that was there was a mere bitch, trying to
bask in the first pregnancy orgasm of her life.

 Several months had passed since that.

 Cordelia had declared the establishment of 『Die Erde』, which would be their own military power. 『Die Erde』,
the new military power that had caused an upheaval in the landscape of the solar system, relied on Alicia's military
prestige to bring smaller powers under its umbrella one after another. The solar system had now entered a new era.
 On that day, there was a victory celebration party. The location was the Cordelian Grand Ducal Palace, Grand
Duke's Chamber. Those who had been invited were high officials from the Army, people who had particularly
distinguished themselves in battle, notable public figures, and so on.
 And, of course, there was also Alicia, the invincible valkyrie. Exposing her swollen belly, which carried Donny
Bogan's child, and which bulged out uncouthly in the last month of pregnancy......
「Juru, npu, nnh...... reroreroh, nchuruujuru, juu...」
 Mixing in with the clamour of the boisterous party, obscene sticky noises resounded from beneath a table.
 Bogan was forcing today's star figure, Alicia, to perform fellatio.
 Alicia, who was clad in her formal regalia in spite of her shameful bulging belly, had been made to open the front
of it and expose her pair of breasts, which had started swelling out more and more recently. Transparent tape had
been stuck to the tips of both of them, so that Alicia's sunken nipples wouldn't be able to become erect.
 Squatting down with her legs spread in an M shape, her skirt had bunched up completely, all the way to her waist.
Her flesh pleats, which had gone without panties during the whole of tonight's party, opened their mouth whether she
wanted them to or not, sluttishly drooling love juices onto the floor.
「Njujurujubururu! Y, you bastard...... Are, are you insane?! What do you plan to do if this gets exposed to
everyone......? Npuu...... chubururu!」
 Alicia let out a muffled voice, while licking and sucking on the meat pole that Bogan had exposed through the
zipper of his ceremonial clothes.

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「I don't mind at all, though...... Kukuku.」

「R, ridiculous...... Jurunnpu, don't you understand that...... mmh mmh, if we're seen doing something like this, it'll be
the end for you and me?!」
「Well, all they would know is that Cordelia's——No, Die Erde's——valkyrie is an exhibitionist, and a sex-crazed
pervert, right? Doesn't really trouble me. You'd better get comfortable. This is a good opportunity. Why don't you tell
them who the father of your child is? That's the only topic of conversation at tonight's party. They're completely
ignoring the battle victory in favour of that, ku ku ku.」
「Juruuu, y, you demon!」
 While sneering at Alicia—who, in the end, could do nothing to defy him—Bogan prodded the back of her throat
with his curved meat pole.
「Ngobu, geboh, nbubu! Sh, shiiiit...... juruuuu, ju, jubuchubujuruuuuuu!!」
 Alicia had become nauseated, shedding tears from the corners of her eyes. But, far from spitting out the cock, she
conversely narrowed her cheeks even further and sucked on it hard, and her tongue also began moving like crazy.
「Ho, as I thought, it looks like you're not satisfied with the party's cocktails and so on, huh? Do you want my cum
that much, Alicia?」
「A, as if somefin like that would beh the case...... Quicklyy, e, ejagulaade! W, we're gonna be notished by
 Alicia spit out dirty saliva from the edges of her lips, and sped up her lip caressing, single-mindedly wanting to put
an end to this quickly.
「Kuku, even when I ejaculate, don't swallow it right away. Shake it a lot inside your mouth and turn it into a
specially-made semen cocktail, then swallow. After making sure to put it back into the cocktail glass you're holding in
your hand, of course.」
「Kuh!! Y, you pervert......!」
「Take care that you don't spill it on the floor. I don't mind, but you can't very well dirty the historic Grand Duke's
Chamber with a lowlife's semen, can you?」
 Bogan said, and the eyes of Alicia, who was holding his meat pole in her puckered mouth, flared with anger.
「How much are you going to insult Cordelia...... npujuru, before you're satisfied......? Nbyururu...... reoreo...... npuu......
D, don't you feel ashamed for the child who's going to be born?」
「What? You got pregnant grudgingly, did you not? Do you want me to be a good father?」
「D, don't screw around! Who would accept a bastard like you as a father......? Njuru, jubuu, jurujuru!」
 As though desperately trying to deny her motherhood, which had begun to blossom into her child with Bogan,
Alicia tried to devote her attention to just licking and sucking the cock.
「Hmph. In that case, we could abort it, you know?」
 However, just from Bogan having threatened that, Alicia raised her face in surprise, still holding his cock in her
「Th, the child is innocent...... I'm going to raise this child responsibly...... jururu nchubuu!」
「Is that so? In that case, are you going to marry me, too?」
 Alicia, who had been feared as the Onihime, showed unconcealable joy as a woman.
Indeed, there was no one except for Bogan who would accept a woman who had been dumped by her fiancé, and,
above all, had been remodelled into a Semen Doll. She knew that.
 After fully enjoying the shaking of Alicia's pitiful female mind, Bogan cruelly declared,
「I'm kidding.」
「D, don't screw around! I'm going to kill you one of these days! Definitely! I'll definitely kill you! I, I won't let you
put a hand on this child, either! As if I would let you turn her into a Semen Doll!!」
「Really, is that so? Then, you, her mother, will fulfill her role as a Semen Doll, yes?」
「Uuuu, I'll do it, I'll fulfill the role of a Semen Doll, or whatever! Shit, shiiit!!」
 Probably desperately holding back from crying, Alicia contorted her face and grabbed hold of Bogan's penis, which
was on the brink of ejaculation.
「Nnnuu, ejaculate, quickly, ejaculaaate, chubachubachuba! Nbu nbu njubunpu, nryuryuryuuuu~~~~~!!」
「Kuku, I wonder how long you can remain cocky, with my semen being let out in your mouth?」

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「Shuddup! Ih, if you're gonna let it out, let it out! I should drink id, righ? Ah'll dring all the shemenn! Buryuu
「Then, take it! Here's my semen!!」
 With all his might, Bogan ejaculated his filthy lust liquid into the mouth of Alicia, who had become almost half-
crazed holding his cock inside it.
「Nbuuuhh?! Nfuuuuu, mugugugu, ugu, nguuuuuuuuu!!」
 As Bogan ordered, Alicia made her cheeks bulge out as much as possible, and saved up the semen, which seemed
to erupt into her mouth.
「That's right. Store it up in your mouth, without leaving a drop.」
 Having ejaculated a lot in Alicia's mouth, Bogan slowly pulled his meat pole out, and the semen, which seemed like
it was going to overflow, spilled out from the edges of her lips.
「Well, Alicia. Semen cocktail. Make it by stirring caaarefully!」
 Alicia nodded, and began mixing the fresh-squeezed cum with her saliva inside her mouth.
 The body of Alicia, who wheezed through her nose as she stirred the cum inside her mouth, began twitching.
Having been remodelled into a Semen Doll, her body was reacting to the taste and smell of cum whether she liked it or
「Guchuguchuguchuguguchuuuuu...... npaaah, nreroooooohhhh~~~~~~!!」
 Making completely intoxicated eyes and opening her mouth, Alicia let her tongue loll out, and poured the semen
cocktail, which she had made herself, into her glass. Plenty of semen cocktail, which was like a white cream mixed of
cum and saliva, collected in the glass.
「Haa, haa, haa, haa, D...... Donny...... Bogan...... Ah, Ah, I...... ah, ahh......」
「Alicia, you can't help wanting to drink semen, can you?」
「I, I wanna drink it...... Ahh, let me drink it...... Quicklyyy, let me drink semen quickly...... F, feels like I'm going crazy,
please let me drink semennn!!」
 Alicia pled with Bogan, making a face that said she was on the brink of climaxing.
「Will you admit that you're a Semen Doll?」
「I, I admit it. I am a Semen Doll. I'm a hopeless doggy bitch. So, so, please let me drink it, aaanh, I wanna drink
semen, I wanna drink iiiit!!」
「Kuku, all right. Drink.」
 The instant that Bogan gave her permission, Alicia resolutely tilted the glass, and began slurping the semen
「D, delicioush, amazinleh dewicioussh, semen cocktail's too dewiciousss!! Nhoh, ohooooooohh!!」
 Her orgasmic cries burst out loudly enough for the party guests to notice.
 That second, Alicia's sunken nipples forcefully grew erect and tore off the transparent tape. Milky white fluid
spouted out from her pointed teats, just like cocks.
「Nhoooohhh!! Semen, Ah love shemennnn! Gogyuuuh, gogyugogyu, aah, gumming again, gumming,
 Alicia exposed the whites of her eyes, and kept wiggling the whole of her twitching body, due to the wretched
climax, gulping down the semen cocktail she had made like it was delicious.
 The woman who had been called the Onihime was no longer there.

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