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Week 1 Quiz

Question 1
1 / 1 pts
Identify the wrong one: Economic Sciences generally discusses issues mainly related to: 
Scarce Resources

Unlimited Demand
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
Meeting a given objective at least cost is

Technical Efficiency
All of the above
Allocative Efficiency
Question 3
1 / 1 pts
Which one of the following is wrong about market economics?
Competition among economic units determine Prices

State controls the resources
Economic players look at their self-interest
None of the above
Question 4
1 / 1 pts
Production Possibility Frontier shows increase in opportunity costs with rise in
production of one good.


Week 2 Quiz

1. An example of Utility in healthcare economics is

Level of satisfaction with a hospital service

Medicines at lower price

Free health insurance schemes

All of the above

2. Consumer equilibrium is

When budget line is tangent to the indifference curve
When demand and supply curves intersect each other
When consumer shifts to a higher indifference curve because of decline
in price
None of the above

Question 3
1 / 1 pts
Marginal rate of substitution for complimentary goods is

Equals to 1
None of the above
Question 4
0 / 1 pts
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
Utility can be measured in Ordinal numbers.
Indifference curves are convex to the origin.
The rate at which a consumer is ready to give up one good in exchange
for another decreases with rising consumption.
Higher indifference curve higher satisfaction.

None of the above.

Week 3 Quiz

Question 1
1 / 1 pts
The substitution effect involves the substitution of good X for good Y or
vice-versa due to a change in 
Price of X
Price of Y
Relative income
Relative prices
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
The difference between Marshallian and Hicksian demand curve is that
the later considers utility to remain fixed.


Question 3
1 / 1 pts
In Slutsky method, substitution effect is more than the income effect for
Giffen goods
Normal goods

Inferior but Non-Giffen goods

All of the above
Question 4
1 / 1 pts
According to Slutsky, consumer’s utility is adjusted so that he/she can
buy the same original bundle


Week 4 Quiz

Question 1

When price of a good rises demand for its substitute goo


Does not change

Question 2

Market equilibrium is

When consumer shifts to a higher indifference curve because of decline

in price

When budget line is tangent to the indifference curve

None of the above

When demand and supply curves intersect each other

Question 3

The reason the supply curve slopes upward is due to costs and



Question 4

When demand of a commodity rises even if its price increase then that
kind of commodity is known as

Complementary goods

Substitute commodities

Giffen good

None of the above

Week 5 quiz

Question 1
1 / 1 pts
Price elasticity (e) of demand for substitute goods is
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
When demand is elastic, a positive relationship exists between changes
in price and changes in total revenues
Question 3
1 / 1 pts
The longer any price change persists, the greater is the elasticity of
Question 4
0 / 1 pts
If income increases from Rs. 7500 to Rs. 10000 and because of that the
demand also rises from 10 to 12 units then this is an example of 
Income inelasticity of demand

Income elasticity of demand

Price elasticity of demand
Income inelasticity of price
Week 6 quiz

Question 1
1 / 1 pts
When Marginal productivity reaches zero (find the wrong one)
Both A and B
Average product decreases
Total product is zero
Total product reaches maximum
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
Marginal Productivity of labor is the amount of output that rises due to
recruitment of one extra unit of labor.
Question 3
1 / 1 pts
In short run, only one input for productions can be changed.
Question 4
0 / 1 pts
Which of the following statement is correct? (All are correct)
Marginal productivity declines because of the fall in quality of input.
None of the above.
Law of diminishing marginal returns signifies decline in MP.
When the labor input is small, MP increases due to specialization

Week 7 Quiz
Question 1
1 / 1 pts
Isoquants for perfectly complementary factors of production are
Convex to the origin
Downward sloping straight lines
Concave to the origin
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
Which helps you to identify the equilibrium number of inputs
Total product curve and Marginal product curve
Both isoquant and iso-cost
Question 3
1 / 1 pts
During increasing returns to scale, the distance between isoquants

Question 4
1 / 1 pts
In case of Cobb-Douglas production function, for decreasing returns to
scale, (α+β) > 1


Week 8 Quiz

Question 1
1 / 1 pts
Example of marginal cost is
All of the above
Rise in operational costs in hospital for ten extra patient beds
Rise in cost for construction of one extra kilometer of road
Additional cost for driving one extra kilometer
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
In theory of cost an ‘envelope curve’ is
Long run total cost curve
Long run average cost curve
Long run marginal cost curve
Group of short run average cost curves
Question 3
1 / 1 pts
MC intersects ATC and AVC curves at their minimum points
Question 4
1 / 1 pts
Break-even point is when…
Loss is maximum
Total loss starts falling down
Profit is maximum
Total profit is zero

Week 9 Quiz

Question 1
1 / 1 pts
Firms in imperfect markets are price takers

Question 2
1 / 1 pts
When does a firm reach a shutdown point?
When MR = AR
If MR = MC
When the price is less than Marginal Cost

If the price falls below the point on the firm’s average variable cost
Question 3
1 / 1 pts
In a perfectly competitive market (which one is false)
A good or service is produced at the lowest possible average cost.
Sellers are earning a normal profit

A large firm may utilize the profit and move towards monopoly.
Losses will force firms to exit the market
Question 4
1 / 1 pts
Which one of the following is not a condition of a perfectly competitive market?

Barriers to new firms entering the market,
All firms selling identical products (for the same price),
Many buyers and sellers,
Free flow of information

Week10 Quiz
Question 1
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following is not a characteristics of a monopolistically
competitive market?
Low barrier on entry and exit of firms to the industry
Products are close substitutes
Large number of buyers and sellers
Firms are interdependent
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(A) Oligopoly firms follow the principle of MR = MC.
(B) Demand will be more elastic in a pure oligopoly market.

 Only B is correct
Both A and B are false
Both A and B are correct
Only A is correct

Question 3
1 / 1 pts
Fair Return Price is when

Price equals ATC

MR equals ATC
Price equals MC
MR equals MC

Question 4
1 / 1 pts
Which one of the following statement is false?
Cartel is formed in collusive oligopoly
Firms prefer non-price competition, because a firm will be skeptical to
raise price, as that may lead them to lose the market share

In Stackelberg duopoly model two firms take decisions simultaneously

If Lerner’s index value is zero for a firm, then the firm is in a perfectly
competitive market

Week 11 Quiz
Question 1
1 / 1 pts
If no one can be excluded from consuming a product, but there is rivalry
in accessing the product, then the product type is known as
a) Public good
b) Natural monopoly

c) Common resources
d) Private good
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
An industry which does not treat its pollutants properly can cause
a) Positive production externality

b) Negative production externality

c) Negative consumption externality
d) Both b and c

Question 3
1 / 1 pts
The 'tragedy of the commons' is

a) Exhaustion of resources that are collectively owned

b) When there is no excludability but there is a rivalry in consumption
c) Enjoying something at the cost of others’ expenditures

d) a and b
e) All of the above

Question 4
1 / 1 pts
Coase theorem is generally not applicable when
a) Lesser number of stakeholders involved
b) Transaction cost is internally manageable
c) Property rights are well-defined

d) None of the above


Week 12 Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

A) Keynes theory advocated for government actions to raise


B) Classical model of macroeconomics proposes government

intervention in case of market crisis

Both A and B are correct

Both A and B are incorrect

Only B is correct

Only A is correct

Question 2

Which of the following comments is incorrect

GDP estimation only considers final goods and service

Income of a German citizen who is working and earning in India,

will be added in Germany's GNP

GDP minus depreciation equals NDP

Income of an Indian who is working and earning in USA, will be

added in GDP of India

Question 3

Which one of the following statements is false?

Sudden transition to an improved technology should not be encouraged

as it can bring depression to a number of industries

More money is injected in the economy when the economy is at its peak

At peak, even high market prices fail to cover high cost of production
for producers

During recovery period demand rises due to very low price

Question 4
Which one of the following is correct?

Real GDP is the value of goods and services measured at current prices.

Private savings do not include investment in domestic capital

Disposable income is the total income that is available to the households

and firms to make its consumptions and savings after
paying the net taxes to the government.

Current account surplus is a condition when its government

income exceed its expenditure.

Week 13 Quiz

Question 1
1 / 1 pts
With more and more involvement of robotics, even if most people have
jobs but they are required to work for 5 hours a day and 5 days a week.
What is this kind of unemployment?

This is not an unemployment condition
Structural unemployment
Disguised unemployment
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
A. In case of supply chain disruption we observe a cost-push inflation
B. If unemployment rises inflation falls, and vice-versa

Both A and B are correct
Only A is correct
Only B is correct
Both A and B are incorrect
Question 3
0 / 1 pts
A. When Gini coefficient moves closer to zero it indicates towards
decrease inequality
B. Globalization is alleged to make rich people richer and poor people
poorer, in many countries. In these countries Lorenz Curve will move
towards the diagonal.

Both A and B are correct

Only A is correct

Both A and B are incorrect
Only B is correct

Question 4
1 / 1 pts
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
In an economy, higher is the inequality, higher will be the relative

In Multidimensional Poverty Index, drinking water availability measures

the ‘Health Status’ component of an economy.
The average deviation of poor people’s income from the poverty line is
measured by Poverty Gap.

While measuring poverty with respect to Absolute Poverty Line, with

homogeneous rise in income still the proportion of poor remain same

Week 14 Quiz
Question 1
1 / 1 pts
The optimal capital stock is achieved when,

The marginal productivity of capital is equal to the marginal efficiency

of capital
Replacement investment is zero
The marginal cost of capital is minimum
The marginal productivity of capital is equal to the marginal cost of

Question 2
1 / 1 pts
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
Freedom to make choices is a measure of development

Economic development can be sufficiently measured in terms of

country’s national income or per capita income
None of them is incorrect
Measures of economic growth does not consider economic distribution

Question 3
1 / 1 pts
Dual sector economy model was propounded by
Harrod-Domar Model

Lewis Model
Solow-Swan Model
Keynesian Theory

Question 4
1 / 1 pts
Which consumption theory considers interest rate when estimating
Permanent income hypothesis

Life cycle theory of consumption

Acceleration Theory
Absolute income hypothesis

Week 15 Quiz

Question 1

Regulation of NBFls is a goal of

Monetary policy

Fiscal Policy



Question 2

The rate at which RBI lends to commercial banks for short period
against government securities is known as
Cash Reserve Ratio

Repo rate

Reverse Repo Rate

Bank Rate

Question 3

A. Contractionary fiscal policy attempts to slowdown inflation

B. Liquidity trap happens when interest rate is too high

Only A is correct

Only B is correct

Both A and B are correct

Both A and B are incorrect

Question 4

Time deposits with the banking system is included in M3 and M4



Week 16 Quiz

Question 1. 1/1 pts

A. Currency appreciation makes export cheaper for home country

B. According to Marshall-Lerner condition, when price elasticity of

demand is less than one, devaluation helps economic growth.

Only B is correct

Only A is correct

Both A & B are incorrect

Both A & B are correct

Question 2. 1 / 1 pts

If there is an expected rise in Rupees interest rate (against US Dollar),

the exchange rate will

Will remain unchanged

Rise in favor of Rupees

Rise in favor of US dollar

Question 3. 1/1 pts

Which one of the following is not included in the Capital Account


SDR from IMF

Migrants' transfers

Debt forgiveness
Acquisition of land

Question 4. 1 / 1 pts

A. In general, trade barriers reduce economic welfare in a country.

B. Trade happens because of differences in resource availability in two


Only B is correct

Both A and B are correct

Only A is correct

Both A and B are incorrect

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